Hancock Select Board Minutes and Warnings

WARNING – Hancock Select Board – Regular Meeting
Tuesday April 1, 2025 / Hancock Free Library at the Town Offices

NOTE: This Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87192686017?pwd=ESiknNFGcwvRX7ctDkvZCEZ2naapeO.1

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 871 9268 6017
Password: 929500

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded, and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Public Comment
New Business
Hancock Volunteer Fire Dept.

Hancock Thriving Communities Grant
Land sale proceeds/Green Lot
Water testing after June 1, 2025

Old Business
Update Policy for Town Clerk
Texas Falls Road – easement requests
Traffic Speed Control
Shampeny Hill Culvert Replacement
Buildings and Grounds –
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap / FLAP grant

Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board – Regular Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday March 18, 2025 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In person and via video

  1. Call to Order: 6:01pm
  2. Introductions: Dan Perera, Jim Leno
  3. Minutes from last meeting: Minutes from 3-4-25. Approved
  4. Public Comment: None
  5. New Business:
    Appoint Town Constable – Motion to appoint Tom Patterson to Town Constable. Approved.

Townwide Reappraisal – RFP reviewed and approved. Dan Perera to advertise RFP.

  1. Old Business:
    Update Policy for Town Clerk – Tabled.
    Texas Falls Road – Town is waiting for easements from Town attorney.
    Traffic speed control – Jim Leno looking into funding grants.
    Shampeny Hill culvert – no updates.
    Buildings and Grounds – Tabled
    Forest Service – FLAP grant MOA Amendment #1 reviewed, approved and signed. This amendment changes the funding for this grant to management, engineering, and right-of-way elements, and not construction.
    Roads: Road Commissioner has had crushed stone applied on select muddy segments of town roads. Dan Perera to develop RFP draft for culvert related to FEMA ditch mitigation project at the top of Shampeny Hill Road. Discussion regarding road sweeping – same company as last year will be hired. Sand pile lease needs to be updated with 10-year term. Dan Perera to update the lease.
    Motion to sign Orders – Approved
    Motion to review mail – Approved
  2. Executive Session: None
  3. Adjournment: 6:34pm


WARNING – Hancock Select Board – Regular Meeting
Tuesday March 18, 2025 / Hancock Free Library at the Town Offices

NOTE: This Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87448555671?pwd=9ebs3A4jK6JlgLr7SV1AEGw9jXZdsa.1

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 874 4855 5671
Password: 155811

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded, and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Public Comment
New Business
Appointments – Town Constable
Townwide Reappraisal – RFP

Old Business
Update Policy for Town Clerk
Texas Falls Road – easement requests
Traffic Speed Control
Shampeny Hill Culvert Replacement
Buildings and Grounds –
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap / FLAP grant

Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board – Regular Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday March 4, 2025 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In person and via video

  1. Call to Order: 6:00pm
  2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Wendy Stender, Geraldine Twitchell
  3. Minutes from last meeting: Minutes from 2-18-25. Approved
  4. Public Comment: Geraldine Twitchell discussed the timing of receipt of tax payments.
  5. New Business:
    Reorganization of Hancock Select Board
    Nomination of Scott Gillette for Chairperson. Approved.
    Nomination of Dan Perera for Clerk. Approved.
    Nomination of Wendy Stender for Town Clerk. Approved.
    Nomination of Wendy Stender for Town Treasurer. Approved.

Appointments – draft list of appointments created.

Town Reappraisal – Discussion. Dan Perera to create RFP for qualified appraisers for a townwide reappraisal as required by the state of VT.

  1. Old Business:
    Town Clerk Policy – Scott Gillette to circulate draft for SB review.
    Texas Falls Road – Scott Gillette to follow up with town attorney regarding easements for two landowners at the northern end of Texas Falls Road.
    Traffic speed control – Scott Gillette and Jim Leno to contact the state for possible funding of speed control equipment.
    Shampeny Hill culvert – Discussion regarding a change order moving the completion date for this project to 8-30-25. The Board authorizes Dan Perera to sign change order.
    Buildings and Grounds – discussion regarding flag poles. The three poles on the town green do not allow for adjustment to half-mast. In addition, they freeze and cannot be adjusted at all. Jim Leno to get estimates for 4 new flag poles (to include replacing plastic pole by the Town Offices).
    Forest Service – FLAP – Scott Gillette now has access to billing portal and will work with the Town Clerk to submit paid invoices for engineering work on the Texas Falls bridge.
    Roads: Discussion.
    Motion to sign Orders – Approved

Motion to review mail – Approved

  1. Executive Session: None
  2. Adjournment: 7:12pm


WARNING – Hancock Select Board – Regular Meeting
Tuesday March 4, 2025 / Hancock Free Library at the Town Offices

NOTE: This Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84457283611?pwd=5vsfav4c800ThHbsbbht56nZCzO8tL.1

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 844 5728 3611
Password: 997404

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded, and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Public Comment
New Business
Reorganization of Select Board
Townwide reappraisal

Old Business
Update Policy for Town Clerk
Texas Falls Road – easement requests
Traffic Speed Control
Shampeny Hill Culvert Replacement
Buildings and Grounds –
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap / FLAP grant

Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board – Regular Meeting & Public Hearing
Draft Minutes
Tuesday February 18, 2025 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In person and via video

  1. Call to Order: 6:00pm
  2. Introductions: Dan Perera, Jim Leno, John Cannon, Robert Laird, Sandra Laird, Sue Thompson, Steward Parnse, Chris Mattrick (via video).
  3. Minutes from last meeting: Minutes from 2/4/25 Approved.
  4. Public Comment: None
  5. New Business:
    Motion to temporarily suspend the Select Board Meeting to open the Public Hearing regarding the discontinuance of a portion of Texas Falls Road. Approved. Meeting suspended.

Motion to open the Public Hearing. Approved.
Dan Perera opening remarks: Select Board to hear public comments on the discontinuation of the upper portion of the Texas Falls Road. To reduce town road maintenance and repair expenses the Town is proposing the discontinuation of the portion of the Texas Falls Road that lies entirely within the Green Mountain National Forest. Upon a discontinuance, this portion of the road shall become the property of the Green Mountain National Forest.
The portion of Texas Falls Road to be discontinued begins at the property boundary between the Town of Hancock and the Green Mountain National Forest. This boundary is located 0.30 miles north along Texas Falls Road from the intersection of VT Route 125 and Texas Falls Road. The GPS coordinates for this boundary are 43.9327577N -72.8997939.
At this boundary between the Town and Green Mountain National Forest, there are currently two trees marked with red paint. Each of these trees has a yellow metal tag nailed to it marked “Bearing Tree”.
The portion of the Texas Falls Road to be discontinued shall be all of the road that lies within the GMNF.
John Cannon requests an easement along the proposed discontinued portion of Texas Falls Road granting access to his property. Discussion. Chris Mattrick from the Forest Service did not have any objections to this request. Town grants easement and will contact the Town Attorney to begin this process.
Sue Thompson asked about plowing and road maintenance. The road will be plowed and sanded up to the discontinued portion of the road. The Forest Service has asked that the town continue to plow and sand up to the caretaker’s road located just before the second bridge. The Select Board will discuss this request at a separate meeting. Chris Mattrick added that the Forest Service is aware of the discontinuance process and ready to assume jurisdiction and maintenance of the road moving forward to the best of our ability and as appropriated funding is made available.
Sandra Laird discussed parked cars on her property. The Select Board suggested installing signage to deter trespassers.
Stewart Parnse asked about planned improvements to the Texas Falls recreation facilities. Chris Mattrick replied that the previously announced improvements are still planned for completion pending funding.
The Select Board thanked all present for their participation in the public hearing.

Motion to reopen the Select Board Meeting. Approved.

  1. Old Business:
    Town Clerk Policy – tabled.
    Traffic speed control – tabled.
    Shampeny Hill culvert – tabled
    Buildings and Grounds – tabled
    Forest Service – tabled
    Roads: Discussion. No action taken.

Motion to sign Orders – Approved

Motion to review mail – Approved

  1. Executive Session: None
  2. Adjournment:
    Adjournment and closure of Public Hearing at 6:46pm. Approved
    Adjournment of Select Board Meeting at 6:46pm. Approved.


WARNING – Hancock Select Board – Regular Meeting
Tuesday February 18, 2025 / Hancock Free Library at the Town Offices

NOTE: This Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84891507720?pwd=65jpRbsSWGXfFEmxik60zeAm9Zvsvd.1

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 848 9150 7720
Password: 694631

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded, and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Public Comment
New Business
Motion to temporarily suspend the Select Board Meeting and initiate the Public Hearing regarding the discontinuation of Texas Falls Road.

Old Business
Update Policy for Town Clerk
Texas Falls Road – Public Hearing on Feb. 18, 2025
Traffic Speed Control
Shampeny Hill Culvert Replacement
Buildings and Grounds –
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap / FLAP grant

Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


WARNING – Public Hearing Regarding Texas Falls Road
Tuesday February 18, 2025 / Hancock Free Library at the Town Offices

NOTE: This Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84891507720?pwd=65jpRbsSWGXfFEmxik60zeAm9Zvsvd.1

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 848 9150 7720
Password: 69463

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order


New Business
Hear public comments on the discontinuation of the upper portion of the Texas Falls Road. To reduce town road maintenance and repair expenses the Town is proposing the discontinuance of the portion of the Texas Falls Road that lies entirely within the Green Mountain National Forest. Upon a discontinuance, this portion of the road shall become the property of the Green Mountain National Forest.
The portion of Texas Falls Road to be discontinued begins at the property boundary between the Town of Hancock and the Green Mountain National Forest. This boundary is located 0.30 miles north along Texas Falls Road from the intersection of VT Route 125 and Texas Falls Road. The GPS coordinates for this boundary are 43.9327577N -72.8997939.
At this boundary between the Town and Green Mountain National Forest, there are currently two trees marked with red paint. Each of these trees has a yellow metal tag nailed to it marked “Bearing Tree”.
The portion of the Texas Falls Road to be discontinued shall be all of the road that lies within the GMNF.



Hancock Select Board – Special Meeting
Draft Minutes
Friday February 7, 2025 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In person and via video

  1. Call to Order: 6:00pm
  2. Introductions: Dan Perera, Jim Leno
  3. Minutes from last meeting:Tabled
  4. Public Comment: None
  5. New Business:
    Review and sign Order for Champlain Construction – Motion to Sign Order for Champlain Construction related to the replacement of the Shampeny Hill culvert. Approved. Signed.
  6. Old Business:
  7. Executive Session: None
  8. Adjournment: 6:02pm


WARNING – Hancock Select Board – Special Meeting
Friday February 7, 2025 / Hancock Free Library at the Town Offices at 6PM

Call to Order
Public Comment
New Business
Review and approve Order from Champlain Construction
Old Business


Hancock Select Board – Regular Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday February 4, 2025 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In person and via video

  1. Call to Order: 6:04pm
  2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Sarah Wraight
  3. Minutes from last meeting: Minutes from 1-21-25 approved.
  4. Public Comment: None
  5. New Business:
    CDBG Grant – Sarah Wraight discussed Grant award process. Grant is for a feasibility study to see if the land behind the Town Hall is able to support residential housing. Discussion regarding the proposed budget. Grant is for $60,000 with the town contributing an additional $6,000. Total project budget is $66,000.
    Motion to sign the Municipal Policies and Codes Form (Form MP-1) as required for this grant. Approved.
    Motion to sign a Resolution to Designate a Public Entity. Discussion. This would allow Two Rivers Ottauquechee Regional Committee to manage and administer the project. Approved.
    Board further requested that Ms. Wraight seek additional grant funding for this project to cover any cost overruns.
    Board further acknowledges that a motion should be made at Town meeting to increase the FY25-26 budget by $6,000 to account for the town’s required portion of this project.
  6. Old Business:
    Town Clerk Policy – Scott Gillette to share revised draft with the Board for review and discussion at next SB meeting.
    Texas Falls Road – A public hearing will be held at the Town Clerk’s Office on Tuesday, February 18 at 6pm to discuss and hear from the public regarding the discontinuance of the upper portion of Texas Falls Road. This meeting has been Warned and video and phone attendance information is available on the town website.
    Traffic speed control – Discussion.
    Shampeny Hill culvert – Champlain Construction has purchased initial materials for this project.
    Buildings and Grounds – discussion regarding timed thermostat at Town Hall.
    Forest Service – Scott Gillette to access billing portal for FLAP engineering grant reimbursements.
    Roads: GMP is requesting approval to run an electrical conduit up the center of Tucker Brook Road to support power to new residential construction on Windigo Road. Discussion. Jim Leno to inspect similar contracts for reference.
    Motion to sign Orders – Approved

Motion to review mail – Approved
Motion to sign Tax Map Maintenance Contract (continuation of existing contract). Approved
Motion to sign Certification of No Appeal and No Suit Pending regarding Grand List. Approved.
Motion to allow a bike race to pass through town on June 28, 2025. Approved.

  1. Executive Session: Motion to enter Executive Session at 7:23pm Approved.
    Motion to exit Executive Session at 7:33pm. Approved.
    Personnel matter discussed.
    No action taken.
  2. Adjournment: 7:35pm


WARNING – Hancock Select Board – Regular Meeting
Tuesday February 4, 2025 / Hancock Free Library at the Town Offices

NOTE: This Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87027418560?pwd=4Y9UD5pid9VLIt8gqNwvxg33TjyQiD.1

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 870 2741 8560
Password: 818220

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Public Comment
New Business
CDBG Grant / Sarah Wraight – Update and forms to sign
Old Business
Update Policy for Town Clerk
Texas Falls Road – Public Hearing on Feb. 18, 2025
Traffic Speed Control
Shampeny Hill Culvert Replacement
Buildings and Grounds –
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap / FLAP grant

Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


WARNING – Hancock Select Board – Regular Meeting
Tuesday January 21, 2025 / Hancock Free Library at the Town Offices

NOTE: This Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84585718214?pwd=zhCN6DRPpnFsAznDHAXI6ugBHEzzJl.1

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 845 8571 8214
Password: 538932

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Public Comment
New Business
Review Articles for Town Meeting
Old Business
Update Policy for Town Clerk
Texas Falls Road – Public Hearing on Feb. 18, 2025
Traffic Speed Control
Shampeny Hill Culvert Repairs
Buildings and Grounds –
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap / FLAP grant

Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board – Regular Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday January 7, 2025 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In person and via video

  1. Call to Order: 6:01pm
  2. Introductions: Dan Perera, Jim Leno
  3. Minutes from last meeting: Minutes from 12-17-24 Approved.
  4. Public Comment: None
  5. New Business:
    Shampeny Hill Mitigation Ditch Work – bid opening.
    One bid received. ECS Excavation $45,820. Discussion.
    Motion to accept bid from ECS Excavation for $45,820. Approved.
    Contractor will be informed of other work planned for the Shampeny Hill culvert in spring summer 2025.

Review and Sign Management Representation Letter from Town Accountants – Motion to sign letter acknowledging receipt of Financial Review of town accounts dated June 30, 2024. Approved and signed.

Review Articles for Town Meeting – Discussion. 14 Articles created. Motion to approve town budget for FY25-26 in the amount of $427,244. Approved. (This was done because the SB members present did not recall if we had approved this amount at a prior meeting.)
Motion to approve 14 Articles for Town Meeting on March 4, 2025. Approved.

  1. Old Business:
    Update Policy for Town Clerk – tabled.
    Texas Falls Road – Dan Perera stated that the Select Board has been considering discontinuing (ownership) of Texas Falls Road for a number of years. The road requires plowing, sanding, sweeping, roadside mowing, as well as costly maintenance and repairs to asphalt, a failing bridge, and culverts. The upper portion of this road is a dead end that does not serve any residences. Upon discontinuance of the road, the road will become property of the Green Mountain National Forest.
    Dan Perera proposed the motion:
    Shall the Select Board approve the following procedure for discontinuing a portion of Texas Falls Road?

The Town of Hancock proposes that a portion of Texas Falls Road be discontinued. The portion of the road to be discontinued shall be the entire portion that lies within the Green Mountain National Forest. This portion of the road shall, once discontinued, by default become the property of the Green Mountain National Forest.

The portion of Texas Falls Road to be discontinued begins at the property boundary between the Town of Hancock and the Green Mountain National Forest (GMNF). This boundary is located 0.30 miles north along Texas Falls Road from the intersection of VTRoute 125 and Texas Falls Road. The GPS coordinates for this boundary are 43.9327577N -72.8997939.

At this boundary between the Town and GMNF, there are currently two trees marked with red paint. Each of these trees has a yellow metal tag nailed to it marked “Bearing Tree”.

The portion of the Texas Falls Road to be discontinued shall be all of the road that lies within the GMNF.

The Board shall physically inspect the entire Texas Falls Road as well as the boundary between the Town of Hancock and the GMNF.

The Board shall then choose a time and place for a public hearing on the discontinuance of this portion of Texas Falls Road.

The Board shall then send notice of this hearing to all interested parties. Interested parties shall include any landowners abutting the portion of the Texas Falls Road to be discontinued, the Green Mountain National Forest, and any other parties deemed to have a direct interest in this action.

Within 60 days of the Board’s inspection of the road and the public hearing, the Board may decide to discontinue the portion of the Texas Falls Road that extends into the Green Mountain National Forest. Written notice of this decision shall be filed with the Hancock Town Clerk and the Select Board shall notify the Commissioner of Forests, Parks, and Recreation of such a filing.

Discussion – once the full Select Board has visited and inspected the road, a public hearing date will be determined and notices sent out to property owners along Texas Falls Road as well as the Green Mountain National Forest.

Traffic speed control – Tabled
Shampeny Hill culvert – Dan Perera signed the contract at the offices of Otter Creek Engineering which allows the project to now proceed. The contractor may begin to purchase materials and the scheduling of construction can be established. A new permit is needed from the Agency of Natural Resources. Construction is anticipated in the spring of 2025.
Buildings and Grounds – No new items.
Forest Service – Tabled
Roads – No new updates other than the Texas Fall discontinuance referenced above.
Motion to sign Orders – Approved

Motion to review mail – Approved

  1. Executive Session: None
  2. Adjournment: 6:53pm


WARNING – Hancock Budget Committee Meeting
Tuesday January 7, 2025 / Hancock Free Library at the Town Offices

NOTE: This Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85249253342?pwd=al1oLcjfh3DjDXJABrhJCsva6cQFGe.1

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 852 4925 3342
Password: 486354

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Public Comment
New Business
Shampeny Hill Mitigation Ditch Work – bid opening
Review and sign Management Representation Letter for town accountant
Review Articles for Town Meeting
Old Business
Update Policy for Town Clerk
Texas Falls Road – Article to discontinue a portion of the road.
Traffic Speed Control
Shampeny Hill Culvert Repairs
Buildings and Grounds –
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap / FLAP grant

Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board – Regular Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday November 17, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In person and via video

  1. Call to Order: 6:02pm
  2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Janet Jesso, Wendy Stender, Dan Sargent, Rebecca Yon, Jannette Bair
  3. Minutes from last meeting: Minutes from 12/3/24 Approved.
  4. Public Comment: None
  5. New Business:
    Granville Rescue Squad – Discussion of Hancock portion of Rescue Squad budget and allocation to debt service on GRS truck. Discussion about current levels of service provided and the need for additional personnel to increase services available. Additional people and training are needed.

Town Clerk – Board accepted a letter of resignation from Janet Jesso as Interim Town Clerk. The Board thanked Janet Jesso for stepping into the position at a time of urgent need by the Town and for managing the training of a candidate for this position.
Motion to appoint Wendy Stender as Hancock Town Clerk and Town Treasurer. Approved.

Update Town Clerk Compensation Policy – Tabled until next meeting.

Appoint liaison for VT Ethics Committee – Dan Perera appointed VT Ethics Committee liaison for the Town of Hancock.

Shampeny Hill Mitigation ditch work – Bid opening postponed until next SB meeting on January 7, 2025.

  1. Old Business:
    Texas Falls Road – Discussion regarding the process for discontinuing the portion of the Texas Falls Rd that lies within the boundaries of the National Forest. Benefits to the town will be reduced road and bridge maintenance costs. Upon discontinuance, this portion of the road will, by default, become the property of the National Forest. Dan Perera to draft an Article for the Board to act on at next SB meeting.
    Traffic speed control – Tabled
    Shampeny Hill culvert – No updates.
    Buildings and Grounds – No updates.
    Forest Service – FLAP – The town needs to invoice the Federal Department of Transportation for engineering expenses paid to date. Scott Gillette to move forward with this action.
    Roads: Discussion regarding lumber and dumpster that had been obstructing the plow turnaround area at the top of Tucker Brook Rd. The lumber has been removed.
    Motion to sign Orders – Approved

Motion to review mail – Approved
Motion to approve Municipal Weight Permit for North Star Rubbish Removal. Approved.

  1. Executive Session: None
  2. Adjournment: 7:22pm


WARNING – Hancock Budget Committee Meeting
Tuesday December 17, 2024 / Hancock Free Library at the Town Offices

NOTE: This Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86478205649?pwd=Vqr0qFby5cV5eyijkHg6qbTFhCu92e.1

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 864 7820 5649
Password: 344068

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Public Comment
New Business
Granville Rescue Squad
Town Clerk – update/appointment
Update Policy for Town Clerk
Appoint liaison for VT Ethics Committee
Shampeny Hill Mitigation Ditch Work – bid opening
Old Business
Texas Falls Road
Traffic Speed Control
Shampeny Hill Culvert Repairs
Buildings and Grounds –
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap / FLAP grant
Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board – Regular Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday December 3, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In person and via video

  1. Call to Order: 6:00pm
  2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Janet Jesso, Jeannette Bair, Charlie Smith, Wendy Stender
  3. Minutes from last meeting: Tabled
  4. Public Comment:
    Jeannette Bair asked about video links to Select Board Minutes.
    Jeannette Bair discussed plowing at the intersection of Tucker Brook Rd and RT100. Snow is being pushed onto a bush in the town right of way. Suggestions include moving the bush, adjusting marking tape, and bringing the matter to the attention of the plowing contractor.

Dan Perera mentioned a discussion with the plowing contractor regarding a basketball hoop in or next to Taylor Meadow Rd that is blocking snow removal. Board to send letters to property owners on Taylor Meadow Rd advising that personal property, outbuildings, and cars should not be put on town property or in the right-of-way.

Scott Gillette discussed an email from the state regarding new procedures and training required by the Vermont Ethics Commission. All elected officials will need to complete an online seminar. All towns will have to appoint a liaison for the Ethics Commission.

Discussion regarding the need to change the library computer over to EC Fiber for internet to save money.

  1. New Business:
    Grading Contract – Bid opening. One bid received from ECS Excavating for $107,100 for three years. Discussion. Bid comes out to $35,700 per year. Motion to accept bid. Approved and signed.

Winter Roads Contract – Bid opening. One bid received from ECS Excavating. Hourly rates 25-26 $115/hr. 26-27 $120/hr. 27-28 $125/hr. Discussion. Motion to accept bid. Approved.

Town Clerk update – Town Clerk suggests entering Executive Session to discuss personnel issue. Board agrees and invites Town Clerk and Wendy Stender to join session.
Motion to enter Executive Session at 6:32pm. Approved.
Motion to exit Executive Session at 7:01pm. Approved.
Personnel matters discussed. No action taken.
Scott Gillette discussed Vermont Statutes that allow for non-residents to hold elected and appointed positions in Vermont towns. Board considering an Article at Town Meeting that would allow for non-residents to hold the Town Clerk position, the Town Treasurer position, and the possibility of a Town manager position. Also discussed is making certain town positions filled by appointment and not elections. These items are being considered because Hancock has a small population and is difficult to find qualified applicants willing to hold positions with the town.

Board reviewed and approved liquor license request from Middlebury College Snow Bowl.

  1. Old Business:
    Texas Falls Road – Dan Perera outlined the procedure for throwing up the Texas Falls Rd. The portion of the road that lies in Forest Service land would be thrown up. The Forest Service would assume ownership of the road by default. Notice to adjacent landowners as well as a public hearing shall be conducted when the process moves forward. Board to review process and vote at a future meeting. This matter is being pursued to realize cost reductions in road maintenance.
    Texas Falls Road will be closed just before the second bridge on December 16,2024 as the bridge has been compromised by high water events.
    Traffic speed control – Two Rivers (TRORC) is looking into available grant funding for Hancock for traffic safety.
    Shampeny Hill culvert – Bid package is advertised for mitigation ditch work on Shampeny Hill Rd.
    Buildings and Grounds – Septic line has not been replaced yet. Energy Resilience grant for approximately $335,000 will be administered by the State of VT. This will provide energy upgrades to the Town Hall and Town Offices.
    Forest Service – Scott Gillette to follow up on modified MOA for engineering work on Texas Falls bridge.
    Roads: Jim Leno advised that new sand pile location is working well.

Motion to sign Orders – Approved

Motion to review mail – Approved

  1. Executive Session: See above.
  2. Adjournment: 7:38pm

Meeting video link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1J6bSm4PT1dQs7S5jzbX32G3771tz83i8/view?usp=share_link


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Special Meeting
Thursday December 3, 2024 / Hancock Free Library at the Town Offices

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84043094709?pwd=XGr0qubehedqze0xysel1tpHQsqBb8.1

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 840 4309 4709
Password: 753325

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Public Comment
New Business
Town Clerk update
Update Policy for Town Clerk

Old Business
Texas Falls Road
Traffic Speed Control
Shampeny Hill Culvert Repairs
Buildings and Grounds –
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap / FLAP grant
Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board – Regular Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday November 19, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In person and via video

  1. Call to Order: 6:00pm
  2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Janet Jesso, Wendy Stender, Jacques Veilleux, Brian Austin, Chris Mattrick.
  3. Minutes from last meetings: Minutes from 11/5/24 and 11/7/24 approved.
  4. Public Comment: None.
  5. New Business:
    Hancock Fire Department
    Jacques Veilleux discussed a number of items related to the Hancock Fire Department.
    Request to move propane tanks outdoor under a shelter to comply with insurance company audit. Board authorizes this action.
    Discussion regarding residents of Taylor Meadow parking on town land next to the Fire House. This interferes with plowing in the winter. Scott Gillette to draft a letter to those homeowners.
    Discussion regarding need for mowing around fire hydrants. Board to amend mowing contract if needed and discuss with mowing contractor.
    Request for signs and barrios to keep the public from parking in the Fire House parking lot and from driving over or near the septic system. Jim Leno to work with the Fire Dept. on these items.
    Request for electrician to fix exterior lights and interior emergency lighting. Dan Perera to contact electrician.
    Discussion about a possible landing site for DART helicopter. Area at the end of Taylor Meadow Rd. considered.
    Request for funding for the purchase of a used 4×4 truck for safer response to certain calls during winter. A used truck is available for a total estimated cost of $25,000. Fire Department will cover half of the cost from auction fundraising account. Board approves funding the remaining $12,500 from the Fire Department Equipment Fund.

Texas Falls Road
Discussions with Chris Mattrick and Brian Austin from the Forest Service. Land swap – Town needs to have land evaluated by an engineer to see if it can support residential Development.
Discussion regarding the condition of the second bridge on Texas Falls Rd. Bridge abutments are damaged. Structural integrity of bridge is discussed. The town is inclined to close Texas Falls Road at the second bridge to avoid further damage to the structure. Dan Perera suggested that the town not spend any money on bridge repairs and instead pursue throwing up the road from where the town’s property meets the Forest Service property. The road would default to ownership by the Forest Service. Chris Mattrick asked if the town would consider plowing up to the second bridge if the road becomes Forest Service property. Chris Mattrick also requested that the second bridge remain open until December 15 when the Forest Service gate at the end of the paved portion of the road is closed for the season. Forest Service to seek any current state structural evaluation of the second bridge. Town to pursue throwing up the road.

Town Clerk Policy – Tabled.

Town Clerk – Motion to appoint Janet Jesso as interim Town Clerk while the town seeks a permanent hire for this position. Approved.
Motion to appoint Janet Jesso as interim Town Treasurer. Approved.
Appointment forms signed by the Board.
Further discussion with Wendy Stender regarding the position of Town Clerk. Mrs. Stender’s resume shared with the Board.

MERP Grant – The town has been awarded a grant of $342,155.20 for energy efficiency upgrades to the Town Hall and Town Offices. Motion to sign MERP Grant acceptance letter. Approved.

Shampeny Hill mitigation ditch work – Prospectus for this FEMA funded project reviewed. Board authorizes Dan Perera to make edits and put prospectus out to bid.

Budget Meetings – Wednesday, December 4 at 6pm is the date for first budget meeting. Second meeting is scheduled for December 10 at 6pm. Meetings to be held in the Town Clerk’s Office.

Requested annual audit of town books – Tabled.

  1. Old Business:
    Traffic speed control – Discussion regarding the possibility of hiring a qualified individual to conduct traffic enforcement in town.
    Shampeny Hill culvert – Discussion. $400,000 has been received by the town in advance of construction for this culvert replacement project. Contractor advised to purchase materials for the project now if doing so will lock in favorable pricing.

Buildings and Grounds – Repairs to the septic system at the Town Hall have been delayed. Motion to sign annual maintenance agreement with Brook Field Service for three town generators. Approved.

Forest Service – See New Business.

Roads: Discussion.

Motion to sign Orders – Approved

Motion to review mail – Approved
Motion to sign affidavit certifying prior employment. Approved.
Middlebury College liquor license applications reviewed and signed.
Spring Clean Up 3-year contract signed.

  1. Executive Session: Motion to enter Executive Sesson at 7:08pm. Approved.
    Motion to exit Executive Sesson at 7:34pm. Approved.
    Personnel matters discussed. No action taken.
  2. Adjournment: 8:30pm

Link to video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZXk3e85lVo-3SuV4eUE_dmh3obkuU5Ge/view?usp=share_link


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Special Meeting
Thursday November 19, 2024 / Hancock Free Library at the Town Offices

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84353438968?pwd=YsIAzLbF10Q90P5XhWnuzctLyNJ4aj.1

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 843 5343 8968
Password: 636484

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Public Comment
New Business
Hancock Fire Department
Requested annual audit of town books
Texas Falls Road – throw up road / damaged bridge
Update Policy for Town Clerk
Town Clerk – interim Town Clerk appointment
MERP Grant acceptance
Review Shampeny Hill ditch work prospectus
Schedule 25-26 budget meetings

Old Business
Traffic Speed Control
Shampeny Hill Culvert Repairs
Buildings and Grounds –
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap / FLAP grant
Roads: FEMA updates
Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board – Special Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday November 7, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office / 7pm
In person and via video

  1. Call to Order: 7:00pm
  2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Janet Jesso
  3. Public Comment: N/A
  4. New Business:
    Town Clerk – appointment – Discussion regarding interim staffing while town advertises for new Town Clerk.
  5. Executive Session: Motion to enter Executive Session at 7:01pm. Approved.
    Motion to exit Executive Session at 7:27pm. Approved.
    Personnel matters discussed.
    Motion to add Scott Gillette’s name to all town accounts so that checks can be signed in the event that the Town Clerk/Treasurer is not available. Approved.
    Board to ask that the Town Clerk appoint Janet Jesso as an interim Assistant Town Clerk while the town seeks a replacement Town Clerk.
    Dan Perera authorized to advertise for candidates for the position of Town Clerk. Candidates must reside in Hancock, VT.
  6. Adjournment: 7:29pm

Links to video (2 parts): https://drive.google.com/file/d/19RmlWYE9tI3mcg851Xnr0RufRzZRNjm-/view?usp=share_link


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Special Meeting
Thursday November 7, 2024 / Hancock Free Library at the Town Offices

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84019684345?pwd=n4syaMrFwsxYjOo3q6NLdySMmk3ihD.1

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 840 1968 4345
Password: 588401

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Public Comment
New Business
Town Clerk – appointment
Old Business

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board – Regular Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday November 5, 2024 / Town Library / 6pm
In person and via video

  1. Call to Order: 6:02pm – Scott Gillette states that this will be an abbreviated meeting due to vote counting which starts at 7pm.
  2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno,
  3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 10-15-25 Approved.
  4. Public Comment: Scott Gillette read the letter of resignation from the Town Clerk. Resignation effective 11/15/24.
  5. New Business:
    Request for audit – A partial year audit as requested by the prior Town Clerk will cost as much as a full year audit. Board prefers a full year audit and will include this item in the 25-26 budget.

Monthly reconciliation of accounts will cost nearly as much as a full annual audit. Tabled.

Grading Prospectus review – Board authorizes SB Clerk to put the 3-year grading contract out to bid.

Winter Roads Prospectus – Board authorizes SB Clerk to put the 3-year Winter Roads contract out to bid.

Appointment to Valley Rescue Squad – Motion to appoint Jeannette Bair to the Valley Rescue Squad Board. Approved.

Texas Falls Road – Board is waiting for confirmation from the US Department of Transportation that the engineering work for bridge replacement will be funded.

  1. Old Business:
    Traffic speed control – Tabled.
    Shampeny Hill culvert – FEMA has funded the replacement of the culvert at 75% of total project costs. This is the maximum the town can receive for this type of project. Funds for this project in the amount of approximately $400,000 should be received by the town shortly. Dan Perera advised to contact Champlain Construction and offer that they could purchase the metal culvert in advance of construction to lock in favorable pricing. In addition to the culvert replacement, funds have been allocated for mitigation ditch work further up Shampeny Hill Road. Board to review prospectus for this mitigation work.
    Buildings and Grounds – Discussion of Town Hall usage and key access. Jim Leno reports that work to repair a broken septic line will begin this week. Septic tank to be pumped. Board suggests jetting the lines of the septic system during this process.
    Forest Service – Tabled
    Town looking into establishing new snowplow turnaround area on Tunnel Brook Road.
    Forest Service to be invited to the next SB meeting to discuss throwing up the Texas Falls Road where it is entirely on Forest Service land. Discussion regarding poor structural condition of the 2nd bridge on the road. Board is considering closing this road just before the 2nd bridge for public safety reasons.
    Emergency Watershed Protection – The Agency of Transportation is in the process of issuing a permit for stream bed excavation for Tunnel Brook.

Motion to sign Orders – Approved

Motion to review mail – Approved

  1. Executive Session: Motion to enter Executive Session at 6:59pm. Approved
    Motion to exit Executive Session at 7:08pm. Approved.
    Personnel matters discussed.
    Board authorizes Dan Perera to advertise for Town Clerk position.
    Board to review Policy for Town Clerk.
  2. Adjournment: 7:08pm

Link to video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EtCCD4l1aCV0WcxK3Q0kgoZF_2XRdxe0/view?usp=share_link


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday November 5, 2024 / Hancock Free Library at the Town Offices

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83353053326?pwd=0sI3L6car2RGWEP9bvHvDJuT0WVzPy.1

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 833 5305 3326
Password: 512057

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Requested audit of town books through 10-15-24
Requested annual audit of town books
Grading Prospectus review
Winter Roads Prospectus review
Appointment of representative to Valley Rescue Squad
Texas Falls Road

Old Business
Traffic Speed Control
Shampeny Hill Culvert Repairs
Buildings and Grounds –
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap / FLAP grant
Roads: FEMA updates
Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board – Regular Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday October 15, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In person and via video

  1. Call to Order: 6:01pm
  2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Ricky Andrews, Jeannette Bair.
  3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 10-1-24 approved with amendment changing the word “Price” to “Pride”.
  4. Public Comment:
    Ricky Andrews asked about the status of the Tunnel Brook dredging. Jim Leno responded that the ANR is going to visit the site on 10/31/24 to finalize permitting for work in the river. Once a permit is issued, the Emergency Watershed Protection Program (EWP) will forward a prospectus to the town to advertise to contractors for bidding.

Jeannett Bair advised the Board that she is willing to represent the Town of Hancock on the Valley Rescue Squad Board. Appointment to be added to the next SB Agenda.

  1. New Business:
    Town Clerk Appointment – Motion to accept the resignation of the Jody Jesso as Town Clerk. Motion approved with the Board’s unanimous acknowledgment of a job well done.
    Motion to appoint Renee Veilleux as Town Clerk. Approved.

Town Treasurer Appointment – Motion to appoint Renee Veilleux as Town Treasurer. Approved.

Requested audit of town books through 10-15-24 – Board to seek an estimate from town accountants to see how to fund this expense. To put on next Agenda.

Requested annual audit of town books – Town to request an estimate from town accountants for monthly reconciliation of town check books.

Mowing Contract review – Motion to approve 3-year contract. Approved.

Spring Clean Up Contract review – Motion to approve 3-year contract. Approved.

Grading Prospectus review – Edits requested.

Winter Roads Prospectus review – Edits requested.

Town Hall usage policy – Town Hall had a door left open. Town Hall was left unclean after recent concert. Board to remind Town Pride about Town Hall usage policy and need to inform Town Clerk regarding planned events. Town to review who has keys to this building.

  1. Old Business:
    Traffic Speed Control – Tabled

Shampeny Hill culvert replacement – FEMA has approved funding for replacement of the Shampeny Hill culvert per construction plans drafted by Otter Creek Engineering. This project was put out to bid in October 2023 but put on hold due to lack of funding. The project may now proceed. Board authorizes Dan Perera to sign FEMA scope and costs agreement. The next step is determining if Champlain Construction will honor their bid from 2023.

Buildings and Grounds – Motion to approve up to $800 for repairs to the town gazebo. Approved.

Forest Service:
Improvements to the falls viewing area on Texas Falls Rd. – Board sees excessive liability with the proposed paved walkway from the parking area to the Falls. If walkway were not in the town right-of-way, there would be no liability. Jim Leno to discuss with the Forest Service.
FLAP Grant – Town has requested that the grant be used to complete ongoing engineering work and that the remaining balance of the grant be cancelled/returned to the Federal Government. A response is pending.
Land swap – Tabled.

Roads: Discussion regarding a new plow turnaround area at the end of Tunnel Brook Rd. Discussion regarding concerns about repeated flooding due to undersized culverts (2) just south of Tunnel Brook Rd. under Route 100.

Motion to sign Orders – Approved

Motion to review mail – Approved
Motion to allow holiday lights to be placed on the town gazebo. Authorized.

Executive Session: None

Adjournment: 8:26pm

Video link to meeting: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F4WpvfiYFKbilgFAGVMU94bBVBsIUjJ8/view?usp=share_link


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Special Meeting
Monday October 21, 2024 / Hancock Free Library at the Town Offices

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82655029437?pwd=BjLF3q9UDppLOu8N3l5uNYCPLBtPXI.1

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 826 5502 9437

Password: 668420

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Public Comment
New Business

Old Business

Shampeny Hill Culvert Repairs – award contract

Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board – Regular Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday October 15, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In person and via video

  1. Call to Order: 6:01pm
  2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Ricky Andrews, Jeannette Bair.
  3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 10-1-24 approved with amendment changing the word “Price” to “Pride”.
  4. Public Comment:
    Ricky Andrews asked about the status of the Tunnel Brook dredging. Jim Leno responded that the ANR is going to visit the site on 10/31/24 to finalize permitting for work in the river. Once a permit is issued, the Emergency Watershed Protection Program (EWP) will forward a prospectus to the town to advertise to contractors for bidding.

Jeannett Bair advised the Board that she is willing to represent the Town of Hancock on the Valley Rescue Squad Board. Appointment to be added to the next SB Agenda.

  1. New Business:
    Town Clerk Appointment – Motion to accept the resignation of the Jody Jesso as Town Clerk. Motion approved with the Board’s unanimous acknowledgment of a job well done.
    Motion to appoint Renee Veilleux as Town Clerk. Approved.

Town Treasurer Appointment – Motion to appoint Renee Veilleux as Town Treasurer. Approved.

Requested audit of town books through 10-15-24 – Board to seek an estimate from town accountants to see how to fund this expense. To put on next Agenda.

Requested annual audit of town books – Town to request an estimate from town accountants for monthly reconciliation of town check books.

Mowing Contract review – Motion to approve 3-year contract. Approved.

Spring Clean Up Contract review – Motion to approve 3-year contract. Approved.

Grading Prospectus review – Edits requested.

Winter Roads Prospectus review – Edits requested.

Town Hall usage policy – Town Hall had a door left open. Town Hall was left unclean after recent concert. Board to remind Town Pride about Town Hall usage policy and need to inform Town Clerk regarding planned events. Town to review who has keys to this building.

  1. Old Business:
    Traffic Speed Control – Tabled

Shampeny Hill culvert replacement – FEMA has approved funding for replacement of the Shampeny Hill culvert per construction plans drafted by Otter Creek Engineering. This project was put out to bid in October 2023 but put on hold due to lack of funding. The project may now proceed. Board authorizes Dan Perera to sign FEMA scope and costs agreement. The next step is determining if Champlain Construction will honor their bid from 2023.

Buildings and Grounds – Motion to approve up to $800 for repairs to the town gazebo. Approved.

Forest Service:
Improvements to the falls viewing area on Texas Falls Rd. – Board sees excessive liability with the proposed paved walkway from the parking area to the Falls. If walkway were not in the town right-of-way, there would be no liability. Jim Leno to discuss with the Forest Service.
FLAP Grant – Town has requested that the grant be used to complete ongoing engineering work and that the remaining balance of the grant be cancelled/returned to the Federal Government. A response is pending.
Land swap – Tabled.

Roads: Discussion regarding a new plow turnaround area at the end of Tunnel Brook Rd. Discussion regarding concerns about repeated flooding due to undersized culverts (2) just south of Tunnel Brook Rd. under Route 100.

Motion to sign Orders – Approved

Motion to review mail – Approved
Motion to allow holiday lights to be placed on the town gazebo. Authorized.

Executive Session: None

Adjournment: 8:26pm

Video link to meeting: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F4WpvfiYFKbilgFAGVMU94bBVBsIUjJ8/view?usp=share_link


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday October 15, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88033328085?pwd=M6xmFDjzSG2VVuPBcasGxQJyFWc3xR.1

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 880 3332 8085
Password: 890309

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Town Clerk Appointment
Town Treasurer Appointment
Requested audit of town books through 10-15-24
Requested annual audit of town books
Mowing Contract review
Spring Clean Up Contract review
Grading Prospectus review
Winter Roads Prospectus review
Town Hall usage policy
Old Business
Traffic Speed Control
Shampeny Hill Culvert Repairs
Buildings and Grounds –
Forest Service – Improvements along Texas Falls Rd / Proposal for land swap / FLAP grant – budgeting issue
Roads: FEMA updates
Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board – Regular Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday October 1, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In person and via video

  1. Call to Order: 6:01pm
  2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Ricky Andrews, Jeannette Bair
  3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 9-17-24 approved.
  4. Public Comment:
    Jeanette Bair asked about the status of the AOT project to reset culverts at the base of Tucker Brook Rd. and Comes Rd. Scott Gillette has been in touch with AOT and they have postponed this project due to lack of funds.

Jeannette Bair discussed the Valley Rescue Squad’s (VRS) interactions with White River Valley Ambulance (WRVA). No action has been taken by VRS to affiliate with WRVA as requested by WRVA. The affiliation with WRVA would permit VRS to work with WRVA including the permission to transport patients. Discussion regarding Hancock funding VRS’s plans to transport patients and the lack of forward movement to those goals.
The Board asked if Jeanette Bair would consider being Hancock’s representative on the VRS Board.

Ricky Andrews discussed the dredging project for Tunnel Brook. Surveyors were on site this week. Discussion regarding the next steps. EWP to put project out to bid. Jim Leno to follow up as time for working in the rivers is short.

Ricky Andrews discussed proposed bridge at the end of Tunnel Brook to access the Green Lot. This bridge would be on private land and privately owned. The discussion included concerns that the bridge could cause obstructions to water flow in high water events and could cause damage to the town road and private property downstream. Jim Leno to contact ANR and the landowner to discuss options.

Town Price advised the Board that the grand stand on the Town Green needs repairs. Board to request a scope of work and a budget for the repairs.

Town Clerk requests an audit of the Town’s books through 10-15-24. A volunteer who reconciles the check book is requesting an annual audit. Board to add these requests to the next meeting Agenda for consideration.

  1. New Business:
    Mowing Contract and Spring Clean Up Contract – Board reviewed. Dates need to be updated. Dan Perera will prepare contracts for next SB meeting.

Town Clerk Appointment – Training of new Town Clerk is proceeding well. Candidate for Town Clerk has been appointed Assistant Town Clerk for training. Upon resignation of the current Town Clerk on 10-15-24, and provided the training has gone well, the Select Board can then appoint a new Town Clerk.

Act 33 – Open Meeting Laws – The state now requires that all municipal public meetings be hybrid to include in person as well as video and phone access. Scott Gillette proposes a new system for the town that will allow all boards to conduct hybrid meetings and to save the video of these meetings. The proposal includes a new laptop computer, a new 360 degree camera, and a video screen. Motion to authorized the purchase of a new system to allow for hybrid meetings in an amount not to exceed $2,000. Approved.

  1. Old Business:
    Traffic Speed Control – Tabled

Shampeny Hill culvert replacement – Project still under review by FEMA.

Buildings and Grounds – Remote control not needed for new dishwasher at the Town Hall. All furnaces have been serviced.

Forest Service – FLAP Grant –
The Board has been informed that the FLAP grant to replace the first bridge on Texas Falls Rd. has been underfunded in the amount of $710,000. This $1,210,000 grant was presented to the town as a fully funded project to replace the bridge at no cost to the town of Hancock. Board discussion focused on no desire by the town or town residents to spend $710,000 for a replacement bridge that currently meets the needs of the town. The Forest Service was the proponent for this project as it would allow heavy logging trucks to bring harvested logs out of the Nation Forest. Engineering for this project is underway with a signed agreement from FLAP to fully fund the engineering. Scott Gillette to inform the Forest Service and FLAP that the town will not be borrowing $710,000 to fund this project and would like to have the engineering portion of the project completed provided that FLAP will pay for this work per the signed agreement with the town.

Improvements along Texas Falls Rd. – The Forest Service is proposing a walkway along the east side of Texas Falls Rd. near the falls viewing parking area. Jim Leno to inspect the site and discuss with the Forest Service.

Roads: Road grading to start this week.
Fallen trees to be removed.
Dan Perera mentioned that a chloride spreader may be available for sale. Jim Leno requests a price.

Motion to sign Orders – Approved

Motion to review mail – Approved

Executive Session: None

Adjournment: 8:27pm

Note: No video is available for this meeting.


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday October 1, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App:

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID:

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Mowing Contract review
Spring clean up contract
Town Clerk Appointment
Act 133 – Open Meeting Laws – compliance

Old Business
Traffic Speed Control
Shampeny Hill Culvert Repairs
Buildings and Grounds –
Forest Service – Improvements along Texas Falls Rd / Proposal for land swap / FLAP grant – budgeting issue
Roads: FEMA updates

Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


SB Meeting Minutes 09.17.24

Call to order 1804


Present: Leno, Gillette, public Erica Fuller, Amanda Garland (Vermont River Conservancy)

Meeting Minutes

Leno moves to approve, Gillette seconds

Public Comment

Fuller and Garland address the SB regarding Thunderhead View River Access, discussion of issues with town plan, floodplain, Bettis parcel, ownership of parcels

New Business

Mowing Contract Review

Leno moves to table until next meeting, Gillette seconds

Spring Clean Up Contract

Leno Moves to table until next meeting, Gillette seconds

Town Clerk Appointment

Leno fills in Gillette on previous discussion of appointment. Position will not be filled until October 15th, when current TC vacates office

Old Business

Traffic Speed Control

Discussion of radar speed warning signs. Gillette to study catalog

Shampeny Hill Culvert Repair

Waiting on FEMA to be funded again. No action taken

Buildings and Grounds

New dishwasher- programmable functions only available by remote control. Remote control lost. Leno to research new remote

Leno to call CV Oil to schedule burner service at town office and town hall

Forest Service FLAP

Meeting with Eastern Lands regarding budget shortfall. Gillette to attend September 24 at 1000. Leno reiterates that the town has not approved taxpayer spending on bridge.

Discussion of kickoff meeting with engineers regarding rights of way, temporary bridge construction, and construction access issues.



Approaching last grading. Too dry now, waiting for weather.


Road inventory, culverts, flooding

Leno to get together with TRORC to develop

Motion to Sign Orders

Leno moves, Gillette seconds

Review Mail

Leno moves, Gillette seconds. No action taken.

Executive Session

Leno Moves to hold executive session to discuss a personnel matter, Gillette seconds. Executive session at 1919.

Executive session end at 1940.


Adjourned at 1940


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday September 17, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83684893942?pwd=oaDvQ6z0MsZqhaA2i8wH7Uynx0IYoC.1

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 836 8489 3942
Password: 688850

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Mowing Contract review
Spring clean up contract
Town Clerk Appointment
Old Business
Traffic Speed Control
Shampeny Hill Culvert Repairs
Buildings and Grounds –
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap / FLAP grant
Roads: FEMA updates

Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday September 3, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82914108905?pwd=fyTikAzNocjVVDOxdyMma2vDgHbnbC.1

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 829 1410 8905
Password: 403833

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Notice of Public Hearing – Vermont for a Planning Grant under the Vermont Community Development Program
MERP Program – Energy efficiency grants/energy audit
Thriving Communities grant
Mowing Contract review
Spring clean up contract
Heart of Hancock Liquor License renewal
Town Clerk Appointment
Old Business
Traffic Speed Control
Shampeny Hill Culvert Repairs
Buildings and Grounds –
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap / FLAP grant
Roads: FEMA updates

Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board – Regular Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday August 20, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In person and via video

  1. Call to Order: 6pm
  2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno,
  3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 8-6-24 approved.
  4. Public Comment: Jim Leno discussed issues regarding the Granville First Responder program. Emails indicate that there is no progress towards combining transport services with White River Valley Ambulance. Sponsorship and training appear to be required and no action has been taken to pursue this training.
  5. New Business:
    Mowing Contract – Tabled
    Spring Clean Up Contract – Tabled
  6. Old Business:
    Traffic Speed Control – Scott Gillette to see if state has programs to assist in speed control. Jim Leno to review roadside speed products.

Shampeny Hill culvert replacement – This project is still in review with FEMA.

Buildings and Grounds – Discussion on unapproved parking at Taylor Meadow and the Fire Station. Discussion regarding barriers to keep cars off of land around Fire Station. Discussion regarding creating a landing zone for DART.

Forest Service /FLAP Grant / Land swap – Site visit with the project engineer is scheduled for 8am at the intersection of Rt125 and Texas Falls Rd. regarding the replacement of the bridge at that location. Land Swap – Tabled.

Roads: Discussion regarding brush removal and culvert cleaning.

Motion to sign Orders – Approved

Motion to review mail – Approved – Resignation letter received from the Town Clerk. Clerk will remain in the position until 10-15-24. Discussion. Motion to accept resignation letter. Approved.

Executive Session: None

Adjournment: 6:45pm

Video link to meeting: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wEY8aXhvVyqV5k2mQs3JrGVcbGEW9Ub5/view?usp=share_link


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday August 20, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81248158923?pwd=jDfK81VR7qbuSsfizQcmfT434Tutsp.1

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 812 4815 8923
Password: 182741

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Mowing Contract review
Spring clean up contract
Old Business
Traffic Speed Control
Shampeny Hill Culvert Repairs
Buildings and Grounds –
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap / FLAP grant
Roads: FEMA updates

Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board – Regular Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday August 6, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In person and via video

  1. Call to Order: 6pm
  2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Sarah Wright, Ricky Andrews, Steve and Janet Smyrychynski
  3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 7-16-24 approved.
  4. Public Comment: Steve Smyrychynski asked for an update on procuring funding for road work on Blair Hill Rd. He was advised that the town can apply for a Highway Structures Grant when the current grant (which is allocated to the replacement of a culvert on Shampeny Hill Rd.) is expensed. Further discussion regarding a Jersey barrier that has been partially undermined by water. Jim Leno advised that this would be addressed before winter.

Ricky Andrews discussed the high water in Tunnel Brook the previous evening. He noted that water breached Route 100 at the Tunnel Brook culvert once again. The Board advised that Federal funds have been approved to dredge out gravel from Tunnel Brook and that they will contact the state of Vermont regarding the need to upsize the culverts.

  1. New Business:
    Sarah Wright from Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission discussed MTAP assistance to obtain a feasibility/planning grant for the possible residential development of Taylor Meadow. The grant is for $60,000 and the town will contribute an additional $6,000. A public hearing will be held to discuss this grant on September 3, 2024 at the Select Board meeting at 6pm.The board acknowledges that residential development in Taylor Meadow is appropriate use of the land and would add to the town’s tax base, benefitting all current taxpayers.

Town Labor Rate Policy – Motion to approve new labor rates of up to $20/hour. Approved.

Mowing Contract Review – Discussion.

Spring clean up contract – Discussion.

  1. Old Business:
    Contract with Sheriff’s Dept. – Scott Gillette in discussions with VTrans regarding traffic speed control.

Shampeny Hill culvert replacement – FEMA still reviewing replacement proposal.

Buildings and Grounds – Jim Leno to contact Harvey’s to repair sewer line to septic tank. Jim Leno to contact CVOil to relocated propane tank off of leach field line.

Forest Service /FLAP Grant / Land swap – Motion to approve and sign contract with VHB Engineering for the development of plans for the replacement of the Texas Falls bridge at the intersection with Route 125. Approved.

Roads: Dan Perera informed the Board that the town has received approximately $350,000 from FEMA and the state for reimbursement of road repairs during the August 2023 flood event. This will pay off all remaining debt related to 2023 flooding and put funds back into the Highway Capital Fund.

Windigo Rd- New development- discussion of driveway permits and drainage
Churchville Rd- Complaint received regarding dumping of brush and tree trunks- issue is between private landowners, town not to get involved
Killoooleet RD- Tree service engaged to cut trees, will wait until camp closes
Sand Pile- Work continues to move sand pile and accessories.
Texas Falls Rd- overhanging tree branches to be removed

Motion so sign- Leno, Gillette seconds

Motion to open- leno, Gillette seconds
Magee Office products- TC has researched new contracts with new vendor. Gillette to discuss with TC. Leno moves to authorize Gillette to approve contract (under $5k).

Adjourned 8:09pm

Recording link:



WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday August 6, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87085102254?pwd=fnbbYuyPvaTICsYY6zO051dx5RXuRp.1

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 870 8510 2254
Password: 555791

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Town Labor Rate Policy
Mowing Contract review
Spring clean up contract
Old Business
Contract with Sheriffs Dept.
Shampeny Hill Culvert Repairs
Buildings and Grounds –
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap / FLAP grant – review and sign engineering contract
Roads: FEMA updates

Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board – Regular Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday July 16, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In person and via video

  1. Call to Order: 6pm
  2. Introductions: Dan Perera, Jim Leno,
  3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 7-2-24 approved as amended with the word “relace” changed to “replace”.
  4. Public Comment: None
  5. New Business:
    FEMA Mitigation ditch work – Tucker Brook Rd. bid opening.
    Ridgetop Excavation $ 23,650
    ECS Excavation and Landscaping $ 17,128
    Motion to accept bid from ECS Excavation for $17,128. Approved.

FLAP Assistance Agreement – Motion to accept the revised FLAP Assistance Agreement which raises the amount of the grant for preliminary engineering for the replacement of the Texas Falls bridge from $80,000 to $116,585. Approved and Scott Gillette is authorized to sign agreement.

Bid Review – Texas Fall bridge replacement preliminary engineering.
VHB Engineering $116,584.94
Discussion. Dan Perera asked the Forest Service engineer to review bid to see if firm is qualified and that the scope of the bid is appropriate for the project. The Fores Service confirmed that the bidder is qualified and the scope of the bid is correct. Motion to accept the bid from VHB. Approved.

Grading Bid review – Bid opening. 3 year contract for road grading.
Jack Bowen Excavating $121,760 lump sum for 3 years.
Discussion. Bid rejected due to cost. Board to hire a contractor for a single grading in the fall of 2024 and put the 3 year contract out to bid again.

Town Labor Rate Policy – Review of proposed Policy raising the town labor rate to $20/hour. Discussion. Board would like the Policy to read “General Labor up to $20/hr.” Board will review Policy again at next meeting.

  1. Old Business:
    Contract with Sheriff’s Dept. – Tabled

Shampeny Hill culvert replacement – FEMA is in the process of reviewing the project.

Buildings and Grounds – A local flooring contractor has been called regarding floor in
kitchen of Town Office.
Service Contract with Brookfield Service for generators. Review and discussion. Motion to accept Preventive Maintenance Agreement with Brookfield Service for annual inspections of three town generators for $1,000 per year. Approved.

Forest Service / FLAP Grant / Land swap – Tabled.

Roads / FEMA: Roadside mowing completed. Additional road trimming under guardrails, etc. continues. Ditches need to be cleared on certain town roads.
State of Vermont has been contacted for an update on FEMA funds due to Hancock.

Discussion regarding 3 year mowing contract and spring clean up of town properties. These items to be added to next meeting agenda.

Motion to sign Orders – Approved

Motion to review mail – Approved

Executive Session: Motion to enter Executive Sesson at 6:48pm. Approved.
Exit Executive Session at 6:52pm.
Personnel matter discussed. No action taken.

Adjournment: 7:53pm

Note: Video is not yet available for this meeting.


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday July 16, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84375191306?pwd=wd4qDtKHmzUCNpxLNQKnf7IOLFy4LK.1

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 843 7519 1306
Password: 416166

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Bid review – Texas Falls Bridge Replacement Design Engineering
Grading bid review
Town Labor Rate Policy
Old Business
Contract with Sheriffs Dept.
Shampeny Hill Culvert Repairs
Buildings and Grounds –
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap / FLAP grant
Roads: FEMA updates

Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board – Regular Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday July 2, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In person and via video

  1. Call to Order: 6pm
  2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Winnona Walker, Dean Spencer
  3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 6-18-24 approved.
  4. Public Comment: None
  5. New Business:
    Camp Killooleet Emergency Procedures – Discussion regarding procedures in the event of an emergency at Camp Killooleet. In the event of an emergency with a need for access to the town emergency shelter (Town Hall and/or Fire Department) Killooleet to contact any Select Board Member to get an emergency declaration and access to an emergency shelter. Fire Chief is an alternate contact.

Texas Falls Bridge replacement – Town waiting on revised agreement confirming access to additional grant funds for engineering. No action taken.

MTAP Grant – Motion to sign request for Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission to pursue a $60,000 grant for a feasibility study on the possible development of Taylor Meadow for residential housing.

Grading Bid Review – Jim Leno to request updated bid from Champlain Construction for a fall grading.

Road Commissioner vacancy – Motion to accept resignation letter from Road Commissioner. Approved.
Motion to appoint Jim Leno as Road Commissioner. Approved.

Tax Rate Posted by the State of Vermont – Motion to approve the tax rate. Approved.

Health Officer reports of a complaint about lack of water at a rental apartment. Water service has been restored.

  1. Old Business:
    Contract with Addison County Sheriff’s Dept. – Discussion regarding neighbor dispute on Bettis Rd and speeding complaint on Tucker Brook Rd. Scott Gillette to set up meetings with Sheriff’s departments in early August.
    Shampeny Hill culvert replacement – FEMA reviewing request to relace culvert. Otter Creek Engineering providing information to FEMA about the project.

Buildings and Grounds – Dale White contacted to rewire an outlet at the Town Hall.

Forest Service – An engineer to be contacted to assess development of Forest Service parcel off of Tucker Brook Rd.

Roads: FEMA mitigation ditch work complete on Fassett Hill Rd.
Roadside mowing – contractor has been contacted and sent a contract.
Board signed contract for sand delivery by Ridgetop Excavation.

Motion to sign Orders – Approved

Motion to review mail – Approved

Executive Session: None

Adjournment: 7:42pm


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday July 2, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82726718551?pwd=vbrafucRdWAtAOh2Ij3nZOLhDEYCs7.1

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 827 2671 8551
Password: 197995

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Camp Killooleet – procedures for emergencies
Bid opening/review – Texas Falls Bridge Replacement Design Engineering
MTAP Grant
Grading bid review
Road Commissioner – vacant position
Old Business
Contract with Sheriffs Dept.
Shampeny Hill Culvert Repairs
Buildings and Grounds –
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap / FLAP grant
Roads: FEMA updates

Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board – Regular Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday June 18, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In person and via video

  1. Call to Order: 6pm
  2. Introductions: Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Landel Cochran
  3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 6-4-24 approved.
  4. Public Comment:
    Landel Cochran introduced himself to the Board. He is a resident of Huntington, VT and a Select Board Member there. He is running for a seat in the State Senate. He is running as a Republican and is seeking to serve the community.
  5. New Business:
    Grading Bid – tabled

MTAP Grant – tabled

Tucker Brook ditch work prospectus – Board reviewed prospectus. Jim Leno suggests that contractors be required to call Dig Safe before starting project. Adopted.

Bids were received for the design engineering for the Texas Falls bridge replacement project. This item was not properly warned on the agenda. Bid review tabled to next meeting – July 2.

  1. Old Business:
    Contract with Addison County Sheriff’s Dept. – tabled
    Shampeny Hill culvert replacement – No new information.

Buildings and Grounds – Dan Perera to contact Dale White to install proper outlet for new dishwasher at the Town Hall.
Certain invoices from Brookfield Service are being disputed. Jim Leno is corresponding with the contractor.

Town Land – tabled

Forest Service – tabled

Roads: No new FEMA updates.

Motion to sign Orders – Approved

Motion to review mail – Approved

  1. Executive Session: None
  2. Adjournment: 6:32pm

Note: Video is not yet available for this meeting


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday June 18, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89853387755?pwd=CmIQEaCU02nmGTi4GSiJTDdOYn6dua.1

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 898 5338 7755
Password: 781541

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Grading Bid opening
MTAP Grant
Finalize prospectus for FEMA ditch-work mitigation project on Tucker Brook Rd.
Old Business
Contract with Sheriffs Dept.
Shampeny Hill Culvert Repairs
Buildings and Grounds –
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap / FLAP grant
Roads: FEMA updates

Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday June 4, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86236598128?pwd=Fc7nHoId7mUbiItOqoeG9Ni2Z0kwgN.1

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 862 3659 8128
Password: 502335

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Bid Opening – Road Sand
Review estimated cash flow and approve TAN amount for 2024-2025
Free mobile vet clinic
Old Business
Contract with Addison County Sheriffs Dept.
Shampeny Hill Culvert Repairs
Buildings and Grounds –
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap / FLAP grant / Review prospectus for Preliminary Engineering for Texas Falls bridge replacement
Roads: FEMA updates

Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Town of Hancock
Selectboard Special Meeting 05.23.2024
Call to order 18:04
Leno and Gillette present, no members of the public
May 7 minutes
Leno moves to approve, Gillette seconds, motion carries
Public Comment
No public comment
New Business
Heart of Hancock Outside Consumption permit
Leno moves to approve, Gillette seconds, motion carries
Bid Opening- Fassett Hill Ditching
Three bids:
Ridgetop Excavating- $21500
ECS Excavating- $14441
Jack Bowen Excavating- $23944
Motion to accept the low bid from ECS Excavating- Leno, Gillette seconds, approved.
Old Business
Gillette explains that VT VEM wants a change to our submitted LEMP in one field- changing
amount of emergency spending to $5000. Leno moves to approve change, Gillette seconds,
motion carries.
Law Enforcement Contracts
Leno proposes contracting Mark Belisle for speed enforcement in Hancock. Gillette questions
what organization the town would contract with to pay Constable Belisle. Gillette proposes
tasking Hancock’s constable with arranging a meeting with WCSD and ACSD. Leno agrees.
Shampeny Hill Tucker Brook Paving
Leno moves to approve prospectus, Gillette seconds, motion carries. Prospectus ready to be
put to bid.
Buildings and Grounds
Leno has ordered and paid for new dishwasher for town hall. Delivery expected within two
weeks. Vendor to install.
Leno advises Quintown does not have license to serve meals in house pending inspection of
the facility. Quintown to advise town of any defects uncovered in inspection that the town
needs to remedy.
Texas Falls FLAP RFP
Leno ques)ons of dra. RFP- Right of Refusal (covered in Award language); Liability
amount (changed to $3mm), no language regarding temporary bridge (is engineer’s
scope to determine), bonding of engineer (necessary at this )me?). Leno moves to
approve RFP with amendments of project dates, and liability changed to $3mm. GilleKe
seconds. Mo)on carries
Motion to Sign orders
Leno moves to sign orders, GilleKe seconds.
Motion to open mail
Leno moves to open mail, Gillette seconds
Gillette mistakenly opens a bid for 3 year grading contract. Bid returned to envelope. Envelope
stored in Selectboard action folder. No action taken.
Executive Session
Leno moves to adjourn. Gillette seconds. Meeting adjourned at 19:34.
The recording of this meeting can be found at the following address:



Hancock Special Select Board Meeting

Thursday May 23, 2024, 6:00PM / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App:


To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 831 7426 8047
Password: 007171

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.


Call to Order


Minutes of the last meeting

Public Comment

New Business

Heart of Hancock Outside Consumption Permit

Bid Opening – Fassett Hill ditch work

Old Business

LEMP Revision

Law Enforcement Contracts

Shampeny Hill Culvert Repairs

Buildings and Grounds –

Forest Service – Proposal for land swap / FLAP grant / Review prospectus for Preliminary

Engineering for Texas Falls bridge replacement

Road Commissioner’s Report

FEMA updates


Motion to sign Orders

Motion to review mail

Executive Session



WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday May 21, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83174268047?pwd=bDNRWEY5cU9WblZFdDg1S1BaZTlvUT09

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 831 7426 8047
Password: 007171

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Heart of Hancock Outside Consumption Permit
Bid Opening – Fassett Hill ditch work
Old Business
Contract with Addison County Sheriffs Dept.
Shampeny Hill Culvert Repairs
Buildings and Grounds –
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap / FLAP grant / Review prospectus for Preliminary Engineering for Texas Falls bridge replacement
Roads: FEMA updates

Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board – Regular Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday May 7, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In person and via video

  1. Call to Order: 6:01pm
  2. Introductions: Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Charles Smith
  3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 4-16-24 approved.
  4. Public Comment: Charles Smith noted that the street sweeper did not sweep the aprons on Blair Hill and elsewhere.
  5. New Business:
    Bid opening for Shampeny Hill culvert repairs.
    Jack Bowen Excavating $ 45,200
    Daniels Construction $ 112,700
    ECS Excavating $ 37,504
    BMPM Excavation $ 92,173
    Discussion. Motion to award contract to ECS Excavating. Approved. Bid opening for Windigo Road ditch work.
    ECS Excavating $ 16,128
    BMPM Excavation $ 34,531
    Ridge Top Excavation $ 15,650
    Blue Mountain Trucking $ 55,500
    Jack Bowen $ 34,500
    Discussion regarding contractor qualifications. Motion to award contract to Ridge Top Excavation. Approved.

Board reviewed prospectus of FEMA funded ditch work on Fassett Hill Rd. Prospectus approved to put out to bid.

Motion to adopt updated Local Emergency Management Plan (LEMP). Approved.

Grading – Previously, the Board had put the 3 year grading contract out to bid. No bids were received. Board to put the contract out to bid again. In the interim, the roads need a spring grading. Four estimates for grading were obtained.
Jack Bowen $ 7,000
Chris Giffin $ 8,430
Ken Beattie $ 7,600
Champlain Construction $ 6,900
Motion to hire Champlain Construction to do a single spring grading and rolling of roads on or after June 1, 2024. Approved.
Dan Perera to put grading contract out to bid.

Old Business:
Contract with Addison County Sheriff’s Dept. – Tabled.

Shampeny Hill culvert replacement – see New Business

Buildings and Grounds – Board authorized the purchase of a commercial dishwasher to replace the failed dishwasher at the Town Hall. The cost is estimated to be $4,599.93 to include delivery and installation.
Jim Leno and Dan Perera inspected the floor of the Town Offices kitchen. Tiling has failed. There is also a broken window in the kitchen. Jim Leno to contact a flooring contractor.

Town Land – Tabled

Forest Service – Dan Perera to reach out to Forest Service regarding the draft prospectus for preliminary engineering.

Discussion regarding moving sand pile to new location on existing leased property. Cost to move pile will likely be $10-15,000. This significant cost dictates that the Town should ask for a 10 year lease instead of the existing one year lease. Discussion of alternate locations for the sand pile. Jim Leno to request a 10 year lease from landowner.

Discussion regarding needed ditch work on Churchville Rd. Jim Leno to suggest a date for the Select Board to meet at the site for an inspection.

Motion to sign Orders – Approved

Motion to review mail – Approved

Executive Session: None

Adjournment: 7:31pm

Note: The video is not yet available for this meeting.


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday May 7, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82768050339?pwd=MkVnQ29UdDNicms5NzJBZjVPb2h4QT09

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 827 6805 0339
Password: 191427

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Open contractor bids – Shampeny Hill culvert and Windigo Rd. ditch work.
Review prospectus and put out to bid Fassett Hill ditching – FEMA Mitigation project.
Review and adopt updated Local Emergency Management Plan

Grading Contract

Old Business
Contract with Addison County Sheriffs Dept.
Shampeny Hill Culvert Repairs
Buildings and Grounds –
Town Land
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap / FLAP grant / Review prospectus for Preliminary Engineering for Texas Falls bridge replacement
Roads: FEMA updates

Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting – NOTE – MEETING CANCELED
Tuesday April 23, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85198870348?pwd=cWNpWFRKYW51dVVLK0szbldsMjNYUT09

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 851 9887 0348
Password: 191296

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Open bid for grading of town roads
Old Business
Contract with Addison County Sheriffs Dept.
Shampeny Hill Culvert Repairs
Buildings and Grounds
Town Land – Sale of Tunnel Brook woodland parcel aka Green Lot
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap / FLAP grant / Review prospectus for Preliminary Engineering for Texas Falls bridge replacement
Roads: FEMA updates

Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board – Regular Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday April 16, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In person and via video

  1. Call to Order: 5:59pm
  2. Introductions: Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Marge Ross, John Ross
  3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 4-2-24 approved.
  4. Public Comment: None
  5. New Business:
    Review Prospectus – Windigo Rd. ditch work – Discussion. Corrections to text discussed. Call to state needed to clarify need for filter fabric. Prospectus approved.
    Sand acquisition prospectus – Discussion regarding the timing of sand delivery and the need to have sand pile moved. Prospectus approved.
  6. Old Business:
    Contract with Addison County Sheriff’s Dept. – Tabled
    Shampeny Hill culvert replacement – Culvert repair project is out to bid.
    Buildings and Grounds – Jim Leno has arranged to order a new dishwasher. Dan Perera suggested that he take one more look at the status of the dishwasher before purchasing a new unit.
    Town Land – Tabled
    Forest Service – Tabled
    Roads: A draft prospectus for preliminary engineering for the replacement of the Texas Falls bridge is under review by the Forest Service.
    FEMA process for reimbursement for flood damage continues with no major issues.
    Motion to sign Orders – Approved

Motion to review mail – Approved

  1. Executive Session: None
  2. Adjournment: 6:30pm


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday April 16, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85782200920?pwd=YVRpazhzSGZQQ2Y5bXdVTWFMV29XZz09

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 857 8220 0920
Password: 290302

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Review Prospectus – Windigo ditch work, Sand purchase, FEMA Mitigation Fassett Hill Rd.

Old Business
Contract with Addison County Sheriffs Dept.
Shampeny Hill Culvert Repairs
Buildings and Grounds –
Town Land – Sale of Tunnel Brook woodland parcel aka Green Lot
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap / FLAP grant / Review prospectus for Preliminary Engineering for Texas Falls bridge replacement
Roads: FEMA updates

Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board – Regular Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday April 2, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In person and via video

  1. Call to Order: 6pm
  2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Derek Dzhugashvili, Jacques Veilleux, Jack Ross, Marge Ross, Steve Smyrychynski, Janet Smyrychynski.
  3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 3-19-24 approved with changes.
  4. Public Comment:
    Scott Gillette met with the Hancock Town Clerk to discuss slowing property tax receipts and the need for borrowing by the town to meet expenses while waiting for late tax payments.
  5. New Business:
    Motion to approve liquor license applications for Deering Enterprises, Inc. and Jonathan Deering. Approved.

Jacques Veilleux discussed the need for internet access at the Fire House to better address required online reporting and compliance. Scott Gillette to install an antenna to broadcast Wifi signal to the Fire House in May.

  1. Old Business:
    Contract with Addison County Sheriff’s Dept. – Scott Gillette has had discussions with the Town of Rochester regarding their traffic enforcement with the Winsor County Sheriff’s Department. Board to invite Winsor County SD to a Select Board meeting to discuss traffic enforcement in Hancock.
    Shampeny Hill culvert replacement – Board reviewed draft prospectus for repairs to the Shampeny Hill culvert. Request for references to be added to prospectus. Prospectus then to be advertised to solicit bids.
    Buildings and Grounds – Harvey’s Plumbing and Electrical to replace failed water tank in Town Office basement. Dishwasher in Town Hall continues require maintenance for leaks.
    Town Land – Sale of the Tunnel Brook Woodland Parcel to close on Friday April 5. Board authorizes Scott Gillette to act as sole Agent for the town in all matters regarding this sale of property. Motion to approve and sign Agent Authorization and Designation form. Approved and signed.
    Forest Service – Motion to approve and sign Cooperative Agreement number 693C732450002 pertaining to the FLAP grant in support of preliminary engineering work for the replacement of Texas Falls bridge #7 in the amount of $80,000. Approved.
    Discussion and review of draft prospectus for preliminary engineering for the replacement of Texas Falls bridge #7. Request for references to be added to prospectus. Timeline for project to be included in prospectus. Easter Federal Land and VTrans to be shown the prospectus for any input.
    Roads: Dan Perera reports that the FEMA reimbursement process is moving forward and on schedule.
    Steve Smyrychynski discussed the history of efforts to improve the large turn on Blair Hill Rd. He further discussed the need for this turn to be improved. Board asked Road Commissioner to look into grants that may be available for an engineering study for Blair Hill Rd.
    Motion to sign Orders – Approved

Motion to review mail – Approved

  1. Executive Session: None
  2. Adjournment: 7:23pm

Link to recording of meeting: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Gx4QE51GQNGFJTRn7ep5Jr7V2Djz0BYJ/view?usp=share_link


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday April 2, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87667748774?pwd=MTlnS3pNNkhQN2gxNlBrZjdoVzR4QT09

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 876 6774 8774
Password: 537932

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Liquor license – Deering Enterprises, Inc. & Jonathan Deering

Old Business
Contract with Addison County Sheriffs Dept.
Shampeny Hill Culvert Repairs – review prospectus
Buildings and Grounds –
Town Land – Sale of Tunnel Brook woodland parcel aka Green Lot
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap / FLAP grant / Review prospectus for Preliminary Engineering for bridge replacement / Review Cooperative Agreement No. 693C732450002
Roads: FEMA updates

Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Selectboard Meeting 03.19.2024 – Draft Minutes

• Call to order 1800
• Leno and Gillette present, Perera present virtually
• Tony Seeger, Wendy Stender, Derek Dzhugashvili, Jammie Dzhugashvili, Marge Ross, Jack Ross present

Public Comment-
• Tony Seeger asks about the parcel location for the forest service and swap
• Seeger requests that tax delinquency take into account postmark date, vs. due date. SB to look into what is required.
New Business
• Town officials appointed by SB per last year’s appointments
• Discussion of the possibility of a playground in town. Wendy Stender asks what would be necessary to improve the play ground in Hancock. SB informs that playgrounds are typically funded by PTO. Suggestion to work with Rec committee toward grant funding and to introduce a petition item for next year’s budget,
• Road Grading Prospectus- Prospectus is same as last cycle in draft form.
• Tobacco License- Approved
Old Business-
• ACSD- Discussion of law enforcement contract ideas. Board to contact Windsor County Sheriff’s Office. Scott to contact Pat Harvey regarding their experience with WCSO.
• Buildings and grounds- Jim contacted Harvey’s. Harvey to discuss tank issue internally, then report to Jim. If not interested, Jim to contact alternate plumber
• Town Land- Discussion of Tunnel Brook Woodland Parcel and Forest Service Parcel Swap- No action taken
• Jim discusses deferred maintenance- sealing of helipad/parking lot. Proposal to salt lot instead of sanding- to be part of Winter roads. Funds for ditching Buttles. Riprap and guardrail on Killooleet. Repairs to Texas Falls Rd. Signage- many signs need to be replaced. Jim discussed an April meeting with Charles Smith regarding winter roads. Smith wishes to void contract and renegotiate for 2024/2025 and beyond. Mike Eramo wants sand pile moved to another place on the same lot. Eramo to prep site, pile moved at town’s expense. Road sweeping to be done. Jim proposes we raise the roads budget for future years.
• Motion to sign orders- Approved
• Motion to open mail- tabled- no mail
• Motion to adjourn- Leno moves, Gillette seconds. Adjourned 1928

Link to meeting recording



WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday March 19, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84697448033?pwd=UExaUVZoQlg0TDlsVnVkaVNaT1dRdz09

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 846 9744 8033
Password: 328221

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Appointment of Town Officials

Appointment of Town Officials

                              Letter to Select Board regarding funding for playground

                              Prospectus for 3-year grading contract

                              Tobacco License

Old Business
Contract with Addison County Sheriffs Dept.
Shampeny Hill Culvert Repairs
Buildings and Grounds –
Town Land –
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap / FLAP grant
Roads: FEMA updates

Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board – Regular Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday March 5, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In person and via video

  1. Call to Order: 6pm
  2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Marge Ross
  3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 2-20-24 and 2-23-24 approved.
  4. Public Comment: Marge Ross commented on conditions at the Town Hall.
  5. New Business:
    Reorganization of Select Board:
    Scott Gillette for Chairperson – Approved
    Dan Perera for Board Clerk – Approved.

Discussion regarding FLAP grant to replace Texas Falls bridge.
Discussion regarding Emergency Watershed Protection.
Discussion regarding winter roads contract.

Motion to postpone appointments until next meeting – Approved
Motion to table all Old Business – Approved.

  1. Old Business:
    Contract with Addison County Sheriff’s Dept.
    Shampeny Hill culvert replacement
    Buildings and Grounds
    Town Land
    Forest Service
    Emergency Watershed Protection

Motion to sign Orders – Approved

  1. Executive Session: None
  2. Adjournment: 6:35pm


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday March 5, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88093169767?pwd=dWFEUU9qenZlenR5dDFrTjBkdENEdz09

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 880 9316 9767
Password: 309005

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Reorganization of Select Board

Old Business
Contract with Addison County Sheriffs Dept.
Shampeny Hill Culvert Replacement
Buildings and Grounds –
Town Land –
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap / FLAP grant
Roads: FEMA updates

Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board – Special Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday February 23, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In person and via video

  1. Call to Order: 6:01pm
  2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, William Brokhof
  3. Minutes of the last meeting: N/A.
  4. Public Comment: None
  5. New Business:
    Consider an offer to purchase the Tunnel Brook Woodland land parcel (aka Green Lot) – William Brokhof presented the two offers to purchase the Tunnel Brook Woodland parcel to the Board. Previous offers have been withdrawn. The lowest offer is $80,000 with a deposit of $4,000 and a stipulation for an attorney review. The highest offer is $85,000 with a $15,000 deposit and no stipulations. This high bid is approximately $6,000 over the asking price for the property. The highest bidder has also provided proof of available funds to complete the purchase. The highest bidders are Joseph and Leah Caldwell.
    Dan Perera made the motion that the Board accept the highest offer of $85,000 and sign the purchase and sale contract presented by William Brokhof. Jim Leno seconds. Board approved unanimously.
    Board to post public notice of the sale at the Hancock Post Office, the Hancock Town Clerk’s Office, the Town Hall, and the town website.

Non-binding business – Dan Perera asked the Board to review the draft 3-year grading contract for discussion at next Select Board meeting.

  1. Old Business:
  2. Executive Session: None
  3. Adjournment: 6:10pm

Note: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AnTgB–bgQmQoWL8ptEidVnyVhyyNs4n/view


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Special Meeting
Friday February 23, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89722775664?pwd=WDRJSEJta09hQVhQb3k1bTZSak1XQT09

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 897 2277 5664
Password: 950195

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business

Consider an offer to purchase the Tunnel Brook Woodland land parcel (aka Green Lot)

Old Business

Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board – Regular Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday February 20, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In person and via video

  1. Call to Order: 6pm
  2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Jack Ross, Marge Ross, Sarah Wright, William Brokhof.
  3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 2/6/24 approved.
  4. Public Comment: None
  5. New Business:
    Municipal Technical Assistance Program – Sarah Wraight from TRORC discussed the possibility of building affordable housing in the Taylor Meadow area behind the Town Hall. To pursue this project, a housing feasibility study would need to be conducted to determine if the property and the market would support such development. Funding via a Community Development grant in amounts up to $60,000 was discussed. Other grant funding was discussed. The Board would like to revisit this during the fall funding cycle and to discuss this with town residents during non-binding business at Town Meeting.
    Further discussion regarding funding to upsize a culvert on Fassett Hill Rd.
    Further discussion on funding of ditch work.

Village Speed Limit – Discussion regarding reducing the speed limit in the village area on Rts 100 and 125 to 30 miles per hour. Discussion regarding options to reduce speeding. Scott Gillette to contact TRORC.

Board signed approval for 100 on 100 race on Rt100 scheduled for August 10, 2024.

  1. Old Business:
    Contract with Addison County Sheriff’s Dept. – Board has sent the Sheriff’s Dept. a letter stating the Board’s lack of satisfaction in traffic enforcement efforts in Hancock. The letter explains that the Board does not feel it is getting value from its existing contract with the Sheriff’s Dept.
    Shampeny Hill culvert replacement – Dan Perera seeking solutions from FEMA for fixing the flood damage to this culvert.
    Dan Perera discussed updated information on the culvert repair costs and FEMA reimbursements for other flood damage repairs. He proposes that proposed budgeted interest expense in the FY24-25 budget are too conservative and that they may need to be amened from the floor at Town Meeting to lower amounts. A fact sheet will be prepared for Town Meeting detailing any proposed amendments to the interest expense budget amounts.
    Buildings and Grounds – Jim Leno discussed his correspondence with Brookfield Service regarding ongoing efforts to correctly move the generator at the Town Hall. Payment for these services is being held until written confirmation of a solution can be obtained.
    Town Land – William Brokhof detailed the three bids received for the Tunnel Brook Woodland parcel (Green Lot). Bids of $65,000, 72,500, and $80,000 have been received. Discussion. Board approved pursuing the $80,000 bid with a request that any attorney review be done in 7 days and that the buyer be made aware of the statutory 30 day waiting period that is required to allow for any petitions from residents objecting to this sale.
    Board discussed property boundaries in the Taylor Meadow development.
    Forest Service – No updates.
    Roads: Initial FEMA flood repair reimbursements have been pledged to the town totaling $20,999.25. This is the start of the reimbursement process with much more funding to follow.
    Emergency Watershed Protection – Discussion.
    Non-binding discussion regarding the Act 250 hearing that was held on Feb. 15, 2024.
    Motion to sign Orders – Approved

Motion to review mail – Approved

  1. Executive Session: None
  2. Adjournment: 8:12pm

Link to video of meeting: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1urWopjdmrmM7qrMVL526unPkiZQmOzD7/view?usp=share_link


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday February 20, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84206991330?pwd=M2dmdHdrSHZtb240QjVJTS8xdFpwdz09

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 842 0699 1330
Password: 997014

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Municipal Technical Assistance Program

    Village Speed Limit

Old Business
Contract with Addison County Sheriffs Dept.
Shampeny Hill Culvert Replacement
Buildings and Grounds – generator / interior repairs /dishwasher
Town Land – Review offers to buy the Tunnel Brook Woodland parcel
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap / FLAP grant
Roads: FEMA updates
Emergency Watershed Protection Program

Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board – Special Meeting
Draft Minutes
Thursday February 8, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In person and via video

  1. Call to Order: 6:01pm
  2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno,
  3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 1-16-24 approved.
  4. Public Comment: None
  5. New Business: None
  6. Old Business:
    Contract with Addison County Sheriff’s Dept. – Discussion. Board received letter from ACSD informing town of hourly rate and mileage rate increases for the 2024 contract.
    Board to send letter to ACSD informing the Department of the concerns the Board has regarding lax traffic enforcement. The Board has reduced the proposed FY24-25 budget for ACSD to $1 to allow registered voters to decide about any future contract at Town Meeting.
    Shampeny Hill culvert replacement – There are ongoing discussions with the state and FEMA regarding the path forward to repairing or replacing this culvert.
    Buildings and Grounds – Jim Leno detailed poor coordination at Brookfield Service in their efforts to move a generator at the Town Hall and place the generator on a stand at the Fire House. Jim to call the contractor to discuss.
    Board discussed cars parked at the Fire House.
    Town Land – no new information.
    Forest Service – FLAP agreement is being re viewed by the Forest Service.
    Roads: The town continues to work with FEMA on reimbursement for flood damage to roads.
    Emergency Watershed Protection – Discussion.

Motion to sign Orders – Approved

Motion to review mail – Approved

  1. Executive Session: None
  2. Adjournment: 7:04pm

Note: No video is available for this meeting.


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Special Meeting
Thursday February 8, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84083068891?pwd=ZmtrU3RwSUR4S3FENkRxdlpuYWd4Zz09

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 840 8306 8891
Password: 779836

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business

Old Business
Contract with Addison County Sheriffs Dept.
Shampeny Hill Culvert Replacement
Buildings and Grounds – generator / interior repairs /dishwasher
Town Land
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap / FLAP grant
Roads: FEMA updates
Emergency Watershed Protection Program

Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session



WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday January 16, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88494895664?pwd=bndoeHlrNS9ZSlFDSUhKcitsNENrQT09

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 884 9489 5664
Password: 750714

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Sand Pile Lease
Brookfield Service- generator service contract
Declaration of Inclusion
Articles for Town Meeting Warning
Old Business
Contract with Addison County Sheriffs Dept.
Shampeny Hill Culvert Replacement
Buildings and Grounds – generator / interior repairs /dishwasher
Town Land
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap / FLAP grant
Roads: FEMA updates
Emergency Watershed Protection Program

Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday January 2, 2024 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In person and via video

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Dan Sargeant, Marge Ross, Jack Ross

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 12-19-23 Approved

4. Public Comment: Dan Sargeant discussed the plans for the Granville Rescue Squat to being providing transport services as well as emergency medical response services. The increase in this year’s budget from $2,200 to $3,100 in FY24-25 is to cover principal and interest on the loan for a 2008 Ford ambulance. Transport services are projected to being in 2026 or sooner. This budget amount will have to be added to the town budget in the form of a motion from the floor at Town Meeting as the budget was completed without the Granville Rescue Squad FY24-25 budget information.

5. New Business: None

6. Old Business:
Contract with Addison County Sheriff’s Dept. Tabled
Shampeny Hill culvert replacement – FEMA has not yet been able to move forward with the culvert replacement as the Cost Benefit Analysis has not shown the project to be cost effective. Further discussions will be held regarding a possible hydraulic study to show need for the upsized and reoriented replacement culvert.
Buildings and Grounds – Motion to approve a contract with Brookfield Service to move and rewire the generator at the Town Hall ($2700) and raise and rewire the generator at the Fire House ($1195). Approved.
Town Land – A realtor has been contacted to evaluate the Green Lot and the Myers lot. Discussion tabled until next meeting.
Forest Service – Jim Leno to invite the FS to next meeting to discuss FLAP grant.
Roads: FEMA processing of flood damage costs in July and August continues.
Emergency Watershed Protection – Tabled.

Motion to sign Orders – Approved

Motion to review mail – Approved

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 6:56pm



WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday December 19, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86456978979?pwd=WWRNbytNUGZUbjRRNHpnNUhYSjhxUT09

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 864 5697 8979
Password: 950107

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Declaration of Inclusion Initiative
Review and finalize FY24-25 Town Budget

Old Business
Contract with Addison County Sheriffs Dept.
Shampeny Hill Culvert Replacement
Buildings and Grounds – generator / interior repairs /dishwasher
Town Land
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap / FLAP grant
Roads: FEMA updates
Emergency Watershed Protection Program
Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday December 5, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In person and via video

1. Call to Order: pm

2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Joe Shaw, Nancy Shaw

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from

4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business:
Declaration of Inclusion Initiative – Tabled

Approve Minutes from Special Town Meeting on 11-7-23 – Motion to approve. Approved.

VLCT insurance coverage selection – discussion. Motion to accept VLCT $10million dollar automobile coverage for under and uninsured motorists. Approved.

Middlebury College liquor license applications – Motion to approve request for Liquor License #33119 and #33275 for to allow Middlebury College to serve alcohol at the Middlebury Snow Bowl. Approved.

Debris on private property after August flooding – Nancy and Joe Shaw informed the Board of flood debris on their property as a result of August flooding from the town road above their property. The Board explained that there is no budget or legal obligation for the Town to clean up private property after flood events. Discussion.

Budget Meeting – The Board sets the next Hancock Budget Meeting for Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at 6pm at the Town Clerk’s Office. Dan Perera to warn meeting.

6. Old Business:
Contract with Addison County Sheriff’s Dept. – Tabled
Shampeny Hill culvert replacement – Dan Perera explained that FEMA is in the process of gathering information regarding the damage to and replacement of the culvert at the intersection of Shampeny Hill and Tucker Brook Rd. A concern is that delay may make completion of the project in 2024 difficult due to a lack of available contractors.
Buildings and Grounds – part ordered for dishwasher / Inside repairs – no action taken / Generator – Board waiting for proposals from contractor. Jim Leno to follow up.
Town Land – Tabled
Forest nutes from 12-6-22 and 12-12-22 (Special Meeting) Approved

4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business:
Budget – Discussion. The Board reiterates that appropriation requests can not be included in the Town report without a written request and a signed petition. This longstanding rule was suspended for a period of time due to Covid but was reinstated with no change.

The Town Clerk has received complaints regarding numerous cars parked at a property on Route 125 in Hancock. Discussion. The Town has no restrictive policies or ordinances regarding the number of cars at on private property. However, the State of Vermont does have regulations and rules under Act 250. Jim Leno is to contact the property owner and advise of State regulations.

Resignation Letter – Jack Ross submitted a letter of resignation from the WRVA Board. The Hancock Select Board accepted the resignation and thanked him for the many years of service representing Hancock on the WRVA Board.
The Town is now seeking a new representative for the WRVA Board.

The Board has received a call from a representative of the Rochester Select Board to discuss concerns voiced by some Rochester voters regarding the quality of service provided by the Granville Fire Department Rapid Response services. Discussion.
Separately, Jim Leno informed the Board that, for a period of time during 2022, the White River Valley Ambulance service was unable to provide service to Hancock due to staffing issues. Discussion.
The Budget Committee with support from the Select Board has moved the WRVA and Granville Fire Dept budget items to the main budget from the Appropriations. This change will allow the Board discretion in the disbursement of these funds in the event that services can not or are not being adequately provided.

6. Old Business:
Quin-Town Contract/Lease – Board seeking to renew signed lease.
Quin-Town representatives listed items to be considered in new lease.
1. Request usage time change to 6am to 3pm.
2. Quin-Town to be notified if Hall to be rented.
3. Town contact to be Dan Perera.
4. Trash containers need to be moved to safer location.
5. Building should be checked after rental to be sure stoves, etc. are turned off.
Board suggested that the current rent of $250/month be extended with new lease until 6/30/2023 with a new lease requiring rent of $300/month effective 7/1/23.
Dan Perera to draft changes to lease.

ARPA Funds – no new information.

Paving Bids – Discussion regarding references and prior work done for the Town by ST Paving.
Motion to accept the bid of $137,000 from ST Paving. Approved.
Dan Perera to notify bidders of the decision.

Dogs Barking on Taylor Meadow – Resident informed of Town Dog Ordinance and informed of violation of that Ordinance.

Money Market Account – A town bank account has been identified with a balance of approximately $91,000. A portion of this fund, $20,700, has been found to be due to the Building Maintenance Capital Fund to repay funds taken from this account to pay for grant funded work on the Town Hall a number of years ago. The grant funds were received but the $20,700 was never repaid to the Building Maintenance Capital Fund.
The remaining balance of approximately $70,000 is unassigned and the Board will be recommending to voters that these funds be added to the General Fund to reduce taxes.
Jim Leno will be drafting an Article for Town Meeting asking voters to approve moving the $70,000 to the General Fund to offset taxes raised.

Building and Grounds – Discussion about boundary encroachment on Taylor Meadow Rd. Jim Leno to inspect and report to Board.
Discussion regarding lights at back of Town Offices that do not turn off. Jim Leno to inspect and report to Board.

Trash on Bettis Rd – This matter has been referred to the State.

Town Land – Inquiry received regarding the Town land known at the Green Parcel. Discussion. No offer has been received. When an offer is received, the land will need to be marketed to the public and offers solicited.

Forest Service – Tabled.

Covid 19 – Cases are rising in the US and in VT.

Discussion regarding written request from Town Pride in the amount of $1500 for new bench and table on Town Green. The Board identified funds in the Building Maintenance Capital Fund that are available for this request.
Discussion regarding need to have town driveways plowed when municipal buildings are open to the public. Dan Perera to provide plowing contractor with days and times of building use.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 7:44pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/p_1bKAf-vvfXkx_BEPxf6Xgnh2C5-3Qf1N1y541vRmoCmhXHb16nzr7uWsjsKof6.okcH81ODXnR-rlYB


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday December 20, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87558430792?pwd=RmpLQlVSQllsQW1mZVRDMzRhVFNxQT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 875 5843 0792
Password: 934607

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting 12-6-22 and 12-12-22 Special Meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Old Business
ARPA Funding
Paving Bids
Dogs barking on Taylor Meadow Rd.
Money Market Account
Buildings and Grounds
Quin-Town Contract for Town Hall – contract review
Trash on Bettis Rd.
Town Land
Forest Service
Covid-19 updates

Motion to sign Orders

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board – Special Meeting
Draft Minutes
Monday December 12, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office / 7pm
In Person

1. Call to Order: 8:18pm

2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno

3. Old Business: Discussion regarding paving bids and references. Dan Perera instructed to continue to check references. Bid will be awarded at next Select Board Meeting on 12-20-22.

4. Adjournment: 8:39pm


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting – Special Meeting
Monday December 12, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office
7PM – Following Budget Committee Meeting

Call to Order
Old Business – Paving bids

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday December 6, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Richard Andrews

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 11-15–22 Approved

4. Public Comment:
Discussion regarding Fire Dept access to property on other side of river on Rt125. The property is serviced by a privately owned bridge. Board suggests that the Fire Dept work with the landowner to establish procedures.

5. New Business:
Paving Bids – Bids opened.
Freshcoat Paving $ 105,280
Wilk Paving $ 139,156
ST Paving $ 137,000
Discussion. Board to review references before making a final decision. Jim Leno to call. No action taken.

Dogs barking on Taylor Meadow Rd. – Tabled

Roadside Mowing & Road Sweeping – Board to advertise to solicit estimates from qualified contractors.

WRVA and Granville VFD – Discussion regarding listing the budgets from these organizations as budget items or Warned Articles at Town Meeting instead of keeping them as appropriations. No action taken.
ARPA Funding
Money Market Account
Buildings and Grounds
Quin-Town Contract for Town Hall – contract review
Trash on Bettis Rd.
Town Land
Forest Service
Covid-19 updates
Roads: Driveway Ordinance
Maintenance budget for 2023-24 – Board input needed

6. Old Business:
ARPA Funding – Discussion.

Money Market Account – The Town Clerk has determined that a Money Market account with $91,000 has no restricted funds beyond $20,700 that is due to the Building Maintenance Fund. The remaining balance is unassigned taxpayer money. Discussion. The Board is inclined to have the funds be included as an Article at Town meeting with a suggestion to the voters that the funds be included in the General Fund for FY23-24. No action taken.

Buildings and Grounds – Discussion regarding the placement of the new generator and the location of the septic tank. The tank location will need to be determined in the spring.
Gravel pile behind Taylor Meadow will need to be cleaned up when gravel is removed.
Discussion of possible intrusion of buildings and material onto Town Land at Taylor Meadow. Scott Gillette to be consulted.
Town does not have a person to shovel town properties. A shoveler is needed.

Quin-Town Contract for Town Hall – Jim to encourage Quin-Town to attend 12-20-22 meeting to discuss lease renewal.

Trash on Bettis Rd. – Tabled

Town Land – Tabled

Forest Service – Tabled

Covid-19 updates – None

Driveway Ordinance – Motion to approve and adopted changes to the Hancock Driveway Ordinance. Approved. The only significant change is the addition of GPS coordinates to identify driveways being considered for a Driveway Permit. Dan Perera to post notices of change to Ordinance. Pursuant to 24 V.S.A. § 1973, residents may petition the Select Board for a vote on the new Driveway Ordinance. The petition shall be signed by not less than five per cent of the qualified voters of the municipality, and presented to the legislative body or the clerk of the municipality by January 19, 2023.

Maintenance budget for 2023-24 – Board input needed
Grants In Aid – Churchville ditches to receive grant funded upgrades in 2023.
Discussion regarding posting roads in the spring and road signs.

Discussion regarding the building of a sand shed.

Discussion regarding the gate at the sand pile.

Motion to sign Orders – Approved

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 7:17pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/ykX9NOUiJr0GBmCeuXDAHc97nMAGSn6pDVRW5uWW1vm1z7ElzQ2LJLyurv2whpLK.BT4cnLwfjXqq-cKJ


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday December 6, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85246035546?pwd=WHNOWFJic2VNR2NRYlh4Y2tDaFYwUT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 852 4603 5546
Password: 122701

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting 10-4-22 and 10-18-22
Public Comment
New Business
Paving Bids
Dogs barking on Taylor Meadow Rd.
Roadside Mowing – estimates
WRVA and Granville VFD – appropriation vs budget item
Old Business
ARPA Funding
Money Market Account
Buildings and Grounds
Quin-Town Contract for Town Hall – contract review
Trash on Bettis Rd.
Town Land
Forest Service
Covid-19 updates
Roads: Driveway Ordinance
Maintenance budget for 2023-24 – Board input needed
Grants In Aid – Churchville ditch work

Motion to sign Orders

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday November 15, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6:01pm

2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Derek Dzhugashvili, Marge Ross, Jack Ross

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 11/1-22 and 10/4/22 Approved

4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business:
Act 250 Permit Application – Derek Dzhugashvile is applying for an Act 250 permit to operate three tree houses for short term rentals. Discussion. Board offered suggestions and corrections to the application. Board authorized Scott Gillette to sign the Town’s portion of the permit. Permit signed.

LEMP – Local Emergency Management Plan – needs an Emergency Manager and a signature. Dan Perera to follow up.

Money Market Account – The Board has been informed that there is a money market account with a $91,000 balance. This account is not included in the Town Report. The account is used to receive Forestry Receipts and possibly other funds such as grant reimbursements. At least some of these funds are related to Forestry Receipts that were not transferred to the General Fund at some point in the past. The Town accountant has stated that the balance of this account should be treated as a budget surplus and included in the budget for FY23-24. The Board has requested that the Town Clerk conduct a full inquiry into the account to see if any funds are restricted or otherwise encumbered.

Sherriff Dept. Contract – Discussion. Board authorizes Scott Gillette to call Sherriff’s Dept to ask that patrols be focused on Rt100 and Rt125 in the village area and not on back roads that have Federal law enforcement coverage due to locations in or adjacent to Forest Service land.

Budget – A budget meeting needs to be scheduled as final budget is due in late Dec/early Jan.

6. Old Business:
ARPA Funding – Dan Perera to meet with Brook Field Service regarding installation of generators at the Town Offices and Town Hall.

Sand Pile Lease – New lease received from landowners. Annual lease payment to be $3,600 up from $1,850. Discussion regarding having a sand shed built and moving sand pile to town owned land. Jim Leno to inquire with other towns who have built sand sheds. Motion to accept and sign new lease. Approved.

Buildings and Grounds – Board reviewed an estimate to remove aging maple tree outside Town Clerk’s Office. Motion to accept the estimate for $2,700 and sign contract. Approved.

Quin-Town Contract for Town Hall – contract review – Board waiting for representatives of Quin-Town to attend a Board Meeting.

Trash on Bettis Rd. – Tabled

Town Land – Discussion – No new information.

Review policy for compensation of Town Officers – Tabled

Forest Service – Dan Perera working with FS to obtain an easement for culvert work on Shampeny Hill Rd. Board to inquire about FLAP grant application.

Covid-19 updates – none

• Driveway Ordinance – Dan Perera to post notice for public comment on proposed new Driveway Ordinance. Motion to post notice. Approved.
• FEMA GO scoping grant application – Killooleet Rd – Discussion. Board not going to pursue scoping grant.
• VT Better Roads Grant – Discussion. Board will pursue construction grant for additional riprap on Killooleet Rd. Grant is worth $40,000. Approximate remaining cost of construction is $20,000. Motion to approve and sign VT Better Road Grant application. Approved and signed.
• Maintenance budget for 2023-24 – Board input needed
• VT Municipal Highway Grant – Shampeny Hill – reimbursement received for engineering work.
• Tucker Brook Rd – grading & gravel work authorized by RC for preparation for plowing.

• Grants In Aid – Tucker Brook/Shampeny Hill ditch work discussed. Board decided that ditch work on Churchville Rd should be done instead in 2023 as a culvert replacement project on Shampeny Hill could hinder timely ditch work on that road.
• Road related budget discussion including Killooleet Rd riprap, Shampany Hill Rd culvert replacement, and paving in 2023 season.

Motion to sign orders. Discussion regarding grading invoice and grading contract. Board to confirm amount of contract.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 7:49pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lTnaxPijCgYJxsJgHrbDLxn3oL1UMsTC/view?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday November 15, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83360606973?pwd=dnhQOXRjT1RQTlZnR1hqZEk1ODJ2UT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 833 6060 6973
Password: 356443

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting 10-4-22 and 10-18-22
Public Comment
New Business
Old Business
ARPA Funding
Sand Pile Lease
Buildings and Grounds – plumber hired for Town Hall repairs
Quin-Town Contract for Town Hall – contract review
Trash on Bettis Rd.
Town Land – discuss possible sale of land
Review policy for compensation of Town Officers
Forest Service
Covid-19 updates
Roads: Driveway Ordinance
FEMA GO scoping grant application – Killooleet Rd
VT Better Roads Grant – Killooleet Rd
Maintenance budget for 2023-24 – Board input needed
VT Municipal Highway Grant – Shampeny Hill – reimbursement received
Tucker Brook Rd – grading&gravel
Grants In Aid – Tucker Brook/Shampeny Hill

Motion to sign Orders
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday November 1, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Winona Walker, Marge Ross, Jack Ross

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 10-4-22 Approved. Minutes from 10-18-22 to be amended to change “TO” to “Town Office/Library”.

4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business:
Plowing Contract – Roads being prepared for plowing.

Front Porch Forum – Dan Perera suggested a donation to FPF to reflect the Town’s use of this service to interact with the public. Motion for a one time donate of $50 to FPF. Approved.

Sand Pile Contract – Updated contract forwarded to the property owner. Dan Perera to follow up.

6. Old Business:
ARPA Funds – No new updates.

Addison County Sheriffs Dept. – Police Service Contract. Board to review and discuss at next meeting.

Buildings and Grounds – Jim Leno and family enacted repairs to the fencing around the Town Offices. They will need additional work or replacement at some point.
Tree across from Town Clerk’s Office is dropping limbs. An estimate for addressing this has been requested.
Outside light at Town Hall stays during the day.
Leaking faucets and bathroom plumbing repairs needed at Town Hall. Dan Perera to inspect and schedule a plumber.
Salt damaging walkway to Town Offices. Jim Leno to work with Town Clerk to order alternative ice melt product.

Quin-Town – Jim Leno met with Quin-Town Board to discuss need for new lease agreement. He invited them to attend a Select Board meeting to discuss.

Trash on Bettis Rd. – Tabled.

Town Land – Tabled.
Review Town Officer Compensation – Tabled

Forest Service – Tabled

Covid-19 – Covid 19 is still an issue in Vermont and combined with the Flu and other respiratory illnesses is straining Emergency Rooms in VT and elsewhere.

Driveway Permit review – tabled.
FEMA GO – Grant application for scoping study for Killooleet Rd discussed. Will contact TROCR for input for next meeting.
Maintenance Budget – Dan Perera asked for Board input regarding ongoing maintenance needs for the Town roads for budgeting purposes.
Paving – Dan Perera met with three contractors at on-site pre-bid meetings.
Shampeny Hill – RC verified that the state has all it needs for initial reimbursement.
Grants-in-Aid – RC to meet with Rita Seto to select project for next year’s grant.
RC hired Brian Sargent for tree branch trimming and guardrail trimming on Bettis Rd.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 6:49pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: Not available at this time.


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday November 1, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85023549552?pwd=SEtCTGQwYzV6TUtmaHAwR0dUdXlmUT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 850 2354 9552
Password: 205443

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting 10-4-22 and 10-18-22
Public Comment
New Business
Plowing Contract
Front Porch Forum – contribution
Sand Pile Lease
Old Business
ARPA Funding
Buildings and Grounds
Quin-Town Contract for Town Hall – contract review
Trash on Bettis Rd.
Town Land – discuss possible sale of land
Review policy for compensation of Town Officers
Forest Service – FLAP grant application
Covid-19 updates
Roads: Driveway Ordinance
FEMA GO scoping grant application – Killooleet Rd.
Maintenance budget for 2023-24 – Board input needed
Paving 2022 – update

Motion to sign Orders

Executive Session


SB Meeting Minutes 10.18.2022


No members of the public present.


Minutes missing- tabled until next meeting.

Public Comment


New Business

Buildings and Grounds

Leno requests B&G continue as open business moving forward

Leno received a call regarding a tree on TO property that shed branches in the wind. Jim looked at tree. Tree is in poor shape. Jim contacted a tree service to look at tree. They will send a surveyor to assess tree and send quote. Warning to not park under tree?

Leno- Town Hall- parking lot lights are on at all hours. Several cells burned out. Gillette to investigate.

Leno- Town Hall plumbing issue- there is a sink downstairs bathroom- faucet valve is either full on or off. Backstage bathroom- toilet runs constantly, as well as sink. Need to contact the plumber used on previous issue.

Leno- Town Hall- food removed from Quintown refrigerators during rental by other parties, desk disturbed. Need to address this issue in new contract. Freezers and refrigerators should be locked. Quintown needs to understand that the TH is a public building and they have no right to expect exclusive use or dedicated space.

Leno- Need to address cars getting too close to TO building- fire hazard

Old Business


Federal government has no budget to advise compliance reporting. We will be on our own to report properly. Gillette to confer with neighboring towns about compliance issues during reporting season.

QuinTown Contract

Leno met with Quintown board- meeting was productive. Discussed current draft contract.


Problems with hall report to Town Clerk. Shall not contact SB. This has been unworkable, as TC has no authority to resolve issues. SB needs to be point of contact, as we are tasked with addressing issues.

No animals clause in Quintown contract is not commensurate with TH public rental policy- revise TH rental policy to prohibit all but ADA required service animals?

Quintown reviewing lease and will appoint a representative to negotiate at future SB meeting

Trash Bettis Road

Gillette investigated, took photos, made complaint to Department of Environmental Conservation. Original complainant also filed complaint with DEC.

Town Land

Leno questions when was last assessment of Greene parcel was made. Gillette will contact Rick Favor to find when last assessment was made.

Compensation Town Officers

Leno brings up that projected cost for TC salary will go over budget based on current payments, if run out to end of year. What is status of health care compensation? Gillette will email TC for clarification of how compensation is disbursed.

Forest Service- FLAP

Application submitted a day late to due Gillette health issues. No response to application yet (not rejected nor approved)


Leno reports anecdotally that Gifford ER was turning away people due to ER being overrun with covid patients- same as UVMHC ER.


FEMA GO grant

Perera to apply for grant to stabilize all of Killooleet Rd

Driveway Ordinance

No new discussion. Draft ordinance complete. Waiting for discussion and motion to approve at next meeting.

Non-Binding Discussion

Leno brings up winter roads contract signature. Contract signature is dubious. Signing is unwitnessed. Contractor denies having signed contract. Road commissioner should have discussion with contractor about roads and attempt to get contract signed. Leno requests this subject to be on agenda for next meeting.

Add to agenda next meeting- discussion of an article to allow cemetery commission to roll over their budget from year to year.

Add to agenda next meeting- snow shoveling contract for 22-23.

Add to agenda next meeting- discussion of an article for town meeting to eliminate the office of auditor.

Other Items

Leno moves to sign renewal of Heart of Hancock liquor license at Middlebury Snow Bowl, both for indoor and outdoor. Gillette seconds. Motion carries.

Leno moves to approve signing of fiscal audit. Gillette seconds. Motion carries.

Leno moves to sign orders. Gillette seconds. Motion carries.

Leno moves to adjourn at 1920. Gillette seconds. Motion carries.


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday October 18, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81579827442?pwd=bHFqUWFLS1NIVkxIRVRpd1ZhM3RUUT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 815 7982 7442
Password: 620966

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Buildings and Grounds

Old Business
ARPA Funding
Quin-Town Contract for Town Hall – contract review
Trash on Bettis Rd.
Town Land – discuss possible sale of land
Review policy for compensation of Town Officers
Forest Service – FLAP grant application
Covid-19 updates
Roads: Driveway Ordinance
FEMA GO scoping grant application – Killooleet Rd.

Motion to sign Orders

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday October 4, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6:03pm

2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Marge Ross, Jack Ross

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 9-20-22 Approved

4. Public Comment:
Marge Ross commented that she had recently seen the Sheriff’s Dept. pull over a speeder in Town.

5. New Business: None

6. Old Business:
ARPA – Paving prospectus is being advertised. Jim Leno suggested various paving firms to contact.

Quin-Town Lease – Jim Leno to invite board member to next meeting.

Trash on Bettis Rd – tabled.

Town Land – The Green parcel – Discussion regarding marketing the land to get bids to submit to the Town for a vote.

Town Officer compensation – tabled.

Forest Service – FLAP grant application – Discussion

Covid-19 – The new booster is now available.

Motion to sign reimbursement form from Municipal Highway Grant for Shampeny Hill engineering expenses. Approved.
Work on Fassett Hill Rd is complete. Reimbursement request will be submitted.
Driveway Ordinance – Board to review for next meeting.
Plowing contract – Dan Perera to see if it has been signed.

Sand Pile – Town needs new lease for sand pile property. Dan Perera to contact property owner.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 6:58pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11qXUUmBifLzmtaqFLFGVJk2G0LooXVVm/view?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday October 4, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App:

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID:

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business

Old Business
ARPA Funding – Prospectus for paving
Quin-Town Contract for Town Hall – contract review
Trash on Bettis Rd.
Town Land – discuss possible sale of land
Review policy for compensation of Town Officers
Forest Service – FLAP grant application
Covid-19 updates
Roads: Curb Cut/Driveway Ordinance / Trimming

Motion to sign Orders

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday September 20, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Robert Clark, Roger Palmer

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 9-6-22 Approved

4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business:
Otter Creek Engineering – Robert Clark gave a presentation regarding the engineering plans for the replacement of the culvert on Shampeny Hill Rd. Discussion included permitting, timetable, easements, and the sequence of the next steps in the process. The construction grant application becomes available in January, 2023. Construction could take place in 2023 if the grant is approved. The next immediate step is to secure an easement for construction from an adjacent landowner and the Forest Service. Otter Creek Engineering to forward and easement document to the Town for review by an attorney.

Recurring Use Permit for Feeding the Valley Alliance – Motion to approve a recurring use of the Town Hall on the 2nd Thursday of each month through June, 2022. Fee to be waived for a non-profit and a $50 cleaning deposit will be required. Approved.

Generator Bids – bid opened.
Brook Field Service $43,875
Discussion. Motion to approve with the condition that Brook Field Service be called to discuss the existing propane tank at the Town Offices. Approved.

Roadside Mowing – Discussion. Board seeking to secure a mowing contractor for next year. Board to try to secure three estimates.
6. Old Business:
ARPA Funding – Paving Prospectus is ready to go out for bid. Discussion. Suggestion to call Charlie Goodwin to verify that the timing of the release of the Prospectus is optimal. With this Board authorizes the advertising of the Prospectus to qualified paving contractors.

Quin-Town Lease – tabled.

Trash on Bettis Rd. – tabled.

Town land sale – tabled.

Review compensation of Town Officers – tabled.

Forest Service – FLAP grant application to be completed and forwarded to Forest Service for final review and submission.

Covid-19 – No new information.

Grant funded ditch work started on Fassett Hill Rd.
Discussion regarding need for Special Weight Permits for all trucks using Town roads.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session:
Motion to enter Executive Session at 8:20pm. Approved
Motion to exit Executive Session at 8:34pm. Approved.
Discussion of a legal matter. No action taken.

8. Adjournment: 8:39pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OjYsK1zuE-mZfwgdcdGahM4jeIcP-YG1/view?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday September 20, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86873034422?pwd=Zk81eUVOWTZtOW10RzVrcDNXNitOQT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 868 7303 4422
Password: 952495

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Otter Creek Engineering – final documents and review
Recurring permit for Feeding the Valley Alliance to use the Town Hall
Generators – Bid opening

Old Business
ARPA Funding – Prospectus for paving
Quin-Town Contract for Town Hall – contract review
Trash on Bettis Rd.
Town Land – discuss possible sale of land
Review policy for compensation of Town Officers
Forest Service – FLAP grant application
Covid-19 updates
Roads: Curb Cut/Driveway Ordinance

Motion to sign Orders

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday September 6, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6:02pm

2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Jack Ross, Marge Ross, Chris Mattrick, Brian Austin

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 8/16/22 Approved

4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business:
NEMRC Cemetery Module acquisition – Discussion. Motion to approve an expense of $300 to purchase NEMRC Cemetery module. Two votes yes. One abstain.

Granville Cell Tower – Discussion. The Hancock Select Board is in favor of the installation of a new cell tower in Granville for enhanced public safety.

Quin-Town Lease – There is currently no signed lease. Jim Leno will meet with the organization to discuss terms of a new lease.

State of Vermont Standard Grant Application – Motion to sign Grant Application. Approved.

Driveway Ordinance – Discussion. Scott Gillette to update draft revisions to the Ordinance.

Fence by Town Office parking lot – The fence is leaning onto a neighbor’s property. Jim Leno to hire a repairman.

6. Old Business:
ARPA Funding – Paving prospectus to be updated and put out to bid.

Trash on Bettis Rd – Discussion. Board to make inquires.

Town Officer compensation – tabled.

Town Land – Discussion regarding town land referred to as the Green Lot. The Board is open to the idea of selling this land via a competitive bidding process.

Forest Service – Board reviewed and discussed FLAP grant application for the replacement of the first bridge on Texas Falls Rd. Discussion of weight limits and the possibilities of related weigh related damages to the second bridge on Texas Falls Rd. Discussion of signage. Discussion of turn-around areas for large trucks.

Covid-19 – Vermont appears to be faring better than other states at this time.

Mid-season grading completed.
Spreading the gravel pile on town roads – Discussion. Board failed to discuss funding for graveling in the current fiscal year. Remaining gravel to be held for possible usage with Churchville Rd. project.

Otter Creek Engineering – Review of status of contract with Otter Creek Engineering for work related to the replacement of the culvert on Shampeny Hill Rd. Contract is significantly behind schedule. Dan Perera to call.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session:
Motion to enter Executive Session to discuss a legal matter at 7:51pm. Approved.
Motion to exit Executive Session at 8:07pm. Approved.
Motion to approve $3000 to retain the services of a surveyor. Approved.

8. Adjournment: 8:12pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ICpOk-sDiv70uUndaccoywp-ZYoxUIJB/view?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday August 16, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82117011221?pwd=NnpBNmcyVzdYeTRMOWtwVHg4aWswZz09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 821 1701 1221
Password: 150858

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Curb Cut/Driveway Ordinance
Bid Opening – Killooleet Rd. riprap

Old Business
ARPA Funding – Generators
Town Land – discuss possible sale of land
Review policy for compensation of Town Officers
Forest Service
Covid-19 updates

Motion to sign Orders

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday April 19, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Marg Ross, Jack Ross, Jake Twitchell

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 7-19-22 Approved

4. Public Comment:
Jake Twitchell asked about the town owned land known as the Green Lot. Discussion

Jake Twitchell described software that is available for cemetery management. The software is $300 to purchase and is offered through NEMRC an existing software provider used by the Town. Discussion. The Board needs more information about the costs.
5. New Business:
Town Health Officer Findings / Involve Town Attorney – Scott Gillette in his role as Town Health Officer discussed a health complaint. A health inspection was done on Tuesday, July 19. Dan Perera accompanied Scott Gillette (Town Health Officer) on the inspection. Scott described the inspection and behaviors of the property owner and the complainant during the inspection. The Health inspection report was completed and submitted to the State, the property owner, and copies were made for all of the tenants at the property. The property owner promptly began to address issues sited in the report and has been seeking clarification and guidance from the Town Health Officer as needed.
The behavior of the complainant includes threats of legal action against the Town Health Officer. The State has been notified of these threats and the Town attorney was contacted by the State. The State has advised the Town attorney that all correspondence to the Town Health Officer and the Select Board regarding this matter shall be saved. All related correspondence is now to be forwarded to the Town attorney.
Motion to acknowledge the extensive work done by the Town Health Officer and to authorize them to submit hours worked on this matter to the Town Clerk for compensation at the Town Labor rate.

Motion to confirm the Town rates of compensation. Select Board Clerk @ $15/hr. Road Commissioner Labor @ $15/hr. Town Labor @ $15/hr. Approved.

6. Old Business:
ARPA – Discussion regarding generators for the Town Hall and the Town Offices. Dan Perera to create prospectus to solicit bids for this purchase.

Town Land – no new information – Tabled

Compensation of Town Officers – Tabled

Forest Service – Waiting for update on grant application for bridges on Texas Falls Rd and possible land swap.

Covid-19 – Cases in Vermont rising with new variant.

Select mid-season grading to begin shortly.
Discussion of roadside vegetation along Churchville Rd. Dan Perera to inspect and seek a contractor.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 7:29pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MrDiLxxuzOvRNvFCJ5W0eHaz9xPnt7q4/view?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday August 2, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84470723881?pwd=TEx0S0VLQmN3bU1EeXY4TnNmVGZvUT09To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 844 7072 3881
Password: 706885

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Discuss Town Health Officer findings and interactions / Involve Town Attorney

Old Business
ARPA Funding – Generators
Town Land – discuss possible sale of land
Review policy for compensation of Town Officers
Forest Service
Covid-19 updates

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday July 19, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Marg and Jack Ross, Jacques Veilleux, Bernard Osilva

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 7-5-22 Approved

4. Public Comment:
Bernard Osilva introduced himself to the Board. He has just purchased the former Hancock Building Supply and plans to open an agriculture/growers supply store. Discussion.

Jacques Veilleux informed the Board that the Fire Dept will be visiting local businesses to create plans of action in the event of fire or other emergencies. Discussion.
5. New Business:
White River Housing Initiative – This organization is seeking Board members.

Local Hazard Mitigation Plan – Motion to adopt the LHMP dated July 2022. Approved.

Interest in Town land – a person has expressed interest in the “Green Lot” which is town owned land across from the former Hancock Building Supply. Discussion. Dan Perera to inform the Forest Service that the Board is considering putting this land up for sale.

Dog Complaint – The Board received a complaint about dogs barking on a property on Tunnel Brook Rd. The Board has reviewed the Hancock Dog Ordinance and updated the document so that it is more legible. Jim Leno is going to present the dog owner with the Dog Ordinance and inform them that it is a violation of the Ordinance to have dogs barking in a way that creates a nuisance to others.

Health Officer/Animal Control Officer – The Board is seeking persons to fill these positions. Discussion.

Road Sand – Contract signed. Proof of insurance received.
Roadside Mowing – Contract signed. Proof of insurance received.

Homeward Bound – Discussion. Motion to sign new contract with animal shelter for an annual fee of $450 which includes 3 free stray dog drop offs and then $75 each after the third one. Approved.

6. Old Business:
ARPA – The Board states that it is seeking matching funds for the distribution of ARPA funds. This is being done to extend the positive impact of these funds on the community. The Fire Dept is seeking to purchase five gear racks and one pressure washer. The total cost for these items is $9,244.17. As previously agreed, the Fire Dept will pay for half of the cost of these items (4,622.08) if the Board will allocate ARPA funds for the other half. Discussion. Motion to approve the expense of ARPA funds in the amount of $4,622.08 to cover half the cost of 5 gear racks and one pressure washer. Approved.

Elected Official Compensation – tabled.

Forest Service – Dan Perera to contact F.S. for an update on FLAP grant application.

Locks – the locksmith has updated all locks. Keys are administered by the Town Clerk who is keeping a sign out sheet to track the distribution of new keys.

Curb Cuts – Discussion. Dan Perera to forward Curb Cut applications to two property owners on Buttles Rd.

Covid-19 – Variant BA.5 is very transmissible and is a risk to the community.

Bidding Prospectus is now available for riprap and guardrail installation on Killooleet Rd. Bid package available at www.hancockvt.org.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session:
Motion to enter Executive Session at 7:05pm. Approved.
Exit Executive Session at 7:22pm.
No action taken.

8. Adjournment: 7:23pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: Not available.


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday July 19, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88474639347?pwd=d2xTTXZWQ3pDSDFhakZFNnRqdXE4QT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 884 7463 9347
Password: 593776

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
White River Housing Initiative – seeking representatives from towns
LEMP – Adopt Plan
Interested party for town owned land
Dog complaint

Old Business
ARPA Funding – Fire Dept. / Generators
Review policy for compensation of Town Officers
Forest Service
Locks and keys for Municipal Buildings
Curb Cut Permits – Buttles Rd.
Road sand purchase
Covid-19 updates
Killooleet Rd – armoring river bank

Executive Session



Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday July 5, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6:01pm

2. Introductions: Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Marge Ross, Jack Ross

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 6-21-22 Approved

4. Public Comment:
Marge Ross advised the Board of bits of trash in and around the parking lot at the Town Hall as a result of fireworks being set of in the area. Discussion. The Board noted that a permit is needed for any fireworks to be set off anywhere the Town.
5. New Business:
White River Housing Initiative – Tabled

Hancock Village Center Designation – The Board acknowledged that the process of getting a Village Designation is complete and was obtained to provide more access to future grants.

Curb Cut Permits – a driveway on Buttles road was installed some time ago without securing a curb cut permit. Road Commissioner to contact landowner to have them submit curb cut permit if needed.

Road Sand Purchase – Jim Leno to provide a contract to the contractor to sign and return with proof of liability and workman’s compensation insurance.

Quin-Town Lease – Jim Leno pointed out that the lease does not appear to be signed and that the rent being paid does not match the rent stipulated in the lease.

Tax Rate for FY23 – The Town Clerk received the education tax rate information for FY23 and has presented the FY23 Town Tax Rate to the Board.
Homestead Tax Rate = $2.0004
Non-Homestead Tax Rate = $2.1401
Motion to approve FY23 Tax Rate. Approved.

Overhead light out at Town Clerk’s Office. Dan Perera to inspect.

6. Old Business:
ARPA Funds – Discussion with the Fire Chief. The Board is seeking matching funds from ARPA recipients whenever feasible. The Fire Dept. agreed to match ARPA funds that will be used to purchase a pressure washer and specialized gear racks if the Board approves these expenditures. Board to discuss and vote on these expenditures at the next meeting.

Compensation policies for elected officials – tabled.

Forest Service – Forest Service working on FLAP grant application.
Locks – locksmith scheduled to install new locks this week.

Covid-19 – No new updates.

“No Overnight Parking” signs to be install at Town Hall parking lot.
Roadside mowing to start in early July.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session: Motion to enter Executive Session at 6:35pm. Approved.
Exit Executive Session at 6:37pm.
No action taken. Board member informed of discussions at previous Executive Session during last Board meeting.

8. Adjournment: 6:56pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://zoom.us/rec/play/clmzKXfvPoKbkSaBsLMhJxsGPqHlYqwamOeMK65FXFrConL459NciDwyDP4VNXr19LqaoK2bWTzexMfc.s-9pRutAsAVInB9d?autoplay=true&startTime=1657058454000


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday July 5, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83315628997?pwd=ph-2p8z4beG2-UgsC9NnyzSMbZ8GQa.1

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 833 1562 8997
Password: 715716

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
White River Housing Initiative – seeking representatives from towns
Hancock Village Center Designation – Approved
Curb Cut Permits – Buttles Rd.
Road sand purchase

Old Business
ARPA Funding – Fire Dept. / Generators
Review policy for compensation of Town Officers
Forest Service
Locks and keys for Municipal Buildings
Covid-19 updates
Killooleet Rd – armoring river bank – permit received – need to select a contractor.

Executive Session

SB Meeting Minutes – June 21st
Call to order 6:01pm
Leno, Gillette present Perera absent
Public comments-
Marge Ross asked what the status of the sheriff’s patrol is- concerned about speeding in town
WRVC comments regarding the Working Communities Challenge- looking for volunteers. meeting June 30
Jacques Veilleux comments on signage for non-potable water system in firehouse
Minutes of last meeting accepted- Leno moves, Gillette seconds
Discussion of Arpa Funding- 50/50 cost sharing with FD on equipment requests. Vielleux suggests FD buys pressure washer, ARPA pays for gear rack. Veilleux asks about timing for purchases.
Town officers compensation- no news
Northstar rubbish- Gillette recommends signing the new contract- it is unchanged from previous contract. Leno agrees.
Pace and Hawley- Document is Scope of Work for the annual audit. Gillette has reviewed the document. Gillette suggests recommends signing. Leno agrees.
Forest Service- no news
Locks and keys- no news
Covid 19- case counts and deaths down
Roads- RC absent- no discussion
Executive session- Gillette moves, Leno seconds in order to discuss a sensitive matter that could adversely affect the town legally, and for the safety of a person involved in the issue.
In at 1829
Back at 1859
No action taken
Motion to sign orders- Leno, Second Gillette
Motion to adjourn- Leno, Second Gillette


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday June 21, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86325767044?pwd=U1lxRU5VT0NQT1AzOUIyeXpNMUh1UT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 863 2576 7044
Password: 558249

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
White River Housing Initiative – seeking representatives from towns in the region. Next WRHI meeting June 30.
Local Emergency Management Plan – Board needs to update and submit.

Old Business
ARPA Funding
Review policy for compensation of Town Officers
Northstar Rubbish – review contract to replace Able Waste Management
Forest Service
Locks and keys for Municipal Buildings
Covid-19 updates
Killooleet Rd – armoring river bank – permit received – need to select a contractor.

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday June 7, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Jack Ross, Marge Ross.

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 5-17-22 Approved

4. Public Comment:
Jim Leno discussed the need for no overnight parking in the Town Hall parking area. This area is designated as an emergency landing area for emergency medical helicopters. Board to order signs.
Dan Perera informed the Board that Quin-Town is using the Town Hall on days outside of their contract and not consulting the Town Hall schedule. The Town Hall schedule must be reviewed by users of the Town Hall to avoid scheduling conflicts. Board to contact Quin-Town.

5. New Business:
The Board accepted the resignation of Scott Gillette from the position of Constable.

Compensation of Town Officers – Scott Gillette discussed that the Select Board compensation is currently a line item in the budget and does not specify how this amount is to be allocated. Board to review a proposal that would specify how funds are distributed.

Bid Opening – Fassett Hill Rd ditch work.
K&S Construction $39,650
Xcav8 $12,800
Guilmette Landworks $19,062
ECS Excavating $16,700
Motion to award contract to Xcav8 for $12,800. Approved.

Bid Opening – Churchville Rd pavement removal.
Guilmette Landworks $28,627
Poulin Companies LLC $31,000
ECS Excavating $7,440
Motion to award contract to ECS Excavating for $7,440. Approved.

Otter Creek Engineering – update. Engineering study running behind schedule. OCE has assured the Town that the project is still on schedule with regard to obtaining a construction grant.

Dan Perera listed a number of grant programs and applications that are ongoing.
FLAP grant for bridge work on Texas Falls Rd. – working with the Forest Service on this.
BRIC grant – Killooleet Rd river bank erosion to be considered for funding. Dan Perera to contact the ANR to see if they can initiate engineering for this project.
HMGP grant – Town Office generator to be considered for funding.
Homeland Security grant – has been applied for to fund generator at Town Hall.
Board authorized Dan Perera to contract Brook Field Services to inform them that the Town will be pursuing the acquisition of generators for the Town Hall and the Town Offices.

Discussion about the non-potable water at the Fire Station. It is recommended that signs be installed warning people not to drink the water.

The Town Clerk has informed the Board that the Town will need to borrow funds for the final month of the fiscal year until tax revenue is received. Discussion. The Board is authorized by the voters of Hancock to borrow funds to cover expenses.
Motion to authorize the Town Clerk to borrow up to $40,000 to cover expensed in anticipation of tax revenue. Approved.

6. Old Business:
ARPA – Discussion about leveraging the ARPA funds with matching funds.
An energy audit has been initiated with Efficiency Vermont. A final report is expected with suggested actions.

Forest Service – Pothole on Texas Falls Rd to be filled in by contractor hired by the Forest Service.
Discussion regarding the purchase of land in Hancock by the Forest Service.

Trash Complaint – no updates.

Locks and Keys – Locksmith to schedule a time for installation of new locks and keys for municipal buildings.

Town Plan – On 4/27/2022 final approval of the Hancock Town Plan was received from TRORC.

Covid-19 – Virus levels in VT are high.

Buttles ditch work was given to Ken Beattie.
Discussion regarding replenishment of sand pile. Motion to hire Champlain Construction to deliver 500 cubic yards of sand at a rate of $15.97 per ton. Approved.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session:
Motion to enter Executive Session to discuss a legal matter and a matter pertaining to real estate. Entered at 8:10pm
Exited Executive Session at 8:30. No action taken.

8. Adjournment: 8:30pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AsFkgT-iKA16WPT9iWQkLoLmwRumW1t7/view?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday June 7, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App:

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 814 3828 7861
Password: 062715

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Hancock Constable
Review policy for compensation of Town Officers
SFY23 Grants in Aid Program – Approval needed for participation
Bid opening – Fassett Hill Rd ditch work
Bid opening – Churchville Rd pavement removal
Otter Creek Engineering – Shampeny Hill culvert replacement

Old Business
ARPA Funding – generators / Fire Dept
Northstar Rubbish – review contract to replace Able Waste Management
Forest Service
Complaint about trash
Locks and keys for Municipal Buildings
Town Plan
Covid-19 updates
Roads – Work on Buttles Rd.

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday May 17, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Ricky Andrews, Jason Stone, Marge Ross, Jack Ross

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 5-3-22 Approved

4. Public Comment:
Ricky Andrews asked about the Fire Department’s request for equipment. Dan Perera explained that all requests are being considered and this process will take at least a few months. The Board has already granted approval for two items that were deemed critical for public safety and all other non-critical requests would be considered in time.

5. New Business:
Transportation Advisory Commission – Jim Leno nominates Dan Perera to the TAC. The TAC acts as a liaison between local communities and the Vermont Agency of Transportation, and provides local and regional input regarding transportation issues important to the region. Nomination approved.

Hancock Constable – tabled.

Review policy for compensation of Town Officers – tabled.

ECFiber – Scott Gillette nominated for representative to ECFiber Board. Dan Perera nominated as second representative. Approved.

Winter Roads Bid Opening – Bid received from ECS Excavating. Truck and operator hourly rates. 2022-23 $100/hr. 2023-24 $105/hr. 2024-25 $110/hr.
Discussion. Motion to approve. Approved.

100on100 Race – Board approved the race coming through Hancock on Saturday August 13, 2022.

6. Old Business:
ARPA Funding – No new requests for funding have been received. Board is waiting to see if a grant can be secured for a generator for the Town Hall before proceeding. Water test to be done at Fire House to see if a filtration device could be used to make that water supply potable. Discussion about routing drinking water from the Town Offices to the Fire Department.

Northstar Rubbish – new contract – tabled.

Noise complaint – discussion with Jason Stone.

Forest Service – Board has been in contact with Chris Mattrick regarding a possible land swap and grant funding for improvements to Texas Falls Rd.

Trash Complaint – tabled.

New Locks and Keys – waiting for locksmith to finish proposal.

Town Plan – under review.

Covid-19 – no new comments.

Sweeping to begin in a week.
Guardrail on Churchville Rd needs repair.
Ricky Andrews (a former Road Commissioner) inspected three culverts on Killooleet Road to see if they need work prior to resurfacing that road next year. Culverts have settled due to lack of proper compaction but are now stable and ready for paving.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 6:57pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/play/CLy40ze8urGxHnT8bce2gUes2wECLbVpe-SIUexsoq05VfgW-jVhJCJgC2sjs3hEjggKNxN6hC5N_0u8.2aV7QnTpz7PDs3hD?autoplay=true&startTime=1652824796000


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday May17, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82244901618?pwd=ZVhTMWR3N1NYVm1VVlNCTEUwUnlZZz09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 822 4490 1618
Password: 476117

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Appoint TAC
Bid opening – Winter Roads
Hancock Constable
Review policy for compensation of Town Officers

Old Business
ARPA Funding
Northstar Rubbish – review contract to replace Able Waste Management
Noise complaint
Forest Service
Complaint about trash
Locks and keys for Municipal Buildings
Town Plan
Covid-19 updates

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday May 3, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Jack Ross, Marge Ross, Ricky Andrews, Jacques Veilleux, Steve Smyrychynski

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 4-19-22 Approved

4. Public Comment:
Steve Smyrychynski asked about when paved apron will be installed at base of Blair Hill Rd. Road Commissioner stated that plans to install the apron are underway and it is planned for the summer of 2023.
Jacques Veilleux said the Hancock Fire Dept is being offered a storage container at no cost and is seeking to locate it on Town land. Discussion. Suggestions include placing along the north side of the Fire House after painting it and then planting hedges to obscure its visual impact. The Board had no objections to the Fire Dept taking possession of the container and storing it on private land while a final location is researched.

5. New Business:
Northstar contract – Tabled.

Noise complaint – Discussion. Board to contact the parties involved.

LHMP – Board authorized LHMP public surveys to be distributed to gather public feedback for completion of the LHMP.

New Town Clerk Hours – Effective May 16, 2022
Monday 10am – 4pm
Tuesday 9am – 3pm
Wednesday 9am – 3pm
Or by appointment. Closed on all Federal and State holidays.

6. Old Business:
ARPA Funding – Board reviewed existing ARPA funding suggestions. Jim Leno suggested that Fire House water supply be added to the ARPA funding suggestions list. The water at the Fire House is not potable and a remedy should be investigated.
Dan Perera is to research the costs and process for an energy audit of Town infrastructure.
Discussion. The Board expressed that it is not inclined to make hasty decisions regarding the use of ARPA funds, however, the Fire Dept has submitted requests for ARPA funding for a few items critical to public safety.
Motion to approve $5409.59 for 5 new nozzles and $2780.00 for 10 new radios. Approved.
Motion to continue discussions at subsequent Board meetings. Approved.

Trash complaint – tabled.

Locks and Keys – A locksmith has inspected the municipal buildings and is submitting a proposal.

Town Plan – is being reviewed by TRORC to prepare the Town for a Town Center Designation by the State.

Covid-19 – Covid 19 levels in Vermont are at very high levels.

Forest Service – Pending land swap discussed. Status of Texas Falls road maintenance discussed. Dan Perera to contact the Forest Service for updates.

Contract for spring clean-up signed.

Dan Perera updated the Board on the Shampeny Hill culvert replacement engineering study. The next step will be contacting private land owners to discuss easements required for construction.
Engineer to contact the State to be sure project is on track for grant funding applications.
Road grading has started in Hancock.
Road sweeping will start soon in Hancock.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 7:16pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/jucRXmuSW78u1kc8EZ_lJLSnYJE2K8FT-hlP_Tlq8YyNA0jrcvtfTfSO3ea7vb4I.LRJIi1_uJ8-3g73H?startTime=1651615187000

Passcode: 4*ktU3ti


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday May 3, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81278847499?pwd=b3RONmUvYUo3TUNxQTZlcHVDdklxUT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 812 7884 7499
Password: 611678

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Northstar Rubbish – review contract to replace Able Waste Management
Noise complaint
LHMP public outreach requirement

Old Business
ARPA Funding
Complaint about trash
Locks and keys for Municipal Buildings
Town Plan
Covid-19 updates
Roads -update on Shampeny Hill culvert engineering plan

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday April 19, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6:02pm

2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Jack Ross, Marge Ross

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 4-5-22 Approved

4. Public Comment:
Jack Ross asked about maintenance needed on flags and flag poles on the Town Green. Jim Leno to work on this.

5. New Business:
ARPA Funds – Hancock Fire Department submitted a list of items for the Board to consider for use of ARPA funds. Board will continue to accept suggestions for the use of ARPA funds as it beings the process of allocating these funds.

Repurpose Rochester High School – The Town of Rochester has asked that the Hancock Select Board submit a letter of support for repurposing the Rochester High School with grand funding. The Hancock Select Board agreed to send a letter to Berni Sanders.

Trash Complaint – The Board will contact the State Health Department to see what actions are required.

Northstar Rubbish is taking over garbage and recycling services from Able Waste Management. New contract to be reviewed and discussed at next meeting.

Motion to approve liquor license for JD’s Quick Stop. Approved.

Motion to approve liquor license for Hubbard’s Country Store. Approved.

6. Old Business:
Mowing Contract – has been signed.

Locks and keys for Municipal Buildings – Board to hire a locksmith.

Town Plan – is being reviewed by TRORC

Covid-19 – Federal mask mandate has been suspended. Cases in Vermont remain high.

Winter Roads Prospectus for a new three year contract discussed and will be put out to bid.
Roadside mowing contractor has been hired.
Fassett Hill ditch work prospectus has been put out to bid.
Contractor for spring cleanup of town properties has been hired.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 6:53pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/d4nJ1VRyzgUm7H1tEdpaFRgRpQQQGK7d8EvqXIbtQEc1smRYsaG6a8e-vm3w7fBp.HsxJL4dykB9DLFuZ?startTime=1650405733000


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday April 19, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87907309415?pwd=aFUrWFdQZjM2K0dzUGpLcGs0OGF5dz09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 879 0730 9415
Password: 233359

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
ARPA Funding – public input / suggestions for projects
Rochester School Repurposing letter of support
Complaint about trash
Old Business
Sign Mowing Contract
Locks and keys for Municipal Buildings
Town Plan
Covid-19 updates
Roads – Winter Roads Prospectus / Fassett Hill Ditch work

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday April 5, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6:01pm

2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Ricky Andrews, Jacques Veilleux, Chris Mattrick, Paula Spellacy, Margi and Owen Rogal

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 3-15-22 Approved

4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business:
Forest Service – Chris Mattrick had the following comments:
1. Discussion regarding the status of obtaining a revokable license from a property owner on Taylor Meadow and the placement of a gate on the path to the swimming area behind Taylor Meadow. There have been numerous complaints about traffic on this path. Jim Leno and Ricky Andrews voiced objection to the planned gate. Board waiting on an agreement with adjacent property owners. No action taken.
2. The Forest Service is open to taking over ownership of the portion of Texas Falls Road that is on Forest Service land. The Board will review the Schedule A agreement that the Town has with the Forest Service regarding maintenance of Texas Falls Road before proceeding.
3. The Forest Service is willing to work with the Town in obtaining a grant to replace one or both bridges on Texas Falls Road.
4. The Forest Service is seeking permission to purchase 5 parcels of land held by a conservation trust. The Town currently has a moratorium on such purchases. Jim Leno suggested that the Forest Service swap land with the Town so that tax rates are not adversely impacted by any increase in Forest Service land ownership in Hancock. Forest Service land accounts for more than 84% of all land in Hancock.

ARPA funding suggestions: Dan Perera gave an overview of Hancock’s ARPA funding award and the guidelines for its use and disbursement. The following document was shared with the public:
The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 established the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (CSLFRF, aka ARPA) which provides $350 billion to state and local governments across the nation for the response to and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of ARPA funds is broadly outlined as:
• Fight the pandemic and support families and businesses struggling with its public health and economic impacts.
• Maintain vital public services, even amid declines in revenue resulting from the crisis.
• Build a strong, resilient, and equitable recovery by making investments that support long-term growth and opportunity.

Hancock will be receiving approximately $99,000 of ARPA funds.
Hancock will likely elect to classify all ARPA funds under the Standard Allowance for Lost Revenue. This allowance was created to help smaller municipalities with streamlined reporting requirements and more flexibility in the use of ARPA funds.
Under the Standard Allowance, recipients can use ARPA funds on government services. Government services generally include any service traditionally provided by a government, unless Treasury has stated otherwise. Here are some common examples, although this list is not exhaustive:
✓ Construction of schools and hospitals
✓ Road building and maintenance, and other infrastructure
✓ Health services
✓ General government administration, staff, and administrative facilities
✓ Environmental remediation
✓ Provision of police, fire, and other public safety services (including purchase of fire trucks and police vehicles)
ARPA funds cannot be used for a rainy-day fund, to reduce taxes, or to reduce debt.
ARPA funds must be obligated by December 31, 2024. Any funds not obligated by this date must be returned to Treasury.
ARPA funds must be expended by December 31, 2026. Any funds not expended by this date must be returned to Treasury.
The Select Board is beginning the process of gathering together projects for consideratService – Town has questions regarding the FLAP grant to replace Texas Falls bridge. Jim Leno has left a phone message for Chris Mattrick.
Roads: Document submission to FEMA continues.Jim Leno to contact town sand pile land owner regarding access to the area for the plowing contractor. Dan Perera to review an invoice with ECS for culvert work.
Emergency Watershed Protection – Scott Gillette to review grants offered by the EWP. Landowners to be contacted as needed.
Discussion regarding a new house being build on Tunnel Brook Rd and the septic and water issues in that area.
Motion to sign Orders – Approved

Motion to review mail – Approved

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 7:24pm



Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday November 21, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In person and via video

1. Call to Order: 6:04pm

2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Marge Ross, Jack Ross, Jake Twitchell, Kevin Geiger

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 11-8-23 Approve with amendment to date of last Minutes.

4. Public Comment: Board received a complaint about gravel and stones being deposited from town culverts on to property after August flooding. Discussion. There has been no recent changes to the ditching or culverts on this section of road. The town has previously entertained resident complaints about this from the August flood. The Board does not feel that the town is obligated to use taxpayer money to clean up flood debris on private property.

5. New Business:
Declaration of Inclusion Initiative – tabled

Flood Resilient and Equitable Transportation Infrastructure – Kevin Geiger addressed the Board requesting that the Board consider submitting a letter of support for Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission’s application for a grant for Flood Resilient and Equitable Transportation Infrastructure services. This does not obligate the town to any future liabilities. Motion to approve a letter of support. Approved.

Budget Meeting – The Board selected Tuesday, November 28 at 6pm at the Town Clerk’s Office for the first budget meeting for 2024-25. Dan Perera to Warn meeting.

6. Old Business:
Contract with Addison County Sheriff’s Dept. – tabled
Shampeny Hill culvert replacement – Dan Perera is working with FEMA to develop a project for FEMA review. The Town is seeking FEMA support to replace the Shampeny Hill culvert which was damaged in the August flood event. Town has authorized FEMA to contact Otter Creek Engineering for any information needed for project review.
Buildings and Grounds – dishwasher at Town Hall continues to leak. Dan Perera to assess. Generator – no new news. Interior repairs – no action taken.
Town Land – tabled.
Forest Service – tabled
Roads: Permanent repairs on Tucker Brook Rd, Shampeny Hill Rd, and Fassett Hill Rd. are complete. Discussion regarding the need for additional ditch lining stones at the bottom of Fassett Hill Rd. Board acknowledges a job well done by the contractor and appreciation for completing the projects in advance of heavy snows.
Emergency Watershed Protection – EWP has contacted the Board to inform the Town that two projects have been approved for funding. 1. Tunnel Brook debris removal on the east side of Rt 125. 2. Debris removal from the Tucker Brook at 190 Tucker Brook Rd. Scott Gillette to contact EWP for information on how to proceed.
Motion to sign Orders – Approved

Motion to review mail – Approved

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 7:16pm

Note: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oYWjyuCeK3aGod0ViuoEeL5FY5To8bFS/view?usp=share_link


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday November 21, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App:

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 851 5291 7611
Password: 835190

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Declaration of Inclusion Initiative
Flood Resilient and Equitable Transportation Infrastructure

Old Business
Contract with Addison County Sheriffs Dept.
Shampeny Hill Culvert Replacement
Buildings and Grounds – generator / interior repairs /dishwasher
Town Land
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap
Roads: Storm damage / FEMA updates
Emergency Watershed Protection Program
Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Wednesday, November 8 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In person and via video

Call to Order: 6pm

Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno,

Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 10-178-23 Approved.

Public Comment: None

New Business:
Dan Perera makes a motion to authorize the Town Clerk to make a $50 donation to Front Porch Forum to recognize the value that it adds to distributing public announcements. Approved.

Old Business:
Contract with Addison County Sheriff’s Dept.- Discussion regarding a mileage surcharge.

Shampeny Hill culvert replacement – Otter Creek Engineering has reviewed the bids and has confirmed that the bids were higher than expected. They have discussed this issue with various contractors. The site has many challenges and this has resulted in higher than expects bids.
Prior to August, the culvert was not damaged and the Board had the option of not proceeding with the replacement of the culvert. However, the culvert sustained structural damage in the August flood event and now must be replaced.
FEMA would not previously have considered funding the new culvert as the Town had obtained a grant for this project and there was no flood damage to the structure.. However, now that that the culvert has flood damage it may be eligible for FEMA funding. The town is pursuing a review by FEMA to see if it is now eligible for FEMA assistance.

Buildings and Grounds – Dishwasher has been fixed using non-standard parts as the parts are not available at this time.
Jim Leno updated the Board on Brookfield Service’s agreement to move the generator at the Town Hall and make modifications to the generator at the Fire House.
Discussion on finding a plumber to repair water system in the Town Offices.

Town Land – Tabled

Forest Service – Tabled

With the exception of one culvert, the damaged culverts removed from Tucker Brook and Fassett Hill Rd have been determined to be of no value to the town.
Dan Perera requested that the Board consider repairing a culvert on Fassett Hill Rd. Board agrees.
Board discussed road repairs. They are progressing well.
Jim Leno briefed the Board on how paving issues were resolved with the paving contractor. The contractor returned to Hancock to finish work on Blair Hill and the Town Hall. There is still uneven pavement at the Churchville bridge. The paving contractor agreed to return in the spring to grind out and replace a section of pavement with costs to be shared between the contractor and the town. Discussion.
The sand pile needs to be clear of equipment so that the plowing contractor can access the sand. Jim Leno to call property owner to discuss what arrangement of equipment might work for all parties. Jim Leno also to see that the lease payment has been paid or if an invoice is needed.

Emergency Watershed Protection – Discussion. No new news.

Motion to sign Orders – Approved

Motion to review mail – Approved

Executive Session: None

Adjournment: 6:55pm

Note: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oK089ZzBW1yZ3Pg_eIZ05Yu6-Fn7xRpi/view?usp=share_link


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Wednesday November 8, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83263314587?pwd=ZmpXeE9CdFhVdDFLcitaN25FTjVmZz09

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 832 6331 4587
Password: 774060

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business

Old Business
Contract with Addison County Sheriffs Dept.
Shampeny Hill Culvert Replacement
Buildings and Grounds – generator / interior repairs /dishwasher
Town Land
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap
Roads: Storm damage / FEMA updates / Paving
Emergency Watershed Protection Program
Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday October 17, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In person and via video

Call to Order: 6pm

Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno,

Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from

Public Comment: None

New Business:
Municipal Technical Assistance Program – Motion for the town to participate in the Municipal Technical Assistance program provided by Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission. Approved.

Bid opening for Shampeny Hill culvert replacement:
Champlain Construction $ 579,454
J. Hutchins, Inc. $ 653,500
Discussion. Board is postponing the awarding of this contract until the project engineer (Otter Creek Engineering) reviews the bids.

Scott Gillette advised the Board that he contacted the state regarding Hancock’s interest in FEMA’s annual Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) grant program.

Old Business:
Contract with Addison County Sheriff’s Dept. – Scott Gillette to contact the Sheriff’s Dept. with Board concerns about traffic enforcement.

Shampeny Hill culvert replacement – see above

Buildings and Grounds
Dishwasher at Town Hall is broken. Dan Perera to try to fix it.
Contractor has been asked to move generator to new location and install conduit.
Jim Leno to contact Brook Field Service to request bid for annual maintenance of the Town’s three generators.
Motion to hire Brook Field Service to reconnect the generator at the Town Hall once moved. Approved.
Motion to hire Brook Field Service to build a stand for the generator at the Fire House. Approved.
Dan Perera to contact CV Oil regarding annual maintenance of town furnaces.
Jacque Veileux had contacted the Board requesting that the Fire House parking lot be expanded by two parking spaces. An estimate has been received. This will be done by removing sod and replacing with gravel. Motion to approve up to $1000 for an extension of the parking lot at the Fire House. Approved.

Town Land – Discussion about possible development of town land located behind the Town Hall. Two Rivers has requested documents.

Forest Service – Scott Gillette to contact an engineer to assess property on Tucker Brook Rd.

Dan Perera hired ECS Excavation to gravel the shoulders where new pavement has been applied.
There are regular meetings with FEMA regarding the July flooding. Additional meetings are scheduled to start the process of requesting assistance for the August flooding.
There has been a FEMA disaster declaration for flooding in Addison County in August.
Paving – There are outstanding issues with the paving work. There is a rise in the pavement on Churchville Rd that may interfere with plowing. Blair Hill apron and repairs at the Town Hall also discussed. Board to withhold final payment until contractor is contacted. Jim Leno to contact contractor.

Emergency Watershed Protection – No new information. Discussion regarding Tunnel Brook Mitigation ideas.

Motion to sign Orders – Approved

Motion to review mail – Approved

Executive Session: None

Adjournment: 7:57pm

Link to video of meeting: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XchNKtbPN4MHiijSqTvqDbyaVum2C6qd/view?usp=share_link


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday October 17, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85180734953?pwd=dTVtdHRIL09FRi9EY2VOam4zUC9Hdz09

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 851 8073 4953
Password: 900002

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Consider a resolution for the town to participate in the Municipal Technical Assistance Program provided by Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission.

Old Business
Contract with Addison County Sheriffs Dept.
Shampeny Hill Culvert Replacement
Buildings and Grounds – generator / interior repairs
Town Land
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap
Roads: Storm damage / FEMA updates
Emergency Watershed Protection Program
Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday October 3, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In person and via video

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Scott Gillette (via video), Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Sarah Wraight, Ricky Andrews

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 9/19/23 Approved

4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business:
Municipal Technical Assistant Program – Sarah Wraight from TRORC discussed the program and possible projects. This program will assist the town in finding and applying for grants for certain projects. The following potential projects were discussed.
Provide potable water to the Hancock Fire House from the public drinking water system in the Town Office building. Dan Perera to contact a contractor for an estimate.
Solar array on town property behind the Town Hall – TRORC to look into grant funding.
Develop housing on town property behind the Town Hall – Goal would be to increase the town tax base on 5.76 acres. TRORC to look into grant funding.
Town Hall septic system upgrade – discussion.
Adding culverts to mitigate property damage during flood events – discussion.

Special Meeting Warning and Ballot
Motion to approved the Warning for a Special Town Meeting in
the Hancock Town Office, 1027 VT RT100 in said Town on Tuesday, NOVEMBER 7, 2023, from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. to transact the following business by Australian ballot: Article 1: “Shall the town of Hancock authorize the operation of cannabis retailers and retail portions of integrated licensee establishments that are licensed by the State of Vermont pursuant to 7 V.S.A. §863, such sales also being subject to any municipal ordinances or regulations that the Town may lawfully adopt? Approved
Motion to approve the warning of an informational meeting regarding the Special Town Meeting on Nov. 7 which reads: “Legal voters are further warned that the Selectboard will hold a public informational hearing on the warned Article 1 at the Hancock Town Office, 1027 VT RT100 in said Town on Tuesday, October 31 2023, at 6:00 p.m.” Approved.
Motion to accept the presented ballot for the Special Meeting on Nov. 7, 2023. Approved.

6. Old Business:
Contract with Addison County Sheriff’s Dept. – Tabled
Shampeny Hill culvert replacement – Tabled
Buildings and Grounds – Per Jim Leno’s discussion with Brook Field Service, the generator at the Town Hall can be disconnected and moved and conduit run to the Town Hall by the contractor. Brook Field Service must reconnect the generator when move and wiring is done to preserve the warranty. Dan Perera to contact contractor.
Town Land – Tabled
Forest Service – Tabled
Roads: Dan Perera continues to work with FEMA on documenting the July flooding and related damage to roads in Hancock.
Paving – paving will start this week on Killooleet Rd. Jim Leno to contact contractor regarding repairs to the driveway at the Town Hall, a bump in the pavement on Churchville Rd and to discuss the apron on Blair Hill Rd.

Emergency Watershed Protection Program – Members of this program came to Hancock recently to do an environmental impact review.

Motion to sign Orders – Approved

Motion to review mail – Approved

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 7:29pm

Note: The connection to the Zoom recording application was lost half way through this meeting and the recording was terminated.


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday October 3, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84501820877?pwd=KzVFdUdNS1RZK2Z2OGt3TnBBZXFDZz09

To call into meeting:

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 845 0182 0877
Password: 657614

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Review and vote on Articles for Special Town Meeting where voters will vote on the authorization of the legal retail sale of cannabis in Hancock.
Old Business
Contract with Addison County Sheriffs Dept.
Shampeny Hill Culvert Replacement
Buildings and Grounds – generator / interior repairs
Town Land
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap
Roads: Storm damage / FEMA updates
Emergency Watershed Protection Program
Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday September 19, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In person and via video

1. Call to Order: 6:02pm

2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Charles Smith, Jack Bowen, Ricky Andrews, Jake Twitchell, Nicole Cyr

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 9-5-23 approved.

4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business:

Flood repairs Tucker Brook/Shampeny Hill & Fassett Hill – Bid opening
Tucker Brook/Shampeny Hill Bids:
Champlain Construction $ 289,800.35
ECS Excavating $ 225,099.64
Jack Bowen $ 420,845.50
Discussion. Motion to accept bid from ECS Excavating. Approved.

Fassett Hill Rd. Bids:
Champlain Construction $ 272,130.15
ECS Excavating $ 214,369.40
Jack Bowen $ 397,589.50
Discussion. Contractor acknowledged that they are able to accept and complete both projects. Board indicates that the project completion date can be flexible within reason with weather and plowing being the biggest concerns. Motion to accept bid from ECS Excavating. Approved.
Flood repairs Tucker Brook/Shampeny Hill & Fassett Hill – Debris removal: Discussion regarding locations for debris removed from both the Fassett Hill Rd and Tucker Brook/Shampeny Hill flood repair projects. The closest and least costly option for debris removal is to a landslide area on Fassett Hill Rd. Debris placed here will assist in shoring up the slope below Fassett Hill Rd. This area has been inspected by the VT Agency of Natural Resources and deemed to be acceptable for debris placement with no permit required. Scott Gillette asked the board if he can negotiate with the contractor doing the road repairs for the acquisition of debris material to restore a flood damaged portion of his driveway at the location of the landslide. The Board agreed that this will not result and any costs to the town and that the management of the debris is the purview of the contractor and not the Town. Board asked that Mr. Gillette consult with an VLCT attorney to be sure there is no conflict of interest in this matter.

Line of Credit to support flood damage repair – revisit authorization for Town to borrow flood recovery funds based on feedback from bank and attorney.
Based on conversations with the bank and the town’s attorney, a line of credit in the amount of $500,000 has been prepared to fund flood damage repairs to Fassett Hill Rd. and Tucker Brook/Shampeny Hill Rds. Discussion. This line of credit is intended to be converted to a term loan at the end of one year when any reimbursements from FEMA and/or the State are credited to the outstanding balance. Currently, there is no FEMA designation for the August flood damages. The FEMA designation is being pursued by the state and local authorities.
Dan Perera makes the motion: Motion to authorize the issuance of a temporary revenue anticipation note to Mascoma Bank in the amount of $500,000 pursuant to the terms set forth in a Promissory Note No. 63042258 in anticipation of grants-in-aid to make flood repairs to Hancock Town Highways. Approved.

White River Valley: Intermunicipal Regional Energy Coordinator – Nicole Cyr discussed efforts to have the towns in the Upper White River area coordinate energy efficiency effort to meet State mandated efficiencies. Discussion regarding the creation of an Energy Coordinator position to assist these towns. The Board asked to be included in ongoing discussions regarding these efforts.
6. Old Business:
Contract with Addison County Sheriff’s Dept. – Discussion. There is concern that traffic enforcement is not aggressive enough. Only one citation was issued in the last billing cycle, and aggressive driving and speeding in Hancock village remain a problem. The Board is not inclined to renew the contract with the level of service being provided. Scott Gillette to write a letter to the Sheriff’s Dept. stating the Board’s concerns.
Shampeny Hill culvert replacement- Scott Gillette attended the mandatory pre-bid meeting. 10 contractors were present for the meeting. All contractors requested an extension to the bid preparation period. Gillette asked if an extension would jeopardize getting the project on the contractors’ construction schedule for 2024. All contractors agreed that it would not impact construction schedule. The board informed Otter Creek Engineering of their approval to extend the bid period via email. Otter Creek Engineering will produce a bid addendum.
Building and Grounds – Ricky Andrews discussed his thoughts on moving the generator at the Town Hall. The contractor has been informed of these suggestions. Dan Perera to contact contractor for a follow up on the generator and repairs needed to the Town Office water system.
Town Land – tabled.
Forest Service – Scott Gillette to call an engineer to evaluate parcel of land on Tucker Brook Rd. for possible residential development. This land would be part of a land swap between the Forest Service and The Conservation Fund. The swap, if completed, would add a property to the tax base for the Town.
Roads: Dan Perera and Scott Gillette met with the Town’s FEMA representative yesterday. This is the second meeting with the representative. Dan Perera had been gathering and submitting information for possible FEMA reimbursement for the July flood damages to town roads.
Motion to sign Orders – Approved

Motion to review mail – Approved

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 8:09pm

Note: A recording of the meeting can be found at the below link:



Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday September 5, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person

Call to Order: 6pm

Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Ricky Andrews, Marge Ross, Jack Ross, Jake Twitchell, Paul Preuss, Becky Preuss

Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 8/15/23. Approved

Public Comment: None

New Business:
Paul Preuss discussed 5 culverts on Shampeny Hill Rd that discharge water onto his property. The recent extreme rains and flooding resulted in gravel and debris being deposited on his land from the culverts. Discussion regarding water flows, state regulations and best practices, culvert sizing and placement, and the town’s responsibility to maintain roads per standards to maintain eligibility for state and federal (FEMA) funding. Hay dams (bales of hay) were discussed as a low-cost way for landowners to keep debris from spreading out onto lands. Dan Perera pointed out that the town has experienced extreme flooding three times in 15 years and that a number of homeowners experienced much more severe flood related damage in the recent July and August flood events. Scott Gillette pointed out that vt court case law precedent shows municipalities are not liable for drainage discharge to private property unless the town was directly responsible due to diversion of the watershed out of its drainage area. Gillette further pointed out that in addition to sovereign immunity, the town was protected by the doctrine of adverse possession, due to the length of time the existing drainage has been in place. Jim Leno pointed out that the town has authority under state law to construct and maintain the municipal roads, and all drainage of them (VSA Title 19 §950).

Flood Damage/Line of Credit – Dan Perera stated that the costs related to flood repairs will need to be paid in advance of the receipt of any FEMA reimbursements that may accrue to the Town. He also stated that the town has two large projects pending. The replacement of the culvert on Shampeny Hill Rd (summer 2024) and the FLAP funded replacement of Bridge #1 on Texas Falls Rd (summer 2024/5). Both of these projects will require the town to fund construction expenses before partial reimbursement. Motion to approve the establishment of a temporary line of credit in the amount of $500,000 with the intent to convert any remaining balances after reimbursements to a term loan. Approved.

Municipal Technical Assistance Program – Motion to approve MTAP participation. Approved.

Old Business:
Contract with Addison County Sheriff’s Dept. – Tabled

Shampeny Hill culvert replacement – Bids are being solicited for this project. Otter Creek Engineering shared the bid package with the Board.
Otter Creek Engineering has requested an increase to their fee from $12,500 to $32,500. Dan Perera to call to get clarification on what grant this is associated with.

Buildings and Grounds – Ricky Andrews discussed his thoughts on moving the generator and septic repairs at the Town Hall.
Scott Gillette discussed a recent leak and needed repairs to the water system in the basement of the Town Offices.
Marge Ross discussed the leak in the wall of the library. Dan Perera to contact Buddy Comes to get windows caulked.

Town Land – Tabled

Forest Service – Board needs to assess proposed property swap land for potential residential development.

Pre-bid meeting for flood repairs to roads was today. Three contractors attended.
Dan Perera working with FEMA on both the July event and the August event. No declaration has yet been made regarding the August event.
Discussion regarding needed ditch work on Buttles Rd. Jim Leno to determine if this section of road is in Hancock or Rochester.

Emergency Watershed Protection Program – Ricky Andrews asked how this was progressing. The Board was informed the process is moving forward and properties are being evaluated to see if any qualify for project funding.

Motion to sign Orders – Approved

Motion to review mail – Approved

Executive Session:
Motion to enter Executive Session at 7:37pm to discuss a personnel matter. Approved.

Motion to exit Executive Session at 8:05pm. Approved.
Personnel matter discussed. No action taken.

Adjournment: 8:06pm
A recording of this meeting is available at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MTT7hCsWT-Erxld9s0A1TwtRLwsHLSb_/view?usp=share_link


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday September 5, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App:

To call into meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81124445774?pwd=T2JCR3JNUmZ4MytFaGdVOUMzeWdxQT09

Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 811 2444 5774
Password: 120175

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Paul Preuss letter – gravel on property
Flood damage / Line of Credit
Approve participation in Municipal Technical Assistance Program

Old Business
Contract with Addison County Sheriffs Dept. – review draft letter
Shampeny Hill Culvert Replacement – Bid package review
Buildings and Grounds
Town Land
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap
Storm damage review/Fassett Hill/ Tucker Brook/Shampeny Hill/Churchville
Grading – Churchville / Blair Hill
Review mandatory pre-bid site visit – update bid package
Emergency Watershed Protection Program

Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting – Special Meeting
Draft Minutes
Monday August 15, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person

1. Call to Order: 6:01pm

2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Marge Ross, Jack Ross, Kevin Geiger

3. Minutes of the last meeting: N/A

4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business:
TRORC – Municipal Technical Assistance Program -Kevin Geiger gave an overview of the MTAP. Program does not support roads or transportation projects. Discussion regarding the supply of potable water to the Fire House from the Town Offices. Discussion about supporting businesses and local job creation. Discussion about housing development. Discussion about flood prevention.

Sand bids – Bid opening for the delivery of 500 cubic yards of road sand.
ECS $22,390
Champlain Construction $22,400
Discussion. Bids are significantly higher than in previous years. Motion to not accept any bids due to financial constraints caused by the flood damage to town roads and the existence of adequate sand inventory left from prior years. Approved.

VTrans proposal for Tucker Brook Rd and Route 125. VTrans is proposing to put in a new culvert under Comes Rd and a new culvert under Route 125 further east from the existing culvert at Tucker Brook Rd. Existing culvert will be decommissioned. Project to be funded entirely by VTrans. Motion to sign letter in support of this project. Approved.

6. Old Business:
Contract with Addison County Sheriff’s Dept. – Tabled.
Shampeny Hill culvert replacement – Tabled
Buildings and Grounds – Jim Leno discussed possible need for a deep clean or replacement of a toilet at the Town Hall. He also mentioned repairs needed above the north exit door at the Town Hall.

Town Land – Tabled
Forest Service – Scott Gillette to contact an engineer for an opinion as to if the land offered as part of a land swap can be developed.
Roads: There is major flood damage on Fassett Hill Rd., Tucker Brook Rd., and Shampeny Hill Rd. Repairs will be needed before winter.
The Town has been advised by VTrans to complete bid packages as soon as possible for repairs to Fassett Hill Rd., Tucker Brook Rd., and Shampeny Hill Rd. Board discussed and reviewed draft bid packages for these roads. Scott Gillette edited these documents as the review progressed. A copy of the bid documents was sent to VTrans for their review and input. Dan Perera to contact Vtrans to request a review of the culvert at the intersection of Shampeny Hill and Tucker Brook Rd. Dan also to ask if material specified in the bidding packages needs to be tested before being accepted. Dan also to contact ANR to request Stream Alteration permits for road repair work.
Emergency Watershed Protection Program – A representative from EWP will be visiting the town on Thursday to review sites on Tunnel Brook, Tucker Brook, Fassett Hill, and Piper Brook. This program does not fund repairs or the removal of gravel from lawns. It is primarily focused on prevention of future flood events.

Motion to sign Orders – Approved

Motion to review mail – Approved

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 8:16pm

Video recording of meeting: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qL85dIT52sjUsZF9rYlYISo0YRTxNo31/view?usp=share_link


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday August 15, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83951110512?pwd=QUI0UEZKRkY1VlVsc1Z0Ykltd0pEdz09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 839 5111 0512

Password: 315543

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
TRORC – MTAP discussion

VTrans proposal for Tucker Brook and Rt100 drainage

Old Business
Contract with Addison County Sheriffs Dept. – review draft letter
Shampeny Hill Culvert Replacement – Bid package review if available
Buildings and Grounds
Town Land
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap
Roads: Storm damage review/Fassett Hill/ Tucker Brook/Shampeny Hill/Churchville/Blair Hill
Review Prospectus for road repairs
Emergency Watershed Protection Program

Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting – Special Meeting
Draft Minutes
Monday August 8, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person

1. Call to Order: 6:01pm

2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Jacques Veilleux

3. Minutes of the last meeting: N/A

4. Public Comment: Jim Leno informed the Board that the Stowe Swift Water Rescue team spend the night in Hancock during the flood in case services were needed. They stayed at the Hancock Fire House.

5. New Business:
Emergency Watershed Protection Program – EWP provides funding for relieving imminent hazards to life and property caused by floods and other natural occurrences. Projects are evaluated and, if approved, funded to 75% with the landowners paying the remaining 25%. Motion to sign Letter of Request stating that the Town of Hancock will sponsor landowners who want to utilize funds from this program. Approved

Senator Ruth Hardy phoned the town offering assistance. Scott Gillette to call her back and discuss the need for a replacement culvert on Rt100 at the intersection with Tunnel Brook Rd.

The bridge just west of Tucker Brook Rd. on Route 125 is closed to all traffic for the foreseeable future. Jacques Vielleux informed the Board that there is one fire truck stationed on the west side of the bridge closure and that the Fire Dept. in Ripton has been notified that Hancock will need support for calls on the west side of the bridge. The White River Ambulance service has been informed that calls for addresses on the west side of the bridge will need be forwarded to the Middlebury ambulance service. Scott Gillette to contact 911 dispatch to let the know about the bridge.
VTrans was asked by Jacques Vielleux about a footbridge for pedestrian traffic while bridge is closed. They to look into it.

6. Old Business:

Buildings and Grounds – Tabled
Town Land – Tabled
Forest Service – Tabled
Shampeny Hill/Tucker Brook Rd. – Culvert at the intersection of Shampeny Hill and Tucker Brook has sustained damage to the concrete structure at upstream side of culvert. The road was washed out and emergency repairs have been completed with the exception of opening up one remaining culvert. Road is open.
Blair Hill – no major damage.
Churchville/Buttles Rd. – Two loads of gravel and grading were required to prevent further erosion in two places.
Fassett Hill Rd. – road was washed out in three places. Emergency repairs have been completed. Road is open.
Tunnel Brook – ECS Excavation done with gravel removal from the stream bed per the permit from the Agency of Natural Resources.
Discussion regarding FEMA requirements and the use of existing culverts in repairs.

Motion to sign Orders -Approved

Motion to sign Errors and Omission Certificate for two properties (SPAN 27908810030 and 27908810298). Approved

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 6:51pm

Note: Post adjournment, the Select Board visited Shampeny Hill/Tucker Brook.

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n6emCB0HSrJIEDpbtDKhfp2HRGQBI7e7/view?usp=share_link


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting – Special Meeting
Monday August 7, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business

Old Business
Contract with Addison County Sheriffs Dept. – review draft letter
Shampeny Hill Culvert Replacement – Bid package review if available
Buildings and Grounds
Town Land
Forest Service – Proposal for land swap
Roads: Storm damage review/Tunnel Brook/ Emergency Watershed Protection Program
Road repair materials
Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday August 1, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Don Crickard, Richard Andrews, Marge Ross, Jack Ross, Chris Mattrick, Brian Austin, Derek Dzhugashvili

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 7-17-23 and 7-24-23 Approved

4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business:
Forest Service
1) Forest Service to address failed water bars on FS road above the end of Tunnel Brook Rd.
2) Rainbow Family of Living Life gathering at Texas Falls meadow from 8/2 to 8/10. Expected attendance is 2-300 people.
3) FLAP discussion regarding terms, conditions, and costs related to the engineering and construction of a replacement bridge at the intersection of Rt125 and Texas Falls Rd. Discussion regarding cost overruns and weight limits for the road and second bridge on Texas Falls Rd. Board confirms with the Forest Service that the Town can exit the agreement if the construction bids exceed the grant amount. Motion to approve and sign FLAP Memorandum of Agreement. Approved.
4) Forest Service detailed a proposed land swap. The Forest Service will trade an existing parcel of its land adjacent to Tucker Brook Rd. for five landlocked properties from the Nature Conservancy. The Nature Conservancy will then sell the property adjacent to Tucker Brook Rd. so that it can be developed and generate property taxes for the town. The parcels involved must be of equal value. Board to inspect the proposed parcel to be sold and developed. If Board finds the property to be acceptable for development, it will consider approving this land swap.

Contract with Addison County Sheriff’s Dept. – Discussion. Jim Leno expresses concern over costs of services and a lack of citations being issued. There is concern that the town is not getting value in terms of traffic control and enforcement. In the past, the town would receive revenues from citations issued that would offset the cost of Sheriff patrols. Scott Gillette to draft a letter detailing Board concerns regarding speeding vehicles on Rt100 and Rt125 in the village area of town.

6. Old Business:
Shampeny Hill culvert replacement – Dan Perera to call Otter Creek Engineering to check on status of bid package.
Buildings and Grounds – Spring clean-up is complete. Contractor has been asked to mow under guardrails.
Town Land – Tabled.
Forest Service – see above.
Tunnel Brook – There was flooding on Tunnel Brook Rd. The stream crested the banks and damaged a driveway, water ran under a mobile home, and basements were flooded. Ricky Andrews and Don Crickard discussed the course of Tunnel Brook after it passes under Rt100. They met with Jaron Borg from the ANR to survey the stream on the east side of Rt100. Ricky Andrews requests that the town pay for clearing the stream in this area. Board suggests that the landowners contact the Emergency Watershed Protection Program and the River Conservancy to see if external funding is available for this work before asking for taxpayer funds.

Flood damage has been repaired on Shampeny Hill Rd., Tucker Brook Rd., and Blair Hill.

Roadside mowing is complete.

Paving is complete except for paving Killooleet Rd. This will be done in September.

Signage needs to be repaired at Buttles Rd. and Fiske Rd.

Motion to sign Orders -Approved
Motion to review mail – Approved

Executive Session: None

Adjournment: 7:49pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vdYWqfPOuc6u1eBK59zfnO_J1q-SJliT/view?usp=share_link


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday August 1, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82355310984?pwd=NXRSRDg2Z0I2VDlsb1ZKcXlPWDdnQT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 823 5531 0984

Password: 213331

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Contract with Addison County Sheriffs Dept.
Forest Service – Chris Mattrick – Land swap / FLAP Grant
Old Business
Shampeny Hill Culvert Replacement – Bid package review
Buildings and Grounds
Town Land
Forest Service
Roads: Storm damage review / emergency repairs

Motion to sign Orders _ Sign TAN/loan documents
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Special Meeting
Draft Minutes
Monday July 24, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person

1. Call to Order: 6:07pm

2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Richard Andrews

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Tabled

4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business:
Emergency response to flooding on Tucker Brook Rd./Shampeny Hill/Blair Hill – Flood/water run-off damage was sustained at the top of Tucker Brook Rd., the top and bottom sections of Shampeny Hill, and the mid-section of Blair Hill Rd. Temporary stop gap measures were taken with hand tools during the storms. It was determined that immediate repairs were needed to limit further damage from the rains that followed. ECS Excavation was hired to do immediate repairs to limit/prevent further damage to these roads. One culver was replaced on Blair Hill as part of these repairs.

Emergency response to flooding along Tunnel Brook Rd. including ANR response –
Flooding and resulting stream realignment resulted in property damage along Tunnel Brook Rd. One driveway was washed out. One mobile home property had 2-3 feet of water running under it. At least one basement was flooded. Water nearly crested Rt100.
AOT was contacted regarding blockage at the culverts under Rt100.
ANR was contacted and met with Jim Leno to evaluate the stream and water flows. It was determined by ANR that lives and property are at risk as a result of the heavy rains and resulting stream course changes. ANR authorized the Town of Hancock to embark on immediate work on the stream to remove material blocking water flows and direct the stream back into its primary channel. ANR listed contractors that it approves for this type of work and authorized the Town to move forward without the usual bidding process in order to expedite the repairs. Discussion regarding contractors and availability. Richard Andrews comments on the need for quick action on this matter to avoid further damage to town roads and residential properties. Discussion regarding a maintenance plan for this section of Tunnel Brook. Board to contact ECS Excavation to check availability for this work.
For work on Tunnel Brook, permission from landowners will be obtained.
Discussion regarding water run-off from the Forest Service road at end of Tunnel Brook Rd. Dan Perera contacted the Forest Service regarding this matter last week.
Discussion regarding the need to petition the state of Vermont to replace the culvert at the intersection of Tunnel Brook Rd. and Rt100. This would mitigate damage from future high water events in the Tunnel Brook area. Chris Bump at AOT to be contacted.

Sand Bids
The town received one bid for sand delivery. Discussion. The bid was more than twice the amount paid last year for sand delivery and was rejected by the Board.
The delivery of 500 cubic yards of road sand will be put out to bid again.

6. Old Business: Tabled.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 7:15pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: No recording available.


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Special Meeting
Monday July 24, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Emergency response to flooding on Tucker Brook Rd./Shampeny Hill/Blair Hill
Emergency response to flooding along Tunnel Brook Rd. including ANR response.

Sand Bids

Old Business
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting Draft Minutes Tuesday July 18, 2023 /Town Clerk’s Office/ 6 PM In person. Called to Order: 6 PM By Jim Leno acting Moderator.

Introductions: Jim Leno, Dan Perera (call in), Marg and Jack Ross, Elvira Scaff.

Minutes of the last Select Board Meeting on July 5, 2023: Motion by Dan Seconded by Jim. Approved

Public comments: None

New Business: Addison County Sheriffs Office: (Tabled)

The Select Board will look at sand bids on next scheduled Select Board Meeting on 8/1/23

Old Business: Shampeny Hill Culvert Replacement Bid Package: Tabled

Building and Grounds: Tabled

Town Land: Tabled

Forest Service: Tabled

Roads: Storm damage review/ emergency repairs: Dan ask Jim to check out Shampeny Hill if rain comes. Motion to sign orders: Made by Dan second by Jim. Dan to stop in on Thursday and sign or send email. Motion to review mail: So moved

Executive session: None

Adjournment: Motion to Adjourn made by Dan seconded by Jim. So Moved


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday July 18, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81060828737?pwd=Rk1vR2RNWHBabGZnRkRlT25WVm44dz09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 810 6082 8737
Password: 682074

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Contract with Addison County Sheriffs Dept.

Old Business
Shampeny Hill Culvert Replacement – Bid package review
Buildings and Grounds
Town Land
Forest Service
Roads: Storm damage review / emergency repairs

Motion to sign Orders _ Sign TAN/loan documents
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday July 5, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Marge Ross, Jack Ross, Robert Clark, Natalie Cook, Doris Deering, Derek Dzhugashvili

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 6-6-23, 6-20-23, 6-26-23 Approved

4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business:
Discussion with Robert Clark from Otter Creek Engineering regarding the replacement of a culvert on Shampeny Hill Rd. Board requests Otter Creek to proceed with preparing bid package so that bids can be solicited in October. Board and Mr. Clark agree that getting this project out to bid this fall could lock in favorable pricing. Draft prospectus/bid package and dates requested from Otter Creek Engineering.

Quin-Town Lease – Discussion with Natalie Cook and Doris Deering regarding increase in monthly rent from $250 to $300. All agreed. Motion to approve changes to the lease. Approved. Dan Perera to update lease document. Lease will be left with Town Clerk on Monday for all parties to sign.

Municipal Tax Rate – New rates
Municipal Rate .8268
School Homestead Rate 1.3225
School Non-homestead Rate 1.698
Motion to approve new tax rates. Approved.

Records request from resident – Board reviews a letter from a resident who is leasing land on which to put his school bus camper/RV. There has been a complaint sent to the Select Board regarding this property. The Board has consulted with the Town Attorney and agrees that there are no issues other than a complaint involving dogs that come under the purview of the Select Board. The complainant has been informed that some of the issues raised may be regulated by State Statute if not by Town Regulations. The Select Board approved a draft letter of response to the school bus owner explaining the Town’s lack of authority regarding the dispute, and notification of fulfillment of the school bus owner’s public records request.

Dog License Terms – The Board has been advised by VLCT that dog license terms are limited to one year by state statute.

6. Old Business:
Mini-library – Tabled

Credit Card Policy – previously approved. No action taken.

ARPA funding – Tabled.
Buildings and Grounds – Town needs to hire a contractor to finish spring clean-up and conduct other services for the Town.
Dan Perera to call Harvey’s Pluming and Electrical to see how repairs are progressing on Town Hall septic line.

Town Land – Scott Gillette has prepared a master document detailing the Town owned property known as the Tunnel Brook Woodland Parcel for use by a realtor to market the property for sale. Jim Leno suggests that we do the same for the Meyer Lot on Churchville Road.

Forest Service – Board to invite Chris Mattrick to the August 1 meeting to discuss the FLAP grant and a possible land swap.

Roads: Repairs needed on Blair Hill Rd. Dan Perera to set up a meeting with a contractor at the site. Jim Leno to attend.
Discussion regarding replacing a culvert on Fassett Hill Rd.
Discussion regarding rainwater drainage on Town Office parking lot.

Motion to sign Orders and Tax Anticipation Note in the amount of $50,000 to cover budget shortfalls if any occur. – Approved

Motion to review mail – Approved. Schedule G notice of Act 250 Permit Application received. Select Board declines to take action at this time. Letter of explanation of Grand List received from Assessor.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 7:58pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: No recording available.


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Wednesday July 5, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81060828737?pwd=Rk1vR2RNWHBabGZnRkRlT25WVm44dz09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 810 6082 8737
Password: 682074

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Otter Creek Engineering – Shampeny Hill culvert replacement
Quin-Town Contract renewal
Municipal tax rate
Records request from resident
Dog License terms of one year and three years

Old Business
Library request for Mini Library outside of Town Offices
Town credit card – review draft policy for approval
ARPA Funding
Buildings and Grounds
Town Land
Forest Service – FLAP grant MOA
Motion to sign Orders _ Sign TAN/loan documents
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Town of Hancock
Draft Minutes
Selectboard Meeting
Call to Order 6:07pm
Scott Gillette
Jim Leno
Absent- Dan Perera
Jack Ross
Marge Ross
Elvina Scaff
Sheriff Michael Elmore
Deputy ¿Charles Clark?
Minutes of the last meeting
Tabled- Leno objected to two points. Clerk to correct for next meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Otter Creek Engineering- Robert Clark absent. Tabled.
Quin-Town Contract renewal- Quin-Town reps absent. Tabled.
Law Enforcement Presence in Hancock- Lengthy public discussion with sheriff
regarding the town’s needs. The town requests the ACSD focus resources on speed
enforcement in the village center, as well as law enforcement presence. Speeding in
the village has become a problem, and the town requests the ACSD start issuing
more fines. Discussion of acquisition of automated speed control signage for village
entrances. Selectboard to research available funding.
Speed Enforcement in Hancock Village- See above
ACSD Contract Renewal- Not all selectboard members had a chance to review the
contract before the meeting. The sheriff indicated that the existing contract could
continue until the new contract was signed. Tabled.
Auditor Contract- Discussion of whether a full annual audit continued to be
necessary. To be discussed further as the year progresses and in consultation with ​
the Town Clerk and Town Treasurer. Leno moves to approve contract. Gillette
seconds. Approved.
Hire landscaper to finish spring clean up / 2024 spring clean up- tabled until Dan
Perera is back in town.
Old Business
Library request for Mini Library outside of Town Offices- No news. Tabled.
Town credit card policy- Final draft reviewed. Leno moves to approve. Gillette
seconds. Approved.
ARPA Funding- No news. Tabled.
Buildings and Grounds
Town Land- Gillette to produce an information package for prospective
Forest Service – FLAP grant MOA. Tabled.
Perera absent. Tabled.
Motion to sign Orders
Leno moves. Gillette seconds. Approved.
Motion to review mail
Leno moves. Gillette seconds. Approved. Discussion of request from Town Clerk to
authorize a TAN for the upcoming fiscal year. Special selectboard meeting scheduled
for June 26 to take up the issue on a warned agenda.
Executive Session
Leno moves. Gillette seconds. Meeting adjourned at 8:07pm.


Hancock Special Select Board Meeting
Monday June 26, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office
NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via
Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Special Select Board Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App:
To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 867 4423 5164
Password: 770236
Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.
Call to Order
New Business
Shall the Selectboard vote to authorize the Town Clerk to open a temporary line of
credit to cover a potential end of year budget shortfall?
Set the date for next regular Selectboard meeting, given that the scheduled date
falls on a holiday
Sign Orders
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday June 6, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Derek Dzhugashvili, Marge Ross, Jack Ross

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 5-16-23 Approved

4. Public Comment:
The Board received an email complaint from a resident. The complaint states that an adjacent landowner has leased a portion of their land so that a school bus can be parked there for use as a camper. A portable rental toilet has also been placed on this land near the bus. The complaint states that dogs are present and creating a nuisance with barking. The complaint further states that people are having outdoor fires late into the night and making excessive noise. Discussion. Comments about septic requirements for grey water, Dog Ordinance issues, use of the right of way, and Vermont Health Department issues.
Board to contact land owner.

Discussion of Sheriff’s Department patrols. Board to invite Sheriff to a meeting to discuss patrolling and contract renewal.
Discussion regarding Quin-Town lease renewal. Board to invite Quin-Town representative to next meeting.

A dog has been seen running loose on Bettis Rd. and on Rt.100.

5. New Business:
Motion to sign grant reimbursement request for engineering costs related to the Shampeny Hill culvert replacement. Approved.
Discussion – Board to contact Otter Creek Engineering with questions.

Bid Opening – Churchville Rd. ditch work.
J. Fenoff Sitework $ 247,871.70
ECS Excavating and Landscaping $ 14,483.00
Motion to award contract to ECS Excavating and Landscaping. Approved.

Discussion regarding amount due from ECS Excavating and Landscaping. Dan Perera to contact ECS.

6. Old Business:
Library request for min library – Tabled.

Dog Ordinance – Motion to approve and sign new Dog Ordinance. Approved. The text of the Dog Ordinance follows:
Town of Hancock, VT
Adopted June 6, 2023
Pursuant to Article 24 VSA §2291 (10) and 24 VSA §1974 (a), the Selectboard of the Town of Hancock hereby adopt the following ordinance relating to the regulation of keeping dogs and providing for their leashing or restraint within the Town of Hancock.
DEFINITIONS: A dog “running at-large” shall mean a dog which is (a) not on a leash, or (b) not on or within a vehicle, or (c) not on the property of its owners or their agent, or (d) not clearly under the verbal command of its owner or their agent, or (e) not hunting with its owner or their agent.
All dogs resident within the Town of Hancock shall be registered with the Town Clerk.
All dogs resident within the Town of Hancock shall be vaccinated against rabies, with certification of such vaccination a prerequisite for registration with the Town Clerk.
A person shall not allow a dog to run at-large within the Town of Hancock.
A person shall not permit any un-spayed dog in estrus to be outside a building or outside a fenced enclosure.
A person shall not permit a dog to bark excessively, or to otherwise become a public nuisance, or to create a disturbance.
The Hancock Town Animal Control Officer shall be the chief enforcement office for this Ordinance.
The Animal Control Officer and any law enforcement officer may use all reasonable methods for catching and impounding a dog in violation of this Ordinance, including the use of tranquilizing and marking apparatus.
The Animal Control Officer or any law enforcement officer may impound a dog found in violation of this Ordinance at the pound, and upon complaint, shall impound any dog found in violation of this Ordinance.
The procedure for claiming or releasing a dog from the pound shall be as follows:
A) Upon delivery to the pound, the pound attendant shall notify the dog’s owner, if the dog is licensed. The dog shall be held for three (3) days after the owner is notified, unless claimed earlier.
B) If the dog is unlicensed, the pound attendant shall notify the radio station of the dog’s description, and the dog shall be held for three (3) days after the first broadcasting of the dog’s description, unless claimed earlier.
C) If the owner does not claim the dog within the three (3) day period, the dog shall be given to whoever pays the pound fees, rabies shots, and any other necessary fees.
D) If no person claims the dog, the dog may be humanely destroyed, and the Town shall pay all necessary fees.
E) No dog shall be released from the pound until it is properly licensed, and all pound and other charges paid.
A person claiming the dog from the pound shall pay a reasonable fee for the dog’s board, all fees for licensing, and all other necessary charges and expenses incurred by the pound. In addition, such person shall pay the pound for the benefit of the Town the sum of Sixty Dollars ($60) to compensate the Town for its reasonable expenses in enforcing this Ordinance.
A person who violates this Ordinance shall be fined Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250) per violation.
If any part of this Ordinance is held to be invalid, such holding shall not affect the remaining portions of this Ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect.
This Ordinance shall be effective as agreed April 28, 2023 and adopted by the Hancock Selectboard for the Town of Hancock herein.
Public Notice: The Selectboard of the Town of Hancock shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that the public is notified of the existence of this Ordinance:
This Ordinance shall be:
1. Entered into the Selectboard’s minutes.
2. Shall be posted in at least three conspicuous places within the Town of Hancock.
3. The full text of the Ordinance or a concise summary of it published in The Herald of Randolph not more than fourteen (14) days following the date specified below when this ordinance is adopted.
This Ordinance is hereby adopted by the Selectboard of the Town of Hancock on this 6th day of June, 2023 and shall, unless a petition is filed as provided by law, become effective upon the expiration of sixty (60) days after said date.

Town credit card – Tabled

ARPA funding – No updates
Buildings and Grounds – Brookfield Service to inspect generator at Fire House. Contractor doing spring clean-up is using hired labor and does not have workman’s compensation filed with the Town. Contract terminated by the Select Board.
Town Land – Tabled
Forest Service – Review of FLAP grant Memorandum of Agreement. Discussion. Board identifies a several issues that may make this agreement unacceptable. Financial liability for cost overruns and higher than budgeted constructions costs are of concern. Dan Perera to reach out to the Forest Service and request further information and clarifications.
Roads: The town needs to purchase 500 cubic yards of sand to replenish sand pile. A guardrail is broken on Texas Fall Rd. Dan Perera to contact ECS for repairs.
Motion to sign Orders -Approved
Motion to review mail – Approved

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 8:10pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-esNRCH1hzkWKnYB9Wgw8uzKLWWPAosW/view?usp=share_link


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday June 20, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81890188990?pwd=QVQyY1MycWlJak1pV1BhRVFLdWJydz09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 818 9018 8990
Password: 989050

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business

Otter Creek Engineering – Robert Clark to provide update on next steps for Shampeny Hill culvert project.

Quin-Town Contract renewal
Law Enforcement Presence in Hancock
Speed Enforcement in Hancock Village
ACSD Contract Renewal
Auditor Contract – review
Hire landscaper to finish spring clean up / 2024 spring clean up

Old Business
Library request for Mini Library outside of Town Offices
Town credit card – review draft policy for approval
ARPA Funding
Buildings and Grounds
Town Land
Forest Service – FLAP grant MOA
Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday June 6, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Derek Dzhugashvili, Marge Ross, Jack Ross

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 5-16-23 Approved

4. Public Comment:
The Board received an email complaint from a resident. The complaint states that an adjacent landowner has leased a portion of their land so that a school bus can be parked there for use as a camper. A portable rental toilet has also been placed on this land near the bus. The complaint states that dogs are present and creating a nuisance with barking. The complaint further states that people are having outdoor fires late into the night and making excessive noise. Discussion. Comments about septic requirements for grey water, Dog Ordinance issues, use of the right of way, and Vermont Health Department issues.
Board to contact land owner.

Discussion of Sheriff’s Department patrols. Board to invite Sheriff to a meeting to discuss patrolling and contract renewal.
Discussion regarding Quin-Town lease renewal. Board to invite Quin-Town representative to next meeting.

A dog has been seen running loose on Bettis Rd. and on Rt.100.

5. New Business:
Motion to sign grant reimbursement request for engineering costs related to the Shampeny Hill culvert replacement. Approved.
Discussion – Board to contact Otter Creek Engineering with questions.

Bid Opening – Churchville Rd. ditch work.
J. Fenoff Sitework $ 247,871.70
ECS Excavating and Landscaping $ 14,483.00
Motion to award contract to ECS Excavating and Landscaping. Approved.

Discussion regarding amount due from ECS Excavating and Landscaping. Dan Perera to contact ECS.

6. Old Business:
Library request for min library – Tabled.

Dog Ordinance – Motion to approve and sign new Dog Ordinance. Approved. The text of the Dog Ordinance follows:
Town of Hancock, VT
Adopted June 6, 2023
Pursuant to Article 24 VSA §2291 (10) and 24 VSA §1974 (a), the Selectboard of the Town of Hancock hereby adopt the following ordinance relating to the regulation of keeping dogs and providing for their leashing or restraint within the Town of Hancock.
DEFINITIONS: A dog “running at-large” shall mean a dog which is (a) not on a leash, or (b) not on or within a vehicle, or (c) not on the property of its owners or their agent, or (d) not clearly under the verbal command of its owner or their agent, or (e) not hunting with its owner or their agent.
All dogs resident within the Town of Hancock shall be registered with the Town Clerk.
All dogs resident within the Town of Hancock shall be vaccinated against rabies, with certification of such vaccination a prerequisite for registration with the Town Clerk.
A person shall not allow a dog to run at-large within the Town of Hancock.
A person shall not permit any un-spayed dog in estrus to be outside a building or outside a fenced enclosure.
A person shall not permit a dog to bark excessively, or to otherwise become a public nuisance, or to create a disturbance.
The Hancock Town Animal Control Officer shall be the chief enforcement office for this Ordinance.
The Animal Control Officer and any law enforcement officer may use all reasonable methods for catching and impounding a dog in violation of this Ordinance, including the use of tranquilizing and marking apparatus.
The Animal Control Officer or any law enforcement officer may impound a dog found in violation of this Ordinance at the pound, and upon complaint, shall impound any dog found in violation of this Ordinance.
The procedure for claiming or releasing a dog from the pound shall be as follows:
A) Upon delivery to the pound, the pound attendant shall notify the dog’s owner, if the dog is licensed. The dog shall be held for three (3) days after the owner is notified, unless claimed earlier.
B) If the dog is unlicensed, the pound attendant shall notify the radio station of the dog’s description, and the dog shall be held for three (3) days after the first broadcasting of the dog’s description, unless claimed earlier.
C) If the owner does not claim the dog within the three (3) day period, the dog shall be given to whoever pays the pound fees, rabies shots, and any other necessary fees.
D) If no person claims the dog, the dog may be humanely destroyed, and the Town shall pay all necessary fees.
E) No dog shall be released from the pound until it is properly licensed, and all pound and other charges paid.
A person claiming the dog from the pound shall pay a reasonable fee for the dog’s board, all fees for licensing, and all other necessary charges and expenses incurred by the pound. In addition, such person shall pay the pound for the benefit of the Town the sum of Sixty Dollars ($60) to compensate the Town for its reasonable expenses in enforcing this Ordinance.
A person who violates this Ordinance shall be fined Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250) per violation.
If any part of this Ordinance is held to be invalid, such holding shall not affect the remaining portions of this Ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect.
This Ordinance shall be effective as agreed April 28, 2023 and adopted by the Hancock Selectboard for the Town of Hancock herein.
Public Notice: The Selectboard of the Town of Hancock shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that the public is notified of the existence of this Ordinance:
This Ordinance shall be:
1. Entered into the Selectboard’s minutes.
2. Shall be posted in at least three conspicuous places within the Town of Hancock.
3. The full text of the Ordinance or a concise summary of it published in The Herald of Randolph not more than fourteen (14) days following the date specified below when this ordinance is adopted.
This Ordinance is hereby adopted by the Selectboard of the Town of Hancock on this 6th day of June, 2023 and shall, unless a petition is filed as provided by law, become effective upon the expiration of sixty (60) days after said date.

Town credit card – Tabled

ARPA funding – No updates
Buildings and Grounds – Brookfield Service to inspect generator at Fire House. Contractor doing spring clean-up is using hired labor and does not have workman’s compensation filed with the Town. Work with this contractor to be suspended pending receipt of proof of insurance.
Town Land – Tabled
Forest Service – Review of FLAP grant Memorandum of Agreement. Discussion. Board identifies a several issues that may make this agreement unacceptable. Financial liability for cost overruns and higher than budgeted constructions costs are of concern. Dan Perera to reach out to the Forest Service and request further information and clarifications.
Roads: The town needs to purchase 500 sq. yards of sand to replenish sand pile. A guardrail is broken on Texas Fall Rd. Dan Perera to contact ECS for repairs.
Motion to sign Orders -Approved
Motion to review mail – Approved

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 8:10pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-esNRCH1hzkWKnYB9Wgw8uzKLWWPAosW


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday June 6, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App:

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID:

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Submit reimbursement request – Highway Structures Grant

Bid Opening – Churchville Rd ditch work

Old Business
Library request for Mini Library outside of Town Offices
Dog Ordinance update
Town credit card – review draft policy
ARPA Funding
Buildings and Grounds
Town Land
Forest Service – Review FLAP grant MOA
Roads: 500 yds of road sand needed / Texas Falls guardrail
Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday May 16, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

Call to Order: 6pm

Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Kolleen Scaff, Marge Ross, Jack Ross

Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 5-2-23 Approved

Public Comment: None

New Business:
Town Pride request for funds to purchase bench and table for the Town Green. Motion to approve up to $1500 for the purchase of a bench and table. Approved.

Library request to place a “mini box library” in front of the Town Offices. Discussion. The Board is suggesting alternate locations for the library to consider for the location of the mini box library.

Old Business:
Dog Ordinance – Board reviewed draft Dog Ordinance. Updates to be made for review at next meeting.

Town Credit Card Policy – Board reviewed draft policy. Updates to be made for review at next meeting.

Municipal Energy Resilience – Scott Gillette secured a $4000 grant for select future energy efficiency projects.

ARPA funding – No updates.

Buildings and Grounds – Motion to approve hiring Whittney Tree Service to trim branches from a maple tree outside Town Clerk’s Office. Approved.
Septic tank at Town Hall to be pumped.
Town property to have spring clean up done by Brian Sargent.
Discussion regarding condition of flag pole at Town Offices.

Town Land – Board to create an information package in preparation for listing the Green Lot for sale.

Forest Service – Board to invite Chris Mattrick to a meeting to discuss a possible land swap and the FLAP grant process for a bridge on the Texas Falls Rd.

Grading is almost complete.
Discussion regarding “Road Closure” signage for when paving underway on certain town roads.
Discussion about chloride on graded roads.

Discussion regarding Sheriff patrols. Board to invite Sheriff to a meeting.

Discussion regarding amount due from a contractor.

Motion to hire Dale White to make electrical repairs to the gazebo on the Town Green. Approved.

Discussion regarding repaying the General Fund for costs associated with the creation of the new Town Plan.

Motion to sign Orders -Approved

Motion to review mail – Approved

Executive Session: N/A

Adjournment: 7:51pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14UnpJjgTPk9_C3qPV6Fn0X42M5ASnCSg/view?usp=share_link


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday May 16, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86392239342?pwd=dEVtemozK1IvNldEaExlbnlEcmpJUT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 863 9223 9342
Password: 527792

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Town Pride request for $1500 for bench and table for Town Green.
Library request for Mini Library outside of Town Offices

Old Business
Dog Ordinance update
Town credit card – review draft policy
Municipal Energy Resilience Program
ARPA Funding
Buildings and Grounds
Town Land
Forest Service
Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday May 2, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Ricky Andrews, Harry Falconer, Jack Ross, Marge Ross, Derek Dzhugashvili

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 4-18-23 Approved

4. Public Comment:
Ricky Andrews asked for more pay to follow sweeper equipment with a trailer to haul road sand. The Board explained that the town has no mechanism for hiring workers above the approve town hour rates of compensation.

Ricky Andrews discussed the location of the generator at the Town Hall. It needs to be determined if the generator blocks any of the access points for the septic tank or septic lines.

Ricky Andrews stated that there is still an issue with barking dogs at a neighbor’s house. The Board provided contact information for the Animal Control Officer.

5. New Business:
Municipal Energy Resilience Program – Harry Falconer presented information on grants available for increasing energy efficiency in municipal buildings. Hancock is eligible for these grants and funds could be used to increase the efficiencies of the Town Hall and the Town Offices. Scott Gillette to begin the process of grant applications.

Dog Ordinance – discussion of most recent draft. Violations of the Ordinance will result in a fine of $250. Other fees apply if a dog is impounded. Board to review updated draft at next meeting.

Motion to approve and sign the Minutes from Town Meeting on March 7, 2023. Approved.

6. Old Business:
Credit Card Policy – discussion of most recent draft. Updated draft to be reviewed at next meeting.

ARPA funding – Annual filing requirements were submitted by Scott Gillette.
Buildings and Grounds – Board authorized the hiring of a contractor to evaluate the location of the new generator and the associated propane tank. The Board further agreed that the septic tank should be evaluated to see if a pumping is needed.
Town Land – no news on the Green Lot.
Forest Service – Board to invite Chris Mattrick from the Forest Service to discuss a land swap.
Discussion regarding the FLAP grant to replace the first Texas Falls Rd. bridge.
Covid-19 – no new news. Scott Gillette comments that the Federal Government is cancelling the Covid Emergency status. Board to remove this item from future Agendas unless the situation changes.
Grading is scheduled but has been delayed due to rain.
Gravel is building up on the turn in Blair Hill Rd. RC to inspect.
Road sand accumulating on the Churchville bridge. RC to inspect.

Motion to sign Orders -Approved
Motion to review mail – Approved

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 8:37pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XRt2vsTFo6Kj50muYpGcrtnfiktlpfrp/view?usp=share_link


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday May 2, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86370557539?pwd=aUFxeEViRFZabnluZUdzM25mS3dMQT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 863 7055 7539
Password: 743585

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Dog Ordinance
Municipal Energy Resilience Program – Harry Falconer presentation

Old Business
Town credit card – review draft policy
ARPA Funding
Buildings and Grounds
Town Land
Forest Service
Covid-19 updates
Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday April 18, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Marge Ross, Jack Ross, Derek Dzhugashvili

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 4-4-23 Approved

4. Public Comment:
Jim Leno received a complaint about trash on a property on Bettis Rd. He inspected the site. He discussed the matter with the property owner and was assured that dumpsters have been ordered so that the property can be cleaned up.

5. New Business:
Dog Ordinance- Tabled

Motion to approve liquor license and outdoor consumption permit for Heart of Hancock. Approved.

6. Old Business:
Credit Card Policy – discussion. New draft to be prepared.

ARPA funding – discussion regarding availability of funds for Fire Department truck
Buildings and Grounds – N/A
Town Land – N/A
Forest Service
F.S. has property to suggest to Town for a land swap. Board to invite Chris Mattrick to a meeting to present proposal.
Covid-19 – no changes
Town did not get Better Roads Grant for Killlooleet Rd riprap. Will apply again next year.
Forest Service agreed to grant easement for Shampeny Hill culvert project.
Grant application submitted for Shampeny Hill replacement.
Roads ready for grading. Contractor to be contacted.

Motion to sign Orders -Approved
Motion to review mail – Approved

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 6:21pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZgzVfAOJtsbgrGw3YzEK0SiRSvqhIDT8/view?usp=share_link


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday April 18, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88097798331?pwd=TFJ6bmtzRjZjbUEzVFdXcnhJR0h4Zz09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 880 9779 8331
Password: 552072

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Dog Ordinance

Old Business
Town credit card – review draft policy
ARPA Funding
Buildings and Grounds
Town Land
Forest Service
Covid-19 updates
Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday April 4, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Marge Ross, Jack Ross, Derek Dzhugashvili, Wendel Thurston

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 3-21-23 Approved

4. Public Comment: Wendel Thurston volunteered to the Hancock representative to the Granville Fire Dept. Fast Response service. Board approved.

5. New Business:
Dog Ordinance – Scott Gillette to finalize draft of new Ordinance for Board review at next meeting.

Road Sweeping – The Road commissioner was able to obtain an estimate for BDM Sweeping Services. This company has provided services to the town in the past. RC recommends hiring BDM. No objections.

Roadside Mowing – The Road Commissioner was able to obtain an estimate from Kevin Bagley for roadside mowing. This company has provided mowing services to the town in the past. RC recommends hiring Kevin Bagley. No objections.
Dan Perera noted that the town ran newspaper adds at the end of 2022 soliciting estimates for both road sweeping and roadside mowing. He also called a number of contractors directly soliciting estimates. Forms for submitting estimates were available on the town website. These combined efforts yielded only two verbal estimates.

Spring Cleanup – Dan Perera recommends hiring Brian Sargent to provide spring clean up services and guardrail trimming. Mr. Sargent has provided these services in the past. Dan Perera recommends hiring Mr. Sargent. No objections.

Grants-In-Aid ditch work prospectus – Board authorizes Dan Perera to advertise for bids for ditch work.

White River Ambulance Representative – Dan Perera spoke with Jeannette Bair regarding this position. Motion to appoint Jeannette Bair as the Hancock Representative to the White River Ambulance Board. Approved.

6. Old Business:
Fire Dept. access to Rt125 property – Derek Dzhugashvili indicated that he would be installing sprinkler systems to address the lack of guaranteed year-round Fire Department access to his property. Dan Perera added that VLCT has indicated that there is no liability to the town in the event they can not access a property to provide fire and emergency response.
Board to draft a letter to all Hancock residents advising that weather, high water, and road conditions can limit the Fire Department’s ability to access properties.

Town Credit Card – Tabled

ARPA funding – Scott Gillette to complete quarterly reporting.
Buildings and Grounds – The tree outside of the Town Clerk’s office to be assessed by an arborist to see if it is healthy.
Town Land – no news.
Forest Service – Email received from Chris Mattrick congratulating the town on the FLAP grant approval for the replacement of the first bridge on the Texas Falls Rd. The email further mentions that the FS is waiting to hear from Otter Creek Engineering to discuss the easement for the Shampeny Hill Rd culvert project. Mr. Mattrick further mentions that the FS has found a property that it might swap for other properties that would result in an increase to the town’s tax base.
Covid-19 – still active in Vermont. Risk is low.
Roads: Board approves and signs Annual Financial Plan – Town Highways.
Board authorizes Dan Perera to submit signed Letter of Intent to Participate in the SFY24 Municipal Roads Grants-in-Aid Program.
Discussion of need for townwide reappraisal.
Motion to sign Orders -Approved
Motion to review mail – Approved

7. Executive Session:
Motion to enter Executive Session at 6:50pm. Approved.
Motion to exit Executive Session at 6:57pm. Approved.
Legal matter discussed. No action taken.

8. Adjournment: 6:58pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1TKT33_9TnCltUnR1vjRHVphzcO_xEACA?usp=share_link


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday April 4, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86884764397?pwd=Y2x0c1dZaDJBU1ZMMzBTclVjMDFlUT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 868 8476 4397
Password: 994521

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Dog Ordinance
Spring Road Sweeping
Roadside Mowing
Spring clean up / guardrail trimming
Contract for Grants-In-Aid ditch work – review
LEMP – update needed

Old Business
Town credit card – review draft policy
Fire Dept river access to properties on Rt125
ARPA Funding
WRVA Representative needed
Buildings and Grounds
Town Land
Forest Service – FLAP Grant status
Covid-19 updates
Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday March 21, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Jack Ross, Marge Ross, Jacques Veilleux, Derek Dzhugashvili

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 3-7-23 Approved

4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business:
Credit Card – Dan Perera mentioned the possible need for the town to have a credit card. Auditor has suggested that a credit card policy be established to prevent card abuse. Dan to draft a policy for Board to review.

New road weight limits and road posting rules – In accordance with Title 19, Vermont Statutes Annotated, Sections 1109-1110, the Transportation Board has made and promulgated a rule to prevent the abuse of highways from November 15th to December 31st and January 1 st to May 15th inclusive, in each year, or until adoption and announcement of any modification to the rule, two copies of which are enclosed
herewith. In accordance with Section 12 of Act no. 246 of 1990, this rule is now administered by the Agency of Transportation.
Two-axle trucks 15,000 lbs
Three-axle trucks 18,000 lbs
Tractor-trailer units 20,000 lbs

Discussion of Dog Ordinance to be added to next Agenda.

Motion to approve liquor license for JD’s Quick Stop. Approved.
Motion to approve tobacco license for JD’s Quick Stop. Approved.
Motion to approve liquor license for Hubbard’s Country Store. Approved.

Motion to sign Certificate of Compliance for Town Road and Bridge Standards and Network Inventory. Approved.

6. Old Business:
Fire Dept. access to Rt125 property – Discussion. Land owner contemplating the installation of sprinklers to mitigate possible inability of fire equipment to access property. Discussion regarding the installation of a holding pond for fire pump access. Dan Perera asked if town could be sued by land owner’s insurance company for lack of fire response. He to call town insurance company for clarification.
ARPA funding – no new information.
WARVA representative need – seeking a volunteer for this position.
Buildings and Grounds – A toilet in the Town Hall was repaired. An outside light at the Town Offices was repaired.
Town Land – Tabled.
Forest Service – Engineer for Shampeny Hill culvert project working with Forest Service to obtain easements for project.
Covid-19 – still active in VT.
Road Commissioner seeking estimates for road sweeping.

Motion to sign Orders -Approved
Motion to review mail – Approved

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 6:34pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HjyTwIOICH_0zPTBn7KpCTdhDiRzVJRD/view?usp=share_link


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday March 21, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87810998437?pwd=bXNvcjBZUjV0d3c3TFZDbUpicHpvdz09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 878 1099 8437
Password: 424528

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Town credit card
Accept and record new road weight limit rules and posting dates

Old Business
Fire Dept river access to properties on Rt125
ARPA Funding
WARVA Representative needed
Buildings and Grounds
Town Land
Forest Service
Covid-19 updates

Motion to sign Orders
Motion to review mail

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday March 7, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Jack Ross, Marge Ross, Jacques Veilleux, Derek Dzhugashvili

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 2-21-23 Approved

4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business:
Board Reorganization
Scott Gillette elected Chairperson
Dan Perera elected Board Clerk

6. Old Business:
Fire Dept. access to Rt125 property – Discussion regarding existing permits and how to access property with fire equipment adequate to fight a structure fire. Crossing the river via the existing river ford is deemed to be too risky during some high water and ice events. The Hancock Fire Department cannot currently guarantee that it can safely cross the river on all 365 days of the year. If the bridge were to be evaluated by an engineer and its weight rating established, the Fire Dept. could determine what ,if any, equipment could safely cross the river via the bridge. Board suggests that the landowner get an engineer to evaluate the bridge and then continue to work with the Fire Dept to establish a plan for providing emergency services to all structures on the property.
ARPA funding – The next filing deadline is April 30, 2023. Scott Gillette to file for the Town.
WARVA representative need – seeking a volunteer
Buildings and Grounds – Toilet in Town Hall and exterior lights need attention. Dan Perera to contact a contractor.
Town Land – No updates.
Forest Service – There is a pending request from the Town for an easement related to a culvert replacement on Shampeny Hill Rd.
Covid-19 – Covid still active in Vermont.
Dan Perera spoke with Otter Creek Engineering regarding culvert on Shampeny Hill Rd. He requested that the engineer work with the Forest Service to secure the needed permit. The Municipal Highway Grant application has been received and will be completed for this project. The engineer states that the Town has two years from the grant award to complete construction.
Discussion regarding monies owed by a contractor for excess pavement removal. Discussion about an insurance claim to remedy this amount owed. Dan Perera to call and follow up on a letter sent to the contractor.

Motion to sign Orders -Approved
Motion to review mail – Approved

7. Executive Session: None.

8. Adjournment: 7:25pm

This meeting is available for viewing at:


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday March 7, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85376033639?pwd=ZTZpc0lqOExJYzdhRVd4UWhoSUJ1Zz09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 853 7603 3639
Password: 124272

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Reorganization of Select Board

Old Business
Fire Dept river access to properties on Rt125
ARPA Funding
WARVA Representative needed
Buildings and Grounds
Town Land
Forest Service
Covid-19 updates

Motion to sign Orders

Executive Session


SB Minutes 02.21.23

Call to order 1802

Present Leno, Gillete

Public Marge and Jack Ross

Leno moves accept minutes
Gillette seconds
Motion carries

New Business


Old business

RT125 river access
Leno has contacted state agencies and found landowner has no fully compliant permits on property
Discussion of permit status
Leno suggests town needs a public safety access ordinance
Gillette concurs- states that the town is on thin legal standing to authorize the FD not to serve an address, therefore an ordinance is needed to codify a compliant access as a means of indemnification

Discussion of upcoming compliance reporting and change to process
Gillette on track to file compliance reporting

WRVA Rep- Gillette to post on FPF soliciting volunteers.


Leno to contact tree service to inspect 2nd maple tree on TO property to asses health of tree and try to save it.

Town Land

No news. Tabled.

Forest Service

No news. Tabled.


Gillette updates on epidemiological status and anecdotes from health care providers.

Discussion of demand letter from Churchville road contractor. No action taken
Discussion of sheriff patrol services- Gillette still trying to schedule meeting with sheriff.
MGRP approved
Spring road posting specs received

Leno moves to sign orders
Gillette seconds

Other discussion/non-binding business
Signatures for 100on100, tax map contract, and certificate of no appeal or suit pending.

Leno moves to adjourn.
Gillette seconds
Meeting adjourned at 1905.


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday February 21, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84457090034?pwd=Y29NV014VUlLQ2RVS3h3QWFyWVkyUT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 844 5709 0034
Password: 673158

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business

Old Business
Fire Dept river access to properties on Rt125
ARPA Funding
WARVA Representative needed
Buildings and Grounds
Town Land
Forest Service
Covid-19 updates

Motion to sign Orders

Executive Session


SB Meeting 02.07.2023

Call to order 1803

Members of the public present: Bernardo Silva, Dennis Houle, Jamie Morin, Cliff Morin, Jack Ross, Marge Ross.

No public comment

Perera- Motion to approve minutes
Leno- Second
Motion carries

Discussion of retail cannabis-

Leno asks about Act 250
Silva states has blessing of DFS. No Act250 needed because no new construction
Leno asks about issues regarding impaired driving
Silva states that as a retail business, he operates at the same liability as a corner store, not a bar. Silva wishes to run responsible business, and would not be happy to have people illegally consuming on his property. That said, people may drive impaired after visiting his store, just as they may drive impaired after visiting a general store for alcohol.
Leno’s questions are satisfied, and is prepared to make a motion.
Gillette asks a procedural question regarding retraction of cannabis sales authorization.
Silva answers that it is the reverse of the the approval process with a public vote.
Leno moves to approve retail cannabis.
Perera Seconds
Motion carries.

Old business

RT125 river access
Leno brings up that AOT highway access permit uses the term’ temporary’ to describe access.
Dzughashvili counters that the paragraph language later further clarifies that permit states access is of an emergency or exigent nature, but not time limited. Discussion of ambiguity of term ‘temporary’
Leno has call to AOT for clarification. Dzughashvili to also call for clarification
No further response from HVFD on subject
No action taken

ARPA- discussion of allocation of funds and deadlines to allocate. No action taken

WRVA Board- discussion of meeting commitment and thoroughness of minutes. Discussion of who can serve position- Gillette states can be any member of the public- not necessarily a Hancock resident. No action taken.

Buildings and grounds- Leno brings up accumulation of snow in TO parking lot, as well as bridges and highway intersections. Gillette asks if this is included with winter roads contract. Leno answers it is not. Gillette solicits motion to approve spending to hire winter roads contractor to carry this out. Leno makes motion. Gillette seconds. Motion carries

Quintown- Leno informs board that Quintown has signed contract and Leno has signed for SB, witnessed by TC. Contract signed. Item closed.

Town Land- Tabled

Forest service- Follow up letter from Mattrick. No news on FLAP. Gillette to follow up with state on FLAP.

Discussion- ACSO letter to town- cost increases coming- $2/hr , Leno wishes to discuss level of service with ACSO- double coverage- attentiveness of coverage. Gillette concurs. Gillette to contact ACSO to invite sheriff to discuss.

Discussion- Correspondence to SB. Need agenda item to discuss correspondence so action can be taken, if necessary.

Roads- Tabled.

Motion to sign orders- Leno moves, Gillette seconds. Gillette and Perera to sign electronically.

Motion to adjourn- Leno moves to adjourn at 1914, Gillette seconds.

Video of Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/uR5-wMU0AeQyQlMKDmWbhlvBHgL7jyr4Qo3TQmGTkNKXCAMtgS5h2ZH9tY8NeCoY.jS9EYfegffbetG7L


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday Februaury7, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86452778684?pwd=YVlSMWRVbUVwNjJneXFQclY1OGpsZz09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 864 5277 8684
Password: 277512

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Retail Cannabis Sales – Board to consider opting in for retail sales. Set date for Australian ballot vote on this issue.

Old Business
Fire Dept river access to properties on Rt125
ARPA Funding
WARVA Representative needed
Buildings and Grounds
Quin-Town Contract for Town Hall – contract
Town Land
Forest Service
Covid-19 updates

Motion to sign Orders

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday January 17, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Marge Ross, Jack Ross, Jacques Veilleux, Dan Sargent, Brennan Bordonaro, Jamie Morin, Cliff Morin, Bernard O’Silva, Derek Dzhugashvili, Vincent Todd, Dennis Houle

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 1-3-22 Approved

4. Public Comment:
Bernard O’Silva discussed the process for moving forward towards a vote for opting into retail sales of cannabis in Hancock. Vincent Todd, an attorney, also spoke. The Board will need to approve an opt-in vote and then a town vote by Australian ballot is required. The Board has asked that an informational meeting be held for the public prior to any town vote. Board to include this matter on the next Agenda so that the matter can be discussed and voted. If opting in for retail cannabis sales is approved by the Board, dates for a public informational meeting and a vote by Australian ballot will be discussed.
5. New Business:
Cost to replace asphalt incorrectly removed by contractor – A contractor was hired by the town in 2022 to remove a section of pavement from Churchville Rd. During this work, additional pavement beyond what was specified in the contract/prospectus for this project was removed. The cost to replace this section of paved road will be $3,900. Discussion. Board authorizes the Road Commissioner to send a letter to the contractor asking for remittance of this amount.

6. Old Business:
Granville Fire Department – Dan Sargent discussed the status of the Granville Fire Dept. Emergency Response. The Granville Fire Dept has 20 emergency responders currently on staff. Due to an accident with the emergency response truck, the stipend for responders has been suspended and funds directed to the repair of the vehicle. Rochester has proposed a funding reduction of 50% to the Granville Fire Dept. Despite any funding cuts, the Granville Fire Dept. intends to continue to provide emergency services to Hancock and Rochester.
There were 50 calls for assistance from 1/1/22 to 12/31/22.
Granville has not been being dispatched for all emergencies due to errors with the dispatch service. Delays in dispatching Granville FD are sometimes as great as 20 minutes. Granville is in discussions with Middlebury emergency response dispatch services to see if it can provide these services. Middlebury dispatch services may provide better service and better documentation of calls. Mr. Sargent further said that staffing, particularly during daytime work hours is difficult.

Fire Department river crossings on Rt125 – Jacques Veilleux discussed river crossings for properties on Rt125. The Hancock Fire Department can not cross the river fords all of the time. Weather, high water, obstructions, and lack of snow plowing can all contribute to situations where crossing the river would result in too much risk to equipment and personnel. Discussion. One suggestion was to have an engineer rate the existing bridge to see if it could support some of the smaller Fire Dept. vehicles.
The Fire Dept. has informed one property owner that the river cannot be crossed by Fire trucks in all situations. Another property owner near Texas Falls Rd will need to be advised. Jacques Veilleux will inform this person.

Budget – Discussion. Unlike past years, the FY23-24 budget includes line items for the Granville Fire Department and White River Valley Ambulance Service. These items are no longer included in the Appropriations. The proposed budget for FY23-24 is $415,160. The total budget if all Appropriations are approved will be $421,949.54. This compares to last year’s budget of $412,151.54 (with Appropriations). This is an increase of $9,798 which is a 2.4% increase. Most of this increase comes from higher anticipated costs for fuel, utilities, as well as legal fees related to a property dispute.
Jim Leno pointed out high interest charges on loans. Discussion regarding refinancing.
Motion to accept the proposed budget for the 23-24 fiscal year in the amount of $415,160. Approved.

Town Report – Discussion. Edits made to the Board’s letter of introduction. Motion to approve the Town Report. Approved.

Money Market Account – Discussion. The Board has determined that $91,325.89 in an unassigned Money Market account is unencumbered town/taxpayer money. The town Auditor has strongly suggested that these funds be added to the General Fund to be available to offset expenses and reduce taxes. The Board recommends that the voters in Hancock approve the movement of $90,325.89 to the General Fund to reduce taxes in FY23-24. (An amount of $1,000 will be left in the account to keep it active.)
An Article will be presented at Town Meeting that will allow these funds to be moved to the General Fund to reduce taxes if approved.

ARPA – tabled.

WRVA – The town is seeking a representative for the White River Valley Ambulance Service.

Building and Grounds – tabled.

Quin-Town Lease – New lease document is with Quin-Town for signatures. Board authorizes Jim Leno to sign lease on behalf of the Town. Approved.

Town Land – Scott Gillette had a discussion with a potential buyer for the “Green Parcel”. Discussion. In the event that an offer is received, the Board will advertise the property publicly to solicit competing offers. This process would include advertising the property to the public. This process would likely take 4-5 weeks. Any wining offer would then have to be approved by via a town vote at a Special Meeting. An informational package will have to be prepared to inform potential bidders about the property and related restrictive covenants and property access issues.

Forest Service – An email was sent to the Forest Service regarding an easement needed for a culver project on Shampeny Hill Rd. Dan Perera to email again to get a response on this matter and the status of a grant application for a bridge on Texas Falls Rd.

Covid-19 – No new updates.

A large truck attempted to go up Churchville Rd/Buttles Rd and become stuck last week. Dan Perera to research appropriate signage to discourage large trucks from certain roads in Hancock.
A prospectus is being prepared for Grants-In-Aid funded culvert work on Churchville Rd.

Moton to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session – Motion to enter Executive Session at 8:38pm. Approved.
Motion to exit Executive Session at 8:44pm. Approved.
Personnel issue discussed. No action taken.

8. Adjournment: 8:46pmpm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/TKksTh5fjxqe1Wfv2Lwdtz0SBCEgYFrG4zIwqDROuwcSVomjROLgRdr4Ii5L3SA0.32qleGzQAeyW4OTf


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday January 17, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88901690887?pwd=K2JPSkxnWkpQcW0zenoxNGQ2WWNsUT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 889 0169 0887
Password: 567159

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Cost to replace asphalt incorrectly removed by contractor

Old Business
Budget – finalize and approve
Town Report – review
Money Market Account – finalize Warning
ARPA Funding
WARVA Representative needed
Buildings and Grounds
Quin-Town Contract for Town Hall – contract
Town Land
Forest Service
Covid-19 updates
Roads: Prospectus for Grants-In-Aid ditch work on Churchville Rd.

Motion to sign Orders

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday January 3, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Richard Andrews, Jacques Veilleux, Jake Twitchell, Marge Ross, Jack Ross, Bernie Silva, Dennis Houle

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 12-20-22 – Approved

4. Public Comment:
Jacques Veilleux expressed concerns regarding the structural integrity and weight bearing capacity of a private bridge off of Route 125. The Hancock Fire Department has determined that it can not safely use this bridge with fire trucks to access the properties on the other side of the Hancock Branch of the White River. The Fire Department is suggesting that an engineer evaluate the bridge. Discussion.
Scott Gillette points out that the property owners have established a river fording point a few hundred feet east of this bridge. Also, the landowners on 125 have received a stream bank alteration permit and highway access point permit for the ford from the state, based on it being used for emergency vehicle access.
Fire Department responds that river fording is not safe or advised in the event of high water or extreme cold temperatures. Discussion.
It is pointed out that there is another river fording point established just east of the intersection of Texas Falls Rd. and Route 125.
Jacques Veilleux to contact the land owners to advise that Hancock Fire Department cannot respond to emergencies with fire trucks to these properties if the river ford is not safely established or is impaired by high water, river rocks, and/or extreme cold temperatures.

Jake Twitchell discussed the unassigned Money Market account with the Board.

Jake Twitchell asked the Board for assistance in writing an Article for Town Meeting that would allow unused Cemetery funds at the end of the fiscal year to be rolled over into the next year. Scott Gillette to assist.

Bernie Silva addressed the Board. Mr. Antonio recently purchased the former Hancock Building Supply and had previously introduced himself to the Board. He intends to open the Hancock Garden Supply at this property. The store will supply agricultural supplies to support cannabis growers and others in the area. Mr. Silva asked the Board to consider opting in for retail cannabis sales in the town of Hancock.

In support of Mr. Silva’s request that the Board allow cannabis sales in Hancock, Dennis Houle addressed the Board. Mr. Houle mentioned a desire to work with the Board on this issue to create jobs and benefit the town overall. Mr. Houle mentioned that the former D’s Dog House property has been sold and will be operating as a cannabis processing enterprise.
Mr. Houle asked the Board for some feedback on the request to allow cannabis sales in Hancock. Dan Perera stated no objection and mentioned that the State licensing and administrative functions would mean that the people and any retail operations would be vetted, administered, and overseen by the State. Scott Gillette stated that he has no moral objection to the retail sale of cannabis but clearly stated that he would not support any endeavor that created an additional administrative burden on the Hancock Select Board. Jim Leno abstained from providing an opinion.
The process was discussed. First the Select Board would need to vote to opt into the retail sale of cannabis in Hancock. A vote by Australian ballot is then required. The vote must be properly warned. Scott Gillette strongly suggested that an informational meeting be held prior to any vote to respond to any questions and further inform the voters. Mr. Silva will seek the advice of his attorney as to how best to proceed.
The Board will consider this matter at the next meeting on 1/17/23. No action taken.
5. New Business:
Unassigned Money Market Account – During the second of half of 2022, the Hancock Select Board was made aware of a Money Market bank account in the Town’s name containing $91,325.89. This account was established in the mid-1990s and has generally been used to receive government funds and grants, and other disbursements that are then to be transferred to the proper accounts to offset town expenses.

Starting sometime prior to 2014, funds received into this account were not properly transferred out to the appropriate accounts. This has resulted in an accumulation of funds that now totals $91,325.89.

The Board is confident that all related obligations to contractors, service providers, and agencies have been met and that these moneys are not owed to any entity. Being that these funds belong to the taxpayers of Hancock, the Board is suggesting actions that would allow these funds to be added to the General Fund to offset town expenses and reduce taxes. Moving these Money Market funds to the General Fund is also the suggestion of the Town Auditor.

The Board will be suggesting that the voters approve an Article at Town Meeting to move these funds to the General Fund. An amount of $1,000 will be left in the account to keep it active.

The Board will discuss and finalize the Money Market matter at the next meeting on 1/17/23.

WRVA / Granville Fire Department – Jim Leno discussed issues related to the Granville Fire Department emergency response service. He states that there is only one EMT on call during the day and that they will not be renewing their EMT certification in June, 2023. He further states that during the last year, funds appropriated from towns including Hancock that were designated for supporting emergency response services were used to make payments for Granville Fire Department equipment.
Scott Gillette advised the Board that the Rochester Select Board has been in contact with him expressing their concerns regarding emergency response services provided by the Granville Fire Department. Rochester further informed him that their funding for Granville Fire Department may be reduced by 50%.
Jim Leno also discussed issues with WRVA stating that they are having difficulties staffing and providing services. It appears they have had to outsource some ambulance services to the town of Barre, VT.
At prior meetings where these issues were discussed, the Hancock Select Board authorized the moving of the budget requests from WRVA and the Granville Fire Department from Appropriations in the Hancock budget to a line item in the budget. This action will allow the Board greater discretion in paying these funds in the event that services can not be provided or cannot be provided to the Board’s satisfaction.

6. Old Business:
ARPA funds – no new updates.

WRVA Representative – The Board is seeking an individual to represent Hancock on the WRVA Board. Jack Ross recently resigned from this position. The meetings can be attended virtually.

Property on Rt125 with excess cars – Land owner was advised of applicable State Statutes.

Building and Grounds – A person was hired to shovel snow.
CVOil was called to address an issue with the Town Hall furnace.

Quin-Town Lease – Jim Leno to forward lease to Quin-Town management.

Town Land – no new updates.

Forest Service – no new updates.

Covid-19 – no new updates.

A letter was sent to one of the paving bidders to answer questions asked after the bidding process closed.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session:
Motion to enter Executive Session at 7:48pm. Approved.
Motion to exit Executive Session at 8:12pm. Approved.
Personnel matter discussed. No action taken.

8. Adjournment: 8:41pm

This meeting was not recorded.


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday January 3, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87054521539?pwd=bGM0RHQ5eFhjeVQxM3Bod1dlaWZjdz09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 870 5452 1539
Password: 252962

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Town Report
Old Business
ARPA Funding
WARVA Representative needed
Property on Rt125 w/excess cars
Money Market Account
Buildings and Grounds
Quin-Town Contract for Town Hall – contract review
Town Land
Forest Service
Covid-19 updates

Motion to sign Orders

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday September 20, 2023 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Natalie Clok, Phillis Deering, Stacey Peters

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Miion for Hancock’s ARPA funds.
The Select Board is responsible for allocating ARPA funds to eligible projects. Though not required, the Board is seeking input from Hancock residents on possible uses for the ARPA funds. We have publicly posted notices informing the public that their input is welcome.

Project Evaluation:
Some of the criteria that the Board will consider when evaluating possible ARPA projects:
• Cost
• Timeframe
• Urgency of the need being addressed
• Affects a large number of people. Return on investment (bang for the buck)
• Long-lasting impacts on town
• Increases resilience by increasing overall health/well-being of residents
• Addresses residents’ basic needs
• Does not create unsustainable financial or staff capacity burdens now or in the future
• Are there any other funding sources available (either as alternatives or as match)?
• Is the project consistent with the town’s prior plans (e.g., town plan, capital budget plan, etc.)
• Is the project permissible under the ARPA guidelines?
Submit suggestions for ARPA funding to hancockvtselectboard@gmail.com. Please include your full name and address. Submissions may be mailed to or left with the Town Clerk.
Jacques Veilleux advised the Board that the Hancock Fire Department has urgent needs that include new radios, updated air tanks, and 4 new hose nozzles. The Board requested that each of these suggestions be submitted in writing with details to include the total price.
Ricky Andrews suggested that ARPA funds be used to provide standby generators at the Town Hall (Hancock’s Emergency Shelter) and the Town Offices. He also suggested that the Fire Department needs should be a priority and that remaining funds should be used to upgrade the paved roads in town. The Board responded that some of these items are in the Town Plan as priorities and all of these suggestions are already up for consideration by the Board for ARPA funding.
Discussion regarding pavement in front of the Fire Dept.
ARPA Funding designation: Motion made to designate the entire ARPA award to cover Government Services under the Standard Deduction. Discussion. This designation is for small municipalities such as Hancock that allows them the most flexibility as to how to use ARPA funds. It is the recommended designation per the Treasury Department and VLCT. Approved.
Assessor Contract – Rick Favor. Review of updated contract. Motion to approve and sign update contract with Rick Favor to assume the lister duties for the Town of Hancock. Approved.
Locks and Keys – Discussion. Town should update the locks on Town building so that a master key is available. Dan Perera to research options.
6. Old Business:
LEMP – Updated and reviewed. Motion to approve. Approved.
Motion to have TRORC review the Town Plan. Approved.
Last Stop sign was depleted from Town inventory. New one to be ordered.
Winter Roads prospectus for 3 year contract updated. To be put out to bid shortly.
Guard rail on Churchville Rd to be inspected for possible replacement due to previous damage.
Road sweeping – clean up of town green needed before sweeping.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 8:10pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/ZK4rF5hM7UFG9RgozatLduwvHLaIVsBmB6_fu9bBSEGaVYD2opeCP5wxg2YYjd0.oC3yalKzp8eXNouM?startTime=1649196052000 (Passcode: bgGXu7!Z)


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday April 5, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84051117751?pwd=VkgvWTJXZHoxb0VwbGpWMjk3VE5ZUT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 840 5111 7751
Password: 902614

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Chris Mattrick – Forest Service / Texas Falls Rd.
ARPA Funding – public input / suggestions for projects
ARPA Funding – discuss Standard Allowance for Revenue Loss
Assessor Contract – updated contract
Locks and keys for Municipal Buildings
LEMP update

Old Business
Sign Mowing Contract
Sign Town Green Usage Policy
Town Plan – TRORC review and approval
Covid-19 updates
Roads – stop sign inventory

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday March 15, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Monica Collins, Rick Favor

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 3-2-22 Approved

4. Public Comment: Monica mentioned that Feeding The Valley will be requesting use of the Town Hall on certain Saturdays for 3 hours.

5. New Business:
Assessor Contract – Discussion. Board advised Rick Favor to update contract to reflect 30 days notice for cancelation, end date of contract to be changed, oversight be allowed, and proof of insurance be provided to the Town. Rick to update contract for Board approval at next meeting.

Town Green Usage Policy – policy read aloud. Board comments and the related changes were made to the draft. Draft updated. Motion to approve Town Green Usage Policy. Approved.

LHMP – Review and discussion. Public input to plan is pending.

Town Plan – Discussion. Motion to Approve Town Plan. Approved.

Motion to approve the fees charged for upcoming Select Board Training seminars. Approved.

Motion to approve liquor license for Heart of Hancock – Approved.
6. Old Business:
Covid-19 – Board acknowledges that the Governor has dropped statewide masking requirements. Motion to suspend masking requirements in municipal buildings. Approved.

Dan Perera discussed that the ARPA funds received by the Town will likely amount to between $90,000 and $100,000.
These funds, if designated as such by the Board, will be available for projects including road work, and infrastructure improvements.
The discussion then went to the Board’s desire to solicit public input to develop a list of possible projects for these funds.
Dan pointed out that Churchville Road, Virgin Ave, and Recreation drive all are in need of repaving before the condition of these roads deteriorates further. In addition, paved aprons need to be installed at the intersection of Bettis Rd and Churchville Rd. and at the intersection of Blair Hill Rd and Route100. Dan further noted that the driveway and parking lot at the Town Hall are due for sealcoating to better preserve the existing asphalt. Lastly, it was pointed out that there are three areas of pavement damage on the Texas Falls Rd that need repairs.

The Board agrees that a paving project might be adversely impacted by the recent rise in oil prices and that the scope of the project should be enlarged to include all of the items mentioned above. Board agrees to pursue the solicitation of bids next winter for construction in summer 2023 if funds are available.

Discussion. Comments were made that the Capital Highway Fund is well funded and that these funds could be combined with the ARPA funds to complete repaving and pavement repairs.

Further discussion was had regarding the purchase of generators for the Town Hall (Hancock’s Emergency Shelter) and the Town Offices (which supplies the Town Hall with water and provides a public wifi hotspot). It was noted that the Town has applied for a FEMA grant for a generator at the Town Hall and does not yet know if the grant will be awarded.

The Board will be inviting written and in-person input from Hancock residents regarding their ideas for ARPA spending. The next two Select Board meetings will focus on public comments regarding ARPA funds and suggested expenditures. Notices will be posted online and at the Post Office and Town Clerk’s Office.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 7:57pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/FmOTdpN_9DdvzCziKLhabKNKkzrpZlVj6abBXEZdSy58ZFdZXIkQCcWhMib45OOy.QGYOvfKdMV5peyLe

Passcode: ZELpY38?


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday March 15, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88511953222?pwd=Sy94d1lOeEJsYlB2ckEyODhzWWcxQT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 885 1195 3222
Password: 695636

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Town Green usage policy
Local Hazard Mitigation Plan – status update
Assessor Contract

Old Business
Town Plan completion
Covid-19 updates – Review masking requirements
Roads – draft paving prospectus / overweight permit – Texas Falls Rd.

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Wednesday March 2, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Scott Gillette (via video), Dan Perera, Jim Leno, Jack Ross

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 2-15-22 Approved

4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business:
Select Board Reorganization
Scott Gillette – Chairman
Dan Perera – Clerk

Town Green Usage Policy – tabled

The Board affirmed the $104 expense for upgrading the Town Zoom account.
Discussion regarding video access to Select Board meetings. Motion to approve up to a $400 expense for a dedicated Select Board laptop computer. Approved.
6. Old Business:
Town Plan – Scott Gillette to revise draft per discussions in last meeting.

Covid-19 – Discussion regarding lifting mask requirements in Town buildings. Board to ask Town Clerk for input.

Road Commissioner continues to seek input on draft Paving Prospectus.

The Forest Service is planning repairs to the dirt portion of the Texas Falls Road. This will require heavy truck to pass over a bridge with weight restrictions. The Town will require a permit and bond to provide for repairs to the bridge in the event it is damaged. Dan Perera to contact Forest Service with these requirments.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session: Motion to enter Executive Session at 6:27pm. Approved.
Exit Executive Session at 6:44pm.
Legal matter discussed.
No action taken.

8. Adjournment: 6:47pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/5GZyUoXFhP-xnzt7iyBxK10AheLuY6zxjuuBatCo8rWVC5qoWBxAfTyaImMXjPGw.1byc01UPPhmLgr5I?startTime=1646262439000


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Wednesday March 2, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/83444001265?pwd=eTQxdjcwa1FVQlJQVldZaFI2NEt1QT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 834 4400 1265
Password: mPk6ff

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Reorganization of the Select Board
Town Green usage policy

Old Business
Town Plan completion
Covid-19 updates – Review masking requirements

Executive Session


Draft Minutes – Informational Meeting – Tuesday February 22, 2022
Australian Ballot/Articles to be voted
CTO: 7:00pm
Moderator opens meeting.
Each Article read and opened to discussion.
Article 1 – no questions
Article 2 – no questions
Article 3 – Discussion regarding replacing Listers with an expert to be hired by the Town. Don Crickard explained that the job is no longer able to be done by volunteer Town residents as the level of expertise needed is not available. The professional being considered already regularly assists the Listers.
Article 4 – Discussion regarding Appropriations. Discussion regarding Hancock Town Pride appropriations request of $1500. Dan Perera read the State Statute 2691 stating that Appropriations to support social service programs and facilities are among the items permitted.
Article 5 – no questions
Article 6 – no questions
Article 7 – no questions
Article 8 – no questions
Article 9 – Discussion regarding the Town Clerk Salary. It was explained that the Clerk’s responsibilities have increased over the years and that there has been no significant change in Clerk compensation for 10 years. It was further noted that the number of hours worked by the Clerk include many hours beyond the hours the Town Office is open to the public. Currently Hancock’s Clerk compensation is well below the average for similar sized town in Vermont.
Currently the Clerk total hours are 1158/year at $24,500 salary. This comes to $21.16/hour.
New Proposed Hours per year = 1522 (The Board will suggest that the Clerk’s Office be open to the public for 18 hours per week).
Hours per year 1522. Proposed total compensation ($30,000 salary plus $7,000 health insurance contribution) is $37,000. This would come to $24.31/hour.
At $24.31/hour, Hancock Clerk compensation would fall more evenly with other towns of our size.
Other Business:
Dan Perera invited the public to come to Select Board Meetings or to contact Board Members directly if there are questions about the budget or other Town business so that the facts surrounding budget and Board decisions can be shared accurately.
Stacy Peters discussed the School Board budget and invited voters to come to School Board Meetings.
Meeting Adjourned: 7:45pm


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday February 15, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order for Public Hearing for Hancock Town Plan: 6pm

2. Meeting called to order for Public Hearing for comments and questions regarding the draft of the Hancock Town Plan. Discussion. There are a few typographical errors in document. Corrections discussed. Scott Gillette requests digital copy of Town Plan to make corrections. No further discussion. Motion to close Public Hearing. Approved.

1. Call to Order: 6:07pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Dan Perera, Scott Gillette (all via video)

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 2-1-2022 Approved

4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business:
Purchasing Policy – Discussion. Proposed new Purchasing Policy:
The Select Board placed procurement requirements on any purchase on behalf of the Town under the following guidelines:

A. Purchases up to $5,000 need the signature of a Select Board member before purchasing.

B. Any purchases ranging from $5,001 and up to $10,000 requires an affirmative vote by the Select Board and 3 ESTIMATES submitted to the Select Board for approval before purchasing.

C. Any purchases ranging from $10,001 and up require an affirmative vote by the Select Board and 3 BIDS submitted to the Select Board for approval before purchasing.

Motion to approve new Purchasing Policy. Approved.

Town Green Usage Policy – Discussion. Policy will require large groups to leave a fee and deposit as well as set the rules for usage. Suggestions include that the permit/fee be required with groups of 20 people or more. Draft to be updated. For next meeting.

Town Plan – Motion to approve the Town Plan with the typographical errors corrected as previously discussed in the Public Hearing. Approved.

Mowing Bids. Opened.
Rhoades Property Managements $4,600/yr
Randy Brouillard $4,400/yr
Robert and Sandy Laird $4,000/yr
Mears Ground Service $5,200/yr
Discussion. Motion to approve bid from Robert and Sandy Laird. Approved.

The Board thanked Monica Collins for her nearly nine years of service on the Hancock Select Board and her valuable contributions to the Town of Hancock both as Chairperson of the Board as well as the other key municipal positions she has held with local and regional committees and non-profit organizations.

6. Old Business:
Covid -19 – No action taken.

Roads: The Town is continuing to develop a prospectus for paving.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 6:31pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xrMMHUETGJJ_rR5lXXzJIRvP7anPBTls?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday February 15, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81832822545?pwd=bW5tbUlSZjZvdGdqSXBhRmlQSktTQT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 818 3282 2545
Password: 856321

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Update Purchasing Policy
Town Green usage policy

Old Business
Town Plan completion
Covid-19 updates

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday February 1, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Scott Gillette, Dan Perera

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 1-18-22 Approved

4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business:
Town Meeting – the posted Articles have an error in Article 9. The date is incorrect. Board working with VLCT to see how best to correct the Articles.

Procurement Policy – Review and discussion. Board in agreement that the policy limits from 2011 are in need of an update. Board to create draft revision to existing policy for review and vote at next meeting.’

Policy providing guideline for Town Clerk compensation. Motion to approve new policy. Approved.
New Policy provides salary guidelines for Town Clerk compensation when the Clerk has been appointed by the Board.
Salary guidance is from $15.95 up to $26.04 per hour with 18 hours per week of public office time.

Motion for the Board to move forward with obtaining the Village Center Designation for the Town of Hancock. Approved.

The Town has ordered free masks from a government program. These masks will be made available at Town buildings and to any businesses that request them.

6. Old Business:
Town Plan – A public meeting is scheduled for February 15, 2022 at 6pm via video or telephone.

Roads – Feedback is being obtained for creating a prospectus for paving and pavement repairs.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 6:35pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FK6SA8xnNPP2NLO0p1HCJzK1Md0S-Q9h?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday February 1, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88447584697?pwd=dTBsMWVCZzduY0lCRjJybkpHamswdz09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 884 4758 4697
Password: 388203

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Review Purchasing Policies

Old Business
Town Clerk compensation
Town Plan completion
Covid-19 updates

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday January 18, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Peter Gregory, Kevin Geiger

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 1-4-22 Approved

4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business:
Suggested changes to Town Plan – Discussion about suggested edits with input from Peter Gregory and Kevin Geiger from Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission. TROC is assisting the Town in updating the Plan. Updated Plan to be reviewed.
Motion to set the Public Hearing for the Plan on February 15, 2022 at 6pm via Zoom video. Approved.

Liquor License for Middlebury College – Motion to approve a blanket approval for Middlebury College to serve liquor at catered events at the Middlebury Snow Bowl from May 1, 2022 through April 30, 2023. Approved.

Motion to forego a public meeting and adopt Australian Balloting for voting on the Articles for Town Meeting in March as approved by Governor Scott in S172, S222, and S223. Approved.

6. Old Business:
Town Clerk compensation – Tabled

Town Plan completion – see above.

Middlebury Snow Bowl/New Road Name – The college is reviewing the information.

Covid-19 updates – Tabled

The Town is developing a prospectus for repaving Churchville Rd, adding aprons to Bettis Rd and Blair Hill Rd, and sealcoating the Town parking lot at the Town Hall.
The Town received a few calls about ice on Bettis Rd. Contractor was contacted.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 6:31pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1aIlUB7uxtQQoOEECgtupfFEcer7nhEEy?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday January 18, 2021 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85258275762?pwd=Mk5EcWhVSWliYmNyV3VFRU1DT2l5UT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 852 5827 5762
Password: 317082

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Suggested changes to Town Plan
Liquor License for Middlebury College
Old Business
Town Clerk compensation
Town Plan completion
Covid-19 updates

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday January 4, 2022 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jeannette Bair (via video)

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 12-21-21 Approved

4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business:
Motion to approve the 22-23 Town Budget in the amount of $377,116 and the Select Board Report for the Town Report. Approved.

Articles for Town Meeting – Motion to approve with the understanding that the articles assume an Australian ballot process for voting due to Covid-19 per the recommendation of the State of Vermont. Discussion regarding the process in the event that an in-person meeting can be held in March. Motion Approved.

Motion to approve the renewal of the Village Center Designation for the Town of Hancock for a period of 8 years. Approved.

Motion to sign the Certificate of Highway Mileage for the year ending February 10, 2022. Discussion – no changes to road mileage has occurred. Approved.

Notice from the State of Vermont that no Town wide reappraisal is needed.

6. Old Business:
New Road at Middlebury Snow Bowl – Discussion ongoing with Middlebury College. Tabled.

Town Clerk Compensation – tabled.

Town Plan Completion – The Plan has been transmitted to the Board for completion. A public hearing needs to be scheduled for some time in February.

Covid-19 – Notices of mask requirements in all Town buildings have been posted.

Roads – Discussion regarding the need for paving and pavement repairs. Board agrees that these issues need to be addressed and that a request for bids should be initiated.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 6:43pm


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday January 4, 2021 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85427943951?pwd=dW9maTRSMUFONmFSOFBWdy8weTkydz09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 854 2794 3951
Password: 314063

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Approve finalized budget for town report
Approve SB report for Town Report
Approve Articles for Town Meeting

Old Business
Naming a new road at the Middlebury Snow Bowl
Town Clerk compensation
Town Plan completion
Covid-19 updates

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday December 21, 2021 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Scott Gillette, Dan Perera

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 12-7-21 Approved.

4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business:
Covid masking options – Discussion regarding temporary masking requirements due to high rates of Covid-19 infections in the State of Vermont. Any masking requirements will be reviewed at each Select Board meeting and can be altered or removed by a vote of the Select Board.
Motion: Until further notice the wearing of masks is required in all Town buildings. This masking requirement includes the Town Clerk’s Office, the Hancock Free Public Library, the Town Hall, and the Hancock Historical Society.
If the Town Hall is rented by a private individual and the venue is to be used for a private function and not open to the public, the renter can opt out of this masking requirement for the duration of the rental. Approved.

Approve finalized budget for town report – tabled
Approve SB report for Town Report – tabled
Approve Articles for Town Meeting – tabled

Naming a new road at the Middlebury Snow Bowl – the construction of a new cell tower on the Middlebury Snow Bowl property will require its own 911 address. This will create multiple 911 addresses at one location. Best practice is to create a road so that each 911 address can have a unique location. Board to discuss matter with Middlebury Snow Bowl and other stakeholders.
6. Old Business:
Town Clerk compensation – Board to put salary guidelines in to Policy form for voting at next meeting.

Town Plan completion – Board expecting to receive authorization to complete the plan.
Covid-19 updates – discussion.

Road Commissioner is seeking road side mowing contractor.
Paving – discussion. Road Commissioner to assemble prospectus for paving road skirts at Blair Hill Rd., Bettis Rd. Also for sealing Town Hall parking lot, pothole repairs and resurfacing Churchville Rd.

Mowing – 3 year contract – Board to put 3 year contract for Town mowing and trimming out for bid.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 6:41pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1mYAtt6jXEVruGbNUDpVASTOljcMVHn1y?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday December 21, 2021 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87486559949?pwd=RkR0VlBKOU8rajJkUjJwQ2V0Y0hzUT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 874 8655 9949
Password: 283121

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Covid masking options
Approve finalized budget for town report
Approve SB report for Town Report
Approve Articles for Town Meeting
Naming a new road at the Middlebury Snow Bowl
Old Business
Town Clerk compensation
Town Plan completion
Covid-19 updates

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting – Special Meeting
Draft Minutes
Wednesday December 15, 2021 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 8:35am

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Dan Perera

3. Minutes of the last meeting: N/A

4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business:
Motion to authorize a Select Board member (Dan Perera) to participate and, if necessary, bid on property going up for auction at a tax sale on 12/16/21. Any bids not to exceed the amount of delinquent taxes due. Approved.

6. Old Business: N/A

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 8:46am


Special Hancock Select Board Meeting Wednesday, December 15 th
at 8:30 A.M.
In Person at the Hancock Town Clerk’s office
1. Call to Order
2. Vote to authorize Select Board to bid at upcoming tax sale on behalf of the Town
3. Adjourn


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday December 7, 2021 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6:00pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Scott Gillette, Dan Perera

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 11/16/21 Approved

4. Public Comment:
Board received complaints about lack of sanding on Fassett Hill Rd and the Town Office parking lot. Contractor was contacted.
5. New Business:
Covid-19 masking options – discussion. Board to draft a masking requirement for Town buildings that are open to the public. Board will vote on making requirements at next meeting.

Generator quotes – Dan Perera is gathering quotes from qualified contractors for the installation of standby generators at the Town Offices and the Town Hall. The Board anticipates that grants will be coming available for this type of improvements to the Town’s infrastructure.
The Town Emergency Shelter is the Town Hall.
The Town Emergency Operations Center is the Town Clerk’s Office.

Local Hazard Mitigation Plan – The Town is in the process of updating this plan. Part of the update will be a public survey. This survey will be for Hancock residents and it will be available at the Town Clerk’s Office in the next few weeks.

Mowing Contract – Board to prepare bidding information.

Motion to approve liquor license for Heart of Hancock and outside consumption permit for Middlebury Snow Bowl location. Approved
6. Old Business:
Town Clerk salary – Board to develop a salary range so that salary can be set if a Clerk is appointed.

Town Plan Completion – This process is moving forward.

Covid-19 – no new updates.

Roads – Road Commissioner looking into putting roadside mowing out to bid as no local contractors have been able to complete this work.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 6:35pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14pWhjXgUf_iixH8NtrQhOqraLluyLqKg?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday December 7, 2021 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86822185798?pwd=Q2lySktKNmg4cFBxQkNvWW5WOFpIdz09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 868 2218 5798
Password: 904997

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Covid masking options with new legislation

Old Business
Town Clerk compensation
Town Plan completion
Covid-19 updates

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday November 16, 2021 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6:03pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Dan Perera, Jeannette Bair

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 11-2-21 Approved

4. Public Comment:
Jeannette Bair asked about the status of the former Library building. It is occupied by the Hancock Historical Society and the building is overseen by the Library Trustees. The building has no water or septic.
5. New Business:
The Board was informed that the Town Hall was used for a function without informing the Town Clerk. The Town Clerk manages the schedule for the Town Hall so that there are no conflicts with its usage. The Board will seek information about who has extra keys to this building.

Act 166 requires that the Town submit any Public Safety Mutual Aid agreements as well as a Public Safety Plan. The Board has requested a template for the Public Safety Plan.

The Board has verified that new the solar array on Rt125 is not in the floodplain and does have the necessary State of VT permits.

The Board is researching/seeking grant funding for generators for the Town Office Building and the Town Hall.

6. Old Business:
Town Clerk Compensation – An amount has been budgeted for an increase in compensation to account for the increased training requirements, the complexity of the duties of this position, and the tenure of the current Clerk. The Board is seeking to establish a salary range for this position so that it can set an appropriate salary based on the experience of future Clerks. The Select Board does not set the Town Clerk salary except if the Clerk is appointed. Voters at Town Meeting set the salary for elected Town Clerks.
Board seeking additional clarification on establishing a salary range for appointed Clerks.

Cybersecurity – Tabled
Town Plan Completion – Tabled

Covid-19 – Tabled

Repairs to the guardrail on Taylor Brook Road have been completed. The Town benefitted from delaying this project as lumber prices have declined since this project was approved earlier this year. The Board appreciates the time, expertise, and equipment that was donated by Keith Jesso for the guardrail project.
The Road Commissioner met with the Engineer from Otter Creek Engineering at the site of the Shampeny Hill Rd culvert replacement project.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 6:32pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1P7-EQnmLSUHHO3wLP1mt0jurtMRzjVnd?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday November 16, 2021 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84543012967?pwd=VzVoeW01N3RKM29xcEo0MnlXWXNEQT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 845 4301 2967
Password: 949773

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business

Old Business
Town Clerk compensation
Town Plan completion
Covid-19 updates

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday November 2, 2021 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6:05pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Dan Perera, Steve Smyrychynski, Jeannette Bair (via video)

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 10/19/21 Approved

4. Public Comment:
Steve Smyrychynski discussed the need for grading, pothole repairs and road run off. The Road Commissioner advised that the roads are in the process of being graded.

5. New Business:
A FEMA grant has been announced that may apply to Hancock. Grant may be available to fund a generator for the Town Hall. Board to seek additional information.

6. Old Business:
Town Clerk Salary – Board to first approve a salary range for this position. Then a recommendation can be made for a salary increase. The Board looks to have this matter addressed in the next meeting.

Cybersecurity – Tabled

Broken Windows in Library – A contractor has been contacted. Windows will have to be removed for up to 6 weeks. This work is scheduled for spring, 2022 to avoid having windows out during winter. Library Board has been advised.

Taylor Meadow License Agreement – tabled

Town Plan Completion – process is moving forward to allow the Select Board to compete the Plan.

Covid – No updates.

End of season grading is ongoing.
Guardrail on Taylor Brook Road – replacement work is ongoing.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 6:17pm

This meeting is available for viewing at:
NOTE: Due to technical issues, no recording of this meeting is available.


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday November 2, 2021 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83946165938?pwd=OGxGY3orbEJQbkFlb3pQNU1MSzMxdz09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 839 4616 5938
Password: 343530

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business

Old Business
Town Clerk compensation
Repairs to Library windows
Revocable license for Taylor Meadow property
Town Plan completion
Covid-19 updates

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting

Draft Minutes

Tuesday October 19, 2021 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm

In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

  1. Call to Order: 6:06pm
  1. Introductions: Monica Collins, Scott Gillette, Dan Perera
  1. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 10/5/21 Approved with changes.
  1. Public Comment: The Board has been informed of proposed State legislative redistricting. The proposal would create a new legislative district with one representative for the towns of Hancock, Granville, Ripton, Rochester, and Bethel.

Link to proposed redistricting: https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/45eafabbcbde44beb44fb6e096b9197c/

  1. New Business:

Board has reviewed the bids for an engineering study for the replacement of a culvert on Shampeny Hill Rd. The bids having been opened at the last Board meeting. After review and input from outside advisors, the Board moves to accept the bid from Otter Creek Engineering for $ 12,500.

National Opioid Settlement – Some funds may be available to the Town of Hancock to support organizations working with our community on drug abuse issues. Board to pursue funding if it becomes available.

Board Chairperson signed the Municipal Invoicing Spreadsheet for Municipal Grants in Aid Program.

Town Clerk compensation – for Executive Session.

  1. Old Business:

Hazard Mitigation Plan – Board drafting a survey to seek input from Town residents regarding perceived hazards to be include in the Mitigation Plan.

Cybersecurity – Tabled

Repairs to Library windows – Tabled

Revocable license for Taylor Meadow property – Tabled

Town Plan completion – Tabled

Covid-19 updates – None


Both contractors for roadside mowing are not able to fulfill commitments to mow Town roads this year.

Road gravel from the Town gravel pile continued over the last few weeks.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

  1. Executive Session:

Motion to enter Executive Session regarding compensation and a legal matter. Approved. Entered Executive Session at 6:18pm

Motion to exit Executive Session at 6:35. Approved.

No action taken.

Board to do further research and develop a pay scale for certain Town employees.

  1. Adjournment: 6:38pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14B6zxxrFh60RJ6aiEe1ucSDDUtrG9ENy?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday October 19, 2021 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84080084618?pwd=SXZrVFV4NW1qdnN2WlZZeXBtQmZJdz09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 840 8008 4618
Password: 907607

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Shampeny Hill Rd Engineering bids
Town Clerk compensation
National Opioid Settlement
Board Chair to sign Municipal Invoicing Spreadsheet for Municipal Roads Grants in Aid Program.

Old Business
Repairs to Library windows
Revocable license for Taylor Meadow property
Town Plan completion
Covid-19 updates

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday October 5, 2021 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6:02pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Scott Gillette (via video), Dan Perera

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 9-21-21 Approved

4. Public Comment:
Board has received complaints about the use of large truck engine brakes on Route 125. Contractor whose truck as been sighted has been contacted.

5. New Business:
Board has received a request for an increase in annual compensation for the Hancock Town Clerk. State statute does allow for the Select Board to increase the Town Clerk salary. Board is to contact VLCT to ask if the increase would apply to new hires vs. a long-term employee. Board to review request from the Town Clerk. Board to add this issue to the Agenda for the next meeting.

Town Clerk reports that she will be meeting with our software provider to consolidate bank accounts per the recommendations of the accountant in the last audit. Also reported is that the Town Auditors are meeting to finish up their audit.

Board has been contacted by the US Attorney General regarding the National Opioid Settlement. Board to review this process and discuss at next meeting.

Update on Delorm lawsuit. To be discussed in Executive Session.
6. Old Business:
Cybersecurity – Tabled

Repairs to Library windows – No information was obtained regarding prior contractors. Dan Perera to contact a window contractor.

Revocable license for Taylor Meadow property – Tabled

Town Plan completion – Waiting for Planning Commission to hold one more meeting to assign completion of plan to Select Board.

Covid-19 updates – None

Fassett Hill ditch work complete. After work is inspected grant funds should be released to the Town.
Next year’s grant will likely involve the next section of Fassett Hill Rd. immediately above the section completed this year.

Roadside mowing has been delayed again due to equipment issues.

Shampeny Hill engineering bids to replace culvert: Bids opened.
Otter Creek Engineering $12,500
Engineering Ventures $ 17,165 + $15,200 for outside consulting.
Bannon Engineering $ 15,500
East Engineering Civil Infrastructure $ 14,000
Dubois & King $ 24,750

Discussion. Board requests that TRORC review bids to assess the capabilities of bidding firms for this project. Bid selection postponed until the next meeting to allow for TRORC and Board review of bids.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session:
Motion to enter Executive Session at 6:18pm. Approved.
Motion to exit Executive Session at 6:20pm. Approved.
Lawsuit discussed.
No action taken.

8. Adjournment: 6:31pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1oTNPTDyat4Ddv4PJuEjpCDYR2w7iyyzf?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday October 5, 2021 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82708430008?pwd=N3lUQ1Ezd1VjdC9md25HMVExUCtvQT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 827 0843 0008
Password: 266522

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business

Old Business
Repairs to Library windows
Revocable license for Taylor Meadow property
Town Plan completion
Covid-19 updates

Executive Session

Minutes – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday September 21, 2021 / Town Clerk’s Office
NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended
via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87663622317?
To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 876 6362 2317
Password: 208758
Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.
Call to Order at 6:05 pm
Introductions – Present: Monica Collins and Scott Gillette (remotely)
Minutes of the last meeting – Scott Gillette made motion to accept minutes of the last meeting – Motion
Public Comment : No public comment
New Business
Change to Sand Contract – due to inferior product from the winner of the sand bid, the
contract was cancelled and the next bid was accepted. Dan will follow up with
contractor to obtain signed contract
Request made to send out mailer to residents regarding upcoming Rochester Area
Climate Initiative Public Forum on Oct. 7 at 6pm via Zoom and in person on
October 12 from 5pm to 6:15 at Rochester Elementary Outdoor Classroom.
Select Board approved. Scott will print flyer and Monica will coordinate with
Post Office to get the number of mailing addresses for bulk mailing. Linda
Anderson volunteered to help with mailing as did Monica Collins. Thank you
Scott for volunteering to print out flyer.
Update on boundary line lawsuit – Town Attorney has accepted service, filed a Notice of
Appearance, and an Answer.
Marge Ross training as new Assistant Town Clerk
Town Clerk requested that the Select Board make a decision be made regarding
petitions for appropriations. Chair checked in with VLCT and was advised that it
is up to the Select Board. Scott Gillette made a motion to waive the requirement
for signatures on petitions for appropriations given the continuing issues with
Covid-19. Monica seconded. Motion carried. Requirement for signatures waived
for this year.​
Auditor’s report is complete and the hard copy is coming in the mail. Town Clerk will be
following up with NEMREC to discuss the recommendations of the auditor.
Old Business
Cybersecurity – Monica will follow up with a contractor this week
Repairs to Library windows – waiting to hear from former select board member to get
more information on previous repairs/
Revocable license for Taylor Meadow property – tabled
Town Plan completion – TRORC working with PC to set up a date for the public hearing
to transmit the draft to the Select Board.
Covid-19 updates – none
Roads – Ken Beattie will be spreading gravel on the roads prioritizing those that need it
most. Question was asked regarding last grading of the season. SB will follow
up with Road Commissioner
Also question asked regarding grant deadlines for Fassett Hill work. Material is
stockpiled and ready to go. Just waiting for contractor.
Motion to sign orders – seconded and carried
Executive Session – None
Adjournment – Motion to adjourn at 6:30. Seconded and carried.
Link to video of this meeting: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Buwv0O8kE5hTXobpEWALI_6IiDPnl6e5?usp=sharing

WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday September 21, 2021 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87663622317?pwd=VE1uNEE5dWtBQXR0bUFjNW9iYVJDQT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 876 6362 2317
Password: 208758

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Change to Sand Contract –

Old Business
Repairs to Library windows
Revocable license for Taylor Meadow property
Town Plan completion
Covid-19 updates

Executive Session

Minutes – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday September 7, 2021 / Town Clerk’s Office
Call to Order
Introductions – SB members: Monica Collins and Scott Gillette (attending remotely). No members of the
public present
Minutes of the last meeting – Approved as written
Public Comment – None
New Business – The Town’s Village Center Designation is up for renewal. TRORC will be assisting us with
this process.
Old Business
Cybersecurity – VLCT and NEMREC were contacted for referrals to contractors doing this work with VT
towns. Monica to contact.
Repairs to Library windows – Monica has reached out to former SB member, Shelley Twitchell to see if
she can shed some light on the past window repair.
Revocable license for Taylor Meadow property – Waiting for landowners to work out a schedule to meet
and discuss before signing.
Town Plan completion – TRORC is working with Planning Commission to work through the requirements
of transmitting the Town Plan draft to the Select Board.
Covid-19 updates – None
Roads – Road commissioner advised that the contractor the Town had hired to do the roadside
mowing has not been responsive and has missed his deadline to complete the project.
The Road Commissioner will be contacting other contractors to get the work done ASAP.
Executive Session – none
Link to video of meeting: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1idm7SVXkzlQF6oB2bvLS2bc4a0QzhG7y?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday August 17, 2021 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82142212370?pwd=NXlueDZ5Q3JFQVFQTXpIYU5LRFpWUT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 821 4221 2370
Password: 175278

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business

Old Business
Sand Bids
Repairs to Library windows
Revocable license for Taylor Meadow property
Town Plan completion
Covid-19 updates

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday August 3, 2021 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6:04pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Dan Delorm

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 7-20-21 Approved.

4. Public Comment:
Dan Delorm commented on the law suit he has filed against the Town of Hancock. The Board explained that once a suit is filled it can no longer discuss the matter.
5. New Business
Sand Bids – bids opened for 1000 cubic yards of road sand.
ECS Excavation: $25,416
Case Street Redi-Mix: $18,500
Board withholding decision until a sample of the sand can be obtained and evaluated from Case Street Redi-Mix. Bid decision tabled to next meeting.

Budgeting – Budgeting process to be completed by November 30. 2021 in order allow more time for preparing the Town Report.

Requests for Appropriations from the Town of Hancock need to be submitted to the Town by November 30, 2021.

Delinquent properties – Demand letters were sent to landowners with delinquent taxes for properties that are eligible for tax sale. Public notices to follow.
6. Old Business
Town Plan Completion – Board to nominate new Board members to the Planning Commission. Motion to appoint Gretchen Perera, Eva Jesso, and Stacey Peters. Motion approved.

Taylor Meadow Revokable License – Tabled.

Covid-19 – Masks are now required in the Hancock Free Public Library.

Roads: Roadside mowing contractor has indicated that roads will be mowed by the end of August.

Discussion regarding cybersecurity for Town data.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session
Motion to enter Executive Session at 6:36pm. Approved.
Motion to exit Executive Session at 6:46. Approved.
Legal matter discussed.
No action taken.

8. Adjournment: 6:52pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FjzqTyU4-EQSQNTuiHDV-62atM6WdI0M?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday August 3, 2021 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82168695363?pwd=OUhzeS9iQ0ZRek1VYm5vVkhSa1h2QT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 821 6869 5363
Password: 532806

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Sand bids

Old Business
Revocable license for Taylor Meadow property
Town Plan completion
Covid-19 updates

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday July 20, 2021 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

Call to Order: 6:02pm

Introductions: Monica Collins, Scott Gillette, Dan Perera

Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 7-6-21 Approved

Public Comment: None

New Business:
Hancock Free Public Library Board requests the following:
1. Permission to install a vent for an air conditioner – Board to contact the State Dept of Historic Preservation to see if there are any restrictions on modifications to the building.
2. Broken windows be repaired in the kitchen and in the library. – Board to look into getting windows repaired.

Board approved signing the Internal Financial Controls Checklist submitted by the Auditor.

Old Business:
Dan Perera spoke with the new owner of the property where the Town sand pile is located. Owner willing to continue to host the sand pile and the Town storage container. Copy of contract sent to new owner.

Taylor Meadow Revokable License – Board to review final draft.

Town Plan Completion – Board can move forward with completing plan. Monica Collins to contact TRORC for next steps.

Covid19 updates: None

Road appear to be holing up well after recent rains.
Discussion regarding roadside mowing.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

Executive Session: None

Adjournment: 6:30pm


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday July 20, 2021 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83050270551?pwd=QmJuOVZGSDgzemU2L01BemlBMVo1Zz09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 830 5027 0551
Password: 283558

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business

Old Business
Revocable license for Taylor Meadow property
Town Plan completion
Covid-19 updates

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday July 6, 2021 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Richard Andrews

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 6-15-21 and 6-29-21 approved.

4. Public Comment:
Taylor Meadow resident eager to get Revokable License in place. Attorney to be contacted.

Richard Andrews informed the Board that he will likely not be bidding on the mowing contract in the fall.

Richard Andrews informed Board that weight restriction sign is still present at end of Tunnel Brook Rd. Road Commissioner to remove it.

Discussion about excessive rates of speed by large trucks on Rt125.

5. New Business
Moton to add the adoption of the Tax Rate to the Agenda. Approved.

Motion to approve the Tax Rate for the Town of Hancock.
Total 21-22 Tax Rate:
Homestead Rate – $2.34
Non-homestead Rate – $2.24
Local Agreement Veteran Exemption $ .0027

Discussion regarding grant funds available to the Town of Hancock through the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funding (CLFRF).

Motion that the Town of Hancock accept its allocation of Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funding (CLFRF) from the US Treasury, along with the Award Terms & Conditions and Assurances of Compliance with the Civil Rights Requirements that are requirements of accepting these funds. Approved.

Motion that the Board appoint Monica Collins to serve as the Town’s “Authorized Representative” as required by the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funding (CLFRF) from the US Treasury, to sign the Award Terms & Conditions and Assurances of Compliance with the Civil Rights Requirements by July 15, 2021. Approved.

Motion that the Board name Dan Perera as the Contact Person for the Town’s CLRFR Award from U.S. Treasury. Approved.
6. Old Business
Revokable License – Attorney to complete document.

Town Plan Completion – Letter sent to Chairperson.

Roads: A reminder to Hancock residents – Please do not dump materials or debris in the Town right of way on the sides of Town roads. The right of way extends 25 feet from the centerline of the road.

Well cap at Town Office needs new gasket. Contractor has been contacted.

Discussion about Covid funding that may come to the Town of Hancock.

Municipal Planning Grant – Discussion.

Motion to sign orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 6:31pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1w8IciKi2baYouZQG9X8VaGaOrB8x3WDU?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday July 6, 2021 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83965324649?pwd=Zk5DUkZuS0lkUTlNS0hiTGFqZFRXQT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 839 6532 4649
Password: 432210

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c
This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business

Set Tax Rate for Town of Hancock

Shall the Town of Hancock accept its allocation of Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funding (CLFRF) from the US Treasury, along with the Award Terms & Conditions and Assurances of Compliance with the Civil Rights Requirements that are requirements of accepting these funds.

Shall the Board appoint a representative to serve as the Town’s “Authorized Representative” as required by the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funding (CLFRF) from the US Treasury, to sign the Award Terms & Conditions and Assurances of Compliance with the Civil Rights Requirements by July 15, 2021.

Shall the Board name a “Contact Person” for the Town’s CLRFR Award from U.S. Treasury.

Use of Town Hall in the event of rain for Town Green concert series
Here is our corrected, complete list of concerts for the Hancock Town Green. All are on Thursdays, 6:30 – 8:00.
Old Business
Revocable license for Taylor Meadow property
Town Plan completion
Covid-19 updates

Executive Session


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Special Meeting
Tuesday June 29, 2021 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89775970927?pwd=NG1vN0NWT2VGeXltamtndWRFaHQxUT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 897 7597 0927
Password: 525380

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order


New Business – Sign end of year Orders.



Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday June 15, 2021 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

1. Call to Order: 6:02pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Marg Ross

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 6-1-2021 Approved

4. Public Comment:
Board received a phone call from resident on Bettis Rd complaining of dust from road and excessive traffic. Road Commissioner to look into this.

Marcelo Angulo requests taking the position of Energy Coordinator for the Town of Hancock. Approved

Marg Ross complemented the work done on the flower beds outside the Town Offices. She also commented on the denial of a request to rent the Town Hall during the Covid state of emergency.
She also had questions regarding the Revokable License for the Town right of way in Taylor Meadow.
5. New Business
Town Clerk requests Special Select Board meeting to sign orders on June 29 (before fiscal year end). Board to warn meeting for 6pm on Tuesday June 29, 2021.

Bids for Fassett Hill Rd ditch work (partially grant funded) were opened.
G&N Excavating $18,903
K&S Construction $16,000
ECS Excavation $15,245
Xcav8 $11,400
Discussion. Motion to accept the bid from Xcav8. Approved.

Motion to sign the Letter of Intent to Participate in the Municipal Roads Grants-In-Aid Program. Approved

Town has been awarded a Town Highway Structures Program grant for an engineering study of the culvert on Shampeny Hill Rd. Bids for this work will be solicited once the signed grant approval has been received.
Town Sand Prospectus – reviewed. Motion to accept. Approved

Vermont Gran Fondo (bike race) requesting permission for race to come through Hancock on Rt125 and Rt100 on Saturday August 7, 2021. Insurance and police traffic control is provided by the race organizers. Approved.

Sand pile property has been sold. Board to contact new owner.

Vermont Elevator Inspection Service, Inc. requesting a three year commitment at $75 per year plus $25 yearly registration fee. Approved.

The grading contactor for the Town of Hancock has been asked to continue spreading remaining gravel at gravel pile.
Minor ditch work will be done on Buttles Rd later in the summer.

6. Old Business
Revokable License for Taylor Brook right of way. Reviewed. Change of term of contract to 5 years suggested.

Town Plan – certified letter to be sent to Chairperson of Planning Commission.

Covid-19 – Emergency order has been lifted as Vermont has reached the 80% vaccination rate targeted by the Governor. There are no longer restrictions on renting the Town Hall.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment: 7:04pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1U3fvcsGwxjfSE3Bt84opsv50wZzhkCK?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday June 15, 2021 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85918384709?pwd=bUdsYXV3TFF3cXZqR2pkamJiSklwdz09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 859 1838 4709
Password: 887480

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment

New Business
Bids for Fassett Hill Rd ditch work

Letter of Intent to Participate in the Municipal Roads Grants-In-Aid Program

Town Highway Structures Program grant award – Shampeny Hill

Review and vote for Town Sand Prospectus
Old Business
Revocable license for Taylor Meadow property
Town Plan completion
Covid-19 updates

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday June 1, 2021 / Town Clerk’s Office / 6pm
In Person and via Zoom video and teleconference

Call to Order: 6pm

Introductions – Monica Collins, Scott Gillette
Members of the public present were John “Jack” Ross and Dwight Tasker

Minutes of the last meeting – 5-18/2021 Motion made and accepted. Motion passed

Public Comment
Dwight Tasker presented information about a boundary dispute with Basil Archer’s neighbor to the south. He offered the Select Board copies of correspondence from his attorney. The Select Board explained that the Town has no part in neighbor boundary disputes. Given certain correspondence from Mr. Tasker’s attorney, the Board will forward this information to the town attorney to verify that the town has no part in this individual landowner dispute.
Jack Ross – volunteered to take care of raising and lowering flags for town properties. The Board will have one of the flag poles repaired and any flags needed to be, replaced or purchased. Stone benches on the Town Green have been leveled.

New Business
Letter from landowner adjacent to Town Offices – It was unclear as to whether this letter was an update or if there was a specific request being made. As the town attorney has already reached out to this landowner, the board will forward this correspondence to the attorney as well.

Guardrails on Taylor Brook Rd. Motion made and passed to replace the rotted guardrails with pressure-treated lumber once prices come down a bit.

LHMP contract (bids discussed at last meeting) was awarded to SEAM Associated based on lower bid, detailed proposal, and positive references.

Old Business
ATVs, snowmobiles, and other motorized vehicles on Town roads and Town property. TABLED
Revocable license for Taylor Meadow property. Revised license is on its way from the town attorney
Town Plan completion – TABLED
Covid-19 updates – NONE
Roads – Updates to come at next meeting

Executive Session – NONE


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday May 18, 2021 / Town Clerk’s Office

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held in person and can also be attended via Video Conference or Phone.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83351021169?pwd=UitTTGZkd0svSU1Pb1ZKY2UrYW5Tdz09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 833 5102 1169
Password: 974562

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment

New Business
Letter from landowner adjacent to Town Offices

Guardrails on Taylor Brook Rd.

Old Business
ATVs, snowmobiles, and other motorized vehicles on Town roads and Town property.
Revocable license for Taylor Meadow property
Town Plan completion
Covid-19 updates

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday May 18, 2021 / Via Zoom video and teleconference / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6:03pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Janet Jesso

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 5-4-21. Approved.

4. Public Comment:
Monica Collins is participating in a group discussing possible collaborative opportunities between Hancock, Granville, and Rochester that could result in sharing resources and saving costs.

Water Testing meeting on June 25. Dan Perera to attend.

Resident asked if POW flag on Town Green could be replaced.

Resident advised Board that weed trimming around the donated benches on the Town Green is resulting in damage to the bench legs.

Resident had questions regarding Memorial Day Parade. Board advised that the VFW and the Fire Department should be contacted as the Board does not oversee this event.

5. New Business

ABLE Waste – New Contract
A new contract has been submitted to the Board regarding trash collection services for the Town of Hancock. The new contract calls for weekly trash, recycling, and food scrap collection in Rochester every Saturday from 8-11am. This weekly service will replace the current twice monthly trash collection service that takes place at the Hancock sand pile.

The fees to residents for trash collection will not change. Bags will be provided for a fee for collection of compostable food waste.

The cost to the Town for this new weekly service in Rochester will be $550 per month. This is approximately a $200 per month reduction in current fees under the current contract. The annual savings to Hancock under the new contract will be approximately $2,400.

This new contact will only come into effect if Rochester, Granville, and Hancock all approve the new contract.

If all three towns approve the new weekly trash collection service in Rochester, the service will begin on July 1, 2021.

If all three towns do not approve the new contract, the twice monthly Saturday trash collection service at the Hancock sand pile will remain unchanged.

Discussion. Motion to accept the new contract. Second. Two votes Yes. One Abstention. Approved.

Hancock Free Public Library – “Story Walk” will be placed on the fence on the south side of the Town Offices property to avoid interfering with mowing.
Picnic table outside Town Offices will be placed on the basketball court to avoid interfering with mowing.
Request that lock be changed and keys made for Town Office bathroom.

Quintown is cleaning out the Town Hall. When done, the Hall will be available for rental (Covid-19 regulations permitting).

Concert schedule for the Town Green has been released. It will be posted on the Town Facebook page.

6. Old Business
ATVs. etc. – tabled.

Taylor Meadow License agreement. Board reviewed and had comments. Attorney to edit License.

Covid-19 – New regulations from the Governor have been released. Discussion. Difficult to determine how to verify who has been vaccinated to determine if mask free interaction is safe.

Prospectus for grant funded ditch work on Fassett Hill Rd. has been posted to the website. Newspaper ads have been run soliciting bids. A family has agreed to let the contractor for this project use some of the land at the bottom of Fassett Hill for staging. In return, they would like some of the fill generated from the project to be brought to the top of Fassett Hill Rd. No objections.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 6:48pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17cjdD3guuGTr1cvS-qd4KHL8RLoHjgTQ?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held remotely via conference call.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86517930613?pwd=WU9lcnY1V1QwUDUwMEkyOGZvcEFZdz09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 865 1793 0613
Password: 776633

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website within the time allowed by the Secretary of State per the recent Act 92 signed by Governor Scott on March 30th, 2020.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment

New Business
ABLE Waste Services

Taylor Meadow License Agreement

Hancock Free Public Library requesting permission to create a “Story Walk” on grounds of Town Offices. Proposing to put posts into the ground that will have pages of a story. Readers walk from station to station reading pages of a book.
Old Business
ATVs, snowmobiles, and other motorized vehicles on Town roads and Town property.
Revocable license for Taylor Meadow property
Town Plan completion
Covid-19 updates

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Minutes
Call to Order – Meeting called to order at 6:05 pm
Introductions – Artie Lynds from ABLE Waste Management Services, Scott Gillette, and
Monica Collins
Minutes of the last meeting – Motion made by Scott Gillette to approve the minutes from the
last meeting. Motion seconded and approved
Public Comment – Scott Gillette reported that there was more participation on Green Up Day
but also more trash. Many thanks to ABLE Waste Management for donating their services to
pick up the collected trash.
New Business
ABLE Waste Services – Artie Lynds proposed new structure to the FAST Trash and Recycling
Program: In conjunction with Granville and Rochester, trash and recycling for all 3 towns would
be picked up weekly in Rochester at the Town Offices from 8 am to 11 am. The cost to do this
would decrease from our current $750 per month for 2 pick ups per month to $520 per month
for weekly pick ups. All 3 towns would have to agree. Artie will send revised contract for board
review. Board will take up the matter at the next regular meeting.
Hosting of Town Website: Stacey Peters will provide the board with some suggestions to
alternative hosting provider. She has been providing the hosting and management at no charge
to date.
Hancock Free Public Library requesting permission to create a “Story Walk” on grounds of
Town Offices . Proposing to put posts into the ground that will have pages of a story. Readers
walk from station to station, reading pages of a book. Board needs more information regarding
length of time for program, how to address any concerns that mowing contractor might have,
type of posts to be used, and the location of the stations.
Old Business
Constable reports that he has been attempting to contact the Forest Service Law Enforcement
regarding the firearm discharges on town property and USFS easement. He will continue to
reach out.
Proposals for Local Hazard Mitigation Plan work to be reviewed and approved at next meeting.
ATVs, snowmobiles, and other motorized vehicles on Town roads and Town property. Tabled
Revocable license for Taylor Meadow property: Tabled
Town Plan completion: Tabled
Covid-19 updates: None
Roads: Tabled
Executive Session: None
Adjournment: 6:30


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held remotely via conference call.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87556968382?pwd=OFhWbjFWM3RRbEpUV2pmTllncmJOdz09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 875 5696 8382
Password: 530967

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website within the time allowed by the Secretary of State per the recent Act 92 signed by Governor Scott on March 30th, 2020.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment

New Business
ABLE Waste Services

Hosting of Town Website

Hancock Free Public Library requesting permission to create a “Story Walk” on grounds of Town Offices. Proposing to put posts into the ground that will have pages of a story. Readers walk from station to station reading pages of a book.
Old Business
ATVs, snowmobiles, and other motorized vehicles on Town roads and Town property.
Revocable license for Taylor Meadow property
Town Plan completion
Covid-19 updates

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday April 20, 2021 / Via Zoom video and teleconference / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6:01pm

2. Introductions: Tracey Beers, Monica Collins, Scott Gillette, Dan Perera

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 4-6-21. Approved.

4. Public Comment:
Hancock resident discussed a recent discharging of firearms in a populated part of Hancock Town center. Noise and safety issues were discussed. Shooting across the White River on to private land was discussed. The Town Constable has spoken with some of the parities involved and requested that people be considerate with regard to noise and safety. It was further suggested that there are many other places where discharging firearms would be safer and less of a noise nuisance to neighbors. It was also stated that the Select Board would like to avoid having to create ordinances against the discharge of firearms in the Town of Hancock. Constable to contact the Forest Service to discuss the discharge of firearms on property behind the Taylor Meadow properties in the location of the Town gravel pile. The Select Board encourages all Hancock residents to be considerate of neighbors with regard to noise and safety issues and property boundaries when discharging firearms in Town.

5. New Business
Discharging of firearms in Town – see above.

Dog licenses – The Select Board reminds all Hancock residents that it is a State law that all dogs must be licensed. Please contact the Town Clerk to license your dog.

Town Hall rental in July – There has been a request to rent the Town Hall in July. Availability of the Town Hall for rental depends on the Governor’s Covid gathering restrictions. Permission can not be granted at this time due to the restrictions. If restrictions are lifted or changed the Board will be able to permit rental of the Town Hall based on the Covid gathering restrictions, if any, at that time.

A request to put a picnic table outside the Town Offices has been submitted by the Board of Directors of the Hancock Free Public Library. The Board has no objections to the request. The Board reserves the right to require the removal of the picnic table if it is deemed necessary.

Liquor License for Hubbard’s Store. Approved.

6. Old Business
Hazard Mitigation Plan project manager selection – Completed at last meeting

Update LEMP – Motion to adopt updated LEMP. Approved.
Motion to adopt Vermont National Incident Management System. Approved.

ATVs, snowmobiles, and other motorized vehicles on Town roads
and Town property – Tabled.

Revocable license for Taylor Meadow property – this document is being completed by the Town attorney.

Town Plan completion – Draft to be circulated to the Board.

Covid-19 updates – Board is monitoring the Governor’s Covid restrictions in anticipation of easing of restrictions.

The road sweeping scheduled for this week has been delayed. The Road Commissioner has contracted with an alternate local contractor to sweep the roads. This should be completed within a week.

A contractor has been engaged to maintain certain culverts and ditches on Blair Hill and the upper portion of Fassett Hill Rd.

The scope of a grant for ditch and culvert work is being adjusted for the lower portion of Fassett Hill Rd. Road Commissioner to meet with TROC representative on Friday to confirm adjustments to the scope of the project.

Obstructions placed in the Fire Lane at the Town Hall have been removed.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 6:36pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DxPtQbbUzQFn4lU8_Qj59qdfAbxWxtI7?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday April 20, 2021 / VIA ZOOM VIDEO/PHONE CONFERENCE / 6PM

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held remotely via conference call.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85944472667?pwd=Y3BVMGRqMDllNEpNeFlycGJYUGtZQT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 859 4447 2667
Password: 636635

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website within the time allowed by the Secretary of State per the recent Act 92 signed by Governor Scott on March 30th, 2020.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment

New Business
Discharging of firearms in Town
Dog licenses
Town Hall rental in July

Old Business
Hazard Mitigation Plan project manager selection
Update LEMP
ATVs, snowmobiles, and other motorized vehicles on Town roads and Town property.
Revocable license for Taylor Meadow property
Town Plan completion
Covid-19 updates

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday March 16, 2021 / Via Zoom video and teleconference / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6:01pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jeanette Bair

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 3/2/21 Approved

4. Public Comment:
Regarding Dog Registration: The Town Clerk’s office will be open by appointment for residents to license their dogs on Saturday, March 27 from 9:30AM-11:30AM. Appointments are required and one resident at a time will be allowed in to the office. Masks are required. Residents must have a current rabies vaccine certificate for their dog. The cost is $9 for spayed or neutered dogs, $12 for unsprayed/unneutered dogs. Licenses will be late after April 1st and the cost increases at that point. Checks should be written to Town of Hancock. Residents can also leave their information and check inside our secure drop box and the license and tag will mailed to them. The Select Board reminds residents that registration is required for dogs.

5. New Business
Update LEMP – Board to review and finalize at next meeting.

ECFiber – Dan Perera appointed to Board. Board to sign appointment.

Dog incident on Rt100 – An unleased dog chased a resident and his dog. Certified letter sent to dog owner with dog ordinance.

6. Old Business
Snow plowing on north side of Town Hall – Town attorney to review right of way and send letter to property owner as needed.
Helipad & Airfield permit – Tabled.

ATV Policy – Dan Perera to call Jim Leno to see if there is an existing Town policy.

Compensation review – tabled.

Revokable right of way – Waiting on Town attorney.

Covid-19 – There are currently cases local to our area.

Town has been awarded a grant worth up to $5,340 for ditch work on the lower part of Fassett Hill Rd. Town will have a 20% match. Board authorizes Road Commissioner to proceed with bid process.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 6:24pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13eQ9h-LFZTk_d6g4A71E9ZKTtHcF0xfJ?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday March 16, 2021 / VIA ZOOM VIDEO/PHONE CONFERENCE / 6PM

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held remotely via conference call.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82996551499?pwd=Zzh3VThYYkFVOUtIU2gzK3ErRmFQUT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 829 9655 1499
Password: 406319

Find other call-in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website within the time allowed by the Secretary of State per the recent Act 92 signed by Governor Scott on March 30th, 2020.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment

New Business
Update LEMP
ECFiber delegate appointment resolution
Dog incident on Route 100

Old Business
Snow plowing on north side of Town Hall
Helipad & Airfield Permit
ATVs, snowmobiles, and other motorized vehicles on Town roads and Town property.
Compensation Review/Town Labor Rate
Revocable license for Taylor Meadow property
Town Plan completion
Covid-19 updates

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday March 3, 2021 / Via Zoom video and teleconference / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6:05pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Scott Gillette, Dan Perera

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 2-16-21 Approved

4. Public Comment:
A registered voter contacted the Board to complain that his name had not been added to the Ballot for Town Meeting. It was explained to him that there was a process for this and the deadline had passed.
5. New Business
Reorganization of the Select Board
Monica Collins appointed Chairperson – Approved
Dan Perera appointed Clerk – Approved

Results of Town Meeting – Discussion. The Board felt that the votes cast (45) represented a turn out similar to prior recent Town Meetings.

Lister Wendell Thurston (to fill vacancy)
E-911 Coordinator Scott Gillette
Civil Defense Jim Leno
Emergency Management Jacques Veilleux
Energy Coordinator Scott Gillette
Fence Viewers Dan Perera
Garrett Troumbley
John Ross
Fire Warden Jonathan Deering
Inspector of wood, singles, and lumber
Tom Patterson
Planning Commission Samantha Sheehan
Forrest Patterson
Monica Collins (ex oficio)
ECFiber Representatives Scott Gillette
Dan Perera – alternate
Stagecoach Board Mbr Wendell Thurston
Tree Warden Garrett Troumbley

Vacant Positions:
Health Officer
Animal Control Officer
Solid Waste/Recycle Coordinator

Helipad & Airfield Permit – Discussion. More information to be gathered. Tabled’

ATVs, snowmobiles, and other motorized vehicles on Town roads and Town property. – Discussion. A policy may already be in existence. Board to inquire with prior Board members.

Hazard Mitigation Grant program – Motion to sign acceptance of grant. Approved

Cure the discrepancy in the dates for delinquent taxes in Article 7 from Town Meeting vote – Motion to approve the following resolution:
“Be it resolved that the Town of Hancock Select Board hereby corrects the inadvertent error made in the Town Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020. That error being a discrepancy in the tax due date for the May payment in Articles 6 and 7. The correct date is May 16, 2022 as stated in Article 6 – not May 15th as stated in Article 7.
Resolved this 3rd day of March, 2021”

Public records requests – Discussion regarding the theoretical impact of a public records request from the Town. This could result in the confiscation of personal computers and digital devices from Town officials if these devices have been used for Town business. The Board acknowledged that certain personal computers and digital devices used for Town busines are also critical for conducting person busines and may contain proprietary business information. Further information to be gathered regarding best practices with regard to conducting Town business on computers and digital devices.

6. Old Business
Compensation Review/Town Labor Rate – More information needed. Discussion tabled.

Revocable license for Taylor Meadow property – this is being drafted by the Town attorney.

Town Plan completion – Tabled

Covid-19 updates – no new information.

The Fire Lane on the north side of the Town Hall is not plowed. The adjacent land owner has instructed the plowing contractor to cease plowing this lane. Dan Perera spoke with the land owner reminding him that the Town has an easement on this Fire Lane and that the Town needs to keep it plowed to maintain the unobstructed use of the fire exit at the rear of the building and to allow emergency vehicles assess to this door. The landowner refused to give permission to plow the Fire Lane. The Board has contacted the Town attorney for clarification regarding the Town’s right of way for the Fire Lane and its rights regarding plowing.

A person fell in the driveway of the Town Clerk’s office on Town Meeting day.

The Town has asked the Fire Chief to inspect fire hydrants to see if they need to be shoveled free of snow.

7. Executive Session.
Motion to enter Executive Session. Approved. Entered at 6:49pm
Motion to exit Executive Session. Approved Exit at 6:54pm
No action taken.

8. Adjournment: 7:09pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18hSuVUdqox1pVus020eyWk7wz0SdyIzs?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Wednesday March 3, 2021 / VIA ZOOM VIDEO/PHONE CONFERENCE / 6PM

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held remotely via conference call.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88446910051?pwd=cExjYXFvQzBwc1BqNGJwKzVvRTB2Zz09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 884 4691 0051
Password: 765436

Find other call in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website within the time allowed by the Secretary of State per the recent Act 92 signed by Governor Scott on March 30th, 2020.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment

New Business
Reorganization of the Select Board
Results of Town Meeting
Helipad & Airfield Permit
ATVs, snowmobiles, and other motorized vehicles on Town roads and Town property.
Hazard Mitigation Grant program
Cure the discrepancy in the dates for delinquent taxes in Article 7 from Town Meeting vote
Old Business
Compensation Review/Town Labor Rate
Revocable license for Taylor Meadow property
Town Plan completion
Covid-19 updates

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday February 16, 2021 / Via Zoom video and teleconference / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6:06pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Janet Jesso

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 2-2-21. Approved

4. Public Comment:
There have been complaints to the Board about snowmobiles on Taylor Meadow/Town property. The Board reminds Hancock residents that snowmobiles, dirt bike, and ATV’s are not permitted on Town property. Board to post notice on Front Porch Forum.

Furnace in Town Office building needs service. Dan Perera to contact CVOil.

5. New Business
ECFiber internet and phone service outage in Hancock – Scott Gillette spoke with an executive at ECFiber. A tree broke the fiber cable and it took three days to repair it due to the cold weather. The Board finds it unacceptable that a company offering internet and phone service took so long to repair the service. Further discussions with the ECFiber Board of Directors are planned.

GMP right of way maintenance review/assessment – Board to draft a letter to GMP regarding frequent power outages and right of way maintenance.

Certificate of Highway Mileage – Motion to sign. Approved

6. Old Business
Compensation Review/Town Labor Rate – Discussion regarding the Town’s hourly rate of $15. Additional information to be gathered. No action taken. Review of Town Clerk pay – tabled while additional information is gathered.

Town Meeting with Covid-19 / Australian Ballot – Board to post information about how to join the Informational Meeting on February 23 on Front Porch Forum, Town Facebook page, and Town Website.
Informational Meeting for Hancock Voters regarding the Articles for Town Meeting and voting via Australian Ballot. Meeting to be held virtually on Tuesday February 23, at 7:00PM.

To join meeting via computer:

To join via telephone:
Call 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 884 9025 4938
Passcode: 750117

Tax Map Maintenance Contract – Discussion. Some errors found on new Tax Maps. Board to contact Listers. Motion to approve contract with Tax Map contractor. Approved.

Revocable license for Taylor Meadow property – Town attorney working on the license.

Town Plan completion – Tabled

Covid-19 updates – Vaccine is now available for Vermonters 70 years old and older. Social distancing and mask wearing is still required per Governor’s guidelines.

Two trees were removed that had been hanging over Fassett Hill Rd.
Road Commissioner asked the Board to consider various options for changing the distance of the Texas Falls Rd within the National Forest that is currently plowed and sanded by the Town of Hancock. Discussion. No action taken.

7. Executive Session. None

8. Adjournment: 6:57pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JyTtIKBeTU3p1Ncxfwr9Ok4bD6MzmofN?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday February 16, 2021 / VIA ZOOM VIDEO/PHONE CONFERENCE / 6PM

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held remotely via conference call.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81520471524?pwd=eGVEY1ZNRENqZjFFMjdCOVJZOGxTdz09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 815 2047 1524
Password: 305019

Find other call in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website within the time allowed by the Secretary of State per the recent Act 92 signed by Governor Scott on March 30th, 2020.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment

New Business
ECFiber internet and phone service outage in Hancock
GMP right of way maintenance review/assessment
Certificate of Highway Mileage

Old Business
Compensation Review/Town Labor Rate
Town Meeting with Covid-19 / Australian Ballot
Tax Map Maintenance Contract
Revocable license for Taylor Meadow property
Town Plan completion
Covid-19 updates

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday February 2, 2021 / Via Zoom video and teleconference / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6:05pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Dan Perera

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 1/19/21 and 1/28/21 Approved.

4. Public Comment: N/A

5. New Business
Warning for Informational meeting regarding Australian Ballot and Town Meeting – Monica Collins to generate Warning for meeting to be held via video and phone conference on Feb. 23 at 7pm. Dicsussion.

Compensation Review/Town Labor Rate – Board to gather more information.

GMP right of way maintenance review/assessment – Tabled

Liquor License – Middlebury College – Motion to approve a liquor license application for Middlebury College to serve alcohol at the Middlebury Snow Bowl from May 1, 2021 through April 30, 2022. Approved.

6. Old Business
Town Meeting with Covid-19 / Australian Ballot – Warning for meeting has been reviewed and approved. Additional information for voters will be posted on the Town website, Facebook account, and Front Porch Forum.

Tax Map Maintenance Contract – Tabled.

Revocable license for Taylor Meadow property – Tabled.

VLCT loss prevention inspection – VLCT has been informed that the list of action items has been mostly completed.

Town Plan completion – Tabled.

Covid-19 updates – The Board continues to urge all residents to wear masks and practice social distancing per the Governor’s recomendations.

A grant has been awarded for the engineering related to the possible replacement of a culvert on Buttles Rd.
A bill was received for three years of roadside mowing that had not been previously billed.

7. Executive Session. N/A

8. Adjournment: 6:26pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1jSkfTnxwW6onqbpmRHB7OObVVEokNkoN?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday February 2, 2021 / VIA ZOOM VIDEO/PHONE CONFERENCE / 6PM

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held remotely via conference call.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84871697320?pwd=bHkyQmxKQll0cGpFbis0Q0FOYTdZUT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 848 7169 7320
Password: 677760

Find other call in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website within the time allowed by the Secretary of State per the recent Act 92 signed by Governor Scott on March 30th, 2020.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment

New Business
Warning for Informational meeting regarding Australian Ballot and Town Meeting
Compensation Review/Town Labor Rate
GMP right of way maintenance review/assessment
Liquor License – Middlebury College

Old Business
Town Meeting with Covid-19 / Australian Ballot
Tax Map Maintenance Contract
Revocable license for Taylor Meadow property
VLCT loss prevention inspection
Town Plan completion
Covid-19 updates

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Thursday January 28, 2021 / Via Zoom video and teleconference / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6:02pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Janet Jesso, Jody Jesso

3. Minutes of the last meeting: N/A

4. Public Comment: N/A

5. New Business
Town Budget FY21-22 – Discussion. Motion to approve the FY 21-22 budget for the Town of Hancock in the amount of $375,545. Approved

Articles for Town Meeting – Discussion. Motion to approve the Articles, as submitted, for Town Meeting. Approved

Mail-in Balloting for Town Meeting – Discussion. Motion to allow
registered voters to request an absentee ballot for Town Meeting, such ballot to be mailed to them. Ballots may be returned by mail or to the secure lockbox outside the Town Clerk’s Office or in person directly to the Ballot Clerks at the Town Clerk’s Office on Town Meeting Day on Tuesday, March 2, 2021. Approved.

Motion to have the Town provide return postage to accompany ballots mailed to registered voters. Approved.

Motion to conduct the required Informational Meeting regarding the
Australian ballot and Town Meeting on Tuesday February 23, 2021
at 7pm. This meeting will be held virtually via Zoom phone and
video conference to comply with Covid-19 safety guidelines. A warning will be posted for this meeting as required by law.

Warning for the Informational Meeting on February 23 and how to
request an absentee ballot for Town Meeting will be posted on the
Town Website, Town Facebook page, Front Porch Forum, and at
the Hancock Post Office and Town Clerk’s Office.6. Old Business N/A

7. Executive Session N/A

8. Adjournment: 7:07pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1OkhgamFMkoeau7nzoZbasLGM1ckgcmf?usp=sharing


Special Select Board Meeting of the Hancock Select Board
Thursday, January 28th at 6 pm via Zoom

1. Vote on the final budget
2. Vote on the final Articles for the Town Meeting Warning.
3. Vote to approve mailing of Town Meeting Ballots to all registered voters.

To join video meeting with a computer:

To join meeting with a telephone
Meeting ID: 867 4919 1941
Passcode: 364967
One tap mobile


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday January 19, 2021 / Via Zoom video and teleconference / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6:01pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Scott Gillette, Dan Perera

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 1/5/21 Approved.

4. Public Comment: N/A

5. New Business
Tax Map Contract – Discussion. Board to postpone signing contract until the map can be inspected by a Board member.

6. Old Business
Revokable License for right of way in Taylor Meadow – Board needs to contact Town Attorney to move forward. Tabled.

Town Meeting with Covid-19/Australian Ballot – Governor has not yet signed legislation that would allow Towns to change the date of Town Meeting and use mail in ballots. Discussion regarding elected offices and Articles for Town Meeting. Articles when ready shall be reviewed by the Town Attorney.

Town Plan – Tabled.

Covid-19 – Numerous reports of local cases. Board urges all residents to practice social distancing and to wear masks.

Roads – Calls were made to the plowing contractor for plowing and sanding during the last snow storm.
Road Commissioner to contact the State to pursue a grant for an engineering study for the culvert at the intersection of Shampeny Hill Rd. and Tucker Brook Rd.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session. N/A

8. Adjournment: 6:23pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qESCNG5NSaUN6N88N0Wh0LGj2oUmmmv9?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday January 19, 2021 / VIA ZOOM VIDEO/PHONE CONFERENCE / 6PM

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held remotely via conference call.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82712044332?pwd=V1JCNG9SRlNSdEVkNXFEMDNLbW1xUT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 827 1204 4332
Password: 060867

Find other call in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website within the time allowed by the Secretary of State per the recent Act 92 signed by Governor Scott on March 30th, 2020.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment

New Business
Tax Map Maintenance Contract

Old Business
Town Meeting with Covid-19 / Australian Ballot
Revocable license for Taylor Meadow property
VLCT loss prevention inspection
Town Plan completion
Covid-19 updates

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday January 5, 2021 / Via Zoom video and teleconference / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6:03pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Jack Ross, Marge Ross, Renee Veilleux, Jacques Veilleux

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 12-15-20 Approved

4. Public Comment:
The Budget Committee meeting will be held via Zoom on Monday, January 11 at 6pm. Information for committee members will be circulated in advance of the meeting.

5. New Business
Revokable License for use of the right of way for an adjacent landowner – discussion. Town Attorney will be asked to draft the Revokable License.

Town Meeting Plan for Public Engagement – This year’s Hancock Town Meeting will be conducted via Australian Ballot. There will be no in person meeting and the Town’s business will be conducted via a printed Ballot.
Information for voters will be posted on Front Porch Forum, the Town Facebook page, and the Town website. Voters will be informed that:
1. All Town business will be conducted via a printed ballot to be dropped off at the Town Clerk’s Office on Town Meeting Day.
2. Voters must fill out a Consent Form to have their name printed on the ballot for elected office.
3. There will be an informational meeting at least 10 days in advance of Town Meeting Day. (Date to be determined.)
The Board will be preparing the Articles for the ballot and will have them reviewed by the Town Attorney.

Fire Department Fundraising Account – The accountant completing the Audit of the Town finances has requested a change in the way that the Fire Dept. Fundraising Account is being monitored. The Board requests that the Fire Department submit a starting balance and ending balance for each calendar year and that monthly bank statements be submitted to the Town Clerk for filling in the Town Offices.
Fire Chief agreed with the Board’s suggestion.

Fire Chief is concerned about children playing outside of the Fire House doors. There is concern about vehicle and fire equipment traffic in this area. Board to contact families in the area and request that the children play elsewhere.

6. Old Business
Town Meeting with Covid-19 / Australian Ballot – discussed above

VLCT loss prevention inspection – work has started on completing this list

Town Plan completion – for Executive Session

Taylor Meadow right of way – discussed above

Covid-19 updates – The Board acknowledges that the virus is active in our Valley. All residents are urged to wear masks and practice social distancing.

Roads – Information is being gathered for preparation of the Road Commissioner budget for 2021-22.

Motion to sign orders – Approved

7. Executive Session. Motion to enter Executive Session. Approved.
Entered Executive Session at 6:39pm
Motion to exit at 6:46pm. Approved.
No action taken.
Board to communicate with the Planning Commission regarding the completion of the Town Plan.

8. Adjournment: 6:50pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1A20lfB89v5jPv1ZkriP3zzdK31YvgLnE?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday January 5, 2021 / VIA ZOOM VIDEO/PHONE CONFERENCE / 6PM

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held remotely via conference call.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85622260084?pwd=R1dWL1MvZHBnVmorSXZoWjFMM0Y5Zz09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 856 2226 0084
Password: 754237

Find other call in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website within the time allowed by the Secretary of State per the recent Act 92 signed by Governor Scott on March 30th, 2020.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment

New Business
Revocable license for Taylor Meadow property
Town Meeting plan for public engagement

Old Business
Town Meeting with Covid-19 / Australian Ballot
VLCT loss prevention inspection
Town Plan completion
Taylor Meadow right of way
Covid-19 updates

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday December 15, 2020 / Via Zoom video and teleconference / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6:01
3. Introductions: Monica Collins, Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, State Representative Peter Conlon

4. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 12-1-2020 Approved

5. Public Comment:
Representative Peter Conlon addressed the Board.
Discussion regarding Covid-19 related legislation that passed that allows governing bodies to adopt Australian balloting for one year without a vote by the Town.
Discussion regarding a new Covid-19 related bill that is being fast-tracked that would allow towns to postpone Town Meeting and/or adopt mail-in balloting for Town Meeting.
Discussion regarding the declining tax revenues received by the State due to Covid-19. There is a need for Federal assistance to States and municipalities to offset these declines.

6. New Business
Town Meeting with Covid-19 – Discussion. Currently the Town of Hancock does not have a facility where it could safely hold an in-person Town Meeting given the current social distancing guidelines.
The ability to move the date of Town Meeting is being proposed by the VT legislature, however it has not yet passed.
With no ability to move the date of Town Meeting and no current ability to hold an in-person Town Meeting, the Board sees few options other than to adopt Australian balloting for the 2021 Town Meeting. This adoption to be limited to the 2021 Town Meeting only.
Further discussion about the possibility of moving the date of Town Meeting if the legislature passes a bill allowing for this.
Further discussion regarding the impact on the budget process and the fiscal year end if Town Meeting is postponed.
The Board acknowledges that 1) it is unlikely that Covid-19 restrictions and risks will allow for an in-person Town Meeting in March. The Board further acknowledges that if the Town adopts Australian balloting to replace an in-person Town Meeting, it should be done as soon as possible to allow for proper training, preparation, and education so that all Town residents can participate.
The Board further acknowledges that the State is requiring that Towns make a decision by 12/30/2020 on the issue of adopting Australian balloting and that this is the last regular Select Board Meeting of 2020.
Motion: To adopt Australian balloting for Town Meeting in 2021 to allow for the election of Town Officials and the transacting of the Town’s business that is usually conducted at Town Meeting. This adoption of Australian balloting is limited to the Town Meeting in 2021. A public information hearing shall be held at least 10 days prior to Town Meeting. Approved.

River Corridor – Discussion regarding economic impact of flood plain expansion. No action taken.

Training for Municipalities Considering Adopting Australian Balloting – Board approved the payment of $20 fee for attendees of the Dec. 17, 2020 on-line training session. Approved.

7. Old Business
VLTC Loss Prevention List – Dan Perera to start addressing this list.

Town Plan Completion – tabled.

Taylor Meadow right of way – Town Attorney has advised that the Board consider a revokable license for a property owner to have usage rights for right of way that abuts their property. Further discussion needed with Attorney.

Covid-19 Updates – Board continues to urge Town residents to abide by the Governor’s Covid-19 restrictions and to wear masks and practice social distancing.

Board to contact plowing contractor to see that back up plans are in place in the event Covid-19 impacts their ability to plow and sand.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

8. Executive Session. None

9. Adjournment: 7:05pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IFJgLg48cxS-rlOd1dXO2gfdjUP0HgaZ?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday December 15, 2020 / VIA ZOOM VIDEO/PHONE CONFERENCE / 6PM

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held remotely via conference call.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86249822670?pwd=bTV3QlA2L3Zzd2tucEFhYTFtQ2xGdz09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 862 4982 2670
Password: 238899

Find other call in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website within the time allowed by the Secretary of State per the recent Act 92 signed by Governor Scott on March 30th, 2020.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting

Public Comment
Representative Peter Condon is scheduled to join Select Board meeting.

New Business
Town Meeting with Covid-19
River corridor bylaw / River Corridor Mapping by TRORC
Training for Municipalities Considering Adopting Australian Ballots – $20 fee/Dec. 17
Old Business
VLCT loss prevention inspection
Town Plan completion
Taylor Meadow right of way – gate
Covid-19 updates –

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday December 1, 2020 / Via Zoom video and teleconference / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6:06pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Scott Gillette, Dan Perera

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 11-17-2020 Approved

4. Public Comment:
Resident informed Board member that there are loose wires behind the Town Hall. Board to investigate.
ECFiber has been installed at the Town Offices. A network is to be installed to provide connectivity at the Town Offices and a wifi Hot Spot for the Town of Hancock.

5. New Business
Hazard Mitigation Plan Grant – Town awarded $7612.50 to fund update of Plan. Board to form a committee to update plan.

2020 Property Map – map has been completed and is at the Town Clerk’s office for review.

Town Meeting – Covid-19 restrictions may require Town Meeting to be held remotely as a large indoor gathering of voters may not be safe or permissible under the Governor’s Covid-19 restrictions. A public meeting is required if Australian balloting is to be adopted for the 2021 Town Meeting. Board to address this issue at its next meeting – Town Meeting added to Agenda for 12-15-2020 Select Board Meeting.

Discussion regarding providing insurance benefits for town employees. Initial investigation indicates that costs would be prohibitive. Board to investigate further.

Scott Gillette nominated and appointed to be the Town’s new E911 Coordinator. Approved.

6. Old Business
VLCT Loss Prevention List – Dan Perera to work on rectifying issues identified in insurance review document.

Town Plan Completion – Tabled.

Covid-19 Updates – There is a State of Vermont Briefing for Local Municipalities and Response Agencies on 12-3-20.

Roads – no new updates.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session. None

8. Adjournment: 6:27pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1G8emwHlxbWNS2DlOqyRcHdCJceVkFcO7?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday December 1, 2020 / VIA ZOOM VIDEO/PHONE CONFERENCE / 6PM

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held remotely via conference call.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86019217539?pwd=bmFEUUkzNExIYVk1NUtNZ0FML2xIQT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 860 1921 7539
Password: 683598

Find other call in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website within the time allowed by the Secretary of State per the recent Act 92 signed by Governor Scott on March 30th, 2020.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment

New Business
Hazard Mitigation Grant program – $7,612.50 awarded
2020 Property Map

Old Business
VLCT loss prevention inspection
Town Plan completion
Taylor Meadow right of way – gate
Covid-19 updates –

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday November 17, 2020 / Via Zoom video and teleconference / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6:04pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Scott Gillette, Dan Perera

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 11-2-20 Approved

4. Public Comment: The Board expresses its sincere appreciation for the huge amount of work done by Jody Jesso with assistance from Roger Comes, Eva Jesso and Janet Jesso during the election process. Their efforts resulted in a successful election that had very high voter participation and a high number of mail-in ballots.

5. New Business
VLCT Loss Prevention Inspection Report – Board reviewed list of items to be remedied. Dan Perera to work on completing work suggested in report.

Ring Video Doorbell for Town Offices – New wifi network to include video camera for entranceway to Town Office. Door bell to in installed with existing approved funding.

VTrans Transportation Alternate Grant – Award prioritization scale is being changed. Board to talk with VLCT to determine if a mutual aid agreement is necessary for winter plowing in the event Covid-19 incapacitates current Winter Roads Contractor.

Oven Grate for Town Hall – Board approves up to$150 for new oven grate for commercial oven at Town Hall.
6. Old Business
Town Plan Completion – Board waiting on authorization to finish plan.

Taylor Meadow right of way – Tabled

Covid-19 – Vermont reported 90 new cases today. Board encourages all Hancock residents to follow the Governor’s guidelines and to wear a mask. Masks are available at the Town Clerk’s Office by appointment.

Grading completed on Tucker Brook Rd.
Gravel spread on all Town roads.
Asphalt repairs completed on Tucker Brook Rd., Texas Falls Rd, and Churchville Rd.
Stormwater Mitigation Grant request for new culvert on Shampeny Hill Rd was not approved. A grant for engineering work on this project will be pursued with VTrans in Spring 2021. Town can reapply for the Stormwater Mitigation Grant for this project.
Discussion regarding winter plowing.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session.: None

8. Adjournment: 6:33pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1h0-cJy8tk0gltxKOUlzu7iiqoaqtbnYm?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Monday November 17, 2020 / VIA ZOOM VIDEO/PHONE CONFERENCE / 6PM

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held remotely via conference call.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88206821383?pwd=QTRYaWZRVEpDS093M0RGRS9TTUtIdz09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 882 0682 1383
Password: 162160

Find other call in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website within the time allowed by the Secretary of State per the recent Act 92 signed by Governor Scott on March 30th, 2020.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment

New Business
VLCT loss prevention inspection
Ring Video Doorbell for the town clerk’s office
VTrans Transportation Alternatives grant
Oven grate for Town Hall

Old Business
Town Plan completion
Taylor Meadow right of way – gate
Covid-19 updates – Update from the TAC meeting (Transportation Advisory Council of TRORC)
Roads – Grading / Paving repairs / Stormwater Mitigation Grant

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Monday, November 2, 2020 / Via Zoom video and teleconference / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6:02pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Kayla Shepard

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 10-20-20 Approved

4. Public Comment:

5. New Business

6. Old Business
Town Plan – tabled

Taylor Meadow right of way – Property owner in Taylor Meadow discussed with the Board property boundaries, traffic on the right of way, placement of a gate and “No Parking” signs. Reference was made to a letter sent to the property owner from the Town Attorney on June 19, 2020.
Board will contact Town Attorney to see if it is appropriate to issue a right of way to the property owner so they can access the rear of their property. Discussion about locating a gate at the entrance to the right of way to discourage parking in the right of way.
Covid-19 updates – Covid 19 Response group in Rochester is proposing road signs for the Valley that say “Wear a Mask”. Discussion. No action.

Gravel has been spread from gravel pile.
Sand was delivered to sand pile.
Road Commissioner met with Two Rivers to see if a grant can be secured for ditch repair work at the bottom of Fassett Hill Rd.
Discussion regarding the use of less sand at the Town Offices to preserve new driveway drainage. Plowing needs to be done so as not to damage new asphalt. Road Commissioner to talk with plowing contractor.
Discussion about adding gravel to parking area on Taylor Meadow Rd. Road Commissioner to call Jacques Veilleux before seeking a contractor for this work.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 6:35pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VfpN0jyXuWwdbG7h8ufrOFJTemxir1eb/view?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Monday November 2, 2020 / VIA ZOOM VIDEO/PHONE CONFERENCE / 6PM

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held remotely via conference call.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88555061595?pwd=bldtUjVuZGZjMDNoSUNwd05XNVJjZz09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 885 5506 1595
Password: 398331

Find other call in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website within the time allowed by the Secretary of State per the recent Act 92 signed by Governor Scott on March 30th, 2020.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment

New Business

Old Business
Town Plan completion
Taylor Meadow right of way – gate
Covid-19 updates
Roads – Gravel, Grading, Sand delivery, Grant site visit

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday October 20, 2020 / Via Zoom video and teleconference / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6:05pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Scott Gillette, Dan Perera

3. Minutes of the last meeting: N/A

4. Public Comment:
NOTE: The next regular Select Board meeting shall be held on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2020. The Board moves to change this meeting from Nov. 3 to avoid conflict with election night obligations of the Board Members. Motion to change the date of the next regular meeting from Tuesday Nov. 3, 2020 to Monday Nov. 2, 2020. Approved.
5. New Business
Motion to sign the Invitation to Participate in the Municipal Road Grants in Aid Pilot Project. This grant program funds road improvement projects up to $4,300 with Town participation of $1,075. Approved.

6. Old Business
Wifi – Town is signed up for ECFiber service. Hook up to fiber is pending. Network equipment will be ordered within two weeks.

Secure Drop Box – has been ordered.

Municipal Highway and Stormwater Mitigation Grant application – Application received by Vermont Agency of Transportation. Application is pending decision.

Taylor Meadow – Scott Gillette to mark location of gate to Gravel pile so that Dig Safe can inspect area prior to gate installation.

Covid-19 – A study on Valley food insecurity is due in mid-November. There has been increased use of the Granville food drop. The Everybody Eats program is coming to our Valley.

Gravel from the gravel pile is being spread on Town roads. The pile should be entirely depleted this season.
Sand deliveries have started on the 600 cubic yards of sand from Case St. Ready Mix in Middlebury.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session. None.

8. Adjournment: 6:28pm

Next Regular Meeting: Monday, November 2, 2020 at 6pm via video and teleconference.

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/104j_BQVQ5CoJt69gM9K9IQbIhiTuTACY?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday October 20, 2020 / VIA ZOOM VIDEO/PHONE CONFERENCE / 6PM

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held remotely via conference call.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82892732526?pwd=OVlxQ00rS1FBYkF2bEVjZUo2SFpMZz09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 828 9273 2526
Password: 209428

Find other call in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website within the time allowed by the Secretary of State per the recent Act 92 signed by Governor Scott on March 30th, 2020.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment

New Business

Old Business
Municipal Highway and Stormwater Mitigation Program – Grant Application
Town Plan completion
Taylor Meadow right of way
Covid-19 updates
Roads – gravel, grading, Sand delivery

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Special Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday October 7, 2020 / Via Zoom video and teleconference / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Janet Jesso

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 9-15-20 and 9-22-20 Approved

4. Public Comment:
Monica Collins stated that this Special Meeting is being held to replace the regular meeting that was scheduled for 10-6-20. That meeting was improperly Warned and was not held.

5. New Business
Tritown Intermunicipal Agreement – Board elects Scott Gillette as Town Representative and Dan Perera as Alternate Representative.

Homestead Declaration Late Penalty Waiver – Motion to waive penalties on late Homestead Declarations as has been done in the past. Approved.

Municipal Highway and Stormwater Mitigation Program – application for grant to replace a culvert on Shampeny Hill Road. Discussion. If the application is denied, the Town may apply again for this grant. Motion to apply for a grant to fund 80% of the costs related to the replacement of a culvert on Shampeny Hill Road. The total estimated cost of the project is $735,075. The project includes engineering, project management, construction, and a temporary bridge. The project may require the Town to obtain a short-term loan for up to $480,000. The projected total cost to the town after reimbursement and loan repayment is $147,015. These funds are currently available in the Highway Capital Project Fund and no long term borrowing or additional taxes will be required to fund this project. Approved.

6. Old Business
Secure Ballot Box – Discussion. Board authorizes expenses of up to $1000 to purchase and install a mail slot and secure ballot box for the Town Clerk’s Office. There may be up to $1000 in grand funding available for this project. Approved.

WiFi Hot Spot – Discussion. Motion to accept a proposal from Scott Gillette for a wifi network installation at the Town Clerk’s Office. Mr. Gillette is donating his time to install the system at no charge. Motion to approve the purchase of wifi network equipment in an amount not to exceed $1000. Approved.

Required Signatures for petitions for Appropriations in the Town Budget – Discussion regarding Appropriations and Covid-19 issues in securing signatures. Motion to suspend the requirement for signatures on petitions for one year. Approved.

Town Plan – tabled.

Taylor Meadow – contractor advised that funding for a gate on the access road to the gravel pile has been approved. Dig Safe will need to be contacted prior to installation of gate.

Covid-19 Updates – tabled.

Sand Pile Land update – The property adjacent to the Sand Pile property has been sold.

Roads – Roadside mowing contractor is not returning calls. This may be postponed until next year.

Update on Town Office ADA Access grant – 80% reimbursement for the project has been received.
Gardeners are scheduled to plant bulbs in garden area outside of Town Clerk’s Office. Costs will be approximately $60.
In the spring Town residents will be asked to contribute excess annual plants to continue the development of the planted area in front of the Town Clerk’s Office.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session.

8. Adjournment: 6:42pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1yh1fnkVVXbzDP6hHcLX48xcVSQnxuoA2?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting – Special Meeting
Wednesday October 7, 2020 / VIA ZOOM VIDEO/PHONE CONFERENCE / 6PM

This Special Meeting is being conducted to replace the Regular Meeting of 10-6-2020 that was improperly Warned.

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held remotely via conference call.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85395974250?pwd=aCs4UkRXRWxDeFkrOXlta1NFTklJUT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 853 9597 4250
Password: 373391

Find other call in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website within the time allowed by the Secretary of State per the recent Act 92 signed by Governor Scott on March 30th, 2020.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment

New Business
Quintown Intermunicipal Agreement – Representative & Alternate
Homestead Declarations Late Penalty Waiver
Municipal Highway and Stormwater Mitigation Program – Grant Application

Old Business
Secure Ballot Boxes
WiFi Hot Spot
Required signatures/petitions for Appropriations in Town Budget
Town Plan completion
Taylor Meadow right of way – gate proposal
Covid-19 updates
Roads – mowing, Shampeny Hill culvert, gravel, grading

Executive Session


Note the meeting Warned below was not held due to incorrect Warning. New meeting posted above.

WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday October 6, 2020 / VIA ZOOM VIDEO/PHONE CONFERENCE / 6PM

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held remotely via conference call.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App:

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID:

Find other call in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website within the time allowed by the Secretary of State per the recent Act 92 signed by Governor Scott on March 30th, 2020.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment

New Business
Quintown Intermunicipal Agreement – Representative & Alternate
Homestead Declarations Late Penalty Waiver
Municipal Highway and Stormwater Mitigation Program – Grant Application

Old Business
Secure Ballot Boxes
WiFi Hot Spot
Required signatures/petitions for Appropriations in Town Budget
Town Plan completion
Taylor Meadow right of way – gate proposal
Covid-19 updates
Roads – mowing, Shampeny Hill culvert, gravel, grading

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board – Special Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday September 22, 2020 / Via Zoom video and teleconference / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Scott Gillette, Dan Perera

3. Minutes of the last meeting: N/A

4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business
Hancock Tax Rate – Discussion regarding Local Agreement Veterans Tax Exemption. Board requests that this Exemption be broken out in Town Report.
Motion to approve Tax Rate for Town of Hancock FY21
Grand List: Tax Rate: Total:
Municipal $357,834.00 0.7296 $261,075.69
Local Agr.Vets Exempt. $357,834.00 0.0029 $1,037.72
School Homestead $136,498.00 1.7046 $232,674.49
School- Non Homestead $203,885.70 1.5225 $310,415.98
Total Taxes to be Raised $805,203.88

Total 20-21 Tax Rate: $2.44 Homestead
Total 20-21 Tax Rate: $2.25 Non-Homestead
Tax Rate for Town of Hancock FY21 – Approved

Gate for access to Gravel pile / Taylor Brook right of way
Discussion. Motion to pay for the installation of a lockable gate for the Taylor Brook right of way. Gate to have wooden 6×6 treated lumber posts, metal gate, reflective tape for safety and no parking sign. Amount not to exceed $900.00. Approved.

6. Old Business
Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 6:14pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10TDhij9YgnhPqJnQv4kN238qH_iFQjV5?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Special Meeting
Tuesday September 22, 2020 / VIA ZOOM VIDEO/PHONE CONFERENCE / 6PM

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held remotely via conference call.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85866174501?pwd=TmNhYmZJZ1UrdkZKSjVYWVFicDFJQT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 858 6617 4501
Password: 873754

Find other call in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website within the time allowed by the Secretary of State per the recent Act 92 signed by Governor Scott on March 30th, 2020.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Vote to approve the Hancock tax rate for FY21

Gate for access to Gravel pile / Taylor Brook right of way

Old Business
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday September 15, 2020 / Via Zoom video and teleconference / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6:09pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Scott Gillette, Dan Perera

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 9-1-2020 Approved

4. Public Comment:
The Hancock Select Board formally acknowledged and thanked Monica Collins for the diligent work she has done towards the improvements to the Town Office entranceway, driveway, and handicap ramp. Monica identified a grant that had been originally for ADA access improvements for the Town Office bathrooms. This work was deemed not necessary and the grant was to be forfeited. Monica was able to obtain approval for an alternate use of the grant to improve access to the building from the driveway up to the front doors of the Office. These improvements were urgently needed as the walkway to the front doors had begun to fail and the guardrail had completely fallen away from the steps up to the building.
The Board further acknowledged that this work would not have been possible without our partners: Vermont Integrated Architecture, Kricket McKusker, and the USDA.
5. New Business
Secure Drop Box – discussion. State offering a grant up to $1000. Board to review options.

6. Old Business
Energy Committee – Board determined that this Committee is not a policy making body and will not interfere with Town policy making. It will assist the Town and residents in grant acquisition. Motion to approve joining the Quintown Energy Committee. Approved.

Required Signatures for Appropriations in the Town budget – Board to review additional information. Tabled.

Town Plan Completion – Planning Commission needs to meet to give its authorization for the Select Board to complete the Town Plan.

Taylor Meadow – discussion. Tabled.

Covid-19 – No new updates.

ADA Access Grant – construction and improvements to the driveway and walkway and handicapped ramp to Town Offices is complete. Board will seek donations of plants and flowers in the spring for the garden area in front of the Town Office Building.

Recreation Committee requests use of the Town Hall parking lot for Halloween event. Board asked that all State and Federal Covid-19 guidelines and rules be followed.

Road Sand Bid opening. Three bids received for 600 cubic yards delivered to Hancock.
ECS Excavating $19.85/cubic yard
Case St. Ready Mix ($10,922) $18.20/cubic yard
Tabor Earth Extractors $20.00/cubic yard
Board awards Sand Bid to Case St. Reay Mix. Approved.

Repair work on asphalt on Tucker Brook Rd and Churchville Rd delayed.

Roadside Mowing – Had been scheduled for earlier in the summer. Contractor has not returned calls.

Gravel is being spread on Churchville Rd, Buttles Rd, and Bettis Rd. More gravel spreading and grading will commence the week of Sept. 28.

Road Commissioner met with Rita Seto of TRORC to review Killooleet Rd bank along river, culvert on Shampeny Hill Rd. and steep bank on north side of Buttles Rd. to discuss grant eligibility.

A number of ruts have been made by people spinning their wheels on Town dirt roads. Board to reach out to certain individuals.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session.

8. Adjournment: 6:50pm


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday September 15, 2020 / VIA ZOOM VIDEO/PHONE CONFERENCE / 6PM

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held remotely via conference call.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89993280971?pwd=MGZueUk4ZVltUERwM2lUR1Y4UDRvdz09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 899 9328 0971
Password: 305270

Find other call in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website within the time allowed by the Secretary of State per the recent Act 92 signed by Governor Scott on March 30th, 2020.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment

New Business
Secure Ballot Boxes

Old Business
Energy Committee/TRORC
Required signatures/petitions for Appropriations in Town Budget
Town Plan completion
Taylor Meadow right of way National Forest Service response
Covid-19 updates
Town Office ADA Access Grant – construction status

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday September 1, 2020 / Via Zoom video and teleconference / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Dan Perera, Scott Gillette, Jack Ross, Marge Ross

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 8-18-20. Approved

4. Public Comment:
Board was contacted by a landowner on Shampeny Hill regarding trees down on a Class 4 road. They were requesting that the Town consider removing the trees. The landowner was advised that the Town has no obligation to clear Class 4 roads unless there is a danger to the public. The Board further advised that it would consider a permit application if the landowner wanted to clear the road themselves.

Marge Ross asked if the Town maintains a Flood Plain Map. The Board advised that while the Town does not maintain or create such a map, FEMA does create and maintain a Flood Plain Map. At this time, FEMA only has paper flood insurance maps for Hancock but is in the process of developing new digital maps. This is a long process and may not be complete for a couple of years.

The State Police sent a letter to the Board to determine interest in holding a forum with the Board to discuss policing matters. The Board will express interest in holding such a forum and would like the State Police to consider having the Forum include the Boards of Rochester and Granville.

5. New Business
Driveway Permit – a landowner in Rochester is considering putting in a driveway that would cross private land in Hancock and emerge on Buttles Rd. The Board advised that any permit would have to come from the owner of the land in Hancock and that an attorney should be consulted regarding and easement or right-of-way for the proposed driveway.

Tax Anticipation Note – Motion to approve and sign the TAN. Approved

Burning near gravel pile – Board received a complaint regarding a fire near the gravel pile. A Board member visited the site and it is unclear where the fire was or if it was on Town property.

Town Constable appointment – Tabled

Quintown Inter Municipal Agreement – this agreement would have local towns work together to implement energy policies. The Board has questions for Two Rivers before considering entering this agreement. Specifically, the Town is concerned that entering into this agreement might limit policy decisions that Hancock may need to make in the future.
6. Old Business
Required Signatures for Town Budget Appropriations – Tabled

Procurement Policy – Discussion. Concern was raised by the Road Commissioner that some jobs assigned to contractors are by the hour and could end up inadvertently costing more than the $1,999 threshold for obtaining 3 estimates. Road Commissioner to monitor jobs through the summer to see if an adjustment to the Procurement Policy is warranted. The Policy has not be revisited in 8 years.

Town Plan – Board to assume responsibility for the completion of the Town Plan.

Taylor Meadow Right Of Way – The Forest Service does have some signage available that my be appropriate for the road leading to the gravel pile behind Taylor Meadow. In addition, the Road Commissioner has requested an estimate for building a lockable gate for this road.

Covid-19 Updates – There have been local cases of the Covid virus reported in the last week. The Board urges all residents to follow State and CDC guidelines to help keep the virus from spreading. All residents should wear masks when required and practice social distancing.

Town Office ADA Access Grant – Construction has begun at the Town Offices. A change order was approved that will increase the costs by $800. The project should be completed by mid-September.

Pond on Buttles Rd. – State looking to see if any regulation is required for a pond on Buttles Rd.
Road Sand – Invitation to bid for the delivery of 600 cubic yards of sand to the Hancock Sand Pile has been advertised. A prospectus is available from the Town Clerk and the Road Commissioner and through the town website www.hancockvt.org. Bids are due at the Town Clerk’s Office by 3pm September 15, 2020.
A pile of fill was left at the top of Tucker Brook Rd. A resident removed it.

Motion to sign orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session.
Board entered Executive Session at 6:51pm
Board exited Executive Session at 6:57pm
Personnel matter discussed. No action taken.

8. Adjournment: 6:58pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GZlaQfs64lirPCE-kAx0ZRr3hkuDAREZ?usp=sharing


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday September 1, 2020 / Via Zoom video and teleconference / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Dan Perera, Scott Gillette, Jack Ross, Marge Ross

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 8-18-20. Approved

4. Public Comment:
Board was contacted by a landowner on Shampeny Hill regarding trees down on a Class 4 road. They were requesting that the Town consider removing the trees. The landowner was advised that the Town has no obligation to clear Class 4 roads unless there is a danger to the public. The Board further advised that it would consider a permit application if the landowner wanted to clear the road themselves.

Marge Ross asked if the Town maintains a Flood Plain Map. The Board advised that while the Town does not maintain or create such a map, FEMA does create and maintain a Flood Plain Map.

The State Police sent a letter to the Board to determine interest in holding a forum with the Board to discuss policing matters. The Board will express interest in holding such a forum and would like the State Police to consider having the Forum include the Boards of Rochester and Granville.

5. New Business
Driveway Permit – a landowner in Rochester is considering putting in a driveway that would cross private land in Hancock and emerge on Buttles Rd. The Board advised that any permit would have to come from the owner of the land in Hancock and that an attorney should be consulted regarding and easement or right-of-way for the proposed driveway.

Tax Anticipation Note – Motion to approve and sign the TAN. Approved

Burning near gravel pile – Board received a complaint regarding a fire near the gravel pile. A Board member visited the site and it is unclear where the fire was or if it was on Town property.

Town Constable appointment – Tabled

Quintown Inter Municipal Agreement – this agreement would have local towns work together to implement energy policies. The Board has questions for Two Rivers before considering entering this agreement. Specifically, the Town is concerned that entering into this agreement might limit policy decisions that Hancock may need to make in the future.
6. Old Business
Required Signatures for Town Budget Appropriations – Tabled

Procurement Policy – Discussion. Concern was raised by the Road Commissioner that some jobs assigned to contractors are by the hour and could end up inadvertently costing more than the $1,999 threshold for obtaining 3 estimates. Road Commissioner to monitor jobs through the summer to see if an adjustment to the Procurement Policy is warranted. The Policy has not be revisited in 8 years.

Town Plan – Board to assume responsibility for the completion of the Town Plan.

Taylor Meadow Right Of Way – The Forest Service does have some signage available that my be appropriate for the road leading to the gravel pile behind Taylor Meadow. In addition, the Road Commissioner has requested an estimate for building a lockable gate for this road.

Covid-19 Updates – There have been local cases of the Covid virus reported in the last week. The Board urges all residents to follow State and CDC guidelines to help keep the virus from spreading. All residents should wear masks when required and practice social distancing.

Town Office ADA Access Grant – Construction has begun at the Town Offices. A change order was approved that will increase the costs by $800. The project should be completed by mid-September.

Pond on Buttles Rd. – State looking to see if any regulation is required for a pond on Buttles Rd.
Road Sand – Invitation to bid for the delivery of 600 cubic yards of sand to the Hancock Sand Pile has been advertised. A prospectus is available from the Town Clerk and the Road Commissioner and through the town website www.hancockvt.org. Bids are due at the Town Clerk’s Office by 3pm September 15, 2020.
A pile of fill was left at the top of Tucker Brook Rd. A resident removed it.

Motion to sign orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session.
Board entered Executive Session at 6:51pm
Board exited Executive Session at 6:57pm
Personnel matter discussed. No action taken.

8. Adjournment: 6:58pm

This meeting is available for viewing at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GZlaQfs64lirPCE-kAx0ZRr3hkuDAREZ?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday September 1, 2020 / VIA ZOOM VIDEO/PHONE CONFERENCE / 6PM

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held remotely via conference call.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83557179117?pwd=VmRkQ3hHRElyWXlyVWxXeW5wR1Vmdz09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 835 5717 9117
Password: 503486

Find other call in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website within the time allowed by the Secretary of State per the recent Act 92 signed by Governor Scott on March 30th, 2020.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment

New Business
Driveway Permit – Buttles Rd.
Tax Anticipation Note
Burning near gravel pile
Appoint Town Constable
Sign Quintown Inter Municipal Agreement

Old Business
Required signatures/petitions for Appropriations in Town Budget
Procurement Policy
Town Plan completion
Taylor Meadow right of way National Forest Service response
Covid-19 updates
Town Office ADA Access Grant – construction status
Roads – Buttles Rd. pond

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday August 18, 2020 / Via Zoom video and teleconference / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Dorothy Robson

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 8-7-20 and 8-4-20 Approved

4. Public Comment:
Dorothy Robson asked if the Board would consider letting the Valley Players conduct an outdoor performance on the Town Green on Saturday, Oct. 3. The audience would be three groups of 25 people. Masks and social distancing required and monitored. Tickets and reservations would be required. This performance is in the preliminary planning phase. The Board indicated that it would be open to this use of the Town Green provided that it met all State Covid-19 social distancing and mask requirements.

Board was asked about the large truck parked in the Town Hall parking lot. Board to inquire.

5. New Business
Required signatures / petitions for Appropriations in the Town Budget – Board to draft a resolution that would require that organizations submit a request for appropriations with no signed petition required on organization’s letterhead for appropriations that are the same or less than the prior year’s amount. If Appropriations are being requested that exceed the prior year’s amount, then a signed petition will be required.

Tax Map – Board to hire CAI Technologies to update the Town Tax Map at a cost of $1500 plus $15 per building added.

Procurement Policy – Board to draft a proposal to increase the amount that requires one Board member signature for approval.

Town Plan Completion – the Plan has one remaining section to be completed. The Board may take on this last section if no one else is available to complete it.

6. Old Business
Taylor Meadow right of way – Forest Service to be contacted for signage. Board to get estimate for putting in a barrier / gate to limit vehicle traffic.

Wifi Hot Spot – tabled.

Covid-19 – The Town has a limited supply of free masks for Hancock residents. Call the Town Clerk for information.

Town Offices ADA Grant – work on driveway to begin next week.

Dan Delorm property boundary – The Board approved reimbursing Mr. Delorm for up to $1000 if it is determined by a professional survey and deed review that the Town boundary along the northern edge of the driveway at the Town Offices that abuts Mr. Delorm’s southern boundary line is significantly different from this boundaries current location based on a previous professional survey conducted by the Town. This reimbursement shall only apply to this boundary line an no other boundary lines that Mr. Delorm has with the Town or other neighbors. Approved.

Sand Pile Property – Board maintaining discussions with land owner as he tries to sell the property.

Trimming completed at the Sand Pile property.
Sand – Town to seek bids for 600 yards of sand.
Gravel – Discussions with grading contractor to spread gravel as soon as possible.
Asphalt repairs – repairs to the asphalt on Tucker Brook Rd. and Churchville Rd. have been scheduled.

Town Audit has begun.

Motion to sign orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session. None.

8. Adjournment: 6:46pm

This meeting is available for viewing at:


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday August 18, 2020 / VIA ZOOM VIDEO/PHONE CONFERENCE / 6PM

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held remotely via conference call.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting
Time: Tuesday, August 18, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App:

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 880 3944 2531
Password: 145819

Find other call in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website within the time allowed by the Secretary of State per the recent Act 92 signed by Governor Scott on March 30th, 2020.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment

New Business
Required signatures/petitions for Appropriations in Town Budget
Tax Map – CAI Technologies
Procurement Policy
Town Plan completion
Old Business
Taylor Meadow right of way National Forest Service response
Wifi Hot Spot
Covid-19 updates
Town Office ADA Access Grant status
Dan Delorm property boundaries
Sand pile property

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting – Special Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday August 7, 2020 / Via Zoom video and teleconference / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Monic Collins, Dan Perera

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Tabled
4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business

6. Old Business
Interim Education Tax Rates / Adjust tax billing for 2020-21
The School Budget has not yet passed and this has delayed the sending of tax bills to the taxpayers in Hancock. An option to send interim tax bills with an estimated tax amount was considered and rejected per the suggestions of the Town Clerk / Town Treasurer. An interim bill would have required that revised bills be sent when a school budget is passed possibly resulting in confusion and extra costs to the Town. Discussion regarding modifying the payment schedule for the tax year 2020-21.
Motion to revise the tax billing for the tax period 2020-21 to include three tax payments instead of the usual four payments. The new payment dates to be November 2, February 16, and May 15.
Tax bills will be sent out to Hancock Taxpayers when the School Budget is passed and the State finalizes the tax rate for Hancock. This will likely be in mid to late September with the first payment due November 2.

7. Executive Session. None

8. Adjournment: 6:05pm

This meeting is available for viewing at:


WARNING – Special Meeting- Hancock Select Board Meeting

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held remotely via conference call.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting
Time: Friday, August 7, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App:

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 826 1252 0261
Password: 082783

Find other call in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website within the time allowed by the Secretary of State per the recent Act 92 signed by Governor Scott on March 30th, 2020.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Interim Education Tax Rates / Adjust tax billing for 2020-21
Old Business

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday August 4, 2020 / Via Zoom video and teleconference / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6:04pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Dan Perera, Jack Ross, Marge Ross, Janet Jesso, Jake Twitchell

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 7-21-20 Approved
4. Public Comment:
Janet Jesso informed the Board that the School budget has not yet passed and therefore, the final tax rates can not be determined. This has delayed the sending out of tax bills. The State has provided interim tax rate estimates, however the Town Clerk has pointed out that using this rate would result in extra mailings, bills with different amounts, and extra costs to the Town. It is requested that the Board consider amending this tax years billings to be changed to November 2, February 16, and May 15. This would allow time for a school budget to be passed and final tax rates determined before bills are sent out to Hancock Tax Payers. The Board will hold a Special Meeting on Friday, August 7, 2020 at 6pm to consider the proposal to change the tax billing dates as suggested above.

Jake Twitchell recognized Monica Collins and thanked her for her help in finding a solution to the maintenance issues for the wooden fence at the cemetery.

5. New Business
Signature requirements for appropriations requests in the annual Town Budget – tabled.

Tax Map update – An outside firm is being contacted to update the Tax Map.

Procurement Policy update – Tabled.

Interim Education Tax Rate – Special Hancock Select Board Meeting scheduled for Friday, Aug. 7 at 6pm.

Letter from Dan Delorm – Mr. Delorm is requesting that the Town conduct a survey of his property to see if there are discrepancies with the various deeds to the properties to the North of the Town Offices/Library. Hand written diagrams submitted to the Town can not be acted on and a survey and/or an attorney review of the deeds is needed. The Board determined that it is not the responsibility of the Town to verify any boundaries or deeds at this time as surveys have been conducted by the Town previously.
The Board will contact Mr. Delorm to discuss. The Town would be willing to reimburse Mr. Delorm for the reasonable costs of a survey if the survey revealed significant differences from previously conducted surveys.

6. Old Business
Taylor Meadow gravel pile – The Forest Service indicates that it has signs to notify people that non-authorized motorized vehicles are not allowed on the property. The Forest Service further request that the gravel pile be removed as soon as possible.

WiFi Hot Spot – Tabled.

Covid-19 updates – Monica Collins has requested a supply of free masks for the Town.

ADA Access Grant – Board is waiting on paperwork from the contractor. Work to start after Aug. 11 voting. Work to be completed by the end of August.

Roads – Ditch maintenance completed on Shampeny Hill Rd. and Blair Hill. Ditch work and asphalt repairs pending on Tucker Brook Rd.

Dan Perera to find a worker to trim weeds at sand pile property.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session.

8. Adjournment: 6:50pm

This meeting is available for viewing at:


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday August 4, 2020 / VIA ZOOM VIDEO/PHONE CONFERENCE / 6PM

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held remotely via conference call.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting
Time: Tuesday, August 4, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83032672314?pwd=TUhqaTNnVTJ4TGJyVFlXeTRLaVB2QT09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 830 3267 2314
Password: 692764

Find other call in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website within the time allowed by the Secretary of State per the recent Act 92 signed by Governor Scott on March 30th, 2020.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment

New Business
Required signatures/petitions for Appropriations in Town Budget
Tax Map update
Procurement Policy
Interim Education Tax Rates
Letter from Dan Delorm
Old Business
Taylor Meadow right of way National Forest Service response
Wifi Hot Spot
Covid-19 updates
Town Office ADA Access Grant status

Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday July 21, 2020 / Via Zoom video and teleconference / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Scott Gillette, Monica Collins, Martin Maher, Jack Ross, Dan Perera, Janet Jesso

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 7-7–20 Approved as amended.

4. Public Comment:
Janet Jesso had previously sent an email to the Board requesting that the Board consider requiring the wearing of face coverings in all public areas, Town buildings, and businesses in the Town of Hancock. Discussion regarding the clear indications that wearing masks cuts down on the transmission of the Covid-19 virus. Further discussion about the notable number of elderly residents in Hancock and their increased risks to the virus. Further discussion regarding actions taken by other municipalities. Board to draft and consider a resolution regarding the wearing of masks in Town at its next meeting.

5. New Business
Professional Audit – The Town Clerk and others have suggested that the Town conduct a professional audit. Further discussion regarding the possibility that the accounting firm periodically inspect the finances of the town between formal audits. Motion to conduct an audit with the cost not to exceed $8,650. Approved.

Bid opening for ADA Access Grant project for Town Offices.
Bids received:
Champlain Construction $43,229
Avery Excavation $ 37,326
Bid from Avery Construction approved conditioned upon positive feedback from references. Approved.
Reimbursement Grant is expected to fully cover these costs.
Further discussion regarding the moving of plants from the project area to be reused when construction is completed.

Discussion regarding if it is necessary to required signed petitions for appropriation requests in the Town Budget.

Discussion regarding mowing the property where the sand pile is kept.

6. Old Business
Martin Maher presented an updated permit application for work on a Class 4 road in Hancock at the end of Pine Gap Rd. Permit included any requirements from the Forest Service and the Agency of Natural Resources. Permit Approved.

Cemetery Fence – estimate from gardeners to trim back hedges from the Town fence to allow for maintenance is $500 or less. Motion to hire gardeners with amount not to exceed $500. Approved.

Board is seeking a Town Health Officer.

Dog complaints on Virgin Ave. – Board knows of no further complaints.

Public Safety – for Executive Session.

Noise Complaint – owner of dirt bike and parents contacted.

Wifi Hot Spot – no new updates

Covid-19 – no new updates

Ditch work and culvert clearing scheduled with Charles Smith for Blair Hill and Shampeny Hill.
Ditch and road repairs scheduled with Charles Smith for the lower paved section of Tucker Brook Rd.
Roadside mowing has been scheduled with Mike Ketchum.

Application for Constable position. Board to review references.

Shooting at Town gravel pit. Discussion. Forest Service to be contacted to see if they have signs and gates available for regulating activity at this property.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session
Motion to enter Executive Session. Approved. 6:47pm
Motion to exit Executive Session. Approved 6:55pm.
Public safety matter discussed.
No action taken.

8. Adjournment: 7:05pm

This meeting is available for viewing at:


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held remotely via conference call.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting
Time: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85471650538?pwd=SS9pV2x4WHdlZHpEYlpiL0lLUVhTZz09

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 854 7165 0538
Password: 800912

Find other call in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website within the time allowed by the Secretary of State per the recent Act 92 signed by Governor Scott on March 30th, 2020.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment
New Business
Professional Audit

Open bids for ADA Grant project at Town Offices

Old Business
Class 4 road work permit
Cemetery fence – gardener estimate
Board Seeking a Town Health officer
Dog complaint Tucker Brook Rd/Rtr125
Public Safety
Noise complaint – dirt bike on Blair Hill Rd.
Wifi Hot Spot
Covid-19 updates
Roads – projects on Shampeny Hill / Tucker Brook Rd. / Blair Hill
Roadside mowing
Executive Session


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday July 7, 2020 / Via Zoom video and teleconference / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6:03pm

2. Introductions: Martin Maher, Jack Ross, Scott Gillette, Dan Perera, Monica Collins, Jason Cardona

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 6-16-20 Approved
4. Public Comment:

5. New Business
Permit application for work on a Class 4 road at the end of Pine Gap Rd. Request from Martin Maher to improve/repair road to his property in Hancock. The road is at the end of Pine Gap Rd. and extends .4 miles into Hancock. A portion of the road crosses National Forest land. The Forest Service has been consulted and offered guidelines for this work. Board requested that Mr. Maher add the Forest Service’s guidelines as well as any State ANR guidelines/restrictions to the permit for review at next meeting. No action taken.

Cemetery Fence – Board to contact a gardener to get an estimate for trimming bush to allow for fence maintenance. Board to review estimate.

Hancock is seeking a Health Officer.

Board reviewed an application for the position of Town Constable. Referenced to be checked by Scott Gillette.
Jason Cardona, applicant, discussed his qualifications with the Board via phone.

Board heard reports of shooting at the gravel pit. Sheriff to be contacted. Discussion regarding “No Trespassing” signs at the gravel pit.

Dog Complaint at Tucker Brook Rd. and Rt125. Board sent a letter to the dog owners with the dog ordinance. All dogs must be on a leash when off their owner’s property and all dogs are required to be licensed.

Voter Rolls are in the process of a regular purging. Challenge letters were sent last year and the rolls will be purged per statute.

School budget delay will likely result in a late mailing of Town tax bills. The delay may result in the Town having to take a loan in leu of taxes to meet its financial obligations.

Noise complaint on Blair Hill – person reportedly riding a loud dirt bike on road. Person advised to call the Sheriff.

Discussion with Jason Cardone regarding the position of Town Constable.

6. Old Business
Delinquent tax sales – Town attorney has been in touch with the Delinquent Tax Collector. No further information available at this time.

Sand Pile property – Landowner rejected Town offer to purchase the land.

Right of way in Taylor Meadow – Letter sent to landowner requesting that obstructions be removed. Owner objects to people speeding on the right of way. Forest Service to be contacted to see of signs can be erected to slow traffic.

Virgin Ave. dog complaints – Sheriff has contacted the dog owner.

WiFi Hot Spot – Scott Gillette to check with ECFiber to see if they have options for the Town of Hancock to offer a WiFi Hot Spot.

Covid-19 – no updates.

ADA Access Grant for Town Offices – Request for bids has been advertised. Bid package is available on Town website.

Quin-Town Bottle Drive – to be held on Saturday, July 11 from 11am to 1:30pm at the Town sand pile.

Roads – graveling – Board in agreement that it is cost effective to have Ken Beattie spread gravel when he does the mid-summer grading of Town Roads. Bettis Rd has been identified as needing gravel first.

Motion to sign Orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session
Motion to enter Executive Session. Apprived. Entered at 7:26.
Exit at 7:26. No action taken.

Motion to reenter Executive Session. Approved. Entered at 7:37.
Exit at 7:29. Discussed public safety issues. No action taken.

8. Adjournment: 7:51pm

This meeting is available for viewing at:


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held remotely via conference call.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting
Time: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App:

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099

Meeting ID: 881 9546 2592
Password: 311194

Find other call in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website within the time allowed by the Secretary of State per the recent Act 92 signed by Governor Scott on March 30th, 2020.

Call to Order
Minutes of the last meeting
Public Comment

New Business
Class 4 road work permit
Cemetery fence
Health officer
Dog complaint Tucker Brook Rd/Rtr125
Voter Rolls

Old Business
Tax sale of unoccupied, abandoned property
Sand Pile property
Town Boundaries/Town Right of way
Virgin Ave. dog issue
Wifi Hot Spot
Covid-19 updates
Town Office ADA Access Grant status
Quin-Town Bottle Drive – Saturday July 11 from 11am to 1:30pm
Roads – graveling

Executive Session


Draft Minutes Hancock Select Board

1. Call to Order: 6:01pm

2. Introductions: Jack Ross. Marge Ross, Monica Collins, Scott Gillette, Dan Perera

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 6-2-20 Approved
4. Public Comment: People have been inquiring about dirt piles and rocks next to the Town Hall. Dan Perera to ask landowner about this activity.

5. New Business
Zoom account to be put into the Town’s name.

Valley-wide 4th of July “Reverse Parade” Permission granted to allow people to decorate the Town Green so long as it is cleaned up after the event.

Sand Pile property – Town continues to do due diligence. There are Act 250 and Flood Plain regulations that impact all development activities on this property. No structures can be built on the property. If the Town were to purchase it, the storage container would have to be moved away from the river and mitigation efforts would be done along the river bank.

Town boundaries – Town attorney has inspected the obstructions in the Town right of way. He to draft letter to the homeowner. Board to review letter before sending.

6. Old Business
Dog issues on Virgin Ave. – Dog owner has been informed of Town Dog Ordinance by the Sheriffs Dept. Sheriff requested that owner put up fence. Sheriff Dept to visit dog owner again due to continued issues.

Covid-19 Updates – Food survey has collected more than 100 responses.
Food Drop in Granville on Friday 6-19. Preregistration is required.

Roads – Grading completed. Gravel to be spread with next grading.
Ditch work commenced on Tucker Brook Rd.

Scott Gillette to contact Rochester to see how they are assisted by outside CPA. Scott to contact Nathan Hawley, CPA.

Town to look into establishing an internet “hot spot” for public access to the internet. Discussion about locating the hot spot in the Town Hall parking lot.

Motion to sign orders.

Next meeting 7-7-20 / Via Zoom

7. Executive Session: Motion to enter Executive Session.
Entered at 6:34pm
Exited at 7:11pm.
Safety matter and sand pile property discussed.
No action taken.
Board authorized Monica Collins to negotiate with the owner of the sand pile property.

8. Adjournment: 7:15pm

Video copy of meeting available at:


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held remotely via conference call.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting
Time: Tuesday, June 16, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App:

Meeting ID: 785 670 2073 No password needed.

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099 Meeting ID: 785 670 2073 No password needed.

Find other call in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website within the time allowed by the Secretary of State per the recent Act 92 signed by Governor Scott on March 30th, 2020.

Call to Order


Minutes of the last meeting

Public Comment

New Business
Putting the Zoom account in the Town’s name

Valley-wide 4th of July “reverse parade”

Update on status of sandpile property

Update on town boundary issues
Old Business
Covid-19 updates

Roads – Graveling roads

Executive Session



Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday June 2, 2020 / Via Zoom video/teleconference / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6:04pm

2. Introductions: Jack Ross, Scott Gillette, Monica Collins, Dan Perera

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 5-19-20. Approved
4. Public Comment: Jack Ross asked about dirt and rocks being placed on north side of Town Hall. Monica to discuss matter with Town attorney.

5. New Business
Mowing – Board approved the use of a subcontractor for mowing. Proof of insurance has been provided. Monica to send a letter to contractor.
Addison County Sheriff – A letter from the Sheriff states that a Deputy is now on call 24 hours a day.
24 hour on call Deputy – 802-398-7140
Monday – Friday 8am to 4pm – 802-388-2981
Hourly rate of Sheriff patrols is increasing.

Liquor licenses for JD’s and Hubbard’s Store: Approved.

Board received a report of a suspicious person on Killooleet Rd. Reporting citizen advised to call the Sheriff if laws are being broken or if they feel at risk.

Covid-19 – Feeding the Valley Coalition is conducting a survey to determine food needs in the valley.
Gifford Hospital and Veggie-Van-Go are looking into food distribution in the area.
A food drop from food shelf in Middlebury is being organized.

Green Up Day report. 15 bags collected.

New American Flag installed on Hancock Town Green.
Board authorized additional replacement flags as the existing ones are worn out.

4ht of July – decorations being discussed in leu of parades or gatherings.

Delinquent taxes and delinquent dog licenses – no significant increases in either.

Forest Fire Warden – board reaffirmed Jon Deering’s appointment and is to complete and sign form.

Quintown Regional Energy Committee – seeking a representative and alternate from each town. Committee will manage State energy goals/regulations as well as weatherization efforts.

6. Old Business
Town Office Access Grant – Architect meeting with USDA. Bidding process to begin.

Town Right of way – Attorney to sent letter to property owner on Taylor Meadow who is obstructing access. Access to the Town gravel pile is needed.

Continuing dog issue on Virgin Ave. Property owner has been advised to call the Sheriff. Dog ordinance has been forwarded to the Sheriff and the parties involved. Board has written letters to the dog owner.

Roads: Signed Grading and Tucker Brook ditch contracts have been received.
Bidding procedures to be reviewed with next prospectus to avoid confusion with regard to the format of bids.

Land where Town sand pile is located is being evaluated with regard to the Flood Plain. State Flood Plain manager is being contacted.

Motion to sign orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 6:55pm

Link to video of this meeting: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iT7TSYOQitKDICEzDtLYmYemORg-PQ3Q/view?usp=sharing


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held remotely via conference call.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting
Time: Tuesday, June 2, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83006317358?pwd=dTdZa0VEK1VDK09ROXhoby9wcnhrdz09

Meeting ID: 830 0631 7358 Password: 187691

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099 Meeting ID: 830 0631 7358 Password 187691

Find other call in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website within the time allowed by the Secretary of State per the recent Act 92 signed by Governor Scott on March 30th, 2020.

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. Minutes of the last meeting 5-19-20

4. Public Comment

5. New Business
Mowing contract – subcontractor approval needed

Addison County Sheriff – full time access to an officer

Liquor license renewal for JD’s and Hubbard’s

Suspicious Person Report

Covid-19 updates

New Flag on Town Green
6. Old Business
Town Offices access project

Town Property/Right of way – gravel access

Tucker Brook/Killooleet Rd update
Bidding procedures

7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday May 19, 2020 / VIA ZOOM VIDEO/TELECONFERENCE / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6:06pm

2. Introductions: Dan Perera, Monica Collins, Scott Gillette

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 5/5/20 and 5/12/20 Approved
4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business
Covid-19 – Discussion regarding efforts to help families in need with supplies of food.

FEMA map project – Monica Collins is working with the White River Partnership to assess the amount of property in Hancock that may be designated as in the flood plane as FEMA updates its maps.

The Delinquent Tax Collector is working with the Town Attorney to move forward on the tax sales of unoccupied properties in Hancock.

6. Old Business
3-year Contract for Grading
Board evaluated bids for Grading.
Kingsbury Companies $29,904 per year
Harvey’s Plumbing and Excavating $23,406 1st year
$24,174 2nd year
$24,942 3rd year
Beattie Earthworks $14,000 per year
Board discussion. Dan Perera reported about a phone conversation with the Road Commissioner in Granville. The Granville Road Commissioner reported that he has been very pleased with grading done by Beattie Earthworks for the Town of Granville.
Board awards 3-year Grading Contact to Beattie Earthworks. Approved.

Texas Falls Rd – Board discussed winter road maintenance for the upper portion of the Texas Falls Rd in the event it is given up to the Forest Service.

Taylor Meadow right of way – Town Attorney is drafting a letter to a property owner who is obstructing a Town and Forest Service right of way. The letter will request that the property owner not obstruct the right of way.

ABLE Waste Management – Board contacted this company to request that PPE and Social Distancing protocols be followed during trash and recycling services in the Town of Hancock.

Motion to sign orders – Approved

7. Executive Session: Motion to enter Executive Session at 6:37pm. Approved
Exited Executive Session at 6:42.
Discussion regarding a real estate matter. No action taken.

Next Meeting: June 2, 2020

8. Adjournment: 6:47pm

LINK TO VIDEO RECORDING OF 5/19/20 Hancock Select Board meeting: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ExG7Z3wtzX0L2-L34YqlDgX3MAgH_2Xn


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting – Special Meeting

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held remotely via conference call.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting
Time: Tuesday, May 19, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89745939252?pwd=dWNVNnBoZ3BWc3EwNGJ6VWNKTGpZZz09

Meeting ID: 897 4593 9252 Password: 098185

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099 Meeting ID: 897 4593 9252 Password 098185

Find other call in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website within the time allowed by the Secretary of State per the recent Act 92 signed by Governor Scott on March 30th, 2020.

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. Minutes of the last meeting: 5-5-20 and 5-12-20

4. Public Comment

5. New Business
Covid-19 updates

FEMA map project

6. Old Business
Roads – Grading bid to be awarded & Texas Falls Rd update
Town property boundaries – Taylor Meadow right of way

7. Executive Session
Real estate matter

8. Adjournment


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting – Special Meeting

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held remotely via conference call.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting
Time: Tuesday, May 12, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82029102040?pwd=OHBJOXdWTlR2UmFDK2lIZFZ4bnFyQT09

Meeting ID: 820 2910 2040 Password: 063536

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099 Meeting ID: 820 2910 2040 Password 063536

Find other call in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website within the time allowed by the Secretary of State per the recent Act 92 signed by Governor Scott on March 30th, 2020.

1. Call to Order
2. Introductions
3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Public Comment

5. New Business
Covid-19 response – updates

6. Old Business
Roads – bids for Tucker Brook Rd. ditch work

7. Executive Session
8. Adjournment 6:26

Link to Video of meeting: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1itTNix6eXmmnr9xE–p4aUbunwxyJD_X/view?usp=drive_web


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday May 5, 2020 / VIA ZOOM VIDEO/TELECONFRENCE / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6:03

2. Introductions: Jack Ross, Jim Leno, Monica Collins, Scott Gillette, Dan Perera

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 4-28-20 Approved
4. Public Comment: Question about right-of-way obstructions in Taylor Meadow.
Attorney to be contacted.

5. New Business
Covid-19 updates – State is discussing food supply for people who may be in financial distress. School lunch program continues at this point.
Randolph Area Development Council is working to develop a webinar to assist small businesses in acquiring financial assistance.
Governor’s Stay-At-Home order remains in place at least until 5-15-20.
Some work restrictions have been lifted for certain industries so long as State safety guidelines are followed.

Town Sand Pile – discussions with landowner have included a possible sale of the property to the Town. Parcel of land is approximately 2.1 acres.

Delinquent Tax Collector has informed the Board that Tax sales have been delayed due to Covid-19 restrictions. Other efforts to collect delinquent taxes are proceeding.

Forest Service has expressed interest in taking over the upper portion of the Texas Falls Rd. but had additional questions. Dan Perera to draft responses for Board review.

Discussion regarding electronic signatures for Select Board Orders and other documents.

6. Old Business
Site visit with potential bidders for Tucker Brook Rd ditch work was completed last Saturday with Jim Leno present. Bids for that project will be opened at a Special Board meeting on 5-12-20.
Bids for 3 year grading contract opened.
Kingsbury – $29,904 per year.
Harvey’s – $23,406 year 1, $24,174 year 2, $24,942 year 3
Beattie Earthworks – Grader $125 per hour /Roller $110 per hour
Question from public regarding ability of each contractor to be able to grade so that there is a 1-2% grade from crown of road to edge.

Board postponed bid award. Road Commissioner to call each contractor to verify 1-2% grade abilities and to get all bids to reflect full year estimate for 3 gradings per year. Board to revisit bid award at next meeting on 5-12-20.

7. Executive Session:
Entered into at 6:37pm. Discussions regarding a real estate
matter. Exited 6:47pm. No action taken.

8. Next Meeting: Special Meeting 5-12-20

9. Adjournment: 6:48pm


WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held remotely via conference call.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting
Time: Tuesday, May 5, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88088013288?pwd=ejJLeFNDM1MzSDhBZ1JhWXRBVkNPdz09

Meeting ID: 880 8801 3288 Password: 076239

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099 Meeting ID: 880 8801 3288 Password 076239

Find other call in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website within the time allowed by the Secretary of State per the recent Act 92 signed by Governor Scott on March 30th, 2020.

1. Call to Order
2. Introductions
3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Public Comment

5. New Business
Covid-19 response – updates

Town sand pit

6. Old Business
Roads – bids for grading / update on Tucker Brook Rd ditch work

7. Executive Session
8. Adjournment


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday April 28 , 2020 / VIA ZOOM VIDEO AND TELECONFRENCE / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6:04pm

2. Introductions: Jack Ross, Jim Leno, Marge Ross, Janet Jesso, Dan Perera, Scott Gillette, Monica Collins

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 4-7-20 Approved
4. Public Comment:

Jim Leno inquired about the proposed transfer of the upper portion of the Texas Falls Rd to the Forest Service. Dan Perera said that a proposal was sent to the Forest Service at just about the time of the stay-at-home order. He will try to contact the Forest Service.

5. New Business
Monica made a motion to appoint Scott Gillett to the Selectboard. Dan Second. Approved

Review of Governor’s orders regarding road work. Projects and maintenance can move forward if State guidelines are followed.

Mowing – Richard Andrews has been informed that he can proceed with Town mowing per his contract so long as State guidelines are followed with regard to social distancing and crew sizes of less than 5 people.

LEMP – The plan will be available for viewing at the Town Clerk’s office. LEMP plan Approved. Dan to sign.

Covid-19 response discussion. Rebuild Rochester and the Federated Church are coordinating to have more access to the Food shelf. Additional times and a location at the Rochester Town Offices has been proposed and is being established.

An ACT250 amendment has been approved to subdivide the property with the Town sand pile.

Discussion regarding possible delays in tax receipts due to the economic hardships cause by the stay-at-home order and the impact of the Covid-19 on personal income.

Related discussion regarding the collection of delinquent taxes. Board to invite the Delinquent Tax Collector to the next regular meeting.

6. Old Business
Tucker Brook ditch work bid process has resumed with all contractors contacted as to the new timetable Site visit is at 9am on Sat. May 2. Bids are due by 6pm Tuesday, May 12.

Grading bids due by 6pm on Tuesday, May 5.

Road sweeping completed. Board thanked Jim Leno for his assistance in getting this accomplished.

Road Commissioner responding to reports of debris being dumped on Buttles Rd.

Road Commissioner responding to issues regarding a ditch on Tucker Brook Rd. A contractor has been hired to remove dirt from a ditch and repair other ditches in the area.

Discussion regarding surveyors work around Taylor Meadows and the Hancock Town Hall.

The Board reaffirmed that for the foreseeable future, Selectboard meeting will continue to be conducted via Zoom video/telephone conference.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 7:08pm

Next Meetings

May 5 – Regular Meeting
May 12 – Special Meeting to open Tucker Brook Rd ditch work bids.


The 4-21-20 Selectboard Meeting has been postponed until 4-28-20. See below.

WARNING – Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday April 28, 2020 / VIA ZOOM VIDEO/PHONE CONFERENCE / 6PM

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held remotely via conference call.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting
Time: Tuesday, Apr 28, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87885124149?pwd=cDRIcG9pOVRIWHc4dnhTNHJza1hRdz09

Meeting ID: 878 8512 4149 Password: 020785

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099 Meeting ID: 878 8512 4149 Password 020785

Find other call in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website within the time allowed by the Secretary of State per the recent Act 92 signed by Governor Scott on March 30th, 2020.

1. Call to Order
2. Introductions

3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Public Comment

5. New Business
Governor’s Stay at Home order – road work and maintenance

Town Mowing w/Covid-19 Stay at Home Order
Selectboard vacancy

LEMP approval

Covid-19 response – updates

6. Old Business
Roads – bids, projects, sweeping, grading

7. Executive Session
8. Adjournment


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday April 7, 2020 / VIA ZOOM CONFERENCE CALL / 6PM

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting was held remotely via conference call.

This meeting was recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website within the time allowed by the Secretary of State per the recent Act 92 signed by Governor Scott on March 30th, 2020.
To view the memo from the Secretary of State’s office, please visit:

LINK TO VIDEO OF 4-7-20 Selectboard Meeting: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XMY6JCd2wvjbc6lbohnVnFth0GVXiWG5

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: State Representative Peter Conlon, Monica Collins, Jack Ross (via phone), Dan Perera

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 3-17-20 Approved
4. Public Comment: Rep. Peter Conlon asked if there were any local needs.
State agencies all working on Covid-19 issues.
Financial projections for the State budget do not look good.
Sharp declines in receipts of Rooms and Meals Taxes and Sales Taxes will adversely impact the Education Fund.
Next fiscal year State budget must be completely reviewed.
School budgets discussed.
Board inquired as to rules for completing road work during Governor’s Stay at Home order. Peter Conlon to inquire and Select Board to consult with the Vermont League of Cities and Towns (VLCT).
Housing for healthcare workers per the Governor’s order – not an issue now.
State is working on assistance program for the self-employed.

5. New Business
Liquor license for the Heart of Hancock – Approved. Documents to be signed via scanned documents and emailed to the Town Clerk.

A resident has contacted the Selectboard with a complaint regarding a dog being off leash, off property, and harassing Town residents. A copy of the Dog Ordinance has been forwarded to all parties. Monica Collins is to draft a letter to the dog owner regarding the Ordinance and the Town’s requirement that all dogs be licensed.
The phone number for the Sheriff’s Department was also provided.

Jack Ross announced his decision to resign from the Selectboard. The Board thanked him for his contributions to the Town of Hancock. His letter of resignation to be delivered to the Board shortly.

6. Old Business
Covid-19: Discussion of services being provided by Rebuild Rochester with Dorothy Robson as the Hancock volunteer coordinator for this organization’s efforts to provide food delivery for those who are under quarantine or can not otherwise get food and supplies. Information about this service will be posted to the Town website and to the Town’s Facebook page. Requests for this service are being coordinated by the Rochester Town Clerk.

Discussion about update to Town website – a link will be added to www.hancockvt.org to provide information on local and state resources available to the residents of Hancock.Linda Anderson, through her work with Capstone, has put together a list of resources which will also be posted at the usual locations in addition to the Town website and Facebook page. Efforts are being made on both a Valley and Tri-town level to coordinate communication and responses to need.

Roads – Dan Perera informed the Board that ads had been placed in three newspapers regarding the Request for Bids for road grading and ditch work on Tucker Brook Rd. Bids are available for download at www.hancockvt.org. Bids are due by 6pm Tuesday, May 5 at the Hancock Town Clerk’s Office.

Motion to sign orders – Approved. To be signed via scanned documents and emailed to Town Clerk.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 6:45pm


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday April 7, 2020 / VIA ZOOM CONFRENCE CALL / 6PM

NOTE: This Select Board Meeting will be held remotely via conference call.
To join by video or to call – See below.
Topic: Hancock Select Board Meeting
Time: Tuesday, Apr 7, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App:

Meeting ID: 948 109 683 Password: 934055

To call into meeting:
Dial 1-929-205-6099 Meeting ID: 948 109 683

Find other call in numbers: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fb4isFhL4c

This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be posted to our Town website within the time allowed by the Secretary of State per the recent Act 92 signed by Governor Scott on March 30th, 2020.
To view the memo from the Secretary of State’s office, please visit:

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Public Comment

5. New Business
Liquor licenses
6. Old Business


7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday March 17, 2020 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Richard Andrews, Jim Leno, Monica Collins, Jack Ross, Dan Perera

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 3-3-20 and 3-11-20 Approved
4. Public Comment:
Richard Andrews discussed need for spring cleanup before roads are swept. Recommended Joe Shaw.
He also requested that the Board consider having the road sweepings deposited on his property.
He also requested not to be appointed Town Sewer Officer.

5. New Business
Hancock Public Advisory Regarding the Coronavirus reviewed and accepted. Board to send letter to all residents. Dan Perera to check with Post Office to see best way to do so.
Document reads as follows:
Hancock Public Advisory Regarding the Coronavirus

In response to the nationwide spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), the Hancock Select Board is notifying residents of prudent actions to mitigate community spread of the virus.
Nationwide action to limit the spread of the Coronavirus is critical to slowing the rates of infection and reducing the stress on our local and national healthcare systems.
We strongly suggest that all events and gatherings be canceled, avoided, or postponed for 30 days. Practice “Social Distancing” keeping 6 feet of distance between you and everyone else. Stay home for the next 15 days if possible. Anyone developing cold or flu symptoms should self-quarantine at home for 2 weeks in order to avoid the possibility of spreading the virus throughout the community. You should call your physician if you develop a fever. It is advisable to stock 2 weeks of food staples, prescription medications, and pet food in the event of self-quarantine due to illness.
Those over the age of 60, and those with pre-existing health conditions such as heart disease and a compromised respiratory system, are most vulnerable to the coronavirus. Special care should be taken to not expose this population to the virus.
The virus incubation period can be up to 2 weeks before experiencing symptoms; therefore, people carrying the virus can unknowingly expose others. Avoiding close physical contact with people who are sick is suggested. Put distance between yourself and other people. This is especially important for people who are at higher risk of getting sick.
Symptoms: Please be conscious of any flu-like symptoms, including:
1. Sore throat
2. Cough
3. Fever
4. Difficulty breathing, lung congestion—lung congestion is the most serious symptom.

Contact your physician in the event you experience any of these symptoms.
These are the recommendations from the Federal Government’s CDC (Center for Disease Control):
There is currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The best way to prevent the illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus. However, as a reminder, CDC always recommends everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory disease, including:

• Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
• Stay home when you are sick.
• Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
• Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
• Follow CDC’s recommendations for using a facemask.
• CDC does not recommend that people who are well wear a facemask to protect themselves from respiratory diseases, including COVID-19.
• Facemasks should be used by people who show symptoms of COVID-19 to help prevent the spread of the disease to others. The use of facemasks is also crucial for health workers and people who are taking care of someone in close settings (at home or in a health care facility)
• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom;
before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
• If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.

Should it be determined that you need testing, the US Government has released assurance that testing will be free.

Be advised that the Hancock Town Clerk’s office is closed except by appointment.

Be advised that the Hancock Free Public Library is closed.

Important Phone numbers:

Hancock Town Office: 802-767-3660
Gifford Medical Center: 802-728-4441
Rochester/Gifford Clinic: 802-767-3704
White River Ambulance: 911
VT Health Dept. Infectious Disease and Epidemiology: 802-863-7240
Central VT Medical Center: 802-775-7111
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center: 603-650-5000
Home Health Agency referrals are made through your primary care doctor
Vermont Information 211

Important Websites:


Prospectus is ready for ditch work on Tucker Brook Rd.
Prospectus is ready for 3 year contract for grading.
Both need to be advertised.

Road sweeping – a dump truck will need to follow the sweeper. Jim to contact sweeper to book time for Town roads.

Extra guardrails and used culverts near sand pile – determined to be of no use to the town. Jim Leno authorized to give them away.

Board authorized the purchase of 6 pallets of Chloride at $16.79/ bag for a total of $5,037.

Ditch / culvert cleaning needed on Buttles Rd at new culvert near Long’s Pond.

Monica Collins is in contact with Kathryn Schenkman (Council on Aging) and others exploring community response to the needs of people in our area during the Coronavirus emergency.

Dan Perera appointed as Road Commissioner.

Homeward Bound – $450 annual contract fee Approved.

Town of Hancock Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) – reviewed and approved.

Motion to sign orders. Approved

6. Old Business N/A

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 6:59pm


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday March 17, 2020 / Hancock Town Office / 6PM

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Public Comment

5. New Business
Municipal Roads General Permit

6. Old Business
Town preparations for coronavirus outbreak.

Roads – prospectus for grading needed
Road Commissioner appointment

7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment


Hancock Select Board Meeting – Special Meeting
Draft Minutes
Wednesday March 11, 2020 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 7:02pm

2. Introductions: Linda Anderson, Jacques Veilleux, Rene Veilleux, Don Cricard, Vic Ribaudo, Janet Jesso, Dan Perera, Monica Collins

3. Minutes of the last meeting: N/A
4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business
Briefing from Ric Ribaudo (an Emergency Manager for Rochester) regarding what Rochester is doing to prepare for spread of the Coronavirus.
A letter was sent to all Rochester residents urging residents to avoid large gatherings, practice good hygiene, practice “social distancing”, and watch for symptoms of the virus.
Goal is to slow the spread of the virus so the healthcare system is not overwhelmed.

Discussion regarding populations at risk in Hancock. Johnson Nursing home mentioned.
Quin-Town is now only serving their meals to-go for consumption off-site when ordered in advance.

Discussion regarding Fire Dept. readiness.

Roads – grading and sweeping need to be scheduled.

Discussion regarding if the Town Offices should remain open. Town Clerk to see what other towns are doing and make take appropriate action.
Town Clerks office in need of additional and more frequent cleaning due to coronavirus. Jody Troumbley to do this cleaning.

Dan Perera to review letter Rochester sent to its residents and draft a letter for Hancock residents for the Board to review.

Jacques Veilleux to contact Roy Hadden to check status of rabies clinic.

Catherine Shenkman to be contacted for input.

6. Old Business N/A

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 7:56pm


Hancock Select Board Meeting – SPECIAL MEETING
Wednesday March 11, 2020 / Hancock Town Office / 7PM

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Public Comment

5. New Business
Review emergency procedures for the town regarding the coronavirus.
Update Hancock Continuity of Operations Plan

6. Old Business

7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday March 3, 2020 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Dan Perera, Jack Ross

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 2-18-20 Approved
4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business
Reorganization Monica Collins – Chairperson
Dan Perera – Clerk

E-911 Coordinator John Ross
Civil Defense Jim Leno
Emergency Management Jacques Veilleux
Energy Coordinator Scott Gillette
Fence Viewers Garrett Troumbley
John Ross
Dan Perera
Fire Warden Jon Deering
Health Officer Shelley Twitchell
Deputy Health Officers Dan Perera
John Ross
` Monica Collins
Inspector of wood, shingles & lumber
Tom Patterson
Planning Commission Forrest Patterson
Samantha Sheehan
Scott Gillette
TRORP Commissioner Monica Collins
ECFiber Representative Stacey Peters
Scott Gillette
Animal Control Officer VACANT
Septic/Sewer Officer Richard Andrews
Solid Waste Recycle Mgr. VACANT
Stagecoach Board Mbr. Wendell Thurston
Town Service Member VACANT
Tree Warden Garrett Troumbley
WRVA Rep. John Ross
Weigher of Coal John Ross
6. Old Business
Contract with VT Integrated Architects for Town Hall accessibility upgrades (Grant project) Approved and signed.

Board approved the sending of a letter to the Forest Service to determine if they are interested in taking over the upper portion of the Texas Falls Rd. that lies in Nation Forest land. Dan Perera to draft letter for Board review.

Request for a bike race to come through Town on June 27, 2020 on Rts 100 and 125. Approve and signed.

New Restrictions for Oversized Vehicles – reviewed and Approved.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 6:44pm


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday March 3, 2020 / Hancock Town Office / 6PM

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Public Comment

5. New Business
Reorganization of the Board


6. Old Business

7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment


Hancock Select Board Meeting – Special Meeting
Draft Minutes
Thursday January 30, 2020 / Hancock Town Office / 6:45pm

1. Call to Order: 6:45pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Jack Ross, Dan Perera, Janet Jesso

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Tabled
4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business
Motion to approve and sign the written resolution correcting the typographical error present in last year’s Town Report. Board having previously acknowledge and corrected the typographical error in a verbal vote in 2019. Approved and signed.

Motion to accept the FY 20-21 proposed budget in the amount of $378,323 and to approve and sign the Warning for Town Meeting on Tuesday March 3, 2020. Approved and signed.

6. Old Business: None

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 6:56pm


Hancock Select Board Meeting – Special Meeting
Thursday January 30, 2020 / Hancock Town Office / 6:45PM

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Public Comment

5. New Business
Review and approve Warning for Town Meeting day.

6. Old Business

7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday January 21, 2020 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Jamie Morin (Delinquent Tax Collector/DTC), Jack Ross, Dan Perera, Monic Collins

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 1-7-20 Approved
4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business
Delinquent Taxes
The Board apologized to Jamie Morin, Delinquent Tax Collector, for previous comments saying she ignored requests to come to a Select Board Meeting. The email requesting her presence was sent to an incorrect address and was never received by the Delinquent Tax collector. She was not aware of this direct request for her to come to a Select Board Meeting.
Discussion with Jamie Morin, Delinquent Tax Collector (DTC) – The Board authorizes the DTC to contact and use the services of the Town Attorney to determine the appropriate process for selling 3 properties at tax sale that have not had bids equal to the amount of back taxes owed. The Board invited the DTC to keep the Board informed of the process so that it could lend input, reviews, or approvals as needed without unnecessarily interfering in her duties. In general, the Board agreed it would be in the best interest of the Town to get these properties back onto the Town Tax Roles as soon as possible.
Budget Committee – to meet Tues. Jan. 28 and Wed. Jan. 29. Jack Ross to warn meetings and request necessary financial reports.

Warning for Town Meeting – Discussion. Monica to draft Meeting Warning to be approved by the Select Board.

Select Board Report for Town Meeting – Monica to draft. Report to include discussions regarding the granting the upper portion of the Texas Falls Rd to the Forest Service. The Board is only in the research stage of this process and any decisions will have to made by the Town via public hearings and meetings.

Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission – in the process of setting up a regional energy commission to include various surrounding towns.

ABLE Waste Management – New contract. $3 per 13 gal. bag. $6 per 33 gal. bag. Compost bags the same price and MUST be purchased from ABLE. Monthly fee to be paid by Town = $750.
Contract Approved.

6. Old Business
Pond above Buttles Rd. – Department of Environmental Conservation, River Management Engineer, Jaron Borg to look into the issue of water run-off from this pond.

Motion to sign orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 6:57pm


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday January 21, 2020 / Hancock Town Office / 6PM

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Public Comment

5. New Business
Town Meeting – Select Board letter & Warning
Budget Committee

Delinquent Tax – property sales/etc.

Survey of Town properties


6. Old Business

7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday January 7, 2020 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6:01pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Jack Ross, Dan Perera, Jim Leno

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 12-17-19 and 12-30-19 Approved

4. Public Comment:
Jim Leno asked about delinquent property taxes and unsold property. Board advised that VLTC was contacted and has advised the Board that the Delinquent Tax Collectors should get Board approval to use the Town Attorney to proceed with the sale of delinquent properties. The Delinquent Tax Collector has not responded to requests to come to a Board meeting to discuss and get approval to use the Town Attorney.

5. New Business
E911 has contacted the Town regarding assignment of numbers to houses on Piper Brook Rd. Jack Ross to contact homeowners.

Certificate of Highway Mileage – discussion. There are 8.16 miles of Town roads in Hancock.

Notice of Intent to Operate a Water System – discussion. Dan Perera to fill in renewal form and consult with Harvey’s or the State as needed.

Renewal of Leased land for Town Sand Pile – reviewed. Approved.

Discussion of 2019 Equalization Study – discussion – Listers to complete form.

6. Old Business
ADA Access Grant – proposal for reimbursement grant for Town Offices being developed.

Town Meeting – Budget meetings need to be scheduled.

Pond above Buttles Rd – water run-off is overwhelming Town Road culvert. State permit for pond to be reviewed to see how pond run-off was intended to flow.

Discussion of plowing Town Office. Roads are plowed first then parking lots.

Motion to sign orders – Approved

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 6:53pm


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday January 7, 2020 / Hancock Town Office / 6PM

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Public Comment

5. New Business

6. Old Business

ADA Access Grant

Town Meeting

7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday December 17, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Dan Perera, Jack Ross, Jim Leno, Steve

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 12-3-19 Approved
4. Public Comment: Steve Smyrychynski discussed need for additional ditch work
on Blair Hill.

5. New Business
Motion to approve work estimate from Vermont Integrated Architecture for planning, pre-design, and schematic design for access improvements to the Town Offices. Cost $5403. Approved.

6. Old Business
David Smith hired to shovel Town properties. Dan Perera had been shoveling while a permanent hire was found.

A two year old pond above Buttles Rd. is putting off more water than the associated culvert can handle. Road is at risk of being washed out. Board to contact the State. Emergency repairs requested. Approved.

Repair work complete on ditches at top of Blair Hill.

Trees are leaning over Blair Hill Rd and there are dead tress on Killooleet Rd. Motion to hire Fred Waite Jr. for tree removal. Approved.

Tucker Brook ditching prospectus is being developed.

Discussion regarding required liability requirements for town contractors.

Spring paving – Jim Leno to develop a prospectus so that a contractor can be hired well in advance of spring.

Grading. Board proposed a three year grading contract for spring and fall grading. Road Commissioner agrees. Jim Leno to develop a prospectus.

Motion to approve $68 per person training fee for Jack Ross, Jim Leno, and Monica Collins to attend Town Meeting training session.

Discussion regarding property rented by town for sand storage for an annual fee of $1850.

Motion to sign orders. Approved

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 7:30pm


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday December 17, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6PM

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Public Comment

5. New Business

6. Old Business
Road and Grants

7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment


Hancock Select Board Meeting – Special Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday November 26, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 7pm

1. Call to Order: 7pm

2. Introductions: Jake Twitchell, Monica Collins, Dan Perera

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Tabled

4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business
Motion to appoint Eva Jesso as Town Auditor.
Board recognizes that Eva Jesso has not done any previous work on 2018-19 financial statements and has not been Town Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer during the 2018-19 fiscal year. Board further acknowledges that Eva Jesso shall recuse herself from auditing the Hancock Free Public Library financial information. Approved.

Motion to hire Becky Klein as an outside consultant to assist the auditors and in the preparation of year-end financial statements for the Town Report. Such work not to exceed $2000. Approved.
6. Old Business: Tabled

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 7:08


Hancock Select Board Meeting – Special Meeting
Draft Minutes – Revised
Tuesday November 26, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 7pm

1. Call to Order: 7pm

2. Introductions: Jake Twitchell, Monica Collins, Dan Perera

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes of the last regular Select Board meeting will
be reviewed and approved and the next regular Select Board Meeting

4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business
Motion to appoint Eva Jesso as Town Auditor.
Board recognizes that Eva Jesso has not done any previous work on 2018-19 financial statements and has not been Town Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer during the 2018-19 fiscal year. Board further acknowledges that Eva Jesso shall recuse herself from auditing the Hancock Free Public Library financial information. Approved.

Motion to hire Becky Klein as an outside consultant to assist the auditors and in the preparation of year-end financial statements for the Town Report. Such work not to exceed $2000. Approved.
6. Old Business: Tabled

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 7:08


Hancock Select Board Meeting – Special Meeting
Tuesday November 26, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 7PM

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Public Comment

5. New Business
Appoint Auditor

Hire Becky Klein as an outside consultant to assist in the preparation of financial information for the Town Report

6. Old Business

7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday November 19, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Jake Twitchell, Jim Leno, Dan Perera, Monica Collins, Jack Ross

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Revised Minutes from 11-5-19 Approved
4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business
Discussion regarding hiring outside consultant or auditing firm to assist Town Auditors.
Currently, there is only one Auditor available as one resigned and the other is not available.
There is a need to appoint another Auditor.
Monica Collins to call Town Clerk to discuss options.

Liquor license renewal for Waybury Inn liquor service at Middlebury Snow Bowl. Approved.

Resignation letter from Roger Comes reviewed and accepted.
6. Old Business
Nathan Hawley, CPA has been contacted and a proposal has been requested for providing accounting services to the Town.

Flags – need replacing. To be purchased from hardware store in Rochester.

Cemetery Fence – landowner to be contacted.

Town Surveyor – Board awaiting report.

Pond water run-off – tabled.

Silver St. to be measured. Town portion is .09 miles.
Tucker Brook Rd. Discussion regarding ditch work and flow of water down to Rt125. State to be contacted to inspect culvert under Rt125 after comments from a landowner received by the Board.
Shampeny Hill culvert discussion. Project is eligible for Structures Grant.
Discussion regarding the sequence of roads to be plowed during snow storms.

Motion to sign orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session: Entered into at 6:50pm. Exit at 6:57pm Personnel matter discussed. No action taken.

8. Adjournment: 6:59pm


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday November 19, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6PM

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Public Comment

5. New Business
Town Auditing / Town Report Preparation

6. Old Business
Outside Auditor


Cemetery Fence Maintenance

Town Surveyor

Pond run off

Tucker Brook ditch and water run off across Rt125
Shampeny Hill

7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes – Revised 11-12-19
Tuesday November 5, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Jake Twitchell, Jim Leno, Roger Comes, Charles Smith, Jack Ross, Monica Collins, Dan Perera, Janet Jesso

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 10-22-19 Approved
4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business
Vermont Better Roads Grant Program – reviewed. Tabled for next meeting.

Jack Ross to be contact for Hancock residents with winter roads / snow plowing issues. Contact number is 802-767-9157

6. Old Business
Winter Roads contract signed. Charles Smith to submit proof of liability and worker’s comp. insurance to Town Clerk’s Office.

Cemetery fence maintenance – Homeowner has agreed to trim hedges in the spring. Board to contact homeowner to confirm timing and cost of trimming.

Discussion regarding outside auditor report – Only the Treasurer is permitted to make changes to the accounting software. Suggested changes must be submitted in writing to be approved by the Treasurer. Any unresolved issues shall be brought to the Select Board for consideration.
Suggestion made that the Town Auditors be replace by and independent outside auditing firm as the auditing process has increasingly become more complex. Dan Perera to call CPA firm Pace & Hawley LLC to request a proposal.
Motion to approve $201 fee for Town Clerk to take the Fundamentals of Government Accounting course. Approved.
Town Auditors to begin audit process.

ACA Grant – architects to present a proposal in a few weeks.

Surveyor – Board will receive a bill and estimate for remaining work.

Blair Hill pothole – repaired.
Sand Pile – now complete.
Tucker Brook ditch – Jim Leno to put together a prospectus for grand work.

Shampeny Hill Rd – culvert in need of replacement. Jim to see what grants may apply. Structures grant to be looked into.
Urgent ditch work needed on Killooleet Rd and Buttles Rd. Jim to arrange for work to be done.

Board requested that Road Commissioner line up a paving contractor for work in the spring. Paving needed at bottom of Blair Hill, Tucker Brook Rd, and Texas Falls Rd.

Discussion regarding a 2 year old pond on private land that is overloading existing road ditches. State to be consulted.

Discussion regarding bulldozing done by a resident on Silver St and if it involves a Town Road.

Board had invited the Delinquent Tax Collector to this and other meetings, however this person has not attended any of these meetings. The Board and Town Attorneys should be consulted with regard to delinquent tax property sales. Monica Collins to once again contact Delinquent Tax Collector.

Motion to sign orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session:

8. Adjournment:


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday November 5, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6PM

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Public Comment

5. New Business
Vermont Better Roads Grant Program

6. Old Business
Outside auditor – report
Auditors- start date

Fence maintenance at cemetery

ACA Access Grant


Winter Roads
Pothole repairs
Sand Pile
Shampeny Hill Grant
Tucker Brook ditch

Delinquent taxes – Tax sale properties-procedures

7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment


Hancock Select Board Special Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday October 22, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Jim Leno, Jack Ross, Monica Collins, Dan Perera

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Tabled
4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business None

6. Old Business
Bids for sand reviewed.
Chaplain Construction $22.18/yd. Start in one week.
North East Logging & Firewood $24.70/yd. Start immediately.
Case Street Redi-Mix $19.70/yd. 2 weeks to start.
Conant Excavation 24.80/yd. Job completed by 12/1/19.

Champlain Construction awarded contract for 1000 yards of sand at 22.18/yd. Approved.

Pothole work – contractor originally hired to do this work has not performed and no repairs have been made. Board agreed that it is too late in the season to secure a paving contractor for these repairs. Board agreed with suggestion from Road Commissioner to tear up pavement at bottom of Blair Hill and dig down to allow for a thick layer of Stay-Mat to be applied and compacted. This will provide a stable fix to get through winter. Paving contractor to be hired in the spring to fix this and other pothole repairs.

Charles Smith to be contacted to request that he come in to sign Winter Roads Contract at next Board meeting on Tuesday Nov. 5, 2019.

7. Executive Session: N/A

8. Adjournment: 6:31pm


Hancock Select Board Special Meeting
Tuesday October 22, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6PM

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. Public Comment

4. New Business
Review quotes and vote on a contractor to do sand pile work

Review Quotes and vote on whether or not to authorize pothole patch at the bottom of Blair Hill
5. Adjournment


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday October 15, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Roger Comes, Jake Twitchell, Jim Leno, Jack Ross, Monica Collins, Winona Walker

3. Minutes of the last meeting: No action.
4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business
Letter from Delinquent Tax Collector asking what to do with unsold properties from delinquent tax sale. Board to review State statutes and check with VLTC and advise.

6. Old Business
Report from outside auditor – Board to review. Copies made and distributed to interested parties. Tabled to next meeting.

Road Work:
Contractor has not completed delivery of sand per contract with the Town.
Same contractor has not done pothole repairs as agreed.
Board moved to cancel sand contract and pothole repair agreement. Contractor to be informed via phone call immediately after this meeting that they are cancelling these contracts. Approved.
Board requested Road Commissioner to seek alternate supplier for sand and pothole repair services. Estimates to be reviewed by the Board at a special meeting if needed.

Roger Comes appointed Town Auditor.

Letter from Addison County Community Trust informing the Board that a sign is required at the Mountain View Apartments on Rt125 regarding equal housing.

Road Grant – Shampeny Hill ditch work still being evaluated.

Surveyor has completed initial review.
Property owner adjacent to Town Cemetery has been contacted. Letter from this property owner reviewed.

Property owner on the north side of the Town Hall has been contacted. Boundary markers being confirmed.

Property owner near Town gravel pit has been contacted.
Surveyor to present full written report to the Board when ready.

Motion to sign orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session: N/A

8. Adjournment: 7:16


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday October 15, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6PM

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Public Comment

5. New Business
Outside Auditor’s report
Road work schedule
Open Auditor position
Open Lister position

6. Old Business
Road Grants – hillside

7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment


Hancock Select Board Special Meeting
Draft Minutes
Thursday October 10, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Jim Leno, Forrest Patterson, Jack Ross, Monica Collins, Winona Walker, Dan Perera

3. Minutes of the last meeting: N/A
4. Public Comment:
Winona Walker asked if Town has delinquent tax policy. Board directed her to State statutes and the Delinquent Tax Collector.

5. New Business N/A

6. Old Business
Town Road Grading: Estimates reviewed by Board.
Beattie Earthworks – Grader $92/hr.
Kingsbury Construction – Grading $4000, Leave Blowing $750
Fall Road Grading awarded to Kingsbury Construction. Approved.

Rolling contract awarded to Kingsbury Construction at $125/hr. Board requests that rolling be limited to hills only. Approved.

Discussion regarding Town going to a 3 year grading contract. No action taken.

Discussion regarding option of hiring one contractor for all road work. No action taken.

7. Executive Session: N/A

8. Adjournment:6:26

Special Select Board Meeting
Thursday, October 10, 2019, 6:00 pm
Hancock Town Clerk’s Office
1. Introductions
2. Public Comment
3. To finalize plans for Fall road grading
4. Adjourn


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday October 1, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Richard Andrews, Jim Leno, Ken Troumbley, Jake Twitchell, Jack Ross, Monica Collins, Dan Perera, Roger Comes, Rose Juliano, Elsie Carden, Steve Kopyscinski

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 9-17-19 Approved
4. Public Comment:
Richard Andrews stated that Town mowing will be done once more in October which is being done for no charge beyond the scope of the mowing contract. The Board thanked Mr. Andrews for this work.

Mr. Kopyscinski inquired about work at bottom of Blair Hill Rd. Jim Leno responded that contractor should be concluding work this Saturday.

Else Carden submitted letter of resignation from her Town Auditor position.

5. New Business
Class action suit against opioid manufacturers by states reviewed. Board not going to opt out of inclusion in this law suit.

6. Old Business
Survey of Town Office septic system complete. Septic tank pumped. Report to Town due shortly and will allow for ADA access grant work to proceed.

Discussion with Auditors regarding outside review of Town financial processes.

Survey of Town properties – no report yet.

Sand delivery – Jim Leno says contractor claims he will be finished on Saturday.

Road Grading:
Review of Procurement Policy and discussion of how it applies to all Town employees and elected officials and includes all purchases of any kind.
Board reaffirmed that all purchases and contracts with outside contractors have to come before the Select Board per Town Policies.
Discussion regarding the dollar amounts in the Procurement Policy. Board asked for input regarding dollar amounts in the Procurement Policy to verify if they are still appropriate given inflation and other variables.
Discussion of previous work done by outside contractors.
Discussion regarding the process of hiring of a grading contractor for Fall grading.

Previous request by Road Commissioner to purchase chloride – Approved.

Motion to sign orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session:
Entered Executive Session at 6:53 to discuss an employee issue.
Exited Executive Session at 7:20. No action taken.

8. Adjournment: 7:26


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday October 1, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6PM

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Public Comment

5. New Business

6. Old Business
Town Office ADA access grant– septic survey

Survey of Town property boundaries

Sand delivery

Road Grading

Road Projects – grants

Procurement Policy

7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment


Hancock Select Board Special Meeting
Draft Minutes
Thursday September 19, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Dan Perera, Monica Collins

3. Minutes of the last meeting: N/A

4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business
Town Road and Bridge Standards – Signed and Approved.
6. Old Business
Motion to sign Orders – Approved

7. Executive Session: N/A

8. Adjournment: 6:06pm


Hancock Select Board Special Meeting
Thursday September 19, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6PM

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Public Comment

5. New Business
State of Vermont Roads and Bridges Standards – vote to approve

6. Old Business

7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday September 17, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Jake Twitchell, Richard Andrews, Jim Leno, Monica Collins, Jack Ross, Dan Perera

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 9-3-19 Approved
4. Public Comment: Review of letter regarding posting of meeting agendas.

5. New Business
Board to see if website can be updated to be accessed by various Town Board and the Town Clerk.

Marge Ross submitted letter of resignation from her Lister position. Letter dated 9-16-19.

The Stagecoach submitted a request to put a bus stop sign at the Town Hall. Monica Collins to discuss details with them.

6. Old Business
Monica Collins met with a surveyor to discuss Town property boundaries at the cemetery, Taylor Meadows, and the Town Hall. Surveyor to review deeds and previously completed surveys so as to generate a summary report for the Board.

ADA access improvements to the Town Offices/Library – Monica to contact a septic pumping company so as to determine the location of the sewer lines so that engineering can proceed.

Board reviewed proposal and estimate from professional auditor, Pace and Hawley. Estimate is for a review of procedures and the corresponding use of Town accounting software. Review to ensure new software and related procedures meet best practices. Final report will include procedures for going forward as well as a set of procedures for the Town auditors. The purpose of this review and any future services form Pace and Hawley is to significantly reduce the time, cost, and complexity of internal auditing and year-end financial reporting. This work is not a formal audit or a formal review, it is rather a customized review specific to Hancock Town procedures. Estimate for between $900 and $1500 – Approved.

Discussion of delinquent tax situation.

Grant for Shampeny Hill Rd – scope of project being altered before progressing.

Dead End sign for Silver St being procured.

Culvert work on Shampeny Hill Rd nearly complete.

Asphalt patch work nearly complete.

Roadside mowing starting soon.

Delivery of purchased sand is past due. Not all sand has been delivered by contracted time. Board asked Road Commissioner to advise contractor to finish up contract immediately.

Silver St grading – Jim Leno to call resident on that road to discuss need for grading.

Motion to sign Orders – Approved

7. Executive Session:

8. Adjournment: 7:09pm


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday September 17, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6PM

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Public Comment

5. New Business

6. Old Business
Update – Road project grand deadlines

Update – Dead End sign on Silver Street.
Update – Meeting with surveyor to discuss Town property boundary issues at cemetery, Taylor Meadow, and Town Hall.

Update – Meeting with engineer to discuss Town Hall ADA access improvements.

Update – grading services for Silver Street.

Update – Board to contact Delinquent Tax Collector to discuss back taxes.

7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday September 3, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6:03pm

2. Introductions: Jim Leno, Dan Perera, Monica Collins

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 8-20-19 Approved as amended.

4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business
Road project grand deadlines – Jim Leno to contact Jessica Richter at Two Rivers

Resident requesting “Dead End” sign on Silver Street. Board Approved and advised Jim Leno to install sign.
6. Old Business
Monica Collins to meet with surveyor to discuss Town property boundary issues at cemetery, Taylor Meadow, and Town Hall.

Monica Collins to meet with engineer to discuss Town Hall ADA access improvements.

Road Commissioner advised:
Road work on Shampeny Hill progressing.
Weight limit signs for Texas Falls bridge completed – to be mounted soon.

Road Commissioner seeking grading services for Silver Street.

Board to contact Delinquent Tax Collector to discuss back taxes.

Motion to sign orders – Approved

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 7:04pm


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday September 3, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6PM

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Public Comment

5. New Business
Grant deadlines for road projects

Hiring outside auditor

6. Old Business

7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday July 16, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Chris Mattrick, Jake Twitchell, Jack Ross, Richard Andrews, Jim Leno, Monica Collins, Janet Jesso, Dan Perera

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from July 2, 2019 approved.
4. Public Comment:
Discussion regarding landscaping / trimming maintenance for Town Green. Board to contact Hancock Town Pride regarding tree trimming and the group managing the memorial regarding maintenance needed for the benches by the memorial.

Discussion regarding trimming of bushes to allow for painting of wooden fence at the cemetery. Board to contact land owner and review Town land boundaries in that area.

5. New Business
Chris Mattrick from the US Forest Service addressed the Board regarding the soon to be completed logging operations above Texas Falls and upcoming repairs to FR100 off of Fassett Hill Rd.
Further discussion regarding the possibility of transferring ownership of the Texas Falls Road, above the last private property, to the Forest Service. Both the Board and the Forest service are open to further discussion of this matter. Board to inform the Town voters at the Special Meeting on July 17 and begin research into the process of transfer of the upper part of the Texas Falls Rd to the Forest Service.

Board passed a motion requiring all Town Officials (be they elected, appointed, or volunteers) to acknowledge and sign the Hancock Conflict of Interest Policy. This action was specifically taken to guarantee transparency and openness by ensuring that all town or village business “will be conducted in such a way that no public officer of the municipality will gain a personal or financial advantage from his or her work for the municipality,” thereby helping to preserve people’s trust in their government. Finder’s Fees, and payments of any kind to Town officials for any Town related business or contracts are not allowed per the Conflict of Interest Policy.

Motion to set the tax rates. Approved.
Tax rates:
Education Non-homestead 1.5756
Education Homestead 1.6123
Municipal Rate .6273

Special Weight Permit Holders sign language approved. Signs to be placed at each of the two bridges on the Texas Falls Rd.
Further discussion regarding bridges.

6. Old Business
Discussion regarding property boundaries in Taylor Meadow. Board to consult with Town attorney and send letter to landowner thought to be blocking right of way.

Motion to adopt the 2019 Town Road and Bridge Standards. Approved.

Discussion regarding upcoming road maintenance.

Motion to sign orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session: N/A

8. Adjournment: 8:07pm


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday July 16, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6PM

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Public Comment

5. New Business
Tax rate

Conflict of Interest Policy review

Chris Mattrick from the USFS – Texas Falls Rd

Warning for permit holders

6. Old Business

7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday June 4, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Ken Troumbley, Jim Leno, Monica Collins, Jack Ross, Dan Perera, Ken Beattie, Mike Delorme

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 5-21-19 Approved
4. Public Comment:
Discussion about sand purchasing. Board to solicit bids

Discussion about Taylor Meadow property boundaries

Discussion about bottom of Blair Hill Rd and other paving needs

Bettis Rd to be graded and new gravel added when contractor is available

Discussion about speeding vehicles on Churchville Rd. Board to contact Sheriff’s Dept. Board to look into changing speed limit.

Discussion about full documentation of road work to include pictures before and after

5. New Business
100 on 100 Race on Saturday, August 17, 2019. Approved

Ash tree inventory – Garrett Troumbley to gather information for Board

Board to contact CVOil regarding hot water and furnace issues at Town Hall

6. Old Business
ADA Grant for $31,400 approved for improvements to the access ramps and stairs for the Town Offices. Board to meet with USDA and an architect to proceed.

Warning for Special Town Meeting on Wednesday July 17 at 6pm at Town Hall approved and signed. Meeting to determine what the voters will do with the proceeds from the sale of the Old Town Clerk’s office.

Property boundaries / Gravel Pile – tabled

Repairs to Blair Hill Rd – discussed above

Jim Leno appointed Road Commissioner

Motion to sign orders. Approved

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 7:34pm


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday June 4, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6PM

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Public Comment

5. New Business
100 on 100 Relay race on Saturday, August 17th

Inventory of Ash trees
Hot water and furnace service at Town Hall

6. Old Business
ADA Access Grant

Property boundaries / Gravel pile

Warning for Special Town Meeting on July 17, 2019

Repairs to bottom of Blair Hill Rd.

7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday May 21, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Dick Robson, Linda Anderson, Ken Troumbley, Meg Brown, Jack Ross, Moncia Collins, Steve Smyrychynski, Dan Perera

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 5-7-19 Approved
4. Public Comment:
Liquor license for Heart of Hancock approved.

Motion to allow Hancock Town Pride to install a sign on the Town Green. Approved.

Discussion regarding improvements to the recreation facilities on Town property.

Resident requesting repairs to the bottom of Blair Hill Rd. where it meets Route 100. This will require a paving company.

Ken Troumbley resigns as Road Commissioner

Discussion regarding repairs to Buttles Road.

5. New Business
Special Town Meeting date set for July 17, 2019. Meeting to determine use of proceeds from sale of Old Town Clerk’s office.

6. Old Business
ADA Access Grant – awaiting notification – tabled

Property boundaries / Gravel pile – tabled

Town attorney fees reviewed

Catering liquor license approved for Two Bothers Tavern event at Middlebury Snow Bowl

Motion to sign orders. Approved

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 6:58pm


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday May 7, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Jack Ross, Dan Perera, Cathy O’Rourke

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 4-16-19 Approved
4. Public Comment:
Discussion regarding building on property on Rt125.

Dan Perera discussed his Incident Command System training.

5. New Business
Discussion regarding the Planning Commission. Motion to make the Planning Commission the Review Board for Inundation Hazard Area permit. Approved

Discussion of failed cell service equipment. Board not interested in pursuing the operation of a cell phone network.

Discussion of resiliency site. No action taken.

Board received resignation letter from Town Constable.

6. Old Business
Property ownership / gravel pile – tabled.

ADA access grant for Town Offices – waiting for response – tabled.

Discussion regarding use of proceeds from old Town Clerk office.

Motion to sign orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 7pm















Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday April 16, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Richard Andrews, Ken Troumbley, Jacques Veilleux, Monica Collins, Jack Ross, Dan Perera, Kevin Hewitt, Thomas Haynes

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 4-2-19 approved
4. Public Comment:
Discussion about suitability of Hancock Fire House as an emergency shelter and need for potable water.
Discussion about generators for the Town Hall and Town Office in order to have water at the Town Hall during an emergency.
Dan Perera to get quote for standby water treatment at the Fire House.

Discussion about need to get sweeping done at Town Hall parking lot before April 30.

Discussion about target shooting near gravel pit. Board to determine if sand pit is on Town property.

Discussion about traffic and speeding vehicles using road to gravel pit and swimming hole. Board to determine if Town owns this road.

5. New Business N/A

6. Old Business
Lister need to determine if everything they need is off of old computers before they are recycled.

Motion to approve and sign the Resolution to correct a typographical error in the Town Report For The Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2018. Approved and signed.
Money received for renovations on the Town Hall in the amount of approximately $40,000 to be put into the Town Building Maintenance Capital Fund.

ADA Grant intended for bathroom upgrades at the Town Offices but not spent is being reviewed by the Federal Government to see if it can be used instead to fund repairs to ADA access to the Town Offices.

Discussion regarding Special Town Meeting on May 14, 2019.

Dan Perera to call about repairing broken window on north side of Town Offices.

Motion to approve liquor licenses for JD’s and Hubbard’s. Approved and signed.

Motion to renew trash and recycling contract with A.B.L.E, Inc. Approved.

Motion to sign orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session: N/A

8. Adjournment: 7:22pm


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday April 16, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6PM

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Public Comment

5. New Business
Fire House as an emergency shelter

6. Old Business
Virgin Ave – dog barking at night / shooting across Town property

Old computers at Town Offices

Hancock Select Board Resolution to correct typographical error in Article 6 of the Town Report

Grant proceeds for Town Hall repairs

ADA grant

Special Town Meeting – May 14, 2019

7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday April 2, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Jack Ross, Dan Perera, Richard Andrews, Steve Smyrychynski, Sheriff Peter Newton, Sargent Brent Newton

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 3/19/19 Approved
4. Public Comment:
Sheriff introduction. There will be an ongoing effort to get commercial vehicles to register for municipal road permits.

Ricky Andrews – looking for copy of mowing contract. Discussion regarding clean up before sweeping of roads.

Question about available funding for repairs to Blair Hill. Evaluations still need to be done by the state.

5. New Business
Citizen spoke to Jack Ross regarding target shooting at the gravel pit.

Citizen spoke to Jack Ross regarding dogs barking at night on Virgin Ave.

Citizen spoke to Dan Perera regarding road traffic on Virgin Ave.

Board to try to contact people on Virgin Ave regarding dog barking and shooting across Town property.

Shoveling was not done at Town Hall when Quintown was using the building. Discussion.

Old computers used by the Listers – Listers need to determine if they are still needed and then they should be recycled.

6. Old Business
In order to correct language on the Warning from Town Meeting the Board created the following Resolution to be warned for the next Select Board Meeting:
HANCOCK SELECT BOARD RESOLUTION: Correction of Typographical Error in Article 6 of the Town Report.
Whereas, the Hancock Select Board recognizes the typographical error it made in Article 6 of the 2019 Town Report noting “FY 2017-2018”.
Whereas, this Article should have instead read as follows: “Shall the voters authorize the Select Board to apply the remaining balance in the General Fund of FY 18-19 to reduce the next fiscal year’s amount to be raised by taxes.”
Whereas, this error occurred as a result of oversight, inadvertence or mistake on the part of the Select Board.
Resolved, with the correction of this Article as stated above, the Select Board herby validates the actions taken at the Town Meeting on March 5, 2019 in accordance with 17 V.S.A § 2662.
This resolution to be adopted at the next Select Board Meeting on April 16, 2019.

External lights on Town Hall have been repaired.

Warning for a Special Town Meeting on May 14, 2019 at 6:15pm immediately following the School Board Meeting to let the voters determine how to use the proceeds from the sale of the Old Town Clerk office. Approved.

Discussion regarding $5000 in a Town checking account that represent unspent funds from a flood loan. Motion to close account and put all proceeds towards the Town’s outstanding flood loan. Approved.

Discussion regarding $40,000 received for construction costs done at the Town Hall. Tabled.

Discussion regarding emergency shelters. Board will ask that representatives from the Hancock Fire Department join us at our next meeting.

Discussion regarding ADA grant in the amount of $31,000 available for improving access at the Town Offices. Board to seek additional information.

Motion to renew the Town’s contract with the Addison County Humane Society for a fee of $450 per year. Approved.

Motion to sign Orders – Approved.

7. Executive Session:

8. Adjournment 7:30pm


Hancock Select Board Meeting
April 2, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6PM

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Public Comment
Addison County Sheriff introduction

5. New Business
Dead End sign for Virgin Ave
Leash ordinance

Snow shoveling

6. Old Business
Special Town Meeting for proceeds from sale of old Town Clerk’s office

Lights on Town Hall

Meeting minutes from Town Meeting – corrected

Town property boundaries

7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday March 19, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6:01pm

2. Introductions: Richard Andrews, Monica Collins, Jack Ross, Dan Perera

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from March 5, 2019 Approved

4. Public Comment:
Ricky Andrews requested signed copy of mowing contract.

5. New Business
Garrett Troumbley appointed Fence Viewer.

Letter to be written to resident who called Town Clerk’s Office but did not leave phone number.

Proceeds from sale of Old Town Clerk’s office received. Proceeds to be put into sub account and held until Town decides what to do with funds.
Board to warn a Special Meeting on May 14 to have Town vote on use of proceeds. Warning to be prepared for approval at next meeting.

Motion to sign resolution that to reappoint Scott Gillette and Stacey Peters to the ECFiber Board. Approved.

Discussion regarding the use of an outside auditor to preform auditing functions starting July 1, 2019.

Joe Shaw granted permission to start town property sweeping and clean up when snow melts.

6. Old Business
Discussion regarding property boundaries of Town properties.

Motion to sign orders. Approved.

7. Executive Session: N/A

8. Adjournment: 6:37pm


Hancock Select Board Meeting
March 19, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6PM

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Public Comment

5. New Business
Reappoint Scott Gillette and Stacey Peters to the ECFiber Governing Board – sign form

Locate previous Winter Roads Contract and Mowing Contract for files.
Outside audit

6. Old Business
Sale of Old Town Clerk building / Use of proceeds and Special Meeting discussion.

Town Hall property boundaries

7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday February 19, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6:01pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Jack Ross, Dan Perera

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from Feb. 5, 2019 approved.
4. Public Comment:
There will be a meeting on March 10 to discuss naming the new park.

Civil Board of Authority Meeting set for Tuesday, March 12, 2019. Meeting is to review and purge voter list.

5. New Business
Dates were added to previously signed policies.

Discussion regarding the creation of a stipend for the Road Commissioner. The time required for this position has increased as State and Federal requirements and grant applications have increased. Motion to create a $1500 stipend for the Road Commissioner position starting on July 1, 2019. Approved.

6. Old Business
Discussion regarding proposed uses for proceeds from the sale of the Old Town Clerk’s office. Suggestions to be considered by the voters at Town Meeting include funding the Capital Fund for building maintenance and funding the purchase of a generator for the Town Offices.

Discussion regarding the Texas Falls bridge. Inspection has been done. Bridge is now on a 24 month inspection cycle.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 6:38pm


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday February 5, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6:01pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Dan Perera, Jack Ross, Ken Troumbley

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 1/15/19 Approved
4. Public Comment:
Monica Collins to contact AOT to arrange to have Texas Falls bridge at Rt100 inspected.

Discussion of upcoming Board of Civil Authority meeting to review voter rolls. Date of meeting to be warned for Tuesday, Feb. 12 at 6pm at the Town Office Building.

5. New Business
Signed previously approved Select Board Policies – Conflict of Interest and Procurement Policies.

Discussion about proceeds from sale of Old Town Clerk’s office. A previous suggestion that the voters of Hancock consider the funds for a new generator for the Town Hall may no longer be the best use these funds. Even with a generator, the Town Hall would be without running water in the event of a power failure.

Request for a bike race to pass through the Town of Hancock on June 29 – Approved.

6. Old Business
Motion to sign orders – Approved

7. Executive Session: N/A

8. Adjournment: 6:53


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday February 5, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6PM

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Public Comment

5. New Business
Signatures required on previously approved Select Board Policies
Discussion about proceeds from sale of Old Town Clerk building.

6. Old Business

7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday January 15, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6:05pm

2. Introductions: Jack Ross, Dan Perera, Janet Jesso, Ken Troumbley, Monica Collins (by phone)

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from Jan.8 – Approved
4. Public Comment:
Brush has been removed from bottom Tucker Brook Rd.

5. New Business
Discussion of future FEMA funding for disasters.

Discussion of Warning for Town Meeting in March.

6. Old Business
Motion to sign orders – Approved.

7. Executive Session: N/A

8. Adjournment: 6:25pm


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday January 15, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6PM

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Public Comment

5. New Business
Public Assistance Management Cost Selection

6. Old Business

7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday January 8, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6:02pm

2. Introductions: Sheryl Harvey, Jim Leno, Jack Ross, Janet Jesso, Monica Collins, Dan Perera

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from Dec. 18 Approved
4. Public Comment: Representative from Harvey’s discussed water testing procedures for the coming year.

5. New Business:
Request from Middlebury College to allow the serving of alcohol at Middlebury Snow Bowl from 5/1/19 to 4/30/20 – Approved

6. Old Business:
Winter Roads Contract – awarded to Charles Smith – two votes for and one against.

Discussion of budget for 19-20 Fiscal Year.

7. Executive Session: N/A

8. Adjournment: 6:57


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday January 8, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6PM

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Public Comment

5. New Business

6. Old Business
Winter Roads Contract

Sale of Old Town Clerk building

Budget Committee

7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday December 18, 2018 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Jim Leno, Richard Andrews, Mourice “June” Eaton, Monica Collins, Jack Ross, Janet Jesso, Dan Perera, Ken Troumbley

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from Dec. 4 – Approved. Revised Minutes
from Nov. 20 – Approved.

4. Public Comment: Representative from Fire Dept. stated that an emergency procedure needs to be in place for roads to be sanded in cases when emergency vehicles can not access town roads due to ice. The plowing companies are to be contacted to see if they will do emergency sanding for a fee. If plowing company can not or will not do this, the Fire Dept. will make arrangements with the Town of Rochester for this service.

5. New Business
Budget Committee first meeting to be Jan. 7, 2019 second meeting to be determined as either Jan. 10 or 14, 2019.

Snow Storm Damage – no action

Planning Commission – Update to town plan needs additional time. Contract extended to May 31, 2019.

Professional audit – tabled.

6. Old Business
Mowing bids opened for 3 year contract.
Discussion verifying that the annual term is May 1 through October 15 for total of 5.5 months
Ricky Andrews – bid $4,200/year
Mike Lathrop – bid $4,320/year
John Gorton – bid $5,000/year
Mark Mckinstry – bid $810/month ($4,455/year)

Ricky Andrews verified that his bid included mowing through
October 15 of each year. Ricky Andrews awarded contract for 3 years.

Plowing bids opened for 3 year contract.
Charles Smith – bid $76/hr 1st year / $78/hr 2nd year / $80/year 3rd year.

Mike Avery – bid $77/hr 1st year / $77.25/hr 2nd year / $77.50/hr 3rd year.

Discussion regarding previous issues when one contractor plows for two or more towns. Board postponed decision. Board to contact Town of Granville for references and contact Mike Avery to discuss availability of adequate resources to plow Hancock if other towns are also being plowed by same company.

Dishwasher – being installed by Dale White.

Level Stove in Town Hall – Dan to check on this.

Vent for Vault in Town Offices – Harvey’s to modify vent.

Motion to sign orders – Approved.

7. Executive Session: N/A

8. Adjournment: 6:59pm


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday Dec. 18, 2018 / Hancock Town Office / 6PM

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Public Comment

5. New Business
Budget Committee
Snow storm damage

Planning Commission update

Professional Audit

6. Old Business
Mowing Contract bid opening

Plowing Contract bid opening

Dishwasher installed

Level stove

Vent for vault

7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday December 4, 2018 / Hancock Town Office / 6PM

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Public Comment

5. New Business
Storm damage

Professional Audit

6. Old Business
Sale of old Town Clerk office

7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday November 20, 2018 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Richard Andrews, Monica Collins, Jack Ross, Janet Jesso, Dan Perera, Ken Troumbley, Steve Smyrychynski

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 11/6/18 approved.

4. Public Comment:
Discussion about potholes at bottom of Blair Hill. Discussion about road work on Blair Hill. Road Commissioner to call State of VT and bring gravel for temporary repair.

Discussion about cars parked in Town right of way to gravel pile and need for appropriate signage. Jack Ross to install signs.

5. New Business
Liquor license for service at Middlebury Snow Bowl approved.

6. Old Business
Mowing contract – Prospectus for three year contract reviewed and approved.

Old Town Clerk Office – request from buyer is being reviewed by Town attorney.

Dishwasher for Town Hall – Board approved purchase of new dishwasher for $3,295 plus the cost of installation.

Furnace Vent for Town Hall – letter to be sent to abutting property owner requesting access.

Discussion of sand pile.

Plowing contract – Prospectus for 3 year contract reviewed and approved.

Motion to sign orders – Approved.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 6:59pm


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday November 20, 2018 / Hancock Town Office / 6PM

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Public Comment

5. New Business

6. Old Business
Sale of old Town Clerk office

Mowing contract

Dishwasher for Town Hall

Town Office vent for furnace

Discussion of possible purchase of land where Town sand is kept.

Snow plowing Contract

7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday November 6, 2018 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Richard Andrews, Patty Harvey, Jack Ross, Monica Collins, Dan Perera, Jennifer Edmonds, Ken Troumbley

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from October 18 approved.

4. Public Comment:
Discussion of road work needed on Blair Hill. Road Commissioner to inspect and advise Board if needed.

5. New Business
Mowing contract / prospectus to be prepared for approval at next meeting.

Discussion of Buttles Rd. grant. Town will need to budget for Town portion not covered by grant.

Discussion of grant for Hazard Mitigation Plan.

Dishwasher for Town Hall – discussion tabled.

Town Office vent for furnace – Dan to see if vent can be extended to avoid snow coverage.

Discussion of possible purchase of land where Town sand is kept.

Snow plowing prospectus to be prepared for next meeting.

Dan informed Board of travel plans during the last week in June. In the event that Janet Jesso is Hancock Town Clerk, all year end matters will have to be completed before June 27.

Motion to sign orders – approved.

6. Old Business
Board accepted an offer of $15,500 for Old Town Clerk Office. Contract to be signed and warned.
Jack Ross to verify that water is off and drained from building.

New electric range installed at Town Hall.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 6:45pm


Hancock Select Board Meeting
November 3, 2018 / Hancock Town Office / 6PM

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Public Comment

5. New Business
Grant for Buttles Road per the Road Erosion Inventory

Grant for Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

Mowing Contract

Dishwasher for Town Hall

Snow shoveling

Town Office vent

Old Town Clerks Office

Lang rent

Snow plowing budget

2019 July 31year end advance notice

6. Old Business
Electric range in Town Hall

7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment


PLEASE NOTE: The regularly scheduled Hancock Select Board Meeting for Oct. 16 has been cancelled.


Hancock Select Board Special Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday October 9, 2018 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6:01pm

2. Introductions: Jack Ross, Dan Perera, Moncia Collins (via telephone)

3. Minutes of the last meeting: N/A

4. Public Comment: None

5. New Business: Discussion regarding offer on old Town Clerk Office. Counter offer discussed.

6. Old Business: N/A

7. Executive Session: N/A

8. Adjournment: 6:21


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday October 2, 2018 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6:02pm

2. Introductions: Ricky Andrews, Jack Ross, Monica Collins, Janet Jesso, Ken Troumbley, Dan Perera

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 9/18/18 Approved

4. Public Comment: Discussion about mowing.

5. New Business
Discussion about Hancock being involved in a lawsuit involving a road in Rochester.

Discussion about Town web site.
6. Old Business
Sale of old Town Clerk office – offer needs review. Contract with real estate agent needs to be executed.

ECFiber requesting permission to bury fiber cables – discussion. Monica Collins to talk to ECFiber.

Town Roads – discussion about current inventory, location of storage container, purchasing decisions, Blair Hill.

Town Wages – discussion.

Local Hazard Mitigation Plan – discussion.

Approved motion to sign orders.

7. Executive Session: N/A

8. Adjournment: 7:01pm



Hancock Special Select Board Meeting
Tuesday, October 9, 6PM to 6:30PM at the Town Offices
1. Call to Order
2. Discussion regarding offer on former Town Offices building and next steps.
3. Adjourn


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday October 2, 2018 / Hancock Town Office / 6PM

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Public Comment

5. New Business

6. Old Business
Sale of Old Town Clerk Office

Road Maintenance

Town employee compensation rates

7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday September 18, 2018 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Ken Troumbley, Janet Jesso, Monica Collins, Jack Ross, Dan Perera, Hal Walton, Roberta Jacques

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from 9/4/18 approved.

4. Public Comment:
Resident discussed water run-off and ice issues on Blair Hill road. Road Commissioner to inspect. Further discussion regarding available grants for funding road work. Meeting to be set up with an engineer and VTrans to discuss options for Blair Hill Rd.

Board discussed updates done to Town website. www.hancockvt.org
5. New Business
Better Roads Grant application due Oct. 26 – Discussion

Municipal Planning Grant – Cost of updating Municipal Plan is $3480. $3164 grant application. Local funding will be 10% ($316). Board approved applying for the Municipal Planning Grant.

Town compensation rates and mileage reimbursement – Discussion of hiring one entity to do all town work. Discussion of labor rates. Discussion of combining resources with surrounding towns. Board to give further consideration to Town labor rates.
Capital Budgeting – Tabled

Review of VLCT Draft Municipal Policy – Discussion

Year 3 Enhanced Energy Planning – Discussion

Selling of old Town Clerk Office – Discussion. Board approved listing property with a real estate agent at a price of $20,000.

Taylor Meadow boundaries – Discussion

Land between Town Hall Bldg and Lawrence Hayes property – Discussion. Board to contact land surveyor for letter clarifying property boundaries.

Crab apple branches that were taken away from Town Green – Board to inform all stakeholders that yard waste can not be disposed of on Town property.

6. Old Business
Fall Grading – Discussion. Ken Beattie to do Fall grading.

Traffic at Rts 100&125 – Discussion. Sherriff informed of complaints regarding speeding and dangerous driving in Town.

Electric Range for Town Hall – Board approved the purchase of a new range from Steiger Supply in Rutland for $5,189 plus cost of electrical hook up. Town portion of purchase price to be $689 plus cost of electrician. Approved.

Board approved signing warrants.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 8pm


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Tuesday September 18, 2018 / Hancock Town Office / 6PM

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions

3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Public Comment

5. New Business
Municipal Planning Grant – Resolution

Town compensation rates and mileage reimbursement.
Capital Budgeting

Review of VLCT Draft Municipal Policy

Year 3 Enhanced Energy Planning

Selling of old Town Clerk Office

Taylor Meadow boundaries

Land between Town Hall Bldg and Lawrence Hayes property

Crab apple branches that were taken away

6. Old Business
. Traffic at intersection of Rt125&100

Electric range for Town Hall – review quotes

Road repairs and maintenance – grading, etc.

7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment


Hancock Planning Commission

Meeting Warning

September 19, 2018, 6:30 pm at the Hancock Town Clerk’s Office


1.    Review and work on updates to Hancock Town Plan

Respectfully submitted,

Monica Collins,

Planning Commission Chair


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday September 4, 2018 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6pm

2. Introductions: Monica Collins, Jack Ross, Janet Jesso, Dan Perera, Marge Ross, Ken Troumbley, Linda Anderson, Jamie Stone

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes from Aug. 21 approved.

4. Public Comment
Discussion about Road Commissioner position.

Discussion about Rec. Committee procedures for depositing funds and submitting a budget. Rec. Committee spending not to exceed funds raised. Rec. Committee meetings are the first Wednesday of the month at 6pm at the Hancock Fire Station.

Discussion of roads, grading, and upcoming water run-off requirements. Two Rivers representative to assist Road Commissioner in determining maintenance and repair needs to meet State mandated requirements.

5. New Business
Discussion of complaints about traffic at the intersects of Rt 125 & 100. Public concern about speeding, illegal passing, etc.
The Board is encouraging residents to write the Board with their concerns so that it can present specific concerns to VTrans.

The old Town library building has been painted and the Board approved to pay $600 towards the total cost of $1000. The remaining portions of the bill were paid by Hancock Town Pride and the Hancock Historical Society.

6. Old Business
Board approved the adoption of the Conflict of Interest Policy.
“The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the business of this municipality will be conducted in such a way that no public officer of the municipality will gain a personal or financial advantage from his or her work for the municipality and so that the public trust in its officers will be preserved. It is also the intent of this policy to ensure that all decisions made by public officers are based on the best interests of the municipality.”

“This policy applies to all individuals elected or statutorily-appointed to perform executive, administrative, legislative, or quasi-judicial functions of the Town of Hancock.”

Discussion about purchasing a new electric range for the Town Hall. More quotes to be obtained.

Discussion about Town maintenance and compensation for this type of work.

Discussion about Hobart sanitizer in use at the Town Hall.

Board moved to sign orders.

7. Executive Session: None

8. Adjournment: 7:22pm


Hancock Select Board Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday August 21, 2018 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

1. Call to Order: 6:04pm

2. Introductions: Jack Ross, Monica Collins, Marg Ross, Dan Perera, Richard Andrews, Jim Leno.

3. Minutes of the last meeting: Aug. 7 Minutes Approved

4. Public Comment
Board confirmed that excess sand at Town sand pile can be removed.

Discussion regarding recording of Board Minutes and record keeping. Further discussion of a public place to post Town notices. Board requested volunteers to make a proposal for this display. Board further encourages all to review VLTC’s postings on open meeting procedures and rules.

Ricky Andrews discussed mowing and the crab apple trees that have grown to impede mowing around these trees.

5. New Business
Rec. Committee requested permission to have a supervised slip-and-slide at upcoming event on Town Green. Board approved.

Monica to attend “Town Fair” educational seminar put on by VLCT.

6. Old Business
Road Commissioner – Ken Troumbley nominated for position. Discussion. Ricky suggested that the position is different now due to all the extra time and computer skills needed to maintain compliance with State requirements, grants, and environmental issues. Further suggestion was made that the position may need to be a compensated position given the extra time needed for these requirements. Vote: 2 yes, one no. Ken Troumbley appointed Road Commissioner.

Review of Conflict of Interest Policy. Board to vote at next meeting.

Sale of old Town Clerk’s office. Process for sale of building to be researched.

Dan to call again for quote on new range for Town Hall.
Board moved to sign orders.

7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment: 7:11pm