Hancock Board of Civil Authority

Minutes of the last meeting:

BCA Meeting Minutes via Zoom
June 18, 2020
Present: Monica Collins, Jody Troumbley, Marge Ross, June Eaton, John Ross, Roger Comes
Meeting called to order at 6:04PM
Purpose of meeting to designate the polling place for Granville Hancock Unified District Annual meeting
by Australian ballot on June 30, 2020.
Marge Ross made a motion to make 1027 VT Route 100 Hancock VT the polling place for the GHUD
annual meeting. John Ross seconded the vote. So voted.
John Ross made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Marge Ross seconded. So voted.
Meeting adjourned at 6:08PM
Respectfully submitted,
Jody Troumbley, Town Clerk


Minutes of last meeting:

Hancock Board of Civil Authority Meeting
Draft Minutes
Tuesday March 12, 2019 / Hancock Town Office / 6pm

  1. Call to Order: 6:15pm by Jack Ross
  2. Introductions: Roger Comes, Jack Ross, Marge Ross, Monica Collins, Morris Eaton, Dan Perera, Janet Jesso, Jody Troumbley
  3. Minutes of the last meeting: N/A
  4. Reorganization:
    Roger Comes nominated to be Chairman. Seconded. All in favor. Approved.

Dan Perera nominated to be Secretary. Second. All in favor. Approved.

5. New Business
Board review of Hancock Voter Roll. Discussion and full review of list. Those marked “Challenge” or “Moved” shall be sent Challenge letters to determine if they are still eligible to be on the Voter Roll.
Motion to approve the list of Challenges. Second. All in favor. Approved.

Discussion regarding the need to do a review of the Hancock Voter Roll every two years.

Old Business: N/A

Adjournment: 7:05pm

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